I discovered this sharp nine to flat nine line, on the second string, when playing the bridge to Scrapple from the Apple. When I had more students, i used to talk about voice leading. Even the idea of moving a the bar chord up with the same shape can be improved upon by using another shape. I saw a fellow downtown playing Sitting on the Dock of the Bay, moving a G bar chord up to B -- depends on the genre of music often of course. Now i have the answer to that chords I've seen you play, a dominant 7th with the seventh in the bass. Looks as if it has the 13th in there too, thanks.
I discovered this sharp nine to flat nine line, on the second string, when playing the bridge to Scrapple from the Apple. When I had more students, i used to talk about voice leading. Even the idea of moving a the bar chord up with the same shape can be improved upon by using another shape. I saw a fellow downtown playing Sitting on the Dock of the Bay, moving a G bar chord up to B -- depends on the genre of music often of course. Now i have the answer to that chords I've seen you play, a dominant 7th with the seventh in the bass. Looks as if it has the 13th in there too, thanks.
Yes, the seventh in the bass followed by the major third and 13th in the voice lead
Awsome, such a great tune
Ellis Feder agreed!
lucky i found you!
Happy to help!