[MV] 브레이브걸스 (Brave Girls) - 롤린 (Rollin') Dance ver.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 9 тыс.

  • @jpopspeed1
    @jpopspeed1 3 года назад +8482

    Brave Girls: U ready?
    2017: No, not yet
    2021: Okay, we’re finally ready

    • @mikhsly2
      @mikhsly2 3 года назад +33


    • @YUY-i2x
      @YUY-i2x 3 года назад +8

      @와우 앗.....

    • @liam314
      @liam314 3 года назад +104

      Why did this song suddenly blow up?

    • @liam314
      @liam314 3 года назад +18

      @@friendusesthisaccountnocom9928 Aw, its sweet that you think that🤗💙

    • @mitsuhoney20
      @mitsuhoney20 3 года назад +59

      Brave Girls have always been so ahead of their time. So glad their time has come! 🥰❤️

  • @aaronclariz6452
    @aaronclariz6452 3 года назад +7067

    Imagine how many sleeper hits are out there just because people are focusing too much on bigger labels. I'm just happy seeing artists from smaller companies getting the proper recognition that's been long overdue.

    • @aditi8575
      @aditi8575 3 года назад +88

      stan secret number too❤

    • @rorococo.
      @rorococo. 3 года назад +397

      Plus it's so refreshing especially cuz the average age of members in the group is 30. In an industry where younger girl groups are constantly released to replace older ones, I hope brave girls' success can show that this hypothetical expiry date of women in entertainment is stupid

    • @MrDrainBramaged
      @MrDrainBramaged 3 года назад +162

      ive been saying this since 2008 lol
      The mass kpop fans will NEVER focus on smaller groups..And when they come into smaller groups,they just act toxic as fuck for every comeback and go back to their original fandoms..or they just be toxic on twitter and go after the people who have been in the fandom since the start

    • @surajshrestha7047
      @surajshrestha7047 3 года назад +8


    • @ikranx.4578
      @ikranx.4578 3 года назад +73

      @@rorococo. I want to see many gg in their 30s active .. ldk any other 2nd gg who didn't disband except snsd

  • @caarmenhuang
    @caarmenhuang 3 года назад +482

    the amount of spanish comments is insane, so glad to see international fans supporting Brave girls!!

    • @davidcastro4747
      @davidcastro4747 3 года назад +5

      We love them ✌🏼😄 ❤️

    • @withloona
      @withloona 3 года назад +2

      Turkish Fearless here✊

  • @ttttt.y
    @ttttt.y Год назад +64


  • @골이따분한내인생
    @골이따분한내인생 3 года назад +349

    군대 동기야 내가 말했지 노래가 너무 좋은데 왜 안뜨는건지 아쉽다고.. 그게 3년전인데 이제야 뜬다 고생하셨습니다 브레이브 걸스분들 당신들 덕분에 군생활 진짜 재밌게 보냈습니다.

  • @janeleticiabrizziopolanco5261
    @janeleticiabrizziopolanco5261 3 года назад +349

    Vine por el video de Liry Unni😁 la historia de este grupo me ha conmovido, su música está muy buena👌🏻

    • @lucihernandez5367
      @lucihernandez5367 3 года назад +6

      Same y la canción está buena. ❤️

    • @agussmartinez8792
      @agussmartinez8792 3 года назад +5

      Samee 🌼

    • @Gaby-lj1bt
      @Gaby-lj1bt 3 года назад +5

      !Y cuánto la estoy disfrutando!!!

    • @elizetmartinez8569
      @elizetmartinez8569 3 года назад +2

      Yo igual haha 😂

    • @ashleycamargo3625
      @ashleycamargo3625 3 года назад +3

      Me conmovió lo del Army literal pidiendo como enviar carritos de café y hacer stream 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @exo_chogiwaaa6332
    @exo_chogiwaaa6332 3 года назад +1770

    They’re literally pulling the EXID card😭 so proud of them STAN BRAVE GIRLS
    Brave Girls “Rollin” 6pm KST:
    #1 MelOn (=)
    #1 Genie (=)
    #1 Bugs (=)
    #1 FLO (=)
    #1 VIBE (=)
    🎉262nd PERFECT ALL KILL🎉
    🎉 Highest PAKs for GG and 4th overall 🎉

    • @DM-fo9qw
      @DM-fo9qw 3 года назад +4

      what happenned?

    • @exo_chogiwaaa6332
      @exo_chogiwaaa6332 3 года назад +196

      @@DM-fo9qw A channel made a compilation of Rollin stages and it became viral in S.Korea and now they’re charting on music charts (they reached #1 on bugs). While for exid they became viral after Hani’s fancam

    • @shookyinsin715
      @shookyinsin715 3 года назад +29

      Literally so proud of them - and so deserved

    • @norvinaseline4660
      @norvinaseline4660 3 года назад +3

      @@exo_chogiwaaa6332 do you have the link

    • @cruel_summe.r
      @cruel_summe.r 3 года назад +3

      @@norvinaseline4660 is this ruclips.net/video/cfHWIqJkEf4/видео.html

  • @선희이-m8q
    @선희이-m8q 4 месяца назад +54

    이제 이 노래 들으면 눈물나네 옛날생각도 나고 브레이브걸스 해체한거 아직까지 넘 아쉽다..

  • @peachywoojaezen8787
    @peachywoojaezen8787 3 года назад +2385

    My biggest flex as a kpop fan is I know this song even before it became viral.

    • @hardfacts1413
      @hardfacts1413 3 года назад +54

      Why did this song become a viral hit after all this years, is there a reason?

    • @kevinjaymontilla5351
      @kevinjaymontilla5351 3 года назад +42

      Yaaas, same. I downloaded this song the day it was released ❣️

    • @arhamshaalislami7596
      @arhamshaalislami7596 3 года назад +125

      @@hardfacts1413 this song is like a popular song among the korean army force that getting a no.1 Mil-board (Military Billboard) for like 4 years, and for some random compilation video getting viral in south korea

    • @hardfacts1413
      @hardfacts1413 3 года назад +10

      @@arhamshaalislami7596 Wow that's amazing.
      Thank you

    • @iz-dle4856
      @iz-dle4856 3 года назад +32

      i have High Heels and rollin in both physical and digital albums. every song is great. i love them since watching their stage video at Seoul Music Award 2017.

  • @majdaalomar9670
    @majdaalomar9670 3 года назад +1007

    scary how there are millions of great songs bands and singers out there that we've never heard about.....

    • @kmhak
      @kmhak 3 года назад +5

      right!? anyone know any other artists/groups ? I'll come and listen to em >:D

    • @miraiessencesword
      @miraiessencesword 3 года назад +8

      @@kmhak You can listen B.A.P songs. They are literally god tier 🛐. You can listen B.A.P-One Shot B.A.P-Angel B.A.P - Wake me up (their mvs like movie too)

    • @Lu-li1ei
      @Lu-li1ei 3 года назад +5

      @@kmhak DKB is also under Brave, their song Sorry Mama is exquisite, please go and give them a listen

    • @iwannagotosleep
      @iwannagotosleep 3 года назад +1

      @@kmhak have you ever heard BTS' songs? if not, then you should listen to their songs Black Swan or BS&T

    • @kmhak
      @kmhak 3 года назад +17

      @@iwannagotosleep gurl im sure everyones heard of BTS 🤠 im talking about the underated ones

  • @jhm2732
    @jhm2732 3 года назад +2500

    Omg manifesting Brave Girls' first win and becoming an icon for having their 1st win 10 years after debut omg

    • @jsalgado7101
      @jsalgado7101 3 года назад +24

      Out 100% what percent will you give for them having a chance to get their first win soon

    • @kingkwaja7072
      @kingkwaja7072 3 года назад +35

      It has been 10 years since their group debut but all the original members left the group and the lineup changed like 2 to 3 times .

    • @jrmy__
      @jrmy__ 3 года назад +25

      @@jsalgado7101 They have about 40% to 50% to win at Inkigayo rn. Since ATEEZ has a low digital points compare to Brave Girls with almost perfect score. However, we need to stream the MV so that BG's SNS points will rise more 😇😇

    • @chknlvs
      @chknlvs 3 года назад +4

      That will be iconic
      ill manifest along with you

    • @sangwoossnacc9959
      @sangwoossnacc9959 3 года назад +8

      As far as I know they will promote this song again. hopefully they get 1st win huhuhu

  • @251lv
    @251lv 11 месяцев назад +110


  • @jellyyehshu91
    @jellyyehshu91 3 года назад +5592


    • @ZyozyoPadilla
      @ZyozyoPadilla 3 года назад +91

      IKR man, if something's good, it's good, period.

    • @nyikun
      @nyikun 3 года назад +89

      Well sorry to the outshined song, but this is like the best song i had in 2017 , really jamming to this for a longgg time. this song really deserved the shine !!!!

    • @sekar6549
      @sekar6549 3 года назад +8

      Don't use seulgi as your photo profile bcs blinks is reveluv bestie!!!

    • @jellyyehshu91
      @jellyyehshu91 3 года назад +99


    • @sekar6549
      @sekar6549 3 года назад +5

      @@jellyyehshu91 ik you'll never know it bcs you don't have bestie fandom cry abt it

  • @jorellana2007
    @jorellana2007 3 года назад +535


    • @Diagilsa
      @Diagilsa 3 года назад +5

      En spotify tienen más vistas xD

    • @soul.free_
      @soul.free_ 3 года назад +2

      @@Diagilsa cuantas? Wow quiero apoyarlas

    • @BRISAART4
      @BRISAART4 3 года назад +11

      creo que no importa tanto las vistas ,, lo que importa mas es las votaciones ,,,por que sino hace mucho ya hubiese ganado la chica de blackpink

    • @jorellana2007
      @jorellana2007 3 года назад +7

      @@BRISAART4 yo quiero que su video suba de vistas... ya que para ser influyentes en el exterior de corea valen las vistas

    • @soul.free_
      @soul.free_ 3 года назад +2

      @@BRISAART4 quien es la chica de blackpink?

  • @heyitskdan
    @heyitskdan 3 года назад +6865


    • @orbitlofi4725
      @orbitlofi4725 3 года назад +46

      Reddit led me to this, criminally underrated!!!

    • @aquecida
      @aquecida 3 года назад +38

      Em primeiro lugar, Dan! Eu tô surtando aqui 🤗🥰😄 vem comeback em 2021 🙏 Sonho!

    • @karkutv100
      @karkutv100 3 года назад +12


    • @amandazerou8771
      @amandazerou8771 3 года назад +11

      Você aqui meu amor 😍

    • @gabikpoper9137
      @gabikpoper9137 3 года назад +10

      Eu vim pelo seu vídeo ksks! Eu nn conhecia o grupo, mas amei!

  • @DanyCesc83
    @DanyCesc83 7 месяцев назад +60

    2024 and still one of my favorite songs of all time 😊

  • @seobobbyneui
    @seobobbyneui 3 года назад +197

    뮤비컨셉 발랄하게해서 다시 내주면 좋겠다 확실히 검은색에 음침한 분위기랑 노래랑 잘 안맞는거같어ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
    (+수정 뉴버전 상큼이있는건 아는데 댄스버전도 상큼이로 내줘......ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ)

    • @make_somecoffee
      @make_somecoffee 3 года назад

      18년도에 나온 뉴버전 뮤비 보셈

    • @aa11dd-l6u
      @aa11dd-l6u 3 года назад +1

      이거 댄스버전임 정식뮤비아님

  • @astroxaroha8481
    @astroxaroha8481 3 года назад +497

    Me alegro que por fin los fandoms se hayan reunido para apoyarlas son ARTE

    • @katyosorio4418
      @katyosorio4418 3 года назад +9

      Suho por aquí 😳❤️

    • @maurojavier9397
      @maurojavier9397 3 года назад +5

      Las admiro a todas las fans de brave girls por aguantar ya ellas se merecen todo el éxito la verdad,me incluyó las seguiré desde ahora 👍

  • @ときちゃん-h8y
    @ときちゃん-h8y Год назад +13


  • @hophil1987
    @hophil1987 3 года назад +457

    2021 MAMA 및 가요대상 등 여러 연말무대와 아직은 미정이지만 코로나사태가 지나간 후 단독콘서트에서 마주할 수 있는 그날이 오길 바랄게요:) 그때까지 건강하고 아무 사고없이 밝은 모습으로 만나길 쁘걸들 응원할게요!!

    • @maria7645
      @maria7645 3 года назад +3

      No se lo que dice pero miente

    • @hanna-es8ne
      @hanna-es8ne 3 года назад +2

      @@maria7645 que deben de estar en los mama

    • @태윤-v5l
      @태윤-v5l 3 года назад +1

    • @aranzaramirez1943
      @aranzaramirez1943 3 года назад +1

      Concuerdo, pero rollin no puede ser nominada a soty, sería injusto

    • @keithycortes9403
      @keithycortes9403 3 года назад


  • @grprevelacion7789
    @grprevelacion7789 3 года назад +736

    Enserio que con esta canción y la de we ride se la rifaron
    Necesitaban solo un poquito más de publicidad para que brillarán, definitivamente me convertí en oyente casual

  • @wetbear6892
    @wetbear6892 3 года назад +776

    jk sang this on "in the soop 2" and I came here right after that. this is such a BANGERRRRRR!

  • @hyunbin2632
    @hyunbin2632 Год назад +59

    Thank you Brave Girls ❤️😭

  • @pallavishrotriya230
    @pallavishrotriya230 3 года назад +364

    Tbh I'm actually grateful to brave ent. For not making them disband. They kept going for 10 years without any win. It's a long time for a company to trust a group. Ik about the line change but still. They could have just disbanded brave girls and debuted a new group under a new name. But I wish the company makes better decisions from now on for the group.

    • @Perpetualsify
      @Perpetualsify 3 года назад +37

      Well, what makes this comeback a miracle is the fact that a week right before this suddenly became viral(just ONE WEEK BEFORE), the members themselves were on the brink of disbanding, and were seriously starting to think about careers outside music industry. It’s quite emotional watching them being so grateful in interviews... (excuse my English btw)

    • @TrusfratedJeonBooty7299
      @TrusfratedJeonBooty7299 3 года назад +1

      I’m aware that there were more members but why did they leave ? I know why one of them left ( the manager issue) but I don’t know the rest

    • @seriousleh
      @seriousleh 3 года назад

      @@TrusfratedJeonBooty7299 maybe bc they were tired of brave ent not promoting them enough so they decided to leave but idk I'm just sayin

    • @adelinaapiado2233
      @adelinaapiado2233 3 года назад

      @@TrusfratedJeonBooty7299 health issues and hate issues

  • @labellezachica
    @labellezachica 3 года назад +1230

    Brave Girls just proved us that you shouldn’t give up on your dreams.

  • @jenolevi
    @jenolevi 3 года назад +125

    i already was a fan of brave girls before this song gets famous. now i'm crying because my girls are getting recognized. i love to see it

  • @Strflows
    @Strflows Год назад +36

    Thank you brave girls we will never forget you...

  • @ValandisValley
    @ValandisValley 3 года назад +464

    Not kpop stans saying "I'm not a fan of this group, BUT this song is good!" Jesus, you can enjoy songs without stanning a group. Kpop fan's tribe mentality is insane.

    • @trsrdiamond
      @trsrdiamond 2 года назад +48

      THIS. i get so annoyed when people say that, like is it required to be a stan of the group to like their song? i’m guessing they just want attention and likes because apparently not being a stan of them means their opinion matters more than the ones that do lol

    • @CadeHXH
      @CadeHXH 2 года назад +11

      I agree that kpop stans are insane and the tribe mentality is dumb but you see this everywhere and it doesnt really mean that all the time lol. I can say I'm not a fan of, say, Imagine Dragons but I like their song "Enemy".

    • @finger_me_hard_daddy
      @finger_me_hard_daddy 2 года назад +1

      YES!!! SPEAK LOUDER!!!!. Its getting annoying

    • @kaashvisingh17139
      @kaashvisingh17139 2 года назад +1


    • @blurryface5744
      @blurryface5744 2 года назад +7

      lmao true imagine saying to someone "I dont really support you but you did good" 💀

  • @angquia5319
    @angquia5319 3 года назад +183

    acabo de leer un artículo de ellas y me dejó llorando porque estaban a punto de separarse, PERO que bueno que decidieron no hacerlo. ESPERO QUE A PARTIR DE AHORA TODO LES SALGA GENIAL. EXITOS CHICAS Y FELICIDADES. 💗💗💗💗💗🥺

  • @gatito4210
    @gatito4210 3 года назад +590

    Me apareció en recomendados, gracias señor youtube esta vez lo hiciste bien

  • @zaza-zazaz
    @zaza-zazaz Год назад +48

    The group has a new name now they're the BB Girls because of the copyright of brave entertainement.
    Please support them in their new company.

    • @entropybentwhistle
      @entropybentwhistle 5 месяцев назад +7

      Hopefully more people see this comment. The BB Girls videos deserve way more views.

  • @DK-wy4wq
    @DK-wy4wq 3 года назад +3293

    Rollin' SOTY
    | | | |
    /\ /\ /\ /\

    • @moondust2839
      @moondust2839 3 года назад +74

      the emoji figures😂😂

    • @milkyyy4443
      @milkyyy4443 3 года назад +33

      @@moondust2839 there's probably like 100k people commenting these exact emoji figures rn lmao

    • @christianjudefernandez3647
      @christianjudefernandez3647 3 года назад +7

      What are these?

    • @moondust2839
      @moondust2839 3 года назад +5

      @@milkyyy4443 yup I noticed that after commenting here

    • @moondust2839
      @moondust2839 3 года назад +7

      @@christianjudefernandez3647 I think this is the choreography.

  • @pameladiaz7092
    @pameladiaz7092 3 года назад +841

    Soy la única que vino por el vídeo de Liry Onni¿?
    *Me encantó la canción*

  • @bosshorse
    @bosshorse 3 года назад +22

    사이다터지듯한 청량함이 느껴진다
    나는 왜 이제야 이음악을 듣게된걸까..
    뮤직비디오 보다보면 눈물이난다
    그간의 고생과 노력이 느껴져서
    부디 오래 활동하는모습 보고싶다

  • @jenj2890
    @jenj2890 Год назад +8

    브레이브걸스 좋아요 ~~노래 잘하고, 마니 마니 활동해줘요

  • @imashlee704
    @imashlee704 3 года назад +2649

    Se dan cuenta que casi todos los fandons se reunieron para apoyar a estas chicas super talentosas 💖

    • @0rrorry0
      @0rrorry0 3 года назад +8


    • @kikiloves4719
      @kikiloves4719 3 года назад +181

      O más bien recibieron el apoyo de sus fans y por eso ahora están creciendo y ganándose a su propio fandom...

    • @gomitadecolores4889
      @gomitadecolores4889 3 года назад +72

      @@kikiloves4719 eso iba a comentar , por fin se esta ganando el apoyo que merecen

    • @mrmr7486
      @mrmr7486 3 года назад +137

      No tomes a mal mi comentario, pero antes de que Rollin se hiciera viral en todos los CHARTS y en RUclips absolutamente nadie las apoyaba ya ni siquiera el propio fandom hacía algo, los responsables de todo esto son los del ejército de corea por amar tanto a Brave Girls y salvarlas de la disolución
      Ya siendo viral salieron videos explicando la historia de ellas y muchas personas de otros fandoms se animaron a apoyarlas, escucharon Rollin y les gustó DE CORAZÓN SE LES AGRADECE EL APOYO, PERTENEZCO AL FANDOM DE BRAVE GIRLS DESDE HACE UN AÑO Y EL VER QUE MI GRUPO FAVORITO POR FIN DESPEGA ES INCREÍBLE 🥰 ASI QUE SI TODOS LOS FANDOM SE AN UNIDO PARA APOYAR A LAS CHICAS PERO DESPUÉS DE QUE ROLLIN SE HICIERA VIRAL!

    • @alida_cc
      @alida_cc 3 года назад +24

      @@mrmr7486 Hola, por mi parte me gusta el Kpop pero no me siento identificada por algun grupo, si escucho alguno y me gusta pues lo escucho así no sea conocido. Pero hay tantos grupos en Corea que buscar uno por uno no me da el tiempo. Escuche de ellas por la noticia, pero si me gusta muchisimo su canción y es por eso que la escucho. Me gusta mucho como se combinan bien sus voces, se nota que cada una resalta.

  • @minyoup5688
    @minyoup5688 3 года назад +3640

    Apoyo de LATAM ¡PRESENTE! Demos todo el apoyo que tengamos a estas lindas chicas que se esforzaron por mucho tiempo. Recién las conozco pero sinceramente me conmueve que una de las integrantes haya dicho que los sueños ya no importan a este paso, lo que nos deja entender que ¡nunca es tarde! Todo en esta vida se puede y nuestro momento tarda pero llega, STAN BRAVE GIRLS🙏🏻🥺❤️

    • @전-t7u
      @전-t7u 3 года назад +54

      Hagamos Str33am

    • @stheicynicolaguilarrios2243
      @stheicynicolaguilarrios2243 3 года назад +30


    • @deathrukia90
      @deathrukia90 3 года назад +31

      Hagamos stream!!! ,👌😎

    • @cindymontalvo2195
      @cindymontalvo2195 3 года назад +27

      Presente, ya las estoy siguiendo en toda las redes sociales y en su canal

    • @DanielDiazded316
      @DanielDiazded316 3 года назад +33

      Es emocionante. No seguía ningún grupo de Kpop, pero definitivamente me sumo en esta movida

  • @nekki524
    @nekki524 3 года назад +3734

    I am not a fan but this song is a such a masterpiece and can't get it out of my head!!!!!!!

    • @RANDOM-fx7xt
      @RANDOM-fx7xt 3 года назад +52

      Information about brave girls and they succeed: they debuted in 2011 with the official members 2-3 years past and some of the members leave the company there was one official member of the group and 4 members are Addet in the group and go with the single rollin and one offcial member left.TheM/V (We raid) didn’t make well and the end comes for brave girls,but rollin succeeded and they get 4-5 music show wins and they made a Comeback for the girls cuz rollin safe they disbandment (Sommer Queens) sorry for my bad English lol

    • @nekki524
      @nekki524 3 года назад +10

      @@RANDOM-fx7xt Thank you so much for the suggestion I really appreciate it!!!!!!

    • @nancywheelerr191
      @nancywheelerr191 3 года назад +11

      @@RANDOM-fx7xt ur english is good dear

    • @RANDOM-fx7xt
      @RANDOM-fx7xt 3 года назад +3

      @@nancywheelerr191 thx :)

    • @nancywheelerr191
      @nancywheelerr191 3 года назад

      @@RANDOM-fx7xt wc

  • @joestar9403
    @joestar9403 Год назад +14

    Thank you brave girl and goodbye

  • @luislx6210
    @luislx6210 3 года назад +79

    que bueno que la oportunidad no se perdió.. que bien que estén en la cima otra vez 🤗❤️

  • @ayla911
    @ayla911 3 года назад +481

    They deserve that viral,omg after 4 years i can't believe

  • @luzi8433
    @luzi8433 3 года назад +2287

    Rollin' SOTY
    | | | |
    /\ /\ /\ /\

    • @gulkhushboobajwa2980
      @gulkhushboobajwa2980 3 года назад +39


    • @luzi8433
      @luzi8433 3 года назад +41

      @@gulkhushboobajwa2980 while you find your circus, let's dance Rollin ^^

    • @gulkhushboobajwa2980
      @gulkhushboobajwa2980 3 года назад +2

      @@luzi8433 lol

    • @minachuu4205
      @minachuu4205 3 года назад +5

      They aren’t 4 !!!

    • @luzi8433
      @luzi8433 3 года назад +9

      @@minachuu4205 I know, but the current members are only 4, just that.
      Besides, it is only a copy to support the group, take it easy ~

  • @pkmrosaespinela
    @pkmrosaespinela Год назад +10

    Rollin Rollin Rollin !! 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔

  • @Gabriela-rb9kg
    @Gabriela-rb9kg 3 года назад +423

    el verdadero apoyo del ejercito de corea para estas chicas fue un milagro que lindo
    gracias a historias como esta nos podemos dar cuenta que se puede seguir soñando y lograr lo que nos proponemos así que fighting
    edit: cambie la palabra army a ejercito ya que vi que muchos se confundieron con el fandom de bts

    • @gabrielasubs2489
      @gabrielasubs2489 3 года назад +14

      Si, el ejercito quiere mucho a las chicas (porque en parte son las que más van a visitarlos)

    • @arrozconleche6602
      @arrozconleche6602 3 года назад

      Así se llama el fandom de las chicas ?

    • @andrearubidelarosag4756
      @andrearubidelarosag4756 3 года назад +8

      @@arrozconleche6602 aún no conozco el nombre de su fandom pero ARMY es de BTS. La historia de la chicas con los soldados ( soldados reales) de Korea fue muy bonita. Ellas iban a sus festivales siempre y los soldados del servicio son fanáticos de ellas y las apoyaron muchísimo. Busca sus presentaciones con los del servicio militar, son lo máximo.

    • @frank3972
      @frank3972 3 года назад +2

      Army ?no sé pero el ejército Coreano suena mejor

    • @Gabriela-rb9kg
      @Gabriela-rb9kg 3 года назад +2

      @@frank3972 gracias lo voy a cambiar

  • @lunwth
    @lunwth 3 года назад +348

    Joder, te amo "Rollin", pinche canción espectacular.

  • @Jojo-qg8rz
    @Jojo-qg8rz 3 года назад +105

    Sinceramente vengo xq dicen q está canción está siendo popular en Corea, y bueno soy curiosa y quería escucharla, tiene buena vibra

  • @のん-t1s1m
    @のん-t1s1m Год назад +20


  • @user-dk2t1eo8typ9x
    @user-dk2t1eo8typ9x 4 года назад +472

    진짜 노래랑 아이돌이 아까울 정도로
    회사가 못살리네.... 이런 띵곡을 걷어차는게 아니라 밣아버리네;;

    • @나를찾아서-n6w
      @나를찾아서-n6w 3 года назад +21

      지금 역주행중 ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @honeybaam
      @honeybaam 3 года назад +9

      지금 살아나는중 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @광대-k6m
      @광대-k6m 3 года назад +11

      이분 안목있다

    • @김태연-y6w
      @김태연-y6w 3 года назад +1

      내 원픽은 단발이다 ㅋㅋ 민영인가 저분은 흑발하는게 답인거같음 ㅋㅋ

    • @user-ejieuska01
      @user-ejieuska01 3 года назад

      회사 사장이 이 띵곡 뽑은 건 함정ㅋㅋ

  • @Moxario
    @Moxario 3 года назад +1921

    Alguien está acá por el video de liry?

  • @성욕이없는남자
    @성욕이없는남자 3 года назад +897

    들어도 들어도 질리지 않는 롤린~~

  • @asrafzonan1152
    @asrafzonan1152 Год назад +11

    Thank you for the memories ❤

  • @sssongshine3276
    @sssongshine3276 3 года назад +18

    Brave Girls rollin just surpassed iKONs Love Scenario's PAK and now sitting on 5th place as the song with the most PAKS in history. We iKONICS want to congratulate you and the fandom. You all deserved it. Congratulations 💛

  • @greatistheLORD210
    @greatistheLORD210 3 года назад +188


  • @xx-zf8pm
    @xx-zf8pm 3 года назад +731


    • @gabrielasubs2489
      @gabrielasubs2489 3 года назад +10


    • @SelenaKFC
      @SelenaKFC 3 года назад +6


    • @jeonjimin9208
      @jeonjimin9208 3 года назад +7

      Si, aquí de Perú 😊

    • @mvp9
      @mvp9 3 года назад +6

      acá andamos apoyando a las diosas 😅💖

    • @user-wd1ok7jc5d
      @user-wd1ok7jc5d 3 года назад +5


  • @jensonhuang8450
    @jensonhuang8450 Год назад +2

    Brave Girls , we love you 💕💞💓💗💖💝💘

  • @pauledward2846
    @pauledward2846 3 года назад +161

    | | | |
    Λ Λ Λ Λ

  • @retrobelle9098
    @retrobelle9098 4 года назад +768

    It's a crime how this song didn't get the attention & recognition it deserved! I'm still *mad* about it years later lmao

    • @cxncxrtmxstxr
      @cxncxrtmxstxr 4 года назад +17

      It did blew up a bit but because of improper management and members left...

    • @YOUSRA655
      @YOUSRA655 4 года назад +11

      it's listed as +19 so as much as I got to understand, they couldn't perform it on much music shows
      I'm not really sure about this,
      but I'm sure about the fact that people sleep on them like they're their freaking beds _smh_

    • @piss-v4l
      @piss-v4l 4 года назад

      Batata they did preform on multiple music shows lol wdym

    • @viennacupcake8700
      @viennacupcake8700 4 года назад


    • @ginkamikaze2
      @ginkamikaze2 3 года назад

      well the song itself doesn't know what it wants to be... I know you can mash up different genres and make a kpop song, but this one doesn't have cohesion, isn't catchy and in my opinion just cringy sexualized generic kpop compare this with Stellar Marionette or Vibrato and you'll see what I mean...

  • @the4brother417
    @the4brother417 3 года назад +84

    Intro: Minyoung]
    Brave Girls
    You ready?
    (2Champ beat)
    [Verse 1: Yujeong, Yuna]
    Geu nareul ijji mothae baby
    Nal bomyeo hwanhi utdeon neoui misoe
    Hollin deut I'm fall in love
    But neomu jjokpallime (Nan geujeo)
    Hanmadi maldo mothae baby
    [Pre-Chorus: Minyoung, Hayun, Eunji]
    I wanna you
    Neoui nunbicheun
    Nal jakku ne gyeoteul maemdolge hae
    Just only you
    Gutge dathin nae mami
    Eoneusae muneojyeobeoryeo because of you
    [Chorus: Hayun, Minyoung]
    Ontong neoui saenggakppuniya nado michigesseo
    Neomu bogo sipeo maeil maeil maeil
    Jakku chorahaejijanha nae moseubi
    Geudaeyeo naege malhaejwo saranghandago
    [Refrain: Minyoung, Yuna]
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Haruga meolda hago rolling in the deep
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Gidarigo itjanha baby
    Just only you
    Gidarigo itjanha baby
    Just only you
    [Verse 2: Yuna, Eunji]
    I just wanna be with you
    Oneul bami gagi jeone
    I-I can't feel you jogeum deo dagawa jwo
    Tonight I'm ready for you (Yeah)
    You wanna touch me, I know (I know)
    Daeche mwol gominhae? Ppalli ana
    Anin cheok moreuneun cheok hadaga
    Neutge notchigo huhoe mara
    [Pre-Chorus: Minyoung, Yujeong, Eunji]
    I wanna you
    Neoui nunbicheun
    Nal jakku ne gyeoteul maemdolge hae
    Just only you
    Gutge dathin nae mami
    Eoneusae muneojyeobeoryeo because of you
    [Chorus: Hayun, Minyoung]
    Ontong neoui saenggakppuniya nado michigesseo
    Neomu bogo sipeo maeil maeil maeil
    Jakku chorahaejijanha nae moseubi
    Geudaeyeo naege malhaejwo saranghandago
    [Refrain: Minyoung, Yuna]
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Haruga meolda hago rolling in the deep
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Gidarigo itjanha baby
    Just only you
    [Bridge: Yujeong & Eunji, Minyoung]
    Ije wa sumgiryeo haji mayo (geudaeyeo)
    Anin cheokhaji mayo
    Onjongil nan geudae saenggage jamgin chaero
    Nan idaero gidarigo isseoyo
    [Refrain: Minyoung, Yuna, Both]
    Rollin' rollin' rollin' (Yeah!)
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Haruga meolda hago rolling in the deep
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'
    Gidarigo issjanha baby
    Just-just-just only you
    Gidarigo itjanha baby
    Just only you

    • @물결-q1w
      @물결-q1w 3 года назад

      Thank you for litening have a bice day!

  • @SSD5string
    @SSD5string Год назад +7

    Now this makes me kinda sad. BUT at least digital proof of just how great they were remains and I can witness it anytime I want. In closing, Minyoung, Eunji, Yujeong, & Yuna, the last line-up was the best. ( Yujeong, Yuna....Yuna, Yujeong, I guess I'll forever be torn down the middle.)❤❤❤❤

  • @verinjim3915
    @verinjim3915 3 года назад +32

    Quien lo diría después de 4 años se volvió un éxito en Corea.
    Yo las conocí hace mucho,escuche esa canción que para mi pareció muy buena la canción.
    Lo bueno que al menos obtuvo su reconocimiento ,Aunque tarde pero lo llego a tener.

  • @letiziagarcia7020
    @letiziagarcia7020 3 года назад +594

    yo ya conocía esta canción, pero vine otra vez porque jungkook en el primer cap de in the soop s2 canta esta canción y me dieron ganas de verla de nuevo JSGDHDJSJSD

  • @karlacoronabautista48
    @karlacoronabautista48 3 года назад +101

    Estás chicas lindas tienen mucho talento,hay que darles una oportunidad,APOYO DE LATAM PRESENTE

  • @g0gin0
    @g0gin0 Год назад +49

    Just found out about their disbandment news and binging their music.. it was a wild ride girls but thank you so much for everything. Was so happy to have seen you guys live last year in SF. Really hope you will continue as a group but even if not, I wish nothing but success ❤

  • @rosefan1021
    @rosefan1021 3 года назад +117

    This is good example why you should give opportunity to every group!

  • @シキ-n8p
    @シキ-n8p 3 года назад +602

    That’s why you shouldn’t give up! They may possibly become the second EXID and get their first for almost ten years.

    • @hani4570
      @hani4570 3 года назад +35

      right, everyone nearly knows about EXID maybe they will also have luck

    • @typicallymeee
      @typicallymeee 3 года назад +9

      why are they suddenly doing well? just curious

    • @seungsluvv
      @seungsluvv 3 года назад +47

      @@typicallymeee a compilation of soldiers going wild to this song got viral in korea :)

    • @xXUnrulyXx
      @xXUnrulyXx 3 года назад +8

      EXID was the first Kpop group i really got into.. soljis voice is amazing.

  • @sulisuli8743
    @sulisuli8743 3 года назад +65

    진심 소속사가 이글 봐 줬으면 합니다.
    노래도 좋고 한데 이렇게 해도 안 되고 저렇게 해도 안 되니까 섹시하게 컨셉잡고 그렇게 했던 거 같은데, 브레이브 걸스 노래 들어보니 다 좋더라구요. 그러니까 이제 컨셉 노래에 맞춰서 정석대로 하면 잘 될 거 같아요. 실력도 괜찮아 보이고 각자 매력도 보이고 하튼 잘 되길 바랍니다.

  • @yusukeyoshida1195
    @yusukeyoshida1195 Год назад +23

    この歌好き 辛いことがあってもこれ聞けば勇気出る

  • @jason1198
    @jason1198 3 года назад +50

    Blink here to support Brave Girls! I hope they get their first win because this song is a whole BOP and they have worked so hard for the past few years.

  • @mariafernandamirandagarcia8139
    @mariafernandamirandagarcia8139 3 года назад +70

    Vengo después ver a Liry estás chicas son admirables

  • @fairyprincess5155
    @fairyprincess5155 3 года назад +1323

    i found this song in 2018, about three years ago, and i cannot believe how much love it's getting. i'm very proud of the girls and their success

    • @svppxrt2098
      @svppxrt2098 3 года назад +15

      yeah finally getting the recognition they always deserved

    • @joonsBonsaiFairy
      @joonsBonsaiFairy 3 года назад +9

      @@svppxrt2098 but wasn't this song released in 2020?

    • @svppxrt2098
      @svppxrt2098 3 года назад +12

      @@joonsBonsaiFairy no thats just re uploading imassuming, ruclips.net/video/x0Iogq34jUo/видео.html < heres there comback video performing this song on M countdown in 2017 also in this video you will notice the date in the bottom left when it starts

    • @bartholomeo1292
      @bartholomeo1292 2 года назад +1

      brave girls comeback on march 14. please root for them and listen their music. please, please show them miracle one more time.

    • @PriyanshuKumar-ez6qi
      @PriyanshuKumar-ez6qi 2 года назад +1

      @@joonsBonsaiFairy they reuploaded it...

  • @따흙-c6k
    @따흙-c6k 4 месяца назад +10

    추억의 노래네..그때도 여름이었지

  • @lasonrisadekio612
    @lasonrisadekio612 3 года назад +920

    La mayoría de comentarios son de mis panas de latinoamérica,aquí estamos las kpopers latinoamericanas para apoyarlas 💪❤️😁🥰

    • @ami-th5qo
      @ami-th5qo 3 года назад +21

      no solo de Latinoamérica, no es el único sitio que habla español... ;)

    • @dububear4903
      @dububear4903 3 года назад +6

      No estas solo xd

    • @lilithimagines8685
      @lilithimagines8685 3 года назад +9

      Brasil 💜

    • @luz1631
      @luz1631 3 года назад +12

      Latino o latina se usa para las personas que hablan idiomas derivados del latin como el italiano , portugues , español ect

    • @ale-fy4og
      @ale-fy4og 3 года назад +7

      _Si!¡ Gracias a los ex militares, nos dimos cuenta que este arte existe para podernos reunir y darles el amor que se merecen. ^^♡_

  • @bspjzvttaakat3843
    @bspjzvttaakat3843 3 года назад +43

    Por qué no había conocido este canción antes? Es muy pegajosa, yt que pasa no recomendaste este temazo antes

  • @rafaeljtovar
    @rafaeljtovar 3 года назад +106

    Brave Girls are set to appear on a number of radio shows and entertainment programs beginning next week
    - Brave Girls are also preparing to return on music broadcasts
    - Str3am Rollin clean ver MV guys for SNS points since they're topping Digital Charts

  • @praxedeholy4942
    @praxedeholy4942 Год назад +5

    I just saw an article about their disbanded so i decided to listen to their song for the first time, I choose this song because Jk already danced to this song before. And it's so sad that a good band like them disband. I wish the best for them

  • @palomasuarez5521
    @palomasuarez5521 3 года назад +101

    Estos logramos los fandoms cuando los unimos deberíamos hacerlo seguido

  • @evangelinechetia603
    @evangelinechetia603 3 года назад +191

    This song is just so refreshing and uplifting. I can see why the military guys loves it. Its not in the same level, but when I used to be in hostel without my personal phone, and the warden would give us their phone to call our parents, I used to blast this music in the hallway when it was my turn DSFKLLLDFS For me, this song just gets me going LOL

  • @aroha8052
    @aroha8052 2 года назад +21

    Brave Girls
    You ready?
    그 날을 잊지 못해 babe
    날 보며 환히 웃던 너의 미소에
    홀린 듯 I'm fall in love
    But 너무 쪽팔림에 (난 그저)
    한마디 말도 못해 babe
    I wanna you 너의 눈빛은
    날 자꾸 네 곁을 맴돌게 해
    Just only you 굳게 닫힌 내 맘이
    어느새 무너져버려 because of you
    온통 너의 생각뿐이야 나도 미치겠어
    너무 보고 싶어 매일 매일 매일
    자꾸 초라해지잖아 내 모습이
    그대여 내게 말해줘 사랑한다고
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    하루가 멀다 하고 rolling in the deep
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    기다리고 있잖아 babe, just only you
    (You, you, hey hey)
    (You, you, hey hey)
    (You, you, hey hey)
    기다리고 있잖아 babe, just only you
    Hey, I just wanna be with you
    오늘 밤이 가기 전에
    I can't feel you 조금 더 다가와 줘
    Tonight I'm ready for you (yeah)
    You wanna touch me, I know (I know)
    대체 뭘 고민해 빨리 안아
    아닌 척 모르는 척 하다가
    늦게 놓치고 후회 말아
    I wanna you 너의 눈빛은
    날 자꾸 네 곁을 맴돌게 해
    Just only you 굳게 닫힌 내 맘이
    어느새 무너져버려 because of you
    온통 너의 생각뿐이야 나도 미치겠어
    너무 보고 싶어 매일 매일 매일
    자꾸 초라해지잖아 내 모습이
    그대여 내게 말해줘 사랑한다고
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    하루가 멀다 하고 rolling in the deep
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    기다리고 있잖아 babe, just only you
    이제 와 숨기려 하지 마요
    그대여 아닌 척하지 마요
    온종일 난 그대 생각에 잠긴 채로
    난 이대로 기다리고 있어요
    Rollin', rollin', rollin', yeah
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    하루가 멀다 하고 rolling in the deep
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    기다리고 있잖아 babe, just only you
    (You, you, hey hey)
    (You, you, hey hey)
    (You, you, hey hey)
    기다리고 있잖아 babe, just only you

  • @DjVanillaGuerilla
    @DjVanillaGuerilla 24 дня назад +1

    With how much people like to complain about how skinny and small the Kpop girls are you'd think this group would have done well. They look amazing. They look like women and not school girls. Which is refreshing for a change. They are all so beautiful and elegant.

  • @twiceop378
    @twiceop378 3 года назад +16

    Brave Girls - Rollin' Update March 1-24, 2021:
    1. Top 1 ROK MilBoard - Military Billboard 👨‍✈️
    2. Top 1 Girl Group PAK in History of KPOP
    3. Top 1 Billboard K-POP Hot 100
    4. Top 16 Billboard World Digital Song Sales

  • @lanadeldios
    @lanadeldios 3 года назад +27

    Brave Girls is a kpop girl group who debuted in 2011 and now they got their 1st ever music show win with their song Rollin' that was released 4 years ago. The song went viral on South Korea and they decided to promote the song again after that it also got their 1st ever PAK ever since their 9 years career. MIRACLE DO REALLY HAPPEN CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE GIRLS YOU'RE FINALLY GETTING THE RECOGNITION YOU DESERVE 👏🎉

  • @fajr18yshai
    @fajr18yshai 3 года назад +49

    I honestly thought Deepened would have blown up but Rollin' is really good too. Im soo happy I got to watch them over the years...it just sucks that it took this long for them to get noticed but I am VERY happy for them!

  • @solaire024
    @solaire024 Год назад +9

    I woke up reading an article sayong my girl will disband and their farewell song will be release today .
    support brave girls noatter which path they will cross after the disbandment and stream the fare well song of 4 brave girls 😭😭

  • @micaelachaves2771
    @micaelachaves2771 3 года назад +132

    Acabo de enterarme que esta canción se volvió viral después de 4 años. Quiero felicitarlas porque no se rindieron. Les deseo todo lo mejor. ES UN TEMAZO

    • @almecb8367
      @almecb8367 3 года назад +1

      ciertoooo :D

    • @maurojavier9397
      @maurojavier9397 3 года назад +1

      | | | |
      / \ / \ / \ / \
      ♧Best Song♧ SOTY *

  • @thayssa984
    @thayssa984 3 года назад +765

    Son unas verdaderas guerreras, a punto separarse, este grupo luchando + de 5 años para tener la fama que ahora tienen, son unas guerreras, el éxito del grupo tarde o temprano se iba a dar, antes no tenían nada del reconocimiento que ahora tienen, ahora los programas se pelean por tenerlas en una entrevista, es un grupo lleno de talento, conocí su historia, y estuve muy triste por todo lo que pasaron, a punto de la disolución y sucede un milagro, las estoy staneando y son muy buenas personas.
    *Stan a Brave Girls!!*

    • @Mimitty
      @Mimitty 3 года назад +36

      Si ahora es uno de los Grupos más exitosos de Corea

    • @blinkforever4112
      @blinkforever4112 3 года назад +5


    • @bamtorilu
      @bamtorilu 3 года назад +4


    • @ivanaSM18
      @ivanaSM18 3 года назад +12

      Amo que estas chicas pudieron superar las adversidades y al fin salir adelante, bien dicen por hay "cuando la vida te da cien razones para llorar😐 muéstrale a la vida que tienes mil razones para sonreír .......... 😊😉😉 así que sigue sonriendo", la canción esta muy buena, tienen mucho talento ojala les valla muy bien en el futuro ¡las felicito! 💜😘

    • @dani-ss1th
      @dani-ss1th 3 года назад +1


  • @dansky03
    @dansky03 3 года назад +59

    Bring back Rollin and other Brave Girls songs on SPOTIFY‼️‼️😭

  • @nekonekonekonekonekoneko
    @nekonekonekonekonekoneko Год назад +7

    still my fave song! ♥️ We love you Brave Girls 😢💜💜💜 i am forever Fearless

  • @vivtynio3446
    @vivtynio3446 4 года назад +386

    So how many version of this song already? The Girls need a proper comeback with New songs wow brave smh

    • @makaylagrant873
      @makaylagrant873 4 года назад +45

      From what I've heard it's a reupload since it was originally on stone ent channel however their contract with that company ended, that's why they're reuploading on this channel so their music is still up and gaining views

  • @gabrielabautista5024
    @gabrielabautista5024 3 года назад +379

    Talvez a muchos no le gusto porque el concepto no encaja con la canción, la canción es más de verano y ellas tiene un concepto más oscuro, si el concepto del vídeo fuera más de playa o una alusión al verano talvez con tomas en la selva ellas con ropas sueltas blancas o floreadas corriendo de aquí para haya sería ufff
    Si volvieran a hacer el MV para más veraniego la acertaría muy bien por qué la rola esta de poca madre.

    • @sofiaxmedinah
      @sofiaxmedinah 3 года назад +13

      Pienso lo mismo, la canción es estupenda pero el problema es el concepto que no combina. Me encantaría ver un reboot de esta canción con el concepto adecuado ❤

    • @soledadgomez6530
      @soledadgomez6530 3 года назад +9

      ya hay uno que salió el año pasado

    • @umaruchan6184
      @umaruchan6184 3 года назад +6

      Aparte para los estándares de cualquier vídeo de Kpop es demasiado sencillo. Me sorprende que solo sean ellas bailando en una escenografía cuando grupos que debutan tienen muchísimo más producción.
      Es un ejemplo de como un buen producto que se publicita pobremente puede llegar a fallar.

    • @umaruchan6184
      @umaruchan6184 3 года назад +2

      @@maaaax1418 como dice el título es una nueva versión del vídeo. La primera versión es está .

    • @miolnga
      @miolnga 3 года назад +3

      La versión de 1thek de 2018 tiene ese concepto

  • @Cookie91
    @Cookie91 3 года назад +2069

    Aespa’s NingNing said that she’s a fan of Brave Girls

    • @estuardoe.mendez2189
      @estuardoe.mendez2189 3 года назад +81

      Then I'll become fan of ningning :)

    • @c-alystegia
      @c-alystegia 3 года назад +34

      @@Sanyu-Tumusiime The brand reputation ranking in Korea says otherwise

    • @ilham6360
      @ilham6360 3 года назад +20

      And Karina likes this song

    • @luv.fluffychan
      @luv.fluffychan 3 года назад +20

      @@Sanyu-Tumusiime they are actually growing (brave girls) but it is actually true since brave girls came from a small company unlike aespa

    • @Sanyu-Tumusiime
      @Sanyu-Tumusiime 3 года назад +5

      @@c-alystegia consumer participation, media coverage, interaction, and community awareness indexes together is not the same as popularity

  • @haunold_music
    @haunold_music Год назад +10


  • @yoonscaffe3905
    @yoonscaffe3905 3 года назад +168

    they are brave girls
    they literally Said it I can't even sit properly on a chair then we got them dancing on a chair

  • @아임미-y5o
    @아임미-y5o 3 года назад +44

    어쩌면 씨스타가 될수도 있는 곡이었는데 제작 과정에서 녹음이 잘못되서 그냥 어쩔수 없이 나온게 아니고서야 어떻게 이런 곡으로 저런 컨셉을 짤수가 있냐
    게다가 17년도라는게 더 놀랍다 한창 레드벨벳 트와이스 오마이걸 같은 밝고 청량한 아이돌 컨셉이 활개를 칠때 였는데 용형 혼자만 나인뮤지스 시절로 백투더퓨처 해부렸네

  • @picklsjazmin
    @picklsjazmin 3 года назад +201

    Nada que ver el Mv con la canción en fin pido humildemente que estás chicas sigan triunfando

    • @villegastavaresalexaguadal8254
      @villegastavaresalexaguadal8254 3 года назад +10

      No es el MV solo es el dance practice uwu

    • @SUKURA2810
      @SUKURA2810 3 года назад

      @@villegastavaresalexaguadal8254 pero tiene razón, acabo de leer que la una de las razones por las que la canción no funcionó en su momento fue precisamente que el concepto no coincidía con la canción y la actitud alegre de ellas porque era muy obscuro y atrevido, lo importante que son los detalles es increíble

    • @shalys0322
      @shalys0322 3 года назад +3

      Bajo presupuesto beibi... pero la cancion super cool,, espero reciban el reconocimiento q merecen hasta lograr la estabilidad que requieren.

    • @GS-sd3hc
      @GS-sd3hc 3 года назад +1

      Tiene una versión que esta bonita, búscala.

  • @semejstvotrpkovski203
    @semejstvotrpkovski203 4 месяца назад +8

    Def one of the biggest hits in kpop

  • @elizabethtorres7113
    @elizabethtorres7113 3 года назад +52

    Bueno, ya tenía varios días que había leído su historia y no había podido entrar pero hoy me declaro fan de Brave Girls, ELF y fan de purple kiss. ¡Vamooooooos! Ustedes pueden chicas, jamás se den por vencidas !Nueva fan desde Ciudad de México! ¡Vamos! Apoyemos a reproducir para que reconozcan su gran talento. No dejemos de reproducir.

  • @Yuth54320
    @Yuth54320 3 года назад +294

    롤린 같은 청량한 노래를 이런 의상에 이런 분위기 세트장에서 찍다니..! 회사가 너무 감이 없었다!!

    • @GC-jm9vo
      @GC-jm9vo 3 года назад +10

      그렇게 사람들이 댓글몰이해서
      뮤비 다시찍었는데 더망했었음

    • @sanyou3821
      @sanyou3821 3 года назад +4

      이미 그렇게 했는데
      오히려 쫄딱망했는데
      아무것도 모르고 함부로 말하지 말것

    • @mogw4444
      @mogw4444 3 года назад +2

      @@sanyou3821 그건쫌 맘이아프네요ㅜ 쁘걸자체가뜬번 다행임

    • @CHOI-r4g
      @CHOI-r4g 3 года назад +4

      @@GC-jm9vo 그땐 뮤비가 문제가 아니라 브레이브걸스 자체가 이름이 없어서 문제였음. 그래도 이 뮤비 덕분에 군인들 한테라도 인기 얻어서 역주행한거

      @DJSANSAM 3 года назад +1

      돈이 없으니 그렇지

  • @iluvnum
    @iluvnum 3 года назад +114

    Que estuvimos haciendo tanto tiempo sin escuchar este tema-???!!!

    • @yo-by7vj
      @yo-by7vj 3 года назад +3

      Y más si escuchas su historia yo casi lloro 😔

  • @tanti__ssi
    @tanti__ssi 7 месяцев назад +6

    Miss them so much🤧

  • @yadikpop11
    @yadikpop11 3 года назад +40

    esta canción es una joyita que toca desempolvarla y hacerla sonar por todo el mundo tienen una nueva fans