Tokyo’s Maid cafe town to Ueno

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 29

  • @CityWaLk4u
    @CityWaLk4u Год назад +3

    Wow!tokyo's maid cafe town it so beautiful and fantastic walking tour. Enjoyed watching in here 😊 30:31

  • @susanhunte5655
    @susanhunte5655 Год назад +1

    So beauitful and colourfull

  • @jimlopz8201
    @jimlopz8201 Год назад +1

    thAnks for sharing this video.🙂

  • @sethcarlow8363
    @sethcarlow8363 Год назад +1

    I really have to vist Janpan looks like a lot of fun-fun-fun.

  • @stephenksiazek812
    @stephenksiazek812 Год назад +8

    I like looking at the ladies! 👭 👭 👀

  • @XDproductionsXD
    @XDproductionsXD Год назад

    Hi always, nice walk. Love this area and remember it well. Hope to visit again this winter. Stay well and walk on~

  • @orlannerab451
    @orlannerab451 Год назад +1


  • @alexanderperez9507
    @alexanderperez9507 Год назад +2

    Wow amazing 🤩🤩

  • @outwest1014
    @outwest1014 Год назад +2

    On another YT channel, they were asking tourists what things "shocked them". Something came up a lot was the lack of Trash Bins. They would get something to snack on and have to carry the wrapper with them all day. No Trash Bins.
    Did see a single one in they video!!

    • @srellison561
      @srellison561 Год назад

      Yes, they are very rare. Sometimes you can find one outside a convenience store if they have outdoor vending machines. People in Japan usually carry their trash around with them until they get home.

  • @davie941
    @davie941 Год назад

    another cool nice relaxing walk JE, maid town to Ueno was so nice , really well done and thank you 😊

  • @MiljanBojovic
    @MiljanBojovic Год назад +1

    3:00 a large street in a big city that has no cars and people literally walk all over it taking pictures. That speaks so many words to me!

    • @reddragon4482
      @reddragon4482 Год назад

      No subtitles on this one so we will have to guess what they are saying hahaha.

    • @theamazingdaveman
      @theamazingdaveman Год назад +1

      I have heard that they close that street for traffic between 13:00-18:00 on Sundays, and have done that for over 10 years or something. So my guess is that Japan Explorer filmed this on a Sunday and that's why there's no cars 😊

  • @Yosephu666
    @Yosephu666 Год назад +1

    6:37 Takane no Nadeshiko uniform

  • @tecnisdaimondm.g9321
    @tecnisdaimondm.g9321 Год назад +2

    Excelente 👌

  • @boonkiandee9406
    @boonkiandee9406 Год назад +1


  • @AM888MD
    @AM888MD Год назад

    Konnichiwa 💟😇😎💮🌸🌠 Salute Dears 🌠Arigato Kawaii 💮💐🍀☘🌼🌺

  • @jhoe434
    @jhoe434 Год назад +2

    Such a wonderful walking tour my friend
    Thanks for sharing this video with us🙏

  • @saturnmoonrocks6917
    @saturnmoonrocks6917 Год назад

    why are there never any cars??? o.O

  • @misc328
    @misc328 Год назад +1

    Can someone time stamp where the girl in the thumbnail is? I don’t want to watch the whole video but I want to marry the girl in the thumbnail

    • @stephenksiazek812
      @stephenksiazek812 Год назад +4

      We are victims of click bait once again! 😭

    • @srellison561
      @srellison561 Год назад

      People have asked him to stop Photoshopping cute girls into his thumbnails, but I honestly don't think he ever reads the comments.

  • @susanhunte5655
    @susanhunte5655 Год назад

    Some are sitting down relex

  • @BornEnlightenedNoSell
    @BornEnlightenedNoSell Год назад

    Vreau ș-o Japoneza frumoasă 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  • @susanhunte5655
    @susanhunte5655 Год назад

    People are walking and talking laughting and have funsome are buying item some are shopping inthe cafe eating and drinking

  • @Scalihoo
    @Scalihoo Год назад

    If not, You should be sponsored by the Japan tourist board

  • @flavioferrari-oss8736
    @flavioferrari-oss8736 Год назад

    Good afternoon! Abraços.😊

  • @tkfka13213
    @tkfka13213 Год назад

    썸네일 낚였다