The way you feel about the IDF name thing is how I feel about the WWF/WWE name thing. It had been known as the WWF for decades. They aren't even in the same industry. Moot point now, but it's the principle of the thing.
Loved “dishwasher simulator” best 5 hours of my life, 10/10 great critiques, every second I was questioning my existence :D the only thing that I didn’t like as much was the ending because of [spoilers]. I would however like to say something about it in the replies of my comment only for it to be a little hidden.
Yeah, so since the first time we saw dishwasher phone guy it was clear that the guy was conspiring against us. I personally thought through the whole game that the guy was some kind of false helper or rat or whatever who wanted us to snitch on an underground net of scapist test subjects lol. The biggest giveaway was that he had access to the object spawning holes and even though this whole place was more surveiled than the average American citizen we were supposed to believe that some random phone was just... let through? And not only that but at no point in time “the administrators” did anything in order to remove the phone or attack the guy, he’s never in a hurry even though he claims that he’s going against the administrators who have complete control over this place and so on. What did leave me with a little of a mystery was the giant moon eyeball who was telling the protagonist that he was just a pawn at best, and was only being manipulated by actors who greatly overpowered him and that were inherently outside of his control. Was he just another representative of the administrators? (Which seems correct, I think) Or something else? Who is in the other side of the chess game? What purpose do the tests serve for? Questions that I don’t think I could get an answer to if I watched the whole five hours again. I now also wonder if there is some other kind of alternative ending in which you complete every upgrade, get very object, tool, piece of furniture or something, like to show your loyalty to the administrators (instead of just trying to scape). It likely doesn’t exist, and the administrators suck anyway but I think it would be cool.
Honestly great stream! Though she wasted all the time carrying dishes and items 1 at a time. Also, you can place the sink below the hole so all the dishes drop right there
Thanks...needed a little Mouse today and this works perfect
Imagine playing this game and wasting so much time carrying each individual item back to the elevator rather than carrying the crate with you.
The way you feel about the IDF name thing is how I feel about the WWF/WWE name thing. It had been known as the WWF for decades. They aren't even in the same industry. Moot point now, but it's the principle of the thing.
Mouse no!!! You'll get sucked in !!! late,see what I did? You was already sucked's the TimeWsong!
Loved “dishwasher simulator” best 5 hours of my life, 10/10 great critiques, every second I was questioning my existence :D the only thing that I didn’t like as much was the ending because of [spoilers]. I would however like to say something about it in the replies of my comment only for it to be a little hidden.
Yeah, so since the first time we saw dishwasher phone guy it was clear that the guy was conspiring against us. I personally thought through the whole game that the guy was some kind of false helper or rat or whatever who wanted us to snitch on an underground net of scapist test subjects lol. The biggest giveaway was that he had access to the object spawning holes and even though this whole place was more surveiled than the average American citizen we were supposed to believe that some random phone was just... let through? And not only that but at no point in time “the administrators” did anything in order to remove the phone or attack the guy, he’s never in a hurry even though he claims that he’s going against the administrators who have complete control over this place and so on.
What did leave me with a little of a mystery was the giant moon eyeball who was telling the protagonist that he was just a pawn at best, and was only being manipulated by actors who greatly overpowered him and that were inherently outside of his control. Was he just another representative of the administrators? (Which seems correct, I think) Or something else? Who is in the other side of the chess game? What purpose do the tests serve for? Questions that I don’t think I could get an answer to if I watched the whole five hours again.
I now also wonder if there is some other kind of alternative ending in which you complete every upgrade, get very object, tool, piece of furniture or something, like to show your loyalty to the administrators (instead of just trying to scape). It likely doesn’t exist, and the administrators suck anyway but I think it would be cool.
It's a jump to the left...Rocky Horror Baby!!!Ayee!!! Let's go!!!
Of course
Honestly great stream! Though she wasted all the time carrying dishes and items 1 at a time. Also, you can place the sink below the hole so all the dishes drop right there
Mouse,my have a page dedicated to you?
It's Connors house, IRL/