Love the new haircut, Alan. I always said I'd do the same if/when I was going bald. It is what it is. And HUGE congrats to the dear Dormouse!!! Woohoo!!!
Hi Alan Love the haircut it really suits you. I am sorry for late reply havecbeen pretty unwell so what a blooming nice suprise when I watched. This Dormouse is a pain as I do not do Instagram or Facebook. If it would make it easier do another bonus suprise and re do draw to give to someone who does Instagram a lovely bonus suprise. Piper Roo busy being g Nurse from a distance as apparently I am to hot and restless.... 💜🥰x
@@hjcdormouse7337 hi I hope you are feeling better just take it easy and look after yourself. I was thinking if you have a email address I can send you my email here and then you can email me back with your address, so I can send the book to you . Just let me know and I will message you back here with my email. Boris and me send you hugs and lots of love to you and piper ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@algeekyslimmer1149 Good Morning Alan and Boris I am feeling a bit better today managed some of Roys Fosters Porridge/Oats so that is a big plus....Piper Roo also likes it way to much. Yep I have a email but would worry about you putting your email up on a platform where anyone has access to it ....hmm the years of cyber security training when I was a nurse must have sunk in the team that taught would be impressed 😂 I am so sorry to be a pain. I am chuffed at winning but would be equally pleased if it would be easier for you to do another draw and make another subscribers day by winning....I do not want added stress on you 🥰💜x
@@hjcdormouse7337 hi I am happy you are feeling a bit better ❤️ . I did not think about our people seeing my email . So what I am going to do is pick a new winner for you if that is ok . And me and Boris would like to say to you and piper Thankyou so much for for being a subsidiary to me and also thank for being a good friend. Lots of love alan and Boris ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐶🐶
@algeekyslimmer1149 That is absolutely fine Alan. I would be a worried Dormouse if your email was out there as although here you have created a wonderful safe and supportive space far better being cautious and keeping safe and your privacy. I feel awful if I have caused added stress as heck never even thought about winning when I dropped comment was just pleased to share my joy of being out with Piper Roo. Thank you and Boris for accepting me and our funny stories. How nice it will be for someone to also get a unexpexted happy win. Sending love and hugs Dormouse and Piper Roo 🥰💜x
@@hjcdormouse7337 good morning I hope you are well . I was looking at all the messages I got on my giveaway and I was thinking on giving the book to this man named Lee he is looking after his mum how has a brain tumour and he said he is proud that he is keep doing his journey for his health. Is it ok if I give hem the book . Love alan and Boris ❤️🐶
Congratulations dormouse xx. Loving the new haircut Alan 💇♂️
Love the new haircut, Alan. I always said I'd do the same if/when I was going bald. It is what it is. And HUGE congrats to the dear Dormouse!!! Woohoo!!!
Your hair looks lovely and suits you. Congratulations to the winner🎉 love to Boris. Keep safe and well Al ❤Rosey
Alan you really suit your new hair cut sending you and Boris all my love and hugs 😊❤❤
Congratulations to Doormouse! I think that your haircut looks great on you too! Hugsxx ❤️ to you and Boris ❤ Roe
Love your new haircut it does suit you nice to see you back posting xxxx
Congratulations Dormouse x
Alan you are rocking your new hair cut.
sending hugs to you, Boris & family x
Congratulations Dormouse 🎉
Hi Alan
Love the haircut it really suits you.
I am sorry for late reply havecbeen pretty unwell so what a blooming nice suprise when I watched.
This Dormouse is a pain as I do not do Instagram or Facebook.
If it would make it easier do another bonus suprise and re do draw to give to someone who does Instagram a lovely bonus suprise.
Piper Roo busy being g Nurse from a distance as apparently I am to hot and restless....
@@hjcdormouse7337 hi I hope you are feeling better just take it easy and look after yourself. I was thinking if you have a email address I can send you my email here and then you can email me back with your address, so I can send the book to you . Just let me know and I will message you back here with my email. Boris and me send you hugs and lots of love to you and piper ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Good Morning Alan and Boris
I am feeling a bit better today managed some of Roys Fosters Porridge/Oats so that is a big plus....Piper Roo also likes it way to much.
Yep I have a email but would worry about you putting your email up on a platform where anyone has access to it
....hmm the years of cyber security training when I was a nurse must have sunk in the team that taught would be impressed 😂
I am so sorry to be a pain.
I am chuffed at winning but would be equally pleased if it would be easier for you to do another draw and make another subscribers day by winning....I do not want added stress on you 🥰💜x
@@hjcdormouse7337 hi I am happy you are feeling a bit better ❤️ . I did not think about our people seeing my email . So what I am going to do is pick a new winner for you if that is ok . And me and Boris would like to say to you and piper Thankyou so much for for being a subsidiary to me and also thank for being a good friend. Lots of love alan and Boris ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐶🐶
That is absolutely fine Alan.
I would be a worried Dormouse if your email was out there as although here you have created a wonderful safe and supportive space far better being cautious and keeping safe and your privacy.
I feel awful if I have caused added stress as heck never even thought about winning when I dropped comment was just pleased to share my joy of being out with Piper Roo.
Thank you and Boris for accepting me and our funny stories.
How nice it will be for someone to also get a unexpexted happy win.
Sending love and hugs
Dormouse and Piper Roo 🥰💜x
@@hjcdormouse7337 good morning I hope you are well . I was looking at all the messages I got on my giveaway and I was thinking on giving the book to this man named Lee he is looking after his mum how has a brain tumour and he said he is proud that he is keep doing his journey for his health. Is it ok if I give hem the book . Love alan and Boris ❤️🐶