IS ELLEN STILL GOOD?? Miyabi x Burnice "DISORDER" & Ellen Hypercarry looks like NEW Shiyu Defense 17

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @EShaker20
    @EShaker20 6 часов назад +11

    Ellen is still my favourite character.
    She carried me through all of the contents along side Caesar.
    But without a doubt, Miyabi is now the strongest DPS in the game.
    Even though the Boss in Node 1 is ice resistant, Miyabi still destroyed it. Great video as always!

    • @gem_3z
      @gem_3z  6 часов назад +1

      cannot be denied that Miyabi is very strong, but Ellen is still good rn, and Ellen is one of my favorite characters

  • @platinumannihilator9376
    @platinumannihilator9376 4 часа назад +2

    Good one! Looking forward to Harumasa build

    • @gem_3z
      @gem_3z  3 часа назад +2

      i will try, almost sent all the resources I have to Miyabi😭😭

  • @jrmy6519
    @jrmy6519 Час назад +1

    I think she does even better now with lighter as a double stun support for her. Ive been having a blast with that team. It's very easy to stun enemies now that everyone has their own ult.

  • @Northseed49
    @Northseed49 Час назад +1

    THIS IS IMMACULATE GAMEPLAY, the first half was beautiful ❤. Not a single frame was wasted

    • @gem_3z
      @gem_3z  Час назад

      Thank u very much ❤️

  • @Eyeyorot
    @Eyeyorot 3 часа назад +4

    Ellen is stil meta. Miyabi is just stronger than everyone in the game. Also Miyabi, Burnice, Nicole is cracked team and if don't have her weapon Nicole can help maximize her Crit Rate needs. Honestly on paper Miyabi x Yanagi looks strong but on gameplay it's clunky and not fast. With Burnice and a support i find it more comfortable while always getting stacks

    • @gem_3z
      @gem_3z  2 часа назад +2

      i agree, miyabi x yanagi is quickswap team, unlike miyabi x burnice, in this team miyabi almost stays on field

  • @tayshaunalexander7621
    @tayshaunalexander7621 3 часа назад +2

    I pull miyabi, and if this team works then i am really lucky then because i main both burnice and lucy. Even maxed out soukaku via this summon, i am grateful.

    • @gem_3z
      @gem_3z  3 часа назад +2

      i can say this team is very strong after miyabi x yanagi team

  • @zx.men1
    @zx.men1 5 часов назад +2

    you play very well bro

  • @thanosbotyt1566
    @thanosbotyt1566 5 минут назад

    For Miyabi 2 piece I’m using woodpecker electro right now but should I use Puffer Electro instead? Or does it depend on the team you use?

  • @gem_3z
    @gem_3z  6 часов назад +8

    I can say that Ellen is still good rn :3

  • @sunnykasulla5973
    @sunnykasulla5973 3 часа назад +1

    should i build harumasa? i lost my 50/50

    • @shi2132te
      @shi2132te 3 часа назад +2

      why not? he's decent 5* free electro DPS, also if u have Qinqyi she's the BIS for him

    • @gem_3z
      @gem_3z  3 часа назад

      yes, why not? even though he's just a free character

  • @kou7460
    @kou7460 42 минуты назад

    is attack% better than ice%?

  • @kan_3z
    @kan_3z 6 часов назад +1

    tôi roll lệch rate 3 lần toàn hardpity 😭😭
    300roll mới đc M0W1 :))

    • @gem_3z
      @gem_3z  6 часов назад +1

      t cũng đã trải qua nó để đến tận bây giờ m0w1 Miyabi bằng 2 cái bảo hiểm char và vũ khí :((

  • @bonnierobert2402
    @bonnierobert2402 5 часов назад +2

    Do you think atk% is more valuable than ince damage on Ellen and Miayabi ? I'm so confused for which disc 5 to focus on, nice gameplay btw 🤎🤎🤎

    • @gem_3z
      @gem_3z  4 часа назад +2

      thank u, ice bonus dmg is better than %atk for both ellen and miyabi, i use %atk because i don't have any ice bonus dmg that is better than %atk i have

    • @shazuzrqt7985
      @shazuzrqt7985 47 минут назад

      Atk% works better, she scales more off ATK than ice damage bonus...