This Perfect Little Baby Is Called A ZEBU | The Dodo Comeback Kids

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 12 тыс.

  • @StonedtotheBones13
    @StonedtotheBones13 3 года назад +677

    Bless that vet for being like "yeah, no prob let's make this cow some wheels"

    • @TheLazyass111
      @TheLazyass111 3 года назад +30

      It would be so cool to see playful "competitions" where RUclips engineers build mobility devices for disabled folks or animals. No big rewards, just a test of skill to help someone out

    • @Ammeo
      @Ammeo 2 года назад +2

      its a shame we harm and kill these lovely animals for our greed

  • @Aphex2nify
    @Aphex2nify 4 года назад +3875

    I'm a paraplegic (paralyzed from my lower chest down) and seeing this "cow" broke my heart (at first) but this AMAZING couple made it all better!! I love them all!!

    • @heatherhent4445
      @heatherhent4445 4 года назад +86

      Good luck to you and I cried like a baby watching her lol✌😆

    • @sackme4377
      @sackme4377 4 года назад +14

      Wdym by "cow"? She is a cow.

    • @rachel_v_k
      @rachel_v_k 4 года назад +82

      @@sackme4377 Well, technically she's a zebu. But, a female zebu would be called a cow, anyway, just like any other breed, and the males would be called bulls.

    • @robyndismon394
      @robyndismon394 4 года назад +105

      What a beautiful post Brandon. How kind of u 2 share a part of yourself and have compassion 4 this precious animal.
      I will pray 4 u to live the life you've ALWAYS imagined no matter what.
      Peace and love!😅

    • @crylore7556
      @crylore7556 4 года назад +18

      hope everything’s ok!

  • @carlosdyer5868
    @carlosdyer5868 5 лет назад +4128

    Those two full grown cows seemed smart enough to be gentle around her cart. A lot of people seem to underestimate some animals ability for understanding and general observation.

    • @sachialol9278
      @sachialol9278 5 лет назад +108

      Humans use their brain to exploit, not love or understand others.

    • @lhayles6974
      @lhayles6974 5 лет назад +222

      Have 5 cows, all with personalities. Was going to sell them when they got full size knowing were they would go after. Rosie, Choco, Steak, Milky way and Bambie are part of my family now. Even cut back on eating meat because of them. They jump, run and play when I call them to be fed. They bring me joy.

    • @bfbvouabeorbvoaervure963
      @bfbvouabeorbvoaervure963 5 лет назад +12

      🥰 awww

    • @aucuneideejsp8891
      @aucuneideejsp8891 5 лет назад +45

      Most definitively. Animals are true detectives: they spot handicap real fast and adapt accordingly if conditions are met.

    • @mr.tomatohead3709
      @mr.tomatohead3709 5 лет назад +15

      sachia lol if that’s what you think then you’re not exactly the sharpest lightbulb in the basket

  • @HW-vg3ju
    @HW-vg3ju 2 года назад +269

    She's so adorable and that "moo" was precious

  • @jst6r
    @jst6r 5 лет назад +3093

    I wish everyone loved animals like this

    • @lathafalls7675
      @lathafalls7675 5 лет назад +11

      Jessica Anderson I b love animals like this

    • @bastardbill9480
      @bastardbill9480 5 лет назад +33

      I love animals like this...
      with a side of fries.

    • @anxiousdemonicdwarf6053
      @anxiousdemonicdwarf6053 5 лет назад +9

      Bastard Bill
      I- well ok then💀

    • @corsaelien6941
      @corsaelien6941 5 лет назад +26

      I have a baby goat in the house. Her mommy died and other goats walked over her. She nearly died and now is our queen 😂❤ off course she goes outside with the horses too. Best of both worlds 🙂

    • @janetsanchez8313
      @janetsanchez8313 4 года назад +2

      Me to

  • @subisubi5448
    @subisubi5448 5 лет назад +2870

    Her sitting with her cart on grass looking at the cows just broke my heart. But the transformation:) she's so cute

    • @slashismyhommie8182
      @slashismyhommie8182 5 лет назад +11

      I know. This video was probably too adorable. That's how good this video was.

    • @lisaannrichardson7959
      @lisaannrichardson7959 5 лет назад +10

      Beautiful people, beautiful sweet Angel, pumpkin and Ellie❤

    • @rutht8570
      @rutht8570 5 лет назад +3


    • @KushagraSinghRajawat
      @KushagraSinghRajawat 5 лет назад

      Why is this cow so small?

    • @Shaniloka369
      @Shaniloka369 5 лет назад +1

      It great people like them give me strength to be able live life happy

  • @tessaleigh5078
    @tessaleigh5078 4 года назад +3828

    I love knowing there are people and places like this in the world.

    • @carlife_710
      @carlife_710 4 года назад +13

      Me and you can be that couple if you’d like?

    • @cowmcmoose94
      @cowmcmoose94 4 года назад +29

      @@carlife_710 Yikes

    • @TheeValentino
      @TheeValentino 4 года назад +3

      Shut the hell up

    • @tessaleigh5078
      @tessaleigh5078 4 года назад +20

      @@carlife_710 I'm down ;) ...not sure why anyone would get so angry abut your message. Haha

    • @carlife_710
      @carlife_710 4 года назад +12

      Tessa Leigh You’re awesome! God bless!

  • @banesbox
    @banesbox 2 года назад +169

    I think it's amazing how every animal on the farm makes Angel feel special even though each of them have their own disabilities. She's so cute.

  • @tarynr-j8798
    @tarynr-j8798 5 лет назад +7276

    Oh my goodness why is no one talking about what a good cow pumpkin is??

    • @annabelleford1454
      @annabelleford1454 5 лет назад +106


    • @Lavenderthorne
      @Lavenderthorne 5 лет назад +165

      What a special soul Pumpkin is💖🥰💖

    • @michellemuskeyn329
      @michellemuskeyn329 5 лет назад +27

      Jennifer Harris
      I’m not trying to be a downer, but it’s not like pumpkin chose that job, or is doing it out of the goodness of her heart. Still cute though!

    • @tarynr-j8798
      @tarynr-j8798 5 лет назад +293

      @@michellemuskeyn329 I guess, but her instincts are still good, she is being very maternal to angel. She didn't have to accept her into the herd. Her temperament is probably what made her a seeing eye cow for the blind calf. They all have different personality types, pumpkins is very welcoming and gentle. More so than the blind one.

    • @michellemuskeyn329
      @michellemuskeyn329 5 лет назад +25

      Taryn R-J ya, you’re right👍🏻

  • @MAX-kn9tu
    @MAX-kn9tu 4 года назад +873

    It is people like these that make me believe in humanity. Just wonderful.

    • @skiendhiu
      @skiendhiu 4 года назад +8


    • @djwhichdoctor
      @djwhichdoctor 4 года назад +8

      If people could love each other like this, regardless of religion, race, etc..but hey animals are a good start :)

    • @hames-si1er
      @hames-si1er 4 года назад +3

      Ur damn straight

    • @MsCeCe-mn7mz
      @MsCeCe-mn7mz 4 года назад +5

      i love videos like this. i dont know how these people find the time or money to do all this. it seems exhausting. applause

    • @MAX-kn9tu
      @MAX-kn9tu 4 года назад +3

      @Kasper My wife and I have been vegan for over 15 years. It is a matter of ethics. Peace and health.

  • @oinkersboinkers7188
    @oinkersboinkers7188 4 года назад +2361

    No one is talking about how Ángel has her own bed, and not like a dog bed, but a full on mattress with sheets and blankets and pillows and it’s just the cutest thing ever

  • @angelnorthstar8416
    @angelnorthstar8416 2 года назад +131

    When they started rubbing their heads together / Made me cry because angel now has her family she feels protected and part of the herd I think it’s so wonderful I love seeing this video

  • @willycat7445
    @willycat7445 5 лет назад +575

    I love humans like you who care for special needs animals, for all animals. Bless you

    • @lathafalls7675
      @lathafalls7675 5 лет назад +4

      Willy Cat thank you

    • @Stalkergames916
      @Stalkergames916 4 года назад

      Well Instinct plays a part too

    • @MichaelSplatkins
      @MichaelSplatkins 4 года назад

      @@elitesucka Dear fucking Jesus on a god damn pogo stick, why would you spam so many comments on a year old video? Did you not understand how preaching works? You're trying to get seen by many but aimed for the fewest views, you absolute numpty...

  • @cowboys19js
    @cowboys19js 3 года назад +623

    I don’t think people can ever understand how difficult a situation like this is unless they’ve been through something similar. I mean that for everyone involved and they did this to help an innocent animal. Awesome people

    • @StonedtotheBones13
      @StonedtotheBones13 3 года назад +12

      Honestly Angel is in really good hands for 2 reasons: she has advocates that care about her, and those advocates know well enough to let HER set the limits

    • @Ammeo
      @Ammeo 2 года назад +2

      its a shame we harm and kill these lovely animals for our greed and sensory pleasures

    • @howdareu964
      @howdareu964 2 года назад

      These people are special

    • @expensivepink7
      @expensivepink7 2 года назад +1

      I met Angel yesterday at the sanctuary and the people are amazing. The animals are SO happy there it’s amazing

  • @sammycool77
    @sammycool77 3 года назад +540

    Wouldn't the world be a better place with more people like this.

  • @betsymoline7093
    @betsymoline7093 Год назад +26

    This world needs more people like you. Thank you for all that you do.

  • @scottinsd1
    @scottinsd1 3 года назад +421

    The tears I’ve shed watching Dodo videos all these years could fill a pool

  • @keep_the_wheels_rollingsg8596
    @keep_the_wheels_rollingsg8596 3 года назад +704

    The light push the big cow gave to angel to help her, is sooo compassionate. We humans sometimes fail to see how amazing animals are.

    • @henriettajones7974
      @henriettajones7974 3 года назад +6


    • @MParix
      @MParix 3 года назад +8

      Yes. But we vegans are everyday more and more. The first step of respect.

    • @TaylorTheTormentor
      @TaylorTheTormentor 3 года назад +1

      It's really sweet, how the big cow seems to know to be careful

    • @Stoptheliars
      @Stoptheliars 3 года назад

      That cow is a special animal in its own right.

    • @girlygirlbutterfly
      @girlygirlbutterfly 2 года назад

      @@MParix you aint specisl for not eating meat

  • @charliesmama9511
    @charliesmama9511 5 лет назад +2876

    Every single animal on that farm is so blessed that there are people like these two. Love this story very inspirational ❤️❤️❤️

    • @nareshkumar3526
      @nareshkumar3526 5 лет назад +19

      And those animals were also blessed who filled your stomach by sacrificing their lives in slaughter houses by screaming in pain.

    • @knightsteyri4122
      @knightsteyri4122 5 лет назад +30

      @@nareshkumar3526 The animals are usually putted down in a quick,painless,peacefull and respectfull manner

    • @lenajesse
      @lenajesse 5 лет назад +32

      @@nareshkumar3526 Spam message no. 654 321 from operative Kumar:
      "I do not like this tiny animal and would like to eat to hide my feelings, I must spam and judge people that do like it."

    • @StephanieQuiroz-ps9nl
      @StephanieQuiroz-ps9nl 5 лет назад +27

      NARESH KUMAR get outta here with your PETA headassery

    • @gypsydeoriginal366
      @gypsydeoriginal366 5 лет назад +8

      @@knightsteyri4122 Please report him and the click on his name to block him. Thank you.

  • @laurac86
    @laurac86 2 года назад +86

    This is so amazing that these people have put so much time and love into helping these animals ☺️

    • @joshuaben5665
      @joshuaben5665 2 года назад +1

      Hello Laura

    • @FeezFBaby
      @FeezFBaby Год назад

      Amen my friend real talk 👍👍👍💯💯💯

  • @johnroberts1296
    @johnroberts1296 5 лет назад +670

    I literally cried. Not because Angel is handicapped, but because of the love she is given. Thanks for what you two are doing. I truly felt like I'd just come home from church.

    • @mvrdamonxy7942
      @mvrdamonxy7942 5 лет назад +6

      You cried? Estrogen levels must be high.

    • @repent.
      @repent. 5 лет назад +16

      @@mvrdamonxy7942 Hardy har har 🙄

    • @shanezenmusic
      @shanezenmusic 5 лет назад +35

      @@mvrdamonxy7942 Ain't nothin wrong with a man crying

    • @shanezenmusic
      @shanezenmusic 5 лет назад +25

      I cried too John

    • @MrsJonesie
      @MrsJonesie 5 лет назад +33

      Real men allow themselves tears. It is called being secure in yourself as a man...which is sexy as heck.

  • @matrixiekitty2127
    @matrixiekitty2127 5 лет назад +367

    The cows being affectionate with Angel warmed my heart❤️ it was one the sweetest things I’ve ever seen❤️❤️

  • @serenityadams221
    @serenityadams221 4 года назад +336

    To see Pumpkin push Angel around from behind to help her walk absolutely melts my heart❤❤

    • @luckythakur1855
      @luckythakur1855 4 года назад +4

      you know what they do with this little angle later
      they cooked her and eat shamefull thing
      first they treat her like queen and then cook and eat with rice

    • @barbaracagle4636
      @barbaracagle4636 4 года назад

      @@luckythakur1855 8. cxx

    • @CourierSixMojaveExpress
      @CourierSixMojaveExpress 4 года назад

      I know that was so cute!

    • @CourierSixMojaveExpress
      @CourierSixMojaveExpress 4 года назад +1

      @@luckythakur1855 I didn't know you could cook an "angle" 🤔

    • @luckythakur1855
      @luckythakur1855 4 года назад +1

      @@CourierSixMojaveExpress but when you see these in roads you feel adorable coz the society see self profit firstly they treats like queen or in others words you can say goddess but these selfish people show there colour after totaly use of cow they drop them near roads then accident occurs i saw cow without tail without legs struggling for food but people does'nt care.these type of gossips are good in comnts but in real life bro you also do this in one time of your entire life.

  • @markthomas36
    @markthomas36 2 года назад +70

    You guys rock! How wonderful are you, willing to help such a helpless little lady. Angel is a beautiful girl. Well done. No doubt it’s hugely rewarding

  • @c.ramirez2775
    @c.ramirez2775 5 лет назад +248

    She actually looked really happy with her new wheelchair 🥰☺️

  • @dasparado
    @dasparado 5 лет назад +531

    Help, I am addicted to Dodo videos. What a sweet cow and a heroic couple for all they do.

    • @kmorgan_
      @kmorgan_ 5 лет назад +3

      dasparado same !!!!!

    • @davidkoskas-fourrier6298
      @davidkoskas-fourrier6298 5 лет назад +1

      Consume with no moderation :))

    • @littledikkins2
      @littledikkins2 5 лет назад +2

      The only thing that worries me is as an adult a Zebu cow weighs anywhere from 250 to 500 pounds. How can they get her in and out of her cart if she is 3 to 500 pounds? I checked sources for how big the miniature ones can get.....and my guess is her birth defects come from creating the miniature breed.

    • @Joker-yb8md
      @Joker-yb8md 5 лет назад

      Me too

    • @2K20-x7v
      @2K20-x7v 3 года назад

      @@littledikkins2 they are going to fit her in their fridge and plates

  • @indigo28
    @indigo28 5 лет назад +692

    This how every single animal should be treated. With love, care, and kindness always! ❤

    • @ladyschide8258
      @ladyschide8258 5 лет назад +10


    • @janieluna4101
      @janieluna4101 5 лет назад +11

      Zahra Barrero true they deserve to be treated with love and compassion

    • @truthteller9522
      @truthteller9522 5 лет назад +5


    • @TruckTaxiMoveIt
      @TruckTaxiMoveIt 5 лет назад

      Cows zebras horses even most Birds and dogs but definitely not all animals

    • @indigo28
      @indigo28 5 лет назад +17

      @@TruckTaxiMoveIt No. Every single animal dangerous or not they should be treated how they are supposed to

  • @78LedHead
    @78LedHead 2 года назад +43

    God bless these people and anyone like them who shows love to these little animals. I'm so glad this trend is catching on and more and more people are doing it. Really touches the heart.

  • @ineedtowait90daystochangem68
    @ineedtowait90daystochangem68 5 лет назад +1570


  • @hannahbonanza1075
    @hannahbonanza1075 3 года назад +352

    I cried. I laughed. She's the cutest thing in the world!

    • @cdaisy602
      @cdaisy602 3 года назад +3

      Omg, she is absolutely beautiful! 💗 These people are absolutely amazing for giving her the life she has! 🥺 I am so happy for her!! 😭

    • @bibleverses5992
      @bibleverses5992 3 года назад +2

      Same here

    • @Realzproductreviews
      @Realzproductreviews 3 года назад +1

      So cute 💖

    • @reelfeels3542
      @reelfeels3542 3 года назад +4

      You cried you laughed. Then u went and ate beef. Can u pls stop eating them.

    • @bibleverses5992
      @bibleverses5992 3 года назад +2

      @@reelfeels3542 i didn't I used to but not anymore.

  • @arizonadeversifiedcontentc9241
    @arizonadeversifiedcontentc9241 5 лет назад +467

    I fucking love these people. Thank God for you guys.

    • @Jay-wj5hd
      @Jay-wj5hd 5 лет назад +3

      Theyre realists. They dont have time for your tired ass dogma. Be better than your ancestors, stop regressing.

    • @katiekane5247
      @katiekane5247 5 лет назад +6

      @@Jay-wj5hd be better than that man! Why you a hater?

    • @Jay-wj5hd
      @Jay-wj5hd 5 лет назад +1

      Just hating the hate. Oppression and bigotry disguised as religion is still hate. By definition, religion is bigotry.

      @IONAPINKMOXIE 5 лет назад

      @@katiekane5247 although she meant well, religion is a net detriment to society.

    • @brandiil8559
      @brandiil8559 5 лет назад +5

      Jay how about you mind your OWN religious business?

  • @blainegurrie7525
    @blainegurrie7525 2 года назад +42

    I love you folks who do this for these beautiful little souls. Makes me have hope for humanity and makes me want to be a person that goes that extra mile too. Thank you for posting these.

  • @Autumn1988
    @Autumn1988 3 года назад +432

    I’m crying this is so pure.
    Also a blind cow with a seeing eye friend? 🥰🥰

    • @XeLYoutube
      @XeLYoutube 3 года назад +11

      i hope all cow are blind so they dont end up as steak

    • @C-Jlife
      @C-Jlife 3 года назад +5

      @@XeLRUclips what?

    • @prasadjagtap1337
      @prasadjagtap1337 3 года назад +2

      Yes you need to cry because owner eats steak every sunday, and after few years he zebu is also ready to eat, western people are too Heppocrates

    • @benjamindenton9453
      @benjamindenton9453 3 года назад +8

      @@prasadjagtap1337 I don’t agree w it but there are lots of vegetarian here in the west now so it’s not fair to judge all of us as one

    • @prasadjagtap1337
      @prasadjagtap1337 3 года назад +2

      @@benjamindenton9453 ohh look at the meat consumption of any west country comparison to India and then give me your advice about it.

  • @-soushi-4967
    @-soushi-4967 4 года назад +671

    Can we just talk about how Angel and Pumpkin rubbing their heads against each other is one of the most cutest things ever? This is peak wholesomeness.

    • @shoeshinegirl101
      @shoeshinegirl101 4 года назад +12

      - Soushi - it made me cry! I can only imagine how long Angel waited for something like that to happen too. Beautiful! Animals are awesome!!

    • @theincarnationofboredom207
      @theincarnationofboredom207 4 года назад +1

      It's so sweet that that's how cows show affection, because I do that with my boyfriend a lot. There's just this comfort of having your heads together like that.

    • @-soushi-4967
      @-soushi-4967 4 года назад +1

      @@elitesucka nah thanks, I think I'm fine not being watched by a god everytime I go to the bathroom to do my business.

  • @elisemacbeth9012
    @elisemacbeth9012 5 лет назад +646

    At 8:17 It looked like her cart was going to have trouble going over rougher patches of the pasture but the brown cow came to help push her. MY HEART 😭😍

    • @caramelkisses8857
      @caramelkisses8857 5 лет назад +6

      Mary Anne ME TOO 🥰🥰🥰😫

    • @Onus6688
      @Onus6688 5 лет назад +9

      omg that part made me squeek

    • @triptwentysmith8472
      @triptwentysmith8472 5 лет назад +12

      I thought I was just seeing things, but yes she did it two or three times. She came up and gently nudged her to get her going.

    • @alexacquaah4074
      @alexacquaah4074 5 лет назад +3

      *pumkin* not the brown cow

    • @lorlorslinger9617
      @lorlorslinger9617 5 лет назад +2

      For outside, she needs a cart with 4 wheels, it'll be a lot more stable for her.

  • @timothyupham1475
    @timothyupham1475 Год назад +9

    Oh my goodness. Those huge cows just so gentle and actually behind her to give her a tiny push if needed. So heartwarming.

  • @michaelmckay9561
    @michaelmckay9561 5 лет назад +446

    Oh my God pumpkin is such a saint for being a Ellie's eyes

    • @MrCarnutbill67
      @MrCarnutbill67 5 лет назад +9

      Michael Mckay
      Pumpkin rocks! I wanna rub heads with her!

    • @toalhousecokey25
      @toalhousecokey25 5 лет назад +4

      my heart was in tears after seeing this.....can you even imagine how much your animals must love you......
      thank you, thank you.....

    • @valeforedark
      @valeforedark 5 лет назад

      I didn't realise it was them two. Swear I've seen the vid about them.

  • @mgndebruyn
    @mgndebruyn 5 лет назад +600

    That little nudge at 8:18 is just too cute. Like "oh I'll help you!" ❤

  • @aparson2967
    @aparson2967 3 года назад +1229

    "She's an indoor cow."
    I bet that hasn't been said too many times in human history.

    • @thechariotcard
      @thechariotcard 3 года назад +57

      Actually, for centuries, animals lived under or next to a family in the home. They kept the house warm.

    • 3 года назад +26

      More than you would think actually...

    • @Lele2892
      @Lele2892 3 года назад +11

      right up until she becomes over 1000 lbs and levels the living room😩

    • @brysenstrowder5178
      @brysenstrowder5178 3 года назад +37

      @@Lele2892 she’s literally a miniature cow so she’s not getting very big

    • @wareforcoin5780
      @wareforcoin5780 3 года назад +2

      They said it in Ocarina of Time.

  • @Dragon-of-the-twelves
    @Dragon-of-the-twelves 7 месяцев назад +2

    Zebu is such an adorable sounding word. And those little teeth sticking out at 0:30 🥺

  • @judithashenhurst3589
    @judithashenhurst3589 5 лет назад +270

    The wold needs more people like these wonderful caring people.

    • @briarzz23
      @briarzz23 5 лет назад


    • @CODJoma
      @CODJoma 4 года назад

      Monroe B read what the comment says again.... it says the world needs more people like these wonderful caring people

  • @GracieLou626
    @GracieLou626 5 лет назад +260

    Angel is so cute. Pumpkin and Ellie took right to her. That's beautiful.

  • @anaditullio
    @anaditullio 3 года назад +334

    I can't handle this much cuteness. Couldn't stop the tears when Angel and Pumpkin put their heads together. That's pure love 😭

    • @EboniFaulkner
      @EboniFaulkner 3 года назад +7

      That moment did it for me too 😢

    • @krishh2034
      @krishh2034 2 года назад +2

      Then again you are eating them in your dinner. or with burger

      @GLOBETROTTER8490 2 года назад

      verma very true bro

  • @cb5117
    @cb5117 Год назад +1

    This couple are angels on earth. That they don't take in the easy, comfortable rescues, but only those with handicaps and other chronic's such the more difficult path, and they are extraordinary for taking it.

  • @startinajackson606
    @startinajackson606 3 года назад +195

    This family truly truly loves animals, God bless them

    • @FeezFBaby
      @FeezFBaby Год назад

      This couple is literally angels disguise as humans on earth living among us lol! I've always said that the ppl that takes in & cares for handicapped animals (especially dogs imo bcuz I'm a dog person) is top 3 in my book if not top #1💯💯💯 It takes so much patience, love, dedication, motivation, & money etc to love & cares for handicapped animals 💯💯💯 I honestly cudnt do it bcuz I don't have the money nor the patience I don't think & that's why I REALLY respect ppl that do bcuz I kno it's a lot of hard work.

  • @glorytothealmightycreator
    @glorytothealmightycreator 4 года назад +421

    To see such people in this world, it's a blessing

    • @Showmaann
      @Showmaann 4 года назад +2

      It really is

    • @ohoh5312
      @ohoh5312 4 года назад +1

      Why do people say this? They act like they never got out enough. I’m not trying to be rude but there are tons of good people like this. You need to stop making it seem like the world is all hate. Once again I apologize if I come off as rude but I just hate people putting shame on the world because of the bad things in it

    • @glorytothealmightycreator
      @glorytothealmightycreator 4 года назад +1

      @@ohoh5312 , sorry, 1)there are not many good people ( unfortunately) and 2) you just said that you hate. So excuse me, how do you consider yourself as being good?

    • @gokublack3708
      @gokublack3708 4 года назад

      @@glorytothealmightycreator kinda hypocritical for you to say that tbh

    • @glorytothealmightycreator
      @glorytothealmightycreator 4 года назад +2

      @@gokublack3708 ,i don't think so. It's a world full of maliciousness, hatred and evil. To see good people is a blessing.
      Shalom, peace

  • @samcatxoxo
    @samcatxoxo 4 года назад +501

    Omg pumpkin was literally pushin angels wheel chair OMG SO CUTE

    • @veerpandey5985
      @veerpandey5985 4 года назад +4

      Samantha ji do you know about my country in our country all indians worship to cow mother's and i love cow mother's very much Namaste 🙏🙏🙏

    • @noah232yearsago9
      @noah232yearsago9 4 года назад +3

      If you didn’t watch the video your comment would sound crazy

    • @prosperosmoon
      @prosperosmoon 4 года назад

      @@noah232yearsago9 Omg it would 🤣

    • @2goblinsinatrenchcoat
      @2goblinsinatrenchcoat 4 года назад +1

      I came here to say the same thing OMG

    • @veerpandey5985
      @veerpandey5985 4 года назад

      @@2goblinsinatrenchcoat ji r u an American

  • @ЕкатеринаБ-х8о
    @ЕкатеринаБ-х8о 3 года назад +1

    I completely agree that Zebu is an angel, but the owners are angels too. They both are so nice and kind-hearted. Thanks to such people for making Earth better)).

  • @lovinglyjukai105
    @lovinglyjukai105 4 года назад +187

    It feels comforting to know there’s people out there who wholeheartedly are caring, loving, understanding and patient like this.

    • @ubub834
      @ubub834 3 года назад +2

      Its all up to us. So lets go for it, everyone can do something to make this place a better one for the an imals. You can, too. Dodo starts too, with working on it, to show us, there are people, they are doing it already.

  • @lisamessinger4465
    @lisamessinger4465 5 лет назад +260

    You are magnificent human beings. Such a shame there aren't more of you out here.

  • @darlingart8422
    @darlingart8422 4 года назад +262

    Seeing Angel and Pumpkin rub their heads together as sign of affection got me in tears. That sight was so pure. 🤧🤧

    • @mjean6762
      @mjean6762 3 года назад +8

      Me too! That was the best. Pumpkin seems very special herself. She can mother over Ellie and Angel now!

    • @smileholicfox
      @smileholicfox 3 года назад +3

      Yeah I teared up aswell. I'm so happy that they got such a loving home.

    • @bigecheese7640
      @bigecheese7640 3 года назад

      Goddamit man me to to think that these two became like mother like daughter

  • @kathylucas6587
    @kathylucas6587 2 года назад +1

    So sweet when they rubbed their heads together. Angel is a little blessing. She’s very lucky to be where she is. I hope she has a happy life.

  • @madhumala9218
    @madhumala9218 3 года назад +242

    I'm just crying. Can't believe such amazing human beings still exists in this world. Respect you so much.

    • @Ammeo
      @Ammeo 2 года назад +5

      its a shame we harm and kill these lovely animals for our greed

    • @chocolate-hw2yr
      @chocolate-hw2yr 2 года назад +1

      @@Ammeo im sorry but beef is delicious i can resist

    • @Ammeo
      @Ammeo 2 года назад +2

      @@chocolate-hw2yr i know its delicious but still, its sad that these animals have to suffer for our lifestyle

  • @leeshichi2805
    @leeshichi2805 5 лет назад +284

    Seeing angel with the other cow's outside brought tears to a grown mans eyes ♥ all life's matter ♥

  • @pocketrocket00
    @pocketrocket00 4 года назад +500

    Love how Angel licks all the other animals ears, little angel kisses.

  • @eastsidenicole
    @eastsidenicole 2 года назад +1

    Thank you all for being caring. I love you.

  • @lenbutdrip6996
    @lenbutdrip6996 4 года назад +853

    "House-bound cow" "I feel so called out

    • @alysiabarrett8663
      @alysiabarrett8663 4 года назад +27


    • @geralddavis9068
      @geralddavis9068 4 года назад +5


    • @evfrt
      @evfrt 4 года назад +28

      There’s 2 type of people that reply with 1 emoji
      The “😂”
      And the “😐”

    • @carolyntalbot947
      @carolyntalbot947 4 года назад +2

      Hahaha! 😂

    • @ElizabethT45
      @ElizabethT45 4 года назад +5

      Right? In April 2019, she had no idea how accurately that would describe people LOL

  • @cindymorose6673
    @cindymorose6673 4 года назад +344

    I love the way Pumpkin gives Angel’s cart a little nudge to get her moving again. So sweet! 🥰

    • @J3Crosses575
      @J3Crosses575 4 года назад +6

      I want a Ginger cow I noticed the nudge 😁

    • @marias7599
      @marias7599 4 года назад +1

      I noticed. Very impressive of how aware they are and very sweet.

  • @esantiago4612
    @esantiago4612 3 года назад +341

    I could not believe Angel had her own bedroom with a regular bed 😂 so cute. I love when parents treat their 4 legged animals as family and give them a proper bedroom and bed so cute.

  • @cheryljackson8195
    @cheryljackson8195 Год назад +1

    Angel is so adorable....I would love to hug her...she is so lucky to have you guys

  • @Maxuea
    @Maxuea 4 года назад +228

    I'm crying rn this is so heartbreaking to see animals to be born like this and it gives me faith in humanity that there's people like this willing to spend years and months just to save these animals

    • @nina793
      @nina793 4 года назад +4

      Yes im crying too, this gave me hope for humanity

    • @lpstoxicfox824
      @lpstoxicfox824 4 года назад +3

      That’s why all people with big hearts like this should do this is they haven’t.

    • @Maxuea
      @Maxuea 4 года назад +1

      @@lpstoxicfox824 ikr!

    • @jeffshackleford3152
      @jeffshackleford3152 4 года назад

      The reason you don't know that is nature takes care of the defective... like we used to do back in the food ole days

    • @donmiguel8324
      @donmiguel8324 4 года назад

      This video actually makes me loose faith in humanity.
      I mean , I think it's better to just end it , and spend all this fucking effort on helping a fucking human fucking being . God damnit 😩.

  • @what4948
    @what4948 3 года назад +213

    The new wheel alleviated the pressure exerted to her front limbs. her body looked much more relaxed with it. Good job !

    • @Ammeo
      @Ammeo 2 года назад +1

      its a shame we harm and kill these lovely animals for our greed

    • @lokithorn9413
      @lokithorn9413 2 года назад

      @@Ammeo no one, no one in their right mind would breed mini zebus to eat? That level of naivity is gonna cost you a lot of pain

    • @laurac86
      @laurac86 2 года назад +3

      @@Ammeo - How many times are you going to make this exact comment? So far I’ve seen it five times we get it you don’t think animals should be killed for food

  • @FgFg-jj2eo
    @FgFg-jj2eo 5 лет назад +538

    Awww, God bless them, what a noble and amazingly compassionate job!

    • @mrdestro8199
      @mrdestro8199 5 лет назад +3

      God doesnt exist.

    • @abe3132
      @abe3132 5 лет назад +4

      @@mrdestro8199 There is actually one Almighty Supreme God and his beautiful name is Allah. May you be guided to the truth bro.

    • @sadisticanonymity
      @sadisticanonymity 5 лет назад +10

      Abe 313 Let him believe what he believes dude. You believe your beliefs, he beliefs his. But he shouldn’t have ruined the comment though T_T

    • @abe3132
      @abe3132 5 лет назад +4

      @@sadisticanonymity True.

    • @jackiebunting4000
      @jackiebunting4000 5 лет назад +4

      Mr Destro You sound bitter.

  • @wafflkitty5001
    @wafflkitty5001 2 года назад +61

    I'm sad this sweet baby can never fully run, but I love how she's still so determined and happy! Truly inspiring

  • @JewelrybyJeanette
    @JewelrybyJeanette 4 года назад +252

    Pure love from humans and animals. Why can't the rest of the world be like this? You are truly beautiful people, and you've raised your animals to be the same way. Blessings!

    • @agentsmith6570
      @agentsmith6570 4 года назад +1

      ying yang

    • @sirsatire7802
      @sirsatire7802 4 года назад

      because life isn't kind reality is that it'll never be

    • @hades4438
      @hades4438 4 года назад +2

      Because you need to able to care your needs first.. I am watching those videos and nearly all of them already got a nice home, family, other animals and quality life. When you got them somehow, you just can have to able to good things without fear of life itself.. but when you got problems, you get broken in time. You can't find anyone who is hungry, no money and no home, just go and help others.. You need to survive first.. then others will try to buy you with money and those needs and use you for their agenda..

    • @maxheim3802
      @maxheim3802 3 года назад

      @hypocrisy police this :/ Love your Name tho :'D

    • @joannemurdock7899
      @joannemurdock7899 3 года назад

      Beautifully said!🤗💞💞💙💕💜

  • @PolitischTourette
    @PolitischTourette 4 года назад +265

    2:21 The cat is so chilled.... he is propably thinking .... "wow thats even better than a human slave" ....

    • @merea
      @merea 4 года назад +6

      This profile pic doesn't work on dark theme

    • @star7925
      @star7925 4 года назад

      I dont get what's wrong with the profile

  • @pathacker4963
    @pathacker4963 5 лет назад +397

    Thanks for not giving up on her. Pink is really important.

    • @nareshkumar3526
      @nareshkumar3526 5 лет назад +1

      And Thank you for not Stopping meat.

    • @lenajesse
      @lenajesse 5 лет назад +26

      @@nareshkumar3526 No thank you to you for spamming people on this comment section with your assumptions and random judging. Your mother hasn't raised you well.

    • @gypsydeoriginal366
      @gypsydeoriginal366 5 лет назад +5

      @@lenajesse please report him and click on his name to block him.

    • @vladdracul5072
      @vladdracul5072 5 лет назад +10

      @@nareshkumar3526 Do you even realize how many animals are killed unnecessarily to make vegan food, for example during grain harvest? If not, inform yourself before spewing your nonsense.

    • @_Heaven__
      @_Heaven__ 5 лет назад +3

      NARESH KUMAR can you shut up ?

  • @StateofPeaches99
    @StateofPeaches99 2 года назад +2

    You folks are angels without wings.

  • @supbabe7203
    @supbabe7203 4 года назад +291

    That brown cow tried to help push her when she was having trouble

  • @koolkitties8552
    @koolkitties8552 5 лет назад +129

    Thank God there's still good people in the world.

    • @repent.
      @repent. 5 лет назад +2

      You need more likes and cute cat

    • @repent.
      @repent. 5 лет назад

      @Pot Committed Cause there's a devil.

    • @repent.
      @repent. 5 лет назад

      @Pot Committed 👌

    • @clairealexander1346
      @clairealexander1346 5 лет назад +1

      Indeed. Amen.

    • @Anonymous-cn6zl
      @Anonymous-cn6zl 5 лет назад +1

      Considering the fact that there are many evil people as well, there's nothing to thank to god

  • @eliopear3802
    @eliopear3802 4 года назад +59

    Hands up if you wish all humans were like these guys ♥️

  • @phil2bfree
    @phil2bfree Год назад +5

    OMG, what an inspirational video. Angel has so much resilience & physical & emotional strength. She really is a fabulous role model to all the animals & humans she interacts with. To Angel's momma & poppa, the owners of the Iowa Farm Sanctuary, it is an honor to walk the earth with you.

  • @rebeccarhodes6611
    @rebeccarhodes6611 3 года назад +240

    Not all hero's wear capes but they do wear their hearts on their sleeves.

    • @Realzproductreviews
      @Realzproductreviews 3 года назад


    • @dilipsachan8669
      @dilipsachan8669 3 года назад +2

      Good thing is that people are realizing animals / cows are not just food

    • @Realzproductreviews
      @Realzproductreviews 3 года назад

      @@dilipsachan8669 💖💖💖

    • @Ammeo
      @Ammeo 2 года назад

      its a shame we harm and kill these lovely animals for our greed

    • @jaymed3222
      @jaymed3222 2 года назад

      Corn ball

  • @soleilgonzalez8604
    @soleilgonzalez8604 4 года назад +276

    When she said “house-bound cow” I felt that on another level....cuz same 😂😂😂

  • @mysticallsscience8024
    @mysticallsscience8024 5 лет назад +366

    you two have a heart of gold and thanks for spreading the message that animals are meant to be loved ❤️

  • @sandralutz-rodriguez2864
    @sandralutz-rodriguez2864 2 года назад +4

    THANK you Iowa Farm Sanctuary for believing in Angel and giving her the best possible forever home!!!! Thank you DODO for featuring Angel's story.

  • @brada4018
    @brada4018 3 года назад +72

    The world needs more people like these two.

    • @dp2404
      @dp2404 3 года назад +2

      The world needs more vegans

    • @BubbaTheHillbilly
      @BubbaTheHillbilly 3 года назад

      @@dp2404 naah vegans are crazy.

    • @dp2404
      @dp2404 3 года назад

      @@BubbaTheHillbilly maybe. But it's not a good reason to harm animals 🤷‍♀️

  • @rachelpalmer7823
    @rachelpalmer7823 3 года назад +90

    Seeing that other cow helping angel by giving her a little nudge on the back of her cart was soooo sweet!!! Bless them!! They are beautiful!!

  • @vam9785
    @vam9785 5 лет назад +90

    God bless people who dedicate their lives to rescuing animals

  • @Boogie_the_cat
    @Boogie_the_cat Год назад +3

    Zebu cleaning Jets ears fills me with happy.
    Sometimes you can enjoy life the most when you are making others happy.
    Zebu is totally fulfilled when interacting with the other animals.
    Thank you to the rescuers and their animal sanctuary for giving these animals happy lives.

  • @altapedroza3604
    @altapedroza3604 5 лет назад +188

    God bless this couple for their love and patience toward these helpless little animals. You are very much appreciated.

    • @jeningersoll3195
      @jeningersoll3195 4 года назад

      Alta Pedroza , yesss they are, probably more than they know

  • @FiArrow
    @FiArrow 5 лет назад +305

    My heart has been put back together knowing beautiful people like this heal animals.

  • @blinkersbonk417
    @blinkersbonk417 5 лет назад +70

    You can honestly tell so much about a person by how they treat animals
    These two people are saints

  • @renukapubial5986
    @renukapubial5986 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for take care the innocent animals on earth 🌎💝💝💝💖💖💗💞💞❤️❤️❤️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻🐾

  • @Itried20takennames
    @Itried20takennames 4 года назад +52

    Had a pet pigeon named Aurora as a kid whose legs never straightened. We kept her in cedar or on soft cloth in an outdoor aviary or indoor cage, visited other pigeons sometimes - including fostering a few other pigeon babies. She seemed perfectly content, cooing, bathing, eating with gusto, even short flights and we would swing her gently to exercise her wings - a great pet.

  • @hanorabrennan7909
    @hanorabrennan7909 3 года назад +99

    You guys will not have to queue at the pearly gates. You, both, are angels without wings! A huge MOOOO from an Irish hillside.

    • @Rosie-fj7yr
      @Rosie-fj7yr 3 года назад +4

      Hanora Brennan, Hi I,m up in the North of our lovely island , it's so nice to see people like these two. God bless them and you.

  • @ConvallariaM4jalis
    @ConvallariaM4jalis 5 лет назад +787

    I've never seen a Zebu before, they're so cute! 😭

    • @nareshkumar3526
      @nareshkumar3526 5 лет назад +2

      So were cute those animals you ate all the time.

    • @ConvallariaM4jalis
      @ConvallariaM4jalis 5 лет назад +24

      Um... what?

    • @lenajesse
      @lenajesse 5 лет назад +99

      @@nareshkumar3526 Did you just assume someone is a meat eater? And judged them for it?
      Well, that was inappropriate.

    • @bluepearl2836
      @bluepearl2836 5 лет назад +41

      @@nareshkumar3526 oh piss off

    • @Cloverkitty
      @Cloverkitty 5 лет назад +42

      You can still eat them and find them cute at the same time. Annoying to see so many use this flawed logic response when it comes to (innocent) comments like Pastel's. Bugger off, Naresh.

  • @suzan655
    @suzan655 2 года назад +5

    Now that's is so wonder, bless the owners for giving her a chance... She is a beautiful girl💕

  • @emjfotografi
    @emjfotografi 3 года назад +169

    Every animal deserves a chance at a good life. The purity of the love these two have for their animals helps me remember there are still good people out there who care

    • @dp2404
      @dp2404 3 года назад +2

      You mean people who save 1 animal while killing hundreds?

    • @kimmiewise1044
      @kimmiewise1044 3 года назад

      @@dp2404 You mean exactly what vegans do?

    • @dp2404
      @dp2404 3 года назад +3

      @@kimmiewise1044 I mean that if you want to save animals, first thing to do is to stop killing them for pleasure

    • @Woman_in_the_Wilderness
      @Woman_in_the_Wilderness 3 года назад +1

      @@dp2404 we kill millions of our own species in the womb each year. We bring them into existence for the sake of our pleasure and we murder them for the sake of our convenience.

    • @dp2404
      @dp2404 3 года назад +4

      @@Woman_in_the_Wilderness and this somehow justifies you killing and exploiting animals?

  • @aniot48047
    @aniot48047 5 лет назад +300

    YOU TWO ARE WONDERFUL!!! GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU. Animals need voices and love... you two are glad you are here.

  • @jiminslostjams332
    @jiminslostjams332 5 лет назад +83

    The way pumpkin tried to help her move is the cutest

  • @raygunsupernun
    @raygunsupernun 2 года назад +4

    THIS is why I'm vegan, can you imagine this sweet angel on a plate?? So happy she is happy, healthy, and living the best life she can. You guys are absolutely amazing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @kathrynrobinson9989
    @kathrynrobinson9989 5 лет назад +92

    Awww seeing pumpkin bump her head to her wheels to push her along is so cute.

  • @TAZMON20
    @TAZMON20 4 года назад +204

    Just Beautiful, if only the rest of the world had as much compassion for the animals we share this planet with it would be a kinder world

    • @dlvme2
      @dlvme2 4 года назад +3

      How about if we were as kind to people?

    • @BeMyDarkSoul
      @BeMyDarkSoul 4 года назад +5

      @@dlvme2 how about both?

    • @karolynnolson3359
      @karolynnolson3359 4 года назад +2

      Gavin Leighton-how about kind to both animals and humans and kids. The world would be different.

    • @patagonia816
      @patagonia816 4 года назад

      Would it? I don't think it's that simplistic.

    • @anjalishukla-vegan4205
      @anjalishukla-vegan4205 4 года назад +4

      Yes sir..vegan world is a kinder world..

  • @randomstuff0297
    @randomstuff0297 5 лет назад +130

    I want the entire planet to be filled with people as caring as those two. Bless you both. Thank you for the amazing work you do. 💖

    • @pth6060
      @pth6060 5 лет назад

      Too bad there isn't more people that are loving and quit aborting babies. But when it comes to animals oh yeah you bet do everything you can.

  • @esleslirons2758
    @esleslirons2758 2 года назад +2

    Thank you, you are such sweet lovely people, you really touch my heart, be blessed dear ones.

  • @ichristianchannel5833
    @ichristianchannel5833 5 лет назад +121

    You are the worlds greatest fur parents.😁 Thank you.

  • @peterjarnes25
    @peterjarnes25 5 лет назад +127

    Every now and again I find myself in a deep dark hole and a video like this restores my faith in humanity and makes me be at peace again!

    • @jootai
      @jootai 4 года назад

      You are living a lie

    • @stopgotdamndeletingmycomme8642
      @stopgotdamndeletingmycomme8642 4 года назад

      You are not alone

    • @emanhassan2646
      @emanhassan2646 4 года назад

      Incredible love for animals with natural inability. Very well done, needs appreciation for great work.

    • @uhuraenterprise6372
      @uhuraenterprise6372 4 года назад

      Same bro

    • @sheilaray2888
      @sheilaray2888 4 года назад +1

      Hi Peter! I hope your today is better than your yesterday. Sending you smiles 😊

  • @tanyahenry3339
    @tanyahenry3339 5 лет назад +320

    You guys are doing a wonderful job for these animals. You brought tears to my eyes.God continuous blessings over your lives.

  • @6821hominy
    @6821hominy 7 месяцев назад +1

    I love Angel and her parents are the most amazing people! Thank you for giving Angel her best life ! She is such an inspiration!