BSG was in one word BRILLIANT. Once it finished I purchased in on Blu-ray & all the things I could watch, I`m always drawn to watch the whole series at least once a year. Thank you to the whole cast !
I am so happy to see Tricia Helfer conduct and lead these interviews. Her intelligence and composure to care about the legacy of this epic work of art that defined her as an actress is very well chosen. Tricia is in a way the mother of the re-envisioned Battlestar Galactica. Thank you!
I just saw this, I have to say I think Katee Sackoff and Edward James Olmos should have gotten an Emmy for the confrontation scene in Act of Contrition, it was powerful, the emotions burst through the media right to the viewer, it was wonderful and great to watch, love that episode, all of them actually! :)
Tricia! You need to organize an annual BSG reunion tour! I got goosebumps watching Parts I and II. You all are a family, and you guys are part of our extended human family. I miss you guys so much...
Kinda amazing. Been watching reactors finding BSG, so I looked for other vids and found these. Amazing I straight up still love all these people. Also? Aaron Douglas is us.
Trisha Helfer you're so gorgeous its ridiculous! There are many great actors in this show and the whole is definitely the sum of it's parts but . . . YOU made the show! And you're an incredible actor. Thank you for your craft.
Just a repeat of what I said on Pt 1 - sent shivers down my spine with excitement watching this and couldn't get enough - you are all amazing guys, every single one of you - I hope one day there is more to come - thoughts and prayers also going out to Michael Hogan, such a shame he could not make this :( - much love to you all!
Gosh, I love this show. Sometimes I wish I could erase it from my mind and once again binge watch it for the very first (though by far not the first) time...
Yeah, I told hadnt seen it in awhile, so it was ALMOST new to me, again! I kept thinking the whole time, I SWEAR I REMEMBER TYE BEING A FRAKKIN CYLON!....🤣 But other than that, I had forgotten almost the whole story. I'm sad it's over now!😭 I don't know what to do with myself lol
I just found this show. No one in my family but me is a sci-fi nerd. I'm 40 years old. I though it was just another Star Trek rip off or Star Wars. I was wrong. To add to your paper shortage scene. I loved when Adama asked Tigh if he remembered his past, Tigh says no, but his grandfather was a belt sander I spit my drink across the room. Too funny.
Just watched all four seasons on BBC for the first time and I was completely blown away,fantastic series,I will miss my nightly visits to the Galactica so much
This is my single most favorite ranked show ever. I watched it from day one and never really stopped all these years later. Bear's musical score is just as stupendous on its own.. This story not only changed my outlook on life but also influences how I make decisions even now. They may try to remake it but it'll be a pale comparison in my opinion.
To this day, 2004 BSG is my favorite TV show to date. I'm not a fan of S1 personally but it set up a beautiful way for the following seasons. And I don't think any other show ever triggered so much emotional response like BSG did and I'll be eternally grateful. It was a piece of art.
All Roslin-Adama scenes were amazing pieces of acting. I understand why Olmos chooses the final scene with McDonnel as his favorite, but... no way man...The end of Resurrection Ship Part 2 (S2) its imo the most genuine shot in the whole series. It's unmatchable, they just nailed that scene. They were able to convey so many complex and mixed emotions of bliss and sadness mainly through just looks and gestures. Pure acting at its best!
The BSG reboot is the best docu-drama ever! The BSG team gave us well-written stories with well-developed characters that we wanted to know more about. It didn't hurt that it debuted shortly after an unexpected attack that thrust us into a war that none of us expected, so that enabled us to relate to the story. The entire BSG team is to be thanked for this effort. By the way, Jamie Bamber would've made a great James Bond.
2:57 The moment shown is not the one he meant! He meant Galactica entering the atmosphere in Exodus part 2. Possibly my all time BSG favourite moment as well. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing all those years ago.
MERCI thank you for those 2 videos ! It made me sooo happy to see almost all the cast. From Paris (France) with LOVE. During our lockdown in April I re-watched the whole serie on PrimeVideo, it was a great and very emotional and powerfull reconnexion.
There are a lot of great episodes of this show, but my most favorite one is the one with the Adama maneuver. "This is the Admiral, All hands, brace for turbulence."
I measure so much of what I read and watch in SF by this show. It's not flawless, but it is such an exploration of humanity and its various sides that it leaves so many other attempts, yes, even Discovery, Firefly, and the fantasy Game of Thrones, in the dust.
I've loved this story since I saw it on the air. It really is timeless; and the underlying theme(s) remain urgent and relevant today as they were then. I'm grateful to Tricia Helfer and the other BSG cast for not just keeping the show alive but adding to its legacy. Thank you.
I was just watching the final episode of this show today. Amazing talented cast, crew and story lines! Best sci-fi tv show ever! (imho) Thank you for creating a show that was way ahead of it's time!
I'm going through it now for the first time in 5 years or so. I just watched the mid season ending of S4. I know Daybreak is going to fucking wreck me, and it's mainly Bear McCreary's fault.
Repost of what I wrote for Part 1: BSG Cast - PLEASE keep up these crew get together videos and podcasts. We love your characters and because of that your fans genuinely love you too and want to know how you are all doing. Your didn't just copy the original BSG and yet respected the fans' emotional attachment to the original series. That is what makes you all legends. Thank you for everything that your gave to us!
Love that Katie Sackhoff story. I'm jealous of everyone who got to be a part of this show, but I think if Edward James Olmos gave me a personal pep-talk my life would be complete. And he's right about the underlying theme of hope. Adama is the personification of stoicism. No matter how bad things get, no matter how hopeless things can seem, you can still retain your code of ethics and face your situation with strength and conscience. I can't think of any fictional universe I'd want to be in less, and any characters I'd rather be around more.
I have to agree with Aaron/Chief about the favorite scene: When Galactica is plummeting toward the ground, in flames, to liberate New Caprica and jumps out...I bet I've watched that scene more than 100 times!
The best series of my life and I mean this. I watch this series at least once a year. Thanks you are a great cast. I could always move myself as if I were on Galactica myself. I will never forget you, much health and good luck in your life.
Speaking as a Star trek fan all my life & i am 60 years old, this version of BSG was the best sci fi & non sici fi show i have seen on TV! The ending was just Brilliant! I remember at the time, it was up against LOST, my son was well into LOST he was disappointing with its ending! I told him to watch BSG he resisted! When he fianlly got round to watching it he admitted it was better than lost! I am in the process of watching all again on I Player on the BBC its reminding me how good this was & still is! Game of thrones! forget it! Not a patch on BSG
A personal favorite moment of mine is when Dualla, of all people, chewed out Cdr. Adama and set him straight after the schism in the fleet in the end of the first season/beginning of the second season. That and the moment on Kobol when Bill and Lee Adama and Billy and President Roslin are all reunited.
I just love this show and it’s characters. As far as identifying what it means to be human, I flux between all of them; Adama, Tigh, Starbuck and Lee are my go to characters. Majority of the time, I’m Col. Tigh and giving my all to family stoically. Only to be disappointed at both their response and lack of loyalty. Becoming bitter at all around me; like Starbuck who sees people’s flaws. Because they’re her flaws too. And Lee who is attempting to break some invisible barrier of who he wants to be. Wow, what a show; writers and cast are just phenomenal.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
So many different takes on what BSG meant.. I love the Noah's ark analogy & I love the idea of family. I *love* the idea of *hope.* Adama's speech about hope in the miniseries echoes his last line about the cabin having an easterly view. This show is so impactful bc even the "smaller" characters do the same. Helo is shot in the leg in the miniseries, and he's shot in the leg in the finale. I JUST* noticed that last night. He survives & *lives.*
just binged watched the entire series again for the 7th or 8th time.. i really think its the best series ever made. The only things have come close would be maybe Lost and Breaking Bad. I was excited for Caprica when that came out, and maybe they could have salvaged it, but sadly it just didn't have that same magic. Anyways, don't know if any of them would ever read this, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. For entertaining me, for helping me through rough times and giving me so many heroes that weren't 'super heroes', but just imperfect humans doing the best they could. Cheers!
I loved Jamie's Noah's Ark analogy. Imagine the Cylons as those 40 days and 40 nights of rain and you have no where to go until one day you see land...Earth.
As for the "first time setting women in the stereotypical male role", actually Xena started it. That's one reason Lucy was perfect for 3. Plus she brought over thousands of Xena fans to help the fanbase grow.
I have watched a lot of movies and TV shows in my life and i love a lot of them, but if you look at it as a complete package- the story, the atmosphere, the drama, the acting- it is really really hard to find anything that even compares with this series. The only series that comes close in just pure impact and grip it had on me, would be Babylon V.
A show about what happened to the toasters, that's really the only big unanswered question. I'd love to see a show about one thing turn out to totally be about something else without anyone knowing. Take Manifest, pretty good show; but they turn out to be Cylons and its some kind of prelude to a Cylon return to Earth! That's just a random example but something I would love to see!
Meine absolute Lieblings stelle in Battlestar Galactica ist als Commander Adama die Rede gehalten hat kurz nach dem Zylonen angriff auf die Kolonien. Hier spricht der Commander, vor ein paar Minuten ist das Schiff über einen laufenden Angriff der Zylonen auf unsere Heimadwelten informiert worden. Wir kennen weder die Größe noch die Absichten noch die Stärke der Feindlichen Streitkräfte. Aber alle Anzeichen sprechen, für einen massiven angriff auf die Kolonialen verteidigungsanlagen. Admiral Nagal hat in Zuge der Völligen Zerstörung des Flotten Hauptquartiers auf Picon während der ersten angriffswelle persönlich das Kommando über die Flotte am Bord des Kampfsterns Atlantia übernommen. Das wie und warum, spielt keine rolle nur eins spielt noch eine rolle von diesen Moment an befinden wir uns in Krieg. Dafür seit ihr ausgebildet worden, dafür seit ihr bereit. Erfüllt jetzt eure Pflichten, vertraut euren Schiffskammeraden dann werden wir alle dadurch kommen. Mehr Informationen wenn wir sie haben. My all-time favorite part of Battlestar Galactica is when Commander Adama gave the speech shortly after the Cylon attack on the colonies. This is the Commander speaking, a few minutes ago the ship was informed of an ongoing attack by the Cylons on our homeland worlds. We know neither the size nor the intentions nor the strength of the enemy forces. But all the signs point to a massive attack on the colonial defenses. In the course of the complete destruction of the fleet headquarters on Picon, Admiral Nagal personally assumed command of the fleet on board the battlestar Atlantia during the first wave of attacks. The how and why doesn't matter, only one thing still plays a role from this moment on we are at war. You have been trained for this, you are ready for it. Do your duties now, trust your shipmates and we will all get through it. More information when we have it.
Glad I have a hard copy of the series since Peacock doesn’t carry it anymore. I LOVED when Starbuck returned. I was shocked the writers killed Starbuck. Then Apollo gave that great speech to defend Baltar and saved his life which even changed how I started to view that character. Then he jumps back into a Viper flying into a cloud ☁️ and Lee sees Starbuck in a new Viper. LOVED that scene because Starback was back…but what happened to her and was she really Starbuck 🤔
The Actors/Actresses, Characters and Writers/Directors in BSG surpass every character/actor/actress/writer/director ever. I remember when the writer's strike happened, which caused the very first season split between years of broadcast. This was agonizing at the time. It was hard enough to wait a week until the next episode, but to have to ENDURE a year to finish the 2nd half of a season???? Nowadays, it's used as a ratings tool. Ron Moore and David Eick are geniouses, and I too have to watch the entire show every year (just like LOTR). best TV show ever - SSWA.
BSG was in one word BRILLIANT.
Once it finished I purchased in on Blu-ray & all the things I could watch, I`m always drawn to watch the whole series at least once a year. Thank you to the whole cast !
With Tricia Helfer changing tops every shot, seemingly, it's literally like a buncha different 6's conducting these interviews! 🤣😂💯😂
I am so happy to see Tricia Helfer conduct and lead these interviews. Her intelligence and composure to care about the legacy of this epic work of art that defined her as an actress is very well chosen. Tricia is in a way the mother of the re-envisioned Battlestar Galactica. Thank you!
She's God's wife that was nothing.
I just saw this, I have to say I think Katee Sackoff and Edward James Olmos should have gotten an Emmy for the confrontation scene in Act of Contrition, it was powerful, the emotions burst through the media right to the viewer, it was wonderful and great to watch, love that episode, all of them actually! :)
Edward James Olmos came to my high school and spoke when I was a kid. He's a boss.
Love these guys and gals..
Epic Casting ..
Miss this show,,, so much so say we all !!!!
So say we all...
So say we all!
So say we all
So Say We All!
So say we all!
Tricia! You need to organize an annual BSG reunion tour! I got goosebumps watching Parts I and II. You all are a family, and you guys are part of our extended human family. I miss you guys so much...
My God, what Eddie said. Battlestar is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Kinda amazing. Been watching reactors finding BSG, so I looked for other vids and found these. Amazing I straight up still love all these people. Also? Aaron Douglas is us.
Is one of the best Fracking Space Operas ever
It's been about 18months,time to binge watch the DVDs again.
Trisha Helfer you're so gorgeous its ridiculous!
There are many great actors in this show and the whole is definitely the sum of it's parts but . . . YOU made the show! And you're an incredible actor.
Thank you for your craft.
Agreed very versatile range. One of the threads through the storyline.
Starbuck all day!!!
i agree with Chief,Exodus was the best episode ever.Galatica falling like a rock through the atmosphere and the music connects you to the place
Met Eddie traveling through an airport. He was so incredibly kind and gracious. It's people like him that make you want to cheer for their success.
Just a repeat of what I said on Pt 1 - sent shivers down my spine with excitement watching this and couldn't get enough - you are all amazing guys, every single one of you - I hope one day there is more to come - thoughts and prayers also going out to Michael Hogan, such a shame he could not make this :( - much love to you all!
Gosh, I love this show. Sometimes I wish I could erase it from my mind and once again binge watch it for the very first (though by far not the first) time...
Havent seen it for a long time. Forgot allot and started again in 2020 this year. Completly new again hahaha.
Yeah, I told hadnt seen it in awhile, so it was ALMOST new to me, again! I kept thinking the whole time, I SWEAR I REMEMBER TYE BEING A FRAKKIN CYLON!....🤣 But other than that, I had forgotten almost the whole story.
I'm sad it's over now!😭 I don't know what to do with myself lol
Michael Hogan and Edward James Olmos paper shortage is my favourite scene.
Best cast, best show.
I just found this show. No one in my family but me is a sci-fi nerd. I'm 40 years old. I though it was just another Star Trek rip off or Star Wars. I was wrong. To add to your paper shortage scene. I loved when Adama asked Tigh if he remembered his past, Tigh says no, but his grandfather was a belt sander I spit my drink across the room. Too funny.
I cracked up laughing when they did that scene so funny
It’ an hilarious but touching one
Just watched all four seasons on BBC for the first time and I was completely blown away,fantastic series,I will miss my nightly visits to the Galactica so much
This is my single most favorite ranked show ever. I watched it from day one and never really stopped all these years later. Bear's musical score is just as stupendous on its own.. This story not only changed my outlook on life but also influences how I make decisions even now. They may try to remake it but it'll be a pale comparison in my opinion.
Hands down this show will go down in television history as one of the greatest shows ever!
To this day, 2004 BSG is my favorite TV show to date. I'm not a fan of S1 personally but it set up a beautiful way for the following seasons. And I don't think any other show ever triggered so much emotional response like BSG did and I'll be eternally grateful. It was a piece of art.
Yo, 💯! The show made me cry multiple times. How a large space opera could capture the small nuances of humanity is just a remarkable thing. ❤️
All Roslin-Adama scenes were amazing pieces of acting. I understand why Olmos chooses the final scene with McDonnel as his favorite, but... no way man...The end of Resurrection Ship Part 2 (S2) its imo the most genuine shot in the whole series. It's unmatchable, they just nailed that scene. They were able to convey so many complex and mixed emotions of bliss and sadness mainly through just looks and gestures. Pure acting at its best!
The BSG reboot is the best docu-drama ever! The BSG team gave us well-written stories with well-developed characters that we wanted to know more about. It didn't hurt that it debuted shortly after an unexpected attack that thrust us into a war that none of us expected, so that enabled us to relate to the story. The entire BSG team is to be thanked for this effort. By the way, Jamie Bamber would've made a great James Bond.
2:57 The moment shown is not the one he meant! He meant Galactica entering the atmosphere in Exodus part 2. Possibly my all time BSG favourite moment as well. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing all those years ago.
Thank you Mr Edward James Olmos. Great performance.
I just rewatched the entire series for the 4 time. See you again in few years.
This television series will still be relevant 50 years from now & maybe more
These little talks are fabulous! Thank you so much for all of you using your time to talk about BSG! Hi Kat and Racetrack!
So far I've binge watched the entire series twice. Getting the itch again...
MERCI thank you for those 2 videos ! It made me sooo happy to see almost all the cast. From Paris (France) with LOVE. During our lockdown in April I re-watched the whole serie on PrimeVideo, it was a great and very emotional and powerfull reconnexion.
I frackin' love this show, and all the characters in it.
There are a lot of great episodes of this show, but my most favorite one is the one with the Adama maneuver. "This is the Admiral, All hands, brace for turbulence."
I measure so much of what I read and watch in SF by this show. It's not flawless, but it is such an exploration of humanity and its various sides that it leaves so many other attempts, yes, even Discovery, Firefly, and the fantasy Game of Thrones, in the dust.
Tricia Helfer is simply lovely and a fine actor.
James Callis was by far the most emotional actor in series.
I've loved this story since I saw it on the air. It really is timeless; and the underlying theme(s) remain urgent and relevant today as they were then. I'm grateful to Tricia Helfer and the other BSG cast for not just keeping the show alive but adding to its legacy. Thank you.
I was just watching the final episode of this show today. Amazing talented cast, crew and story lines! Best sci-fi tv show ever! (imho) Thank you for creating a show that was way ahead of it's time!
I'm going through it now for the first time in 5 years or so. I just watched the mid season ending of S4. I know Daybreak is going to fucking wreck me, and it's mainly Bear McCreary's fault.
Just finished the entire show too the best sci fi on TV ever
@@skippertheeyechild6621 Just watched the finale. Disappointing end for a great show.
Have just finished all 4 series on This really touched a cord
Repost of what I wrote for Part 1: BSG Cast - PLEASE keep up these crew get together videos and podcasts. We love your characters and because of that your fans genuinely love you too and want to know how you are all doing. Your didn't just copy the original BSG and yet respected the fans' emotional attachment to the original series. That is what makes you all legends. Thank you for everything that your gave to us!
Love that Katie Sackhoff story. I'm jealous of everyone who got to be a part of this show, but I think if Edward James Olmos gave me a personal pep-talk my life would be complete.
And he's right about the underlying theme of hope. Adama is the personification of stoicism. No matter how bad things get, no matter how hopeless things can seem, you can still retain your code of ethics and face your situation with strength and conscience.
I can't think of any fictional universe I'd want to be in less, and any characters I'd rather be around more.
Your last two paragraphs, nan you nailed it, these people but not this situation! So on point.
So Say We All. Loved working on this series for a season! Best Cast ever. EVER.
I have to agree with Aaron/Chief about the favorite scene: When Galactica is plummeting toward the ground, in flames, to liberate New Caprica and jumps out...I bet I've watched that scene more than 100 times!
The chemistry is as rare as drinking the same water twice. Once in a lifetime.
Dammit, now I have to watch it again..... for about the 8th time.
I love these people so much.
The best series of my life and I mean this. I watch this series at least once a year. Thanks you are a great cast. I could always move myself as if I were on Galactica myself. I will never forget you, much health and good luck in your life.
Speaking as a Star trek fan all my life & i am 60 years old, this version of BSG was the best sci fi & non sici fi show i have seen on TV! The ending was just Brilliant! I remember at the time, it was up against LOST, my son was well into LOST he was disappointing with its ending! I told him to watch BSG he resisted! When he fianlly got round to watching it he admitted it was better than lost! I am in the process of watching all again on I Player on the BBC its reminding me how good this was & still is! Game of thrones! forget it! Not a patch on BSG
How is there not more love for this show (obv'ly we have love but more broadly)?
I loved this show. It already seems such a long time ago since it aired!
best TV show!!
"She can't cry cuz she's DEAD" lmfao
A pure game changing show, with up's and down's and a whole lot of emotion.
Get well soon XO
So say we all
This show is truly something special. Just going back and watching it for the 1000th time and introducing my gf to the series.
The best sci-fi series ever, I rewatch it so often.
Thanks for a great ride all of you :)
Starbuck will forever be my favorite heroine in television
Katie's Starbuck as for Dirk he's graduated to be the Face 😎
Up until this interview, I had no idea Jamie Bamber was British. His accent in Battlestar was so phenomenal, I didn't notice it at all.
Second best Sci-Fi show ever made. So Say We All !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thumbs up if you are currently watching this show again
Greatest Show Ever Made!!!
A personal favorite moment of mine is when Dualla, of all people, chewed out Cdr. Adama and set him straight after the schism in the fleet in the end of the first season/beginning of the second season. That and the moment on Kobol when Bill and Lee Adama and Billy and President Roslin are all reunited.
It’s awesome to see them as real people
I just love this show and it’s characters. As far as identifying what it means to be human, I flux between all of them; Adama, Tigh, Starbuck and Lee are my go to characters. Majority of the time, I’m Col. Tigh and giving my all to family stoically. Only to be disappointed at both their response and lack of loyalty. Becoming bitter at all around me; like Starbuck who sees people’s flaws. Because they’re her flaws too. And Lee who is attempting to break some invisible barrier of who he wants to be. Wow, what a show; writers and cast are just phenomenal.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Was rewatching it recently and ever actor was amazing, even the little girl playing Hera was really good (wonder what happened to her)
So many different takes on what BSG meant.. I love the Noah's ark analogy & I love the idea of family. I *love* the idea of *hope.* Adama's speech about hope in the miniseries echoes his last line about the cabin having an easterly view. This show is so impactful bc even the "smaller" characters do the same. Helo is shot in the leg in the miniseries, and he's shot in the leg in the finale. I JUST* noticed that last night. He survives & *lives.*
Min 2:29 wait a moment... he is not fat Lee... he is Commander CHONKY LEE XD
just binged watched the entire series again for the 7th or 8th time.. i really think its the best series ever made. The only things have come close would be maybe Lost and Breaking Bad. I was excited for Caprica when that came out, and maybe they could have salvaged it, but sadly it just didn't have that same magic. Anyways, don't know if any of them would ever read this, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. For entertaining me, for helping me through rough times and giving me so many heroes that weren't 'super heroes', but just imperfect humans doing the best they could. Cheers!
I watch battlestar every winter..
2:58 that’s a really cool scene
yay grandpa adama!!!!
I sure miss seeing Candice McClure each week, I always like her character Dee.
I don't imagine anyone trying to remaking this show.
You don't remake perfection
please do one of these with the cast of falling skies!
I loved Jamie's Noah's Ark analogy. Imagine the Cylons as those 40 days and 40 nights of rain and you have no where to go until one day you see land...Earth.
As for the "first time setting women in the stereotypical male role", actually Xena started it. That's one reason Lucy was perfect for 3. Plus she brought over thousands of Xena fans to help the fanbase grow.
Fat Lee was funny, he just morphed into Homer Simpson
The only thing missing was a Duff Beer.
I have watched a lot of movies and TV shows in my life and i love a lot of them, but if you look at it as a complete package- the story, the atmosphere, the drama, the acting- it is really really hard to find anything that even compares with this series. The only series that comes close in just pure impact and grip it had on me, would be Babylon V.
Did Syfy ever release the entire stream?
I had no idea Lee Adama is British in real life
Is this the entire meetup? Seems VERY short for such a big meet up
All of this has happened before, all of this will happen again!
Awesome people. Landmark remake!
A show about what happened to the toasters, that's really the only big unanswered question. I'd love to see a show about one thing turn out to totally be about something else without anyone knowing. Take Manifest, pretty good show; but they turn out to be Cylons and its some kind of prelude to a Cylon return to Earth! That's just a random example but something I would love to see!
This was the last series I really got into, and it will be the last again, after I load up the series the next time.
So say we all!!!
Racetrack looks really different, never would have recognised her!
Love these interviews. But why can't RUclips insert ads at more appropriate moments? Very annoying. Makes me NOT want to buy anything advertised.
Is Penikett slugging moonshine on this.
In my next life, I'd like a wife like you, Trisha... still look amazing, great to see all the cast, thank you for putting this together.
ah, que linda mujer Dualla...... estaba enamorado de ella.......
Meine absolute Lieblings stelle in Battlestar Galactica ist als Commander Adama die Rede gehalten hat kurz nach dem Zylonen angriff auf die Kolonien.
Hier spricht der Commander, vor ein paar Minuten ist das Schiff über einen laufenden Angriff der Zylonen auf unsere Heimadwelten informiert worden. Wir kennen weder die Größe noch die Absichten noch die Stärke der Feindlichen Streitkräfte. Aber alle Anzeichen sprechen, für einen massiven angriff auf die Kolonialen verteidigungsanlagen. Admiral Nagal hat in Zuge der Völligen Zerstörung des Flotten Hauptquartiers auf Picon während der ersten angriffswelle persönlich das Kommando über die Flotte am Bord des Kampfsterns Atlantia übernommen. Das wie und warum, spielt keine rolle nur eins spielt noch eine rolle von diesen Moment an befinden wir uns in Krieg. Dafür seit ihr ausgebildet worden, dafür seit ihr bereit. Erfüllt jetzt eure Pflichten, vertraut euren Schiffskammeraden dann werden wir alle dadurch kommen. Mehr Informationen wenn wir sie haben.
My all-time favorite part of Battlestar Galactica is when Commander Adama gave the speech shortly after the Cylon attack on the colonies.
This is the Commander speaking, a few minutes ago the ship was informed of an ongoing attack by the Cylons on our homeland worlds. We know neither the size nor the intentions nor the strength of the enemy forces. But all the signs point to a massive attack on the colonial defenses. In the course of the complete destruction of the fleet headquarters on Picon, Admiral Nagal personally assumed command of the fleet on board the battlestar Atlantia during the first wave of attacks. The how and why doesn't matter, only one thing still plays a role from this moment on we are at war. You have been trained for this, you are ready for it. Do your duties now, trust your shipmates and we will all get through it. More information when we have it.
It isn't enough to exist, people need to have hope. It might as well be the thirteenth colony.
Glad I have a hard copy of the series since Peacock doesn’t carry it anymore. I LOVED when Starbuck returned. I was shocked the writers killed Starbuck. Then Apollo gave that great speech to defend Baltar and saved his life which even changed how I started to view that character. Then he jumps back into a Viper flying into a cloud ☁️ and Lee sees Starbuck in a new Viper. LOVED that scene because Starback was back…but what happened to her and was she really Starbuck 🤔
Show Ahead of it’s Time
Like Farscape
They should have kept the Pegesus !!!
The Actors/Actresses, Characters and Writers/Directors in BSG surpass every character/actor/actress/writer/director ever. I remember when the writer's strike happened, which caused the very first season split between years of broadcast. This was agonizing at the time. It was hard enough to wait a week until the next episode, but to have to ENDURE a year to finish the 2nd half of a season???? Nowadays, it's used as a ratings tool. Ron Moore and David Eick are geniouses, and I too have to watch the entire show every year (just like LOTR). best TV show ever - SSWA.
Love mary Mcdonnell!