Badminton 2001 - All England Men's Double Final - Candra & Sigit vs. Tony & Halim
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- Badminton 2001 All England Men's Double Final - Candra Wijaya & Sigit Budiarto (Indonesia) vs Tony Gunawan & Halim Haryanto (Indonesia)
Ketika di tahun 2001... Tiga ganda Putra Indonesia masuk semi final All England... Flandi Limpele /Eng hian.
Toni Gunawan/Halim Heryanto. Serta Chandra Wijaya/Sigit Budiarto..
Sejarah itu akhirnya dapat terulang 21 tahun kemudian...di All England 2022
Kali ini di wakil oleh 'the Minion's', 'Daddies' dan 'BaKri'... oh
Sejarah memang suka Berulang...
Dann bakri juaranya
4 players, 4 different styles, 4 legends, 1 nation : Indonesia
4 orang ini ditukar pasangan pun tetap masuk final ke empat2nya...😮
4 player badminton legend dari indonesia dengan skill tingkat dewa..sigit,candra,tony dan hariyanto halim.
Cari video Legend Ricky / Rexy...nemuin video ini, 2 pasang ganda putra Indonesia yg gak kalah Legend di Final All England . Auto nonton 😁
Memang pasangan doble kita saat itu sedang berjaya
These 4 Indonesian players have the greatest "form" in badminton of all times (and of course credit must go to the coaches that trained them). Their form and technique is very very efficient and powerful. I personally like Halim Haryanto the most.
r89 I thought I was alone. Same here. Kevin Sanjaya cant even compare to these 4. Halim just recently became my clubs head coach.
upy0ur5 where do you live? Kevin sanjaya actually sigit budiarto's student back then in djarum academy before move to the national training center. Kevin isn't that powerful like these guys but i skills and creativity he is actually much better and suits the modern badminton. speed I don't know who's faster.
arsen 1618 I live in San Diego California. Coach Halim is head coach at SDBCC. Come by if youre ever visiting my area. I personally found the games now a days generic. Kevin seems like a very fast but less refined Sigit. Hendra on the other hand, is unbelievably good. By far, he and Ahsan are the closest that it gets to these 4. Also, the rally scoring is what I feel contributed to the games feeling less intense. The old scoring made the 4 Indonesian legends have to take into consideration that some games were going to take forever. Same with Taufik during his 2004 Olympics. I was pissed when I heard the BWF was considering making rally scoring only 11 points.
upy0ur5 i agree with you. The scoring system is the one that affected the game the most. In the past, if you made a mistake, you still got a chance with second service, but now it’s a point for your opponent. That’s why players, especially in men double really focus on gaining points by doing short rally. In that case, I think we can’t really compare the generation before and after the 15 points system, because we never know how good they will play if they use this scoring system
Wajib di tonton pertandingan yg spektaculer dan jarang terjadi di mna pemain satu team bertanding merebut gelar dunia. Semua hebat..
The level of badminton they play is simply amazing. Constantly out-maneuvering each other with clever placement, various shots, and change of pace, not just keeping smashes and smashes like most MD badminton game nowadays.
Very true. Now a days, its only Kevin Sanjaya or Yuta Watanabe who play very creative. Before them, Hendra Setiawan and Koo Kien Kiet. Maybe even Mathias Boe and Lee Yong Dae. Before, it was every top 10 pair and it was to the point even the power players do deception and touch shots.
Men's Double at their very best.
I thought Hendra Setiawan is/was the best technician, the genius and legend on the making. But these four amazing Indonesian players are just as good as Hendra, even better. Tony Gunawan, what a player. Genius !
I think every era has their own respective great players, and in his generation, Tony Gunawan was one of the best, if not THE best MD player at the front court. Beside Sigit, i think his fiercest competitor at the front court was Yoo Yong Sung from South Korea.
Yoo Yong Sung is a great player, him and Lee Dong Soo was just amazing together.
Jesus...these 4 legends. The speed of the shuttle so damn fast. The perfect stroke not just like these days, just smash over and over to gain points. The defense both pairs are solid and the attacking play so vicious. What a golden era !
These smashes seem much harder than now a days. At least from Candra and Halim. What happened Yonex? Lol
Two olympic champion seperated and face each other : Tony Gunawan and Chandra Wijaya.Both pair were unseeded. That use indicated how good and great Indonesian players at the time.
ya allah, dulu nonton ini dibela belain bangun tengah malam 😁
3 pasangan indonesia di semi final all england , bangga banget pasti pelatihnya
1 pasangan lagi siapa Indonesia disemifinal ?
@@herumegiansyah1113Eng hian/flandy limpele
@@herumegiansyah1113flandy limpele/eng hian
In 2022 all England, again, the history repeat ALL INDONESIAN FINAL!
Classic games :) really love them... I even had to awake till midnight to watch some of their games...
Man, these players seem way more skilled than players now and the games seem way faster back then than now.
My first favorite would always be Candra! ^^ He was more stable and consistent most of the time. But all of them were so great and it was always nice to watch any men's double match.
Oh how I miss those old days.. I don't really like the new scoring system.
true, for some reason I feel like chandra was so underrated.
amazing badminton all indonesian final all england championship...super bigh matc
Set 1 dimenagkan sama Halim and Tony dan setelah saya hitung jikalau itu setiap poin dihitung, maka ada 22 poin Sigit / Candra yang tak terhitung dan 21 poin Halim dan Toni yang tak terhitung karena imbas simtem klasik (pindah bola). Lah jika kalau poinnya digabung (dihitung sesuai aturan reli poin), maka 15 + 21 = 36 poin dan 13 + 22 = 35 poin. Bayangin aja itu kalau tiap match cuma pindah pindah doang tanpa poin? Gak kebayang lah tenaga yang dikeluarkan... Cmiiw 😂
tapi dulu malah asyik menegangkan dg Poin 15 ini
Penonton di buat lebih dag dig dug .kdg pemaen ktinggalan poin jauh ,bisa menyusul dan nikung hingga menang .
menegangkan sekali kan ??
Sensasinya luar biasa bagi Penonton.
dri dlu smp skrg dimna2 da ajang bulutangkis psti rame bget.smp skrg 2022 sering mnjdi tradisi all indonesia difinal,sprti kmaren all indonesia jga.the dadies vs the babies,indonesia juara
Bukan hanya regenerasi pemain yg mulus di ganda putera, tapi juga regenerasi pelatih yg berjalan dg sangat baik
setelah tau daddies dan bakri ketemu di final AE 2022, langsung ke sini
MD are played with a fast pace and yet they could perform such a great display of technique and various skilfull shots. they would easily win tournaments if playing in the present of time.
Worth to mention that the 1st seed in the tournament was Flandy Limepele and Eng Hian, but they lost to Tony and Halim in the semifinal. That time when we have 3 greatest pairs, 6 legends.
Minimal tiap era, kita punya 3 pasang mens double di rangking 10 besar, era 90 an ada ricky / rexy, gunawan / bambang supriyanto, Dan antonius / denny kantono, era pertengahan 90 - 2000an ada candra/sigit, tony / halim, Dan flandy /eng hian, era2000an ke atas ada kido / hendra, alven yuliAnto / luluk hadiyanto, dan ahsan / bona septano, sedangkan era now ada Kevin/markus, hendra / ahsan dan fajar / rian.
11:50 14:20 what a smash and 15:50 Halim even knew that
ya Allah mudah2an thn 2018 bsa kya gni indonesia all final
Kak, jadinya 2022 hehe
Pemain dulu staminanya pasti josss.. meski cuma 15 poin/babak. Tapi dengan model orang 1-orang 2, pasti butuh ketahanan fisik luar biasa. Ditambah pemain dulu error pukulannya nya minim. Sangat disiplin 👍🏻.. luar biasa para legend
Justru sistem 15 poin ini jauh lebih capek drpd yg 21 poin. Belum lagi harus pindah bola dulu kalo mau dapat poin. Tp yahh mgkn jaman dulu diuntungkan dengan tidak terlalu banyak event kejuaraan badminton di tingkat internasional, intensitasnya tidak sbyk era skrg.
@@caturutomo443 betul, dulu event nya tidak sepadat, serapat sekarang. Kalau skrng memang permainan poin cepat mau gak mau harus bermain cermat.
Muridnya herry ip yg udah jadi pelatih yaitu tony (amerika), flandy limpele (india), dan enghian (indonesia), sigit (indo junior)
Badminton was more enjoyable before the they switched it into rally system.
This old classics are just pure joy to watch 😌
yg bikin jago ini pelatihnya, sampe skrg dia yg pegang kevin n markus jg ya.. hebat....
Kalau tidak salah pak pier iman pierganaldi dari akhir tahun 90an. CMIIW
History repeating, All Indonesian Final again in MD All England 2022
Kesini untuk bilang kalau besok :
First ever ALL-INDONESIAN FINAL at the #AllEngland since 2001 (also MD, Tony Gunawan/Halim Haryanto vs Sigit Budiarto/Candra Wijaya).
Muhammad Sohibul Fikri/Bagas Maulana vs Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan!!
Siapa kita? INDONESIA!
#AllEngland2022 #YAE22
moga dikejuaraan berikutnya bs spt ini all indonesia
They should release blu-rays of badminton matches from all times.. would have bought them!!
paling senang lihat pengembalian bakchand 3x berturut turut sebelum di-push dengan smash menit ,11.40 ..GG😇👍
Besok Bakri Daddies gini lagi dongg
I have many Chinese friends, I'm a local. But u have to clear ur mind, racism is everywhere, happen in every country, sir/ma' US, China, Europe, just name it!! The most important is, make a gold achievement and people (& ur country) will respect you! C'est La Vie...That's life...FACE IT !
Hebatnya ganda putra indonesia setiap generasi selalu muncul 2-3 ganda hebat : era 90an ada (edy-gunawan, ricky-rexy, deni kantono-antonius, gunawan-bambang) ; (candra-sigit, toni-halim, flandi-eng hian) dan dari dulu musuh abadi korea, cina, malaysia di era sekarang bertambah dg jepang, taipe, india, denmark
Prmainan ganda putra jaman halim.toni.candra.sigit ini yg skrng d pakai pmain2 china saat ini y itu menyerang dan trus menyerang..justru sblik ny dengan ganda putra skrng malah bnyak main bola2 lambat sperti net.dropshot dan justru malah malas menyerang...
Sigit's reverse cut is very beautiful.
Nonton ini di 2022, mantap👍👍👍
Siapa setter terbaik yg pernah dimilikki Indonesia ?
1. Tjun Tjun
2. Christian Hadinata
3. Eddy Hartono
4. Tony Gunawan
5. Chandra Wijaya
6. Hendra Setiawan
7. Kevin Sanjaya
List ini blm diurut dari yg terbaik.
Dua duan nya hebat & idola semua
servisnya tony raketnya bs dibawah banget gitu, dan servenya tetep oke. pemain skrg jarang yg bs serve dengan posisi raket serendah itu, kebanyakan illegal skrg.
Wkwkw awalnya aja di bawah lama lama pas mau mukul kok nya naik sampe dada haha
Emg mnrtq Di bawah cih
Jaman dimana pertandingan bisa cukup lama karena poin masih 15, masih ada istilah serve 1-2
Luar biasa. Indonesia...❤❤❤❤❤
Zaman saya Ade chandra christain hadinata.Mantap permain nya
Dan rival nya : Tjun Tjun & Johan Wahyudi
The match of the century :)
Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo is Sigit Budiarto's student. look how Kevin plays like his teacher. cool!
imho, sigit is way cooler than kevin. and as for their partner, candra are more skillfull than marcus.
I see similarities in net play but Sigit is certainly better overall. Everyone in this videos era had godly endurance on top of power. Now a days, not so much as its just mostly smashing. Also, the new radar system measures the swing speed to get closer to Tan Boon Heong's 493 km/h smash record. Take any of the new measurements and subtract by 125, and you got the old radar system's read. So 493 is actually 368 km/h with the old system. Which is above Fu Haifeng's 332 for sure. Halim here was cranking around upper 290s for sure so thats actually terrifying since in actual matches, a 280 and beyond is basically invisible to the average player. Taufik and his prime is around the same so that makes him another Indonesian monster. Then Haryanto Arbi would be around 300+.
upy0ur5 today's game focus on drives way more now compared to before it's totally different now
Edwin lam but sigit’s net play at his peak performance like this and wc 2003 is still better than today’s kevin
20:41 Coach Dragon Fire, Harry IP still the best
Coach MD Terbaik sepanjang masa......
Kapan ya momen seperti ini terulang kembali final AE all indonesia
Tahun 2022 keulang lagi nih , dan sama2 dari MD pula
tipe permainannya cepat adu drive+smash keras..sekarang ganda indonesia gak ada tipe kyak gini.yg gaya mainnya kayak gini hendra setiawan pas sama kido.tipikal permainan ini dipakai tiongkok sekarang
jo ra tipe permainan gini justru khas punya ganda2 putra indo, bro. tipikal adu drive+ smash + variasi speed permainan. ganda2 tiongkok sama korea justru mainnya lebih murni speed + power. makanya ganda putra kita terkenal tricky dan susah dilawan karena ga cuma speed+power.
gns3983 Bener banget, yang udah keliatan tuh pasangan kevgid 😁😁
Indonesia memang banyak jago" badminton internasional.
good old days
jaman dimana indonesia sangat2 gacor di MD. saingannya korea, malaysia, denmark
Mantap permain nya.
Sejak dulu Indonesia sudah sering All Indonesian Final🫶🏻
Semangat tuk yg yunior mga2 tambah hebat
Kangen saya sama aksi player ini
Legenda 🥰
Legenda Indonesia👌
once upon a time where technique was far more important than merely using power to score a point.. (21 vs 15)
Power will eventually come once the proper technique is executed.
Halim Haryanto mrpkn anak menantu dari Kartono Hariatmanto dua kali huara All England saat dg Rudi Heryanto dan Kartono dua kali juara piala Dunia saat brpaetner dg Liem Swie King
Lebih suka sistem poin pindah bola. Selain lebih seru, jg sebagai ciri khas point badminton dengan cabang lain yg pakai raĺy point
Tony Gunawan spt Park Joo Bong, dipasangkan dg siapapun ttp oke
kpn bisa seperti ini lgi final all indonesia
Lahh ini siapa yg menang woii..? Upload kok gak sampe kelar match nya 😂
The legend.. ❤️❤️
proud of INDONESIA
wajib malu
senayan biang ribut.
lihatlah , berjuang untuk NKRI
Bangga jadi Indonesia...
Badminton 2001 - All England Men's Double Final - Candra & Sigit vs. Tony & Halim
Pas zaman ini pasti kevin dan markus masih main layang layangan 😂
Dan coach herry IP pula dibalik ke 4 orang ini....
Kevin masih Tk mungkin
@@56fbb2 bukan lah tapi coch Cristian hadinata
Dulu abis game, selain tas sama tempat2nya juga di bawa ya....? ^_^
2 set aja hampir 1 jam melelahkan sekali pertandingan sistem yang lama, pantas saja mainnya tidak secepat permainan jaman now.
Pemain dulu ke nya tinggi2 banget gada yang pendek ya.
Mereka geset ganas garang
"Indonesian couch...doesn't he look happy??"
Indonesian MD at its best :)
Can you upload the third set ???? I've been searching for that
tony pas servis lirikannya imut imut maut 😂. anyway... really good match to see
20-03-2022 kembali terjdi
Dulu papan skor di layarnya cuma bendera negaranya aja ya ga dikasih nama. Bingung liatnya skor siapa 😅
Tony sma halim mereka sekarang warga negara amerika,,
Gak ada peluang ngelatih di PBSI....direkrut AS jadi pelatih kemudian jadi WN AS...
Super Epic badminton MD ^^
dulu smpe tua tua masih konsisten ya,,,,skarang klo udh kalah 2,3,4x seterus nya gk pda semangat
all indonesia final ,
Login 🗿
goddamn they were so FAST
Mash blom banyak merk raket pastinya
Md Indonesia is the best
Lis skor
All indonesian final all england
Komentator masih Oma Gill