@paggled what i specifically mean is SM2 had a model viewer that leaked, and each model wass named after their tabletop counterpart. It listed Infantry Squad and Heavy Weapons Squad, rather than listing Cadian Shock Troops
Started with them with all the power lifter sentinels (but no regular ones) everywhere, It makes me think someone at Saber has a bunch of these collecting dust in a closest somewhere.
In Hammer and Bolter: Cadia Stands, a Cadian sergeant or whatever tells some scared messenger dude, "They destroyed the ground we walked on. But Cadia is more than that. Cadia is ~us~. Cadia is everywhere now."
I like the change to the Datasheets, I just wish they’d be “Scout Squad,” “Line Squad,” and “Veteran Squads” instead of “Catachans,” “Cadians,” and “Death Korps.”
Sorry that would make sense. They should do the same to space marines if they want to pretend this is a good idea. No more chapter rules just take up to 3 squads of 'salamanders' then you're done.
@@keyanklupacs6333 Still doesn't fix the problem though, as it still lacks the NORMAL squad, and forces people to need to change their army models/painting to define which is which.
@@1701Emperor the fact that the models are tied to rules DOES. They should create generic datasheets and simply allow us to choose which man with a rifle aesthetic I prefer, but they don't, the datasheet is death korps of krieg not "veteran guardsmen" unless they specifically create a designers note I am forced by the rules to play THAT KIT because no model no rules / "muh wysiwyg"
@keyanklupacs6333 who gives a shit about any of that? The rules are just generalised... when you are playing with your mates just point out what each model is meant to be....
- Nobody asked for it - Fixes a problem that wasn't a problem in the first place - Lessens the flavor of the faction - Makes the rules more complex for no reason Yep, it's 10th edition codex time
From the beginning I have not played a single game of 10th edition because the oversimplified rules felt like an insult to our intelligence. There has been nothing for me in this entire edition and yet they somehow keep finding shit that was fun and remove it anyway, and I've clammed up for the most part but this, this is just further death of fluff and flavour all the previous editions had in spades. And sure the rules were a bit gunked up with and choices of things to take, but completely killing off the psychic phase was not necessary, it just fucking wasn't.
When has this game ever not been army building, I thought it was best to make simplified rules because they cant write rules. GW writes some of worse rules I have ever seen and anything decent they remove. warhammer fantasy, 40k epic, necromunda, battlefleet gothic, mordheim. Discontinued to crawl back years later.
Making squads that are specific to the different regiments seems very odd. I assumed they'd have different detachments that would mimic the regiments, similar to what they've done with other armies.
@@bonemarrow1000 Those weren't really that different. They had flak armour, lasguns, and commissars to shoot them. Orks used to have separate units for each clan, but pretty much all but the Deathksulls were the exact same. Guard were the same.
There is now a separate datasheet with individual loadout options and rules for Infantry Squads. Heavy Weapons Teams and Command Squads, offering more chances for strategy and synergies.* * The generic Platoon Command Squad and Platoon Infantry Squad datasheets have been removed - but there’s nothing to stop you from using one of the three archetypes for your own infantry. Do your Mordians have more in common with Cadia or with Krieg?
@@cyclone8974 nothing except the need to convert them to one of these options by dropping the heavy weapons and scrounging special weapons and sgt upgrades
In some ways, Guard had it so much better in 9th when they let you pick and choose 2 different rules so you could run your army the way you envisioned it. It was so great for your own homebrew Regiment and the flexibility/creativity it allowed.
@@thisisabsolutelystup Well, then I guess GW thinks us IG players need to thank them because this time they are giving us about a year before completely redoing everything (again).
GA is writing rules for no one. Who plays their guard army as a conglomeration of three completely distinct forces, each with their own paint scheme and what not? 99% of people play one regiment. Either one from the lore or homebrew. All this is going to do is add 10 minutes of explanation before each battle of “this is a catachan motor, and this is a krieg command squad and th-“
@@_Morph1ne_ I play my force as 4 distinct regiments. same bases but different models based off of specialisation, this is after all how the lore has always described the guard. Still pissed off by the previews though.
Reminds me of an old comment about the Orks "It used to be (around 2nd edition) that specific Ork units had to come from specific Clans (Kommandos had to be Blood Axes, Stormboyz had to be Goffs etc), and, as a result, ork armies looked like they had just raided a paint factory instead of, you know, Orky." (could be the wrong wording, but that's the general idea)
@@CainAhlin Yeah, but other factions, like space marines, still have a lot of their sub-faction flavor and special units. Guard over the last 20 years have lost A LOT of full regiments, units, and characters. Most of the Guard's past is gone. Yarrick, Creed, Vostroyans, Mordians, Steel Legion, etc, etc. Its sad to see it all go. I know they want to focus on current model kits, but a lot of older players still have a lot of these units.
Mechanised assault detachment, so basically a steel legion detachment. That you have to take as Krieg, Cadian or Catachan because you can’t have an infantry squad. Smart decision
GW: "We have too many datasheets to balance... How can we fix this?" Someone: "Stop making redundant ones and have the differences be in the main faction rules?" GW: "Ah, I know! I'll drop nearly all of the interesting Forge World kits into Legends and make a singular kit is technically three different units with slightly different rules and names that allude to a specific regiment! Oh, and we'll make it cost the exact same no matter what weapons are in the squad so we have less to balance. Maybe throw in some cardstock tokens for a different game system in exchange for adding $20 to the price." Someone: "But what if someone wants to play a less famous Guard regiment? You know, the ones you have been creating for the last three decades. Or maybe even their own homebrew one?" GW: "Well then they'd better get used to those Vostroyans or whoever they want to play being Cosplaying Cadians. Oh, and if we see any 3D printed minis as proxies for units that have been in production for longer than a fair number of our players have even been alive we WILL start breaking kneecaps again. Just ask Pederson in accounting, we'll do it."
We just got dozens of detachments. This may be a step back here, but the edition is far more dynamic than previous editions. And things are getting better all the time.
No they are not rules changes happening every 3 months , every army runs the same list witb only 1 or 2 detacments are actually useful , boring ass secondary missions borning ass primary mission , like hell even in 9th the mission where dynamic and fun and each list was different of every faction @@rookcapcoldblood2618
@@rookcapcoldblood2618major cope. You say it’s dynamic but how? They’ve removed heaps of things that added nuance and flavour to the game and replaced it with gotcha rules and handholding. Cool you have detachments, but you’ve lost a multitude of troops and flavour.
@@TheLoremasterNojah no this is like if ork kommandos were called blood axes and shoota boys were called bad moons and slugga boyz were called goffs. And they all had wildly different appearences and looked like they didnt belong in the same army.
Well, like he said, remove the option to add heavy weapons to basic guard because you want heavy weapons attached to their own box set. I.e, they want you to buy two boxes instead of one. Tl;dr, insert gif of Mr. Krabs saying "I like money" here.
I’ve been collecting T’au and Chaos Knights since 2023 and this feels like a stab in the heart, I don’t want my favorite enemy faction to get screwed up
I’ve been collecting Guard since 2000 and this is definitely up there for worst changes I’ve seen. Someone take me back to the 13th Black Crusade or the Armageddon or Vostroyan campaigns when we were encouraged to have fun and create interesting regiments.
Actually get the hell out, GW. I thought they couldn't get stupider than removing conscripts, vets and spec squads, now they removed the ability to even have your BASIC generic units to make your own army. They have lost track of what 40k is.
The proud (and 20 yo) 56th threshold Grenadiers. A heavy infantry unit has dropped from just under 200 men to 8 plus some Ogryns (what with the heavy weapon squads being ruled out by base size changes, sentinels being too small, vets and specs vanishing etc.) In 2 releases.
moving from one G-dubs system to another sure wont give you that heartache again. i stopped following gw rulesets a long time ago and just collect thr models i think are nice. for 40k, i stopped with 9th, for fantasy with 6th. i recommend you pick the one where you think gw wasnt bending over players
Kinda funny that GW took away the flavor of named space marines to avoid the "problem" of having a painted ultramarine army but wanting to use imperial fist rules. Only to reintroduce that exact problem in the guard codex. Except its worse because they're not tacticals painted different ways, they're actually different kits. So, as people are saying, they really should've just made "Line infantry, assault infantry, shock infantry." I suspect the reason they didn’t is because of the buying power of something being literally called "DEATH KORPS" That being said, removing infantry squads was pretty predictable, theres no "infantry squad" kits, just cadians, death korps, catachans. Honestly, it's keeping catachans around that's surprising. In reality for most people, this changes almost nothing, at the start of the game I'll just declare "yeah all my officers are going to use cadian rules, my infantry are going to use cadain rules, & my heavy weapons are going to use catachan rules." Unless your mixing different rules of the same type of unit, this is really just 3 different rules to choose from for your squads. If you are going to mix some cadian infantry & some death korps infantry, what I stared doing back in 9th was puttting a clearcoat lacquer on one shoulder pad, then painting a chevron/stripe in different unit colors in washable paint on that lacquered shoulder. That way if I don't want it there anymore it just rubs or wipes off, I theory there can be issues but I've liked it.
I kinda feel like we will never again get the level of goodwill GW had in 8th Edition 40K. Regardless of if you did or didn’t like the Edition as an individual, the community as a whole generally had high morale then. Now we’re just like. “Here’s a worse version of the thing we did right preciously! Oh, you wanted to start a new army? I mean, just make a time machine and travel back 6-7 years and buy into it then!” I mean it’ll be cheaper to do that at this rate.
Basic infantry squad was an actual good unit, so of course they got rid of it. Also, it's so nice (/s) that they're giving these "new" units to the Catachan...when two of their epic heroes who can help buff them.l are going to Legends.
In one sense having the unit as it is in the box is a little understandable, but overall it feels like it has really made the options for units really boring now
…yeah saw this coming regarding GW’s stance of “no models, no rules”. On the bright side, possibly soft-confirmed that a range update for Catachans is happening…at some point!
I'm still sad my t-shirt/vest clad (or bare chested) Catachans have the same 5+ armour save as the chonky armour on the Cadian boys. I'd happily trade that down to a 6+ or 7+ in exchange for a 6+ FNP/Inv or some other means of representing their hardiness (T4?). S4 or some other minor melee buff would be thematic too - their current profile doesn't exactly scream 80s action hero, lol.
Cool! GW is really leaning into roleplaying the fact that being in the guard, a footsoldier for the cruelest regime imaginable, sucks! Thanks for making Guard players feel the pain their units do, GW. /s
This is bugging the hell out of me. I wanted to build my first Guard army as Rynn’s Guard, as I’m primarily a Crimson Fists player and wanted to lean into the defense of Rynn’s World. This move is just more of GW telling me “screw your creative freedom, we want you to take our poster boys instead” I’ll still paint my guard as Rynn’s Guard and refuse to call them Cadians or DKK or anything else. But the fact a hobby company that primarily sells a *creative* medium is indirectly telling me I can’t be creative is really bothersome to me. Now just want to 3D print an entire UNSC army and play them as guard so I can at least feel like I have more of my own creative freedom
They never said you can’t paint them as rynns guard. Use the cadian or whoever rules, that doesn’t change the paint job you do. You’re overreacting, they literally mention having mordians at the bottom of the article. Rules are not paint jobs.
You WILL play what we sell and you WILL like it! RIP Vallhallans RIP Vostroyans RIP Elysians RIP Mordians RIP Praetorians RIP Steel Legion RIP Tallarns RIP Your dudes Lmao, there's people defending this, not realizing this is just another step into the extreme streamlining GW is doing. I guess we really deserve this if the average modern 40K defends corporate actions of this type.
Quite from the website: The generic Platoon Command Squad and Platoon Infantry Squad datasheets have been removed - but there’s nothing to stop you from using one of the three archetypes for your own infantry. Do your Mordians have more in common with Cadia or with Krieg?
And what extra rules could be fished out from basic guys, to showcase Mordians? Or Valhalans? What extra character basic guys squad has over Cadian rules to showcase them better as pennal legion for example? If you want to create an army with a theme, just stick to available rules. I made 2000pts infantry army out of Van Saar models for Necro, with no issues to accommodate correct number of special weapons.
Weak sauce. Locking everything to specific regiments is Almost certainly for copyright reasons, since “infantry squad” doesn’t contain any TM-able words. They could have just given them a stupid primarisy name like Bombastinators or something.
Genuinely spent last night having a great time putting together a fluffy Gaunt's Ghosts list with different units from the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. Guess they're Cadian now.
I hate that the what you see is what you get crowd is going to demand you buy models of each faction for this if you don’t kitbash into something like Tallern and just say they are like one of the three.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but this is why all the controversy is frustrating to me. Yes, the loss of kits and rules sucks but nothing is stopping you from running your custom regiment as cadian or krieg.
Let me introduce you to the power of sticky notes. For each unit, write what they have on a sticky note. Put that on your back line or to the side, or if there's space and you dont mind it ruining the look, move it up the board with the unit. Fuck me does it make life easier, and means WYSIWYG is totally unnecessary. ...I guess you can tell I play for fun.
When i started imperial guard over 15 yeara ago ive had 4 squads of troops with missiles. This hurts my army to tue point im putting them into storage. Im not spending hundreds to update my army
@@roboflex3162 Why give money to a toxic company? Even if it´s "just" one squad, which in itself is the price of a full new videogame or many days worth of food.
@@roboflex3162 which don't match the the rest of the models in the unit? What are you going to do about the missing special weapons from the squads, that will need to be found? Oh and the sgt was modelled with a bolt gun, guess he needs replacing too. It's not that simple, neither is reforging the emotional connection.
Maybe I’m alone here, and I don’t play guard but I enjoy playing against guard. Infantry heavy guard specifically is a blast. I just in general prefer infantry, its far more fun imo. So this change just kills a huge part of what I have fun playing against. I think I would rather have my own army, world eaters nerfed than my favorite person to play and his army to be changed.
I mean, they've been moving to Cadians basically being default for a while. In lore their gear and training is widely mimicked by other regiments. Probably because having others that would go OOP encouraged proxying amd 3rd party.
Cadians already filled the same role, and were represented by the same models. I expected the Cadian squad to be removed instead, but this change has the exact same effect
Yeah, I'm not happy either. I use infantry squads with a heavy bolter as the core of my army. Their benefit of cover and the flat damage/ sustained hits of the squad make them easy picks for sitting on objectives. ::poof:: all gone.
Looks fun. I however will retire my Imperial Guard armies based on the above. I have collected Guard since 1989 and have around 50k points. Bit miffed tbh. Happy to play older editions these days with any one willing
This feels an awful lot like Games Workshop just cut the legs out from under Hachette since the Guard part of the Combat Patrol isn’t out yet and several units in that may not still exist in the game.
@@jasonpeacock9735 hopefully that was just me getting my wires crossed regarding units. I just had a glance over the Combat Patrol magazine list again and it seems we may be okay.
Just getting into Warhammer, loved the idea of space vietnam busting up demons and servants of chaos. Scoured ebay for unpainted catachan character models, and now they are probably leaving. Guess GW doesnt want my business
...SONUVA- WHY does every army I build get squatted in the next codex? They better have armored fist squads, or my Steel Legion army's just a waste of metal and plastic.
I still like the models. So I will collect because they are cool and play older editions when I can. I can care less about new GW plastic. It's all soulless and bland looking.
Welp guess half of my squads just lost their leaders. Without regular platoon squad you go from being able to support 6 units of your flavor of guardsman to just 3. (Including those that dont exist anymore like mine.) I miss 9th and 8th edition choices, like having a list of options to pick two of felt way better.
Well i guess my guard army is being forced into retirement I'm about to start a successor custom space marine chapter. I hope that option won't be removed until 11th edition.
@@TEMPcontrol9000 but what's actually stopping you from doing that? Any of the three datasheets for your guys doesn't mean they have to be cadians any less than when you used Tallarn rules with your krieg two editions ago
catachans really need to be part of a wave 2 guard model refresh later this year if they are gonna feature them so heavily in the codex. those dudes look rough
As a new warhammer fan I have no clue what this means I just brought the old astra militarum combat patrol and now I don’t even know what data sheets to use or even if the army is even usable in any games.
This sucks! Being forced to play 1 of 3 regiments in an army that used to be all about making any regiment you wanted or playing any cool regiment from the lore is such a downgrade.
@@baguls8084 I would totally have preferred to have the data sheets simply named Infantry, Scout and Veteran squads respectively . I’m just saying that you can still play using your models. I play using rogue trader plastic, metal Penal Battalion models and a random assortment of 1980s Imperial Guard models myself. And have been doing so regardless of what GW names the different types of units over the editions.
@@mattiasgamin9640 Oh then you and I are on the same page haha- all my steel legion infantry is converted/3rd party. I just wish GW would write the codex in a way that encouraged creativity instead of stifling it. Doing your own thing is always the best way to play the game.
Shall we all just play older editions and use the old codexes, White Dwarfs, and imperial armour books? Yeah, theyre not "meta-balanced" but at least there was flavour and fun.
The hoops GW jumps through to not produce or acknowledge their other guardsmen lines And yet catachans somehow are still surviving the death world that is GW
Ah do lord solar was a warning of what was to come as a combined arms Guard going forward... but what about my combined arms imperial guard army? I had catachan, cadians and krieg all under one banner.. damn it..
I really prefer the idea of each regiment being a detachment rule thing with the units themselves being unspecific, instead of this way. Also on a more positive note I can now put 20 lascannons in the Stormlord. Or 16 and 8 heavy hitting one sized units to max out the firing deck. Vindicare, inquisitor, psyker, 5 snipers and 16 lascannons except they have T13 and 24 wounds with a 9" move. Also 5 more lascannons, 5 heavy bolters, a Vulcan Mega-bolter, and a heavy stubber on the stormlord itself. This is where the fun begins.
Kind of weird they make that change and then decided to make grenadiers and engineers into 1 kit. btw in that artwork at 14:11 there is a huge mistake on the DKOK Soldier 113rd xD
@@sugma42069 The issue is you can't run a generic infantry squad as your dudes. Your dudes could have heavy weapon teams, special weapons soldiers, all sorts of weapons on the Sgt. Remember when the Sgt. could take a lasgun? Now everything is getting mashed into the same molds and all you can do is change the colors on the models.
Hey, Guard players. Now you know why SM & CSM players were complaining about the codices lacking flavour. Welcome to the 10thEd club! We're currently serving plain bread and glasses of room temperature water. Please don't look at the 9th edition club - you'll get gout by comparison.
See you could buy the krieg box and get the kreig box or you could bu the solar auxiliary box whoch gives you 25 infantry 5 being command squad a sentinal and a leman russ and the dracosan arnoured transport for cheaper and more widely available.
I wonder if the officers will be build into the command squads or can join them. I'd prefer the latter but fear the former. Why shouldn't a lord commisar be able to join a cadian command squad? Overall I'm not a fan of units being regiment specific. The generic approach with just some models being one regiment or another would be way better.
Another needless update designed to make my armies unplayable without forking over money for the new models for an edition that continues to screw me at every turn. Thanks GW
Why the hell there is no "Krieg detachment" "Catachan detachment" etc... Just why? They did that with Space Marines. They literally put a Stealth detachment in IG codex (wich i personalny think just doesn't fit into the Guard) but they didn't make detachments for at least "3 main Regiments"? It's just doesn't make sense
@Kingofdragons117 i think Krieg are more into fight on death, comissars and stuff like that, but actually shooting into combat with risk to your own units is kinda Krieg so thanks for pointing that out
Catachan seem like a shoe in for the next update. Personally hoping for either Tallarn (since Dune is popular again) or Steel Legion (as they appear in Darktide and Armageddon is relevant to the lore again - what with the resurgence of Angron and the Orks)
We're just gonna have to get used to have the "re-rolls hits and wounds of 1" heavy weapons team and the "overwatch" heavy weapon team Or the "5+ FNP" Officer or the "Fall Back and Shoot" Officer >.>
Not sure if I'm more pissed about losing generic infantry. Or that I have a box of heavy weapons teams built to be used in the generic infantry, and that with the changes announced, they're still unplayable.
I hate this, i dont like using named characters or units. I like fielding my own regiment, and the weapon team in the squad was fun, gw must hate guard players right now
Sometimes I'm glad I haven't played the tabletop since 2019. Not only have I saved a lot of money, I also don't have to watch models I've had for over a decade (or two in some cases) become obsolete anymore, also don't have to watch my playstyle get restricted as well.
@HighlandPhoenix One of the most bizarre weapons options I've found is the Veteran in the Platoon Command Squad eqiupped with the Heavy Flamer. It has a higher WS and AP than the regular and jungle flamers, and is the only personal flamer in the Guard with this profile. That is a profile the Catachans are screaming for! If their only special weapon choice is a flamer, make it a better one!
Damn this means Space Marine 2 already features Legends units
The game has the old Cadian models.
no, the old models were cadians too
@paggled what i specifically mean is SM2 had a model viewer that leaked, and each model wass named after their tabletop counterpart. It listed Infantry Squad and Heavy Weapons Squad, rather than listing Cadian Shock Troops
Started with them with all the power lifter sentinels (but no regular ones) everywhere, It makes me think someone at Saber has a bunch of these collecting dust in a closest somewhere.
These have been a staple in environment for 40K games, you can also see them in Spacehulk Deathwing for exemple @@leoneldiaz78
Are we really sure Cadia fell? Seems like the only guys around
Tbf, Cadia is a system with several inhabited planets, ONE of which was destroyed.
In Hammer and Bolter: Cadia Stands, a Cadian sergeant or whatever tells some scared messenger dude, "They destroyed the ground we walked on. But Cadia is more than that. Cadia is ~us~. Cadia is everywhere now."
The real Cadia was the friends we made along the way
That one custodian. “All I’m surrounded by is fear and Cadia!”
anything to make Abaddon feel even more pointless and stupid
I like the change to the Datasheets, I just wish they’d be “Scout Squad,” “Line Squad,” and “Veteran Squads” instead of “Catachans,” “Cadians,” and “Death Korps.”
Might have had a bit of a better feel I think, though it is basically how I play mine anyway - all modelled as Cadians, but using the different rules.
Sorry that would make sense. They should do the same to space marines if they want to pretend this is a good idea. No more chapter rules just take up to 3 squads of 'salamanders' then you're done.
That still wouldn't make sense, as it'd still lack the basic guard unit.
@@Retrosicotte he's saying create generic catch all names for the datasheets and use whatever man with rifle model you prefer.
@@keyanklupacs6333 Still doesn't fix the problem though, as it still lacks the NORMAL squad, and forces people to need to change their army models/painting to define which is which.
Remember when GW used to encourage people to create their own lore and convert their models
Given the way the online community acts around the lore, I don't think they do...
@@va818 no the issue is we do and are consistently extremely salty about it how they constantly work againist that virtue.
There is literally nothing preventing you from converting your models and making up lore for them...
@@1701Emperor the fact that the models are tied to rules DOES. They should create generic datasheets and simply allow us to choose which man with a rifle aesthetic I prefer, but they don't, the datasheet is death korps of krieg not "veteran guardsmen" unless they specifically create a designers note I am forced by the rules to play THAT KIT because no model no rules / "muh wysiwyg"
@keyanklupacs6333 who gives a shit about any of that? The rules are just generalised... when you are playing with your mates just point out what each model is meant to be....
He is the Master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. All three of them…
Two of them, and a bunch of space dust.
One of which had its planet nuked... irrelevant
@@vxicepickxv Never stopped the Dark Angels...
That's why the tyranids are always so hungry - human armies are in the double digits
Remember Tallarn! Remember Valhalla! Remember Praetoria, Catachan, Elysia, Mordia, Armageddon, Vostroya and Tanith!
We shall never forget!
Remember all the better, cooler, and les Cadian-coded regiments. Also, Tallarn are the best.
Don't forget maccabian jannissaries
@@ScooterinAB That's not you spell Praetorian guard.
yeah, I stand here for Praetoria!
I’m glad for GW that they keep making changes that remind me to never give them another coin.
- Nobody asked for it
- Fixes a problem that wasn't a problem in the first place
- Lessens the flavor of the faction
- Makes the rules more complex for no reason
Yep, it's 10th edition codex time
I literally can't put it better myself. so I'm copying it word for word
From the beginning I have not played a single game of 10th edition because the oversimplified rules felt like an insult to our intelligence. There has been nothing for me in this entire edition and yet they somehow keep finding shit that was fun and remove it anyway, and I've clammed up for the most part but this, this is just further death of fluff and flavour all the previous editions had in spades. And sure the rules were a bit gunked up with and choices of things to take, but completely killing off the psychic phase was not necessary, it just fucking wasn't.
@@Chris-jl6vp completely agree, 8th onwards is not warhammer 40k... its a strat filing chore
When has this game ever not been army building, I thought it was best to make simplified rules because they cant write rules. GW writes some of worse rules I have ever seen and anything decent they remove. warhammer fantasy, 40k epic, necromunda, battlefleet gothic, mordheim. Discontinued to crawl back years later.
Making squads that are specific to the different regiments seems very odd. I assumed they'd have different detachments that would mimic the regiments, similar to what they've done with other armies.
@@craigargh it’s just greed
It does make game designs sense to mske all the units visually distinctive but yay its not greaf look
@@baguls8084or it could be a throwback to 2nd ed imperial guard where you had regiment specific squads
@@bonemarrow1000 Those weren't really that different. They had flak armour, lasguns, and commissars to shoot them. Orks used to have separate units for each clan, but pretty much all but the Deathksulls were the exact same. Guard were the same.
Generic Infantry removed?
[Everyone disliked that]
After 7 editions and over 2 decades of service
Yeah I used the models from HH for my generic guard regiment...took me sooo long to build those boys
There is now a separate datasheet with individual loadout options and rules for Infantry Squads. Heavy Weapons Teams and Command Squads, offering more chances for strategy and synergies.*
* The generic Platoon Command Squad and Platoon Infantry Squad datasheets have been removed - but there’s nothing to stop you from using one of the three archetypes for your own infantry. Do your Mordians have more in common with Cadia or with Krieg?
@@cyclone8974 nothing except the need to convert them to one of these options by dropping the heavy weapons and scrounging special weapons and sgt upgrades
I’m fine with it, actually
In some ways, Guard had it so much better in 9th when they let you pick and choose 2 different rules so you could run your army the way you envisioned it. It was so great for your own homebrew Regiment and the flexibility/creativity it allowed.
Only problem was that the 9th ed codex only lasted for a few months before being obliterated by the release of 10th ed.
@@otakuon still sore about that, total rip off.
@@thisisabsolutelystup Well, then I guess GW thinks us IG players need to thank them because this time they are giving us about a year before completely redoing everything (again).
guard get progressively screwed more and more each edition
*weeps in late-3rd Ed Guard Player*
You kids have no idea...
GA is writing rules for no one. Who plays their guard army as a conglomeration of three completely distinct forces, each with their own paint scheme and what not? 99% of people play one regiment. Either one from the lore or homebrew. All this is going to do is add 10 minutes of explanation before each battle of “this is a catachan motor, and this is a krieg command squad and th-“
@@_Morph1ne_ I play my force as 4 distinct regiments. same bases but different models based off of specialisation, this is after all how the lore has always described the guard. Still pissed off by the previews though.
@@tomasdawe9379 yeah i remember the tallarans and vostroyans in storm of iron lmao
Reminds me of an old comment about the Orks "It used to be (around 2nd edition) that specific Ork units had to come from specific Clans (Kommandos had to be Blood Axes, Stormboyz had to be Goffs etc), and, as a result, ork armies looked like they had just raided a paint factory instead of, you know, Orky."
(could be the wrong wording, but that's the general idea)
I actually do exactly what you’re describing. They’re for me. The rules are for me.
goodbye my infantry squads with cadian,catachan and krieg models all in one squad. your confusion will be forever missed.
It's like they're TRYING to make every Guard player use 3D prints
Ohh every faction not just guard
As a Space Janitors enjoyer: welcome to the club lol We'll 3D print you a t-shirt xD
They might as well just sell STLs and fucking print books only idfk anymore.
Scion Helldivers and ODST Cadians? Duhh! XD
@@CainAhlin Yeah, but other factions, like space marines, still have a lot of their sub-faction flavor and special units. Guard over the last 20 years have lost A LOT of full regiments, units, and characters. Most of the Guard's past is gone. Yarrick, Creed, Vostroyans, Mordians, Steel Legion, etc, etc. Its sad to see it all go. I know they want to focus on current model kits, but a lot of older players still have a lot of these units.
Mechanised assault detachment, so basically a steel legion detachment. That you have to take as Krieg, Cadian or Catachan because you can’t have an infantry squad. Smart decision
GW: "We have too many datasheets to balance... How can we fix this?"
Someone: "Stop making redundant ones and have the differences be in the main faction rules?"
GW: "Ah, I know! I'll drop nearly all of the interesting Forge World kits into Legends and make a singular kit is technically three different units with slightly different rules and names that allude to a specific regiment! Oh, and we'll make it cost the exact same no matter what weapons are in the squad so we have less to balance. Maybe throw in some cardstock tokens for a different game system in exchange for adding $20 to the price."
Someone: "But what if someone wants to play a less famous Guard regiment? You know, the ones you have been creating for the last three decades. Or maybe even their own homebrew one?"
GW: "Well then they'd better get used to those Vostroyans or whoever they want to play being Cosplaying Cadians. Oh, and if we see any 3D printed minis as proxies for units that have been in production for longer than a fair number of our players have even been alive we WILL start breaking kneecaps again. Just ask Pederson in accounting, we'll do it."
10th edition continues to have all the flavour of a rich tea biscuit, I see.
Proper bri'ish of them, faction flavour is too spicy, like putting salt AND pepper on your food
We just got dozens of detachments. This may be a step back here, but the edition is far more dynamic than previous editions. And things are getting better all the time.
No they are not rules changes happening every 3 months , every army runs the same list witb only 1 or 2 detacments are actually useful , boring ass secondary missions borning ass primary mission , like hell even in 9th the mission where dynamic and fun and each list was different of every faction
@@rookcapcoldblood2618major cope. You say it’s dynamic but how? They’ve removed heaps of things that added nuance and flavour to the game and replaced it with gotcha rules and handholding. Cool you have detachments, but you’ve lost a multitude of troops and flavour.
Reminds me of way back in 3rd Ed when they removed Ork clans briefly.
What drives these harebrained decisions?
@@TheLoremasterNojah no this is like if ork kommandos were called blood axes and shoota boys were called bad moons and slugga boyz were called goffs. And they all had wildly different appearences and looked like they didnt belong in the same army.
Money, somehow. Perhaps a shareholder demanded they get to make some changes?
Well, like he said, remove the option to add heavy weapons to basic guard because you want heavy weapons attached to their own box set. I.e, they want you to buy two boxes instead of one.
Tl;dr, insert gif of Mr. Krabs saying "I like money" here.
As an old ork player this royally sucked.
Brand recognition and copyright, I guess. Cadian™ shock troops, Death Korps™ of Krieg™, etc.
I’ve been collecting guard since 2001 and this feels like a stab in the heart
im collecting guard since 2023 and this feels like stab in the heart
I’ve been collecting T’au and Chaos Knights since 2023 and this feels like a stab in the heart, I don’t want my favorite enemy faction to get screwed up
ive been doing necrons since 2001, so many stabs in the heart I now feel nothing..like a necron
I just finished my first 500 points of guard, having to restart to fit the rule change is a stab in the heart
I’ve been collecting Guard since 2000 and this is definitely up there for worst changes I’ve seen.
Someone take me back to the 13th Black Crusade or the Armageddon or Vostroyan campaigns when we were encouraged to have fun and create interesting regiments.
Actually get the hell out, GW. I thought they couldn't get stupider than removing conscripts, vets and spec squads, now they removed the ability to even have your BASIC generic units to make your own army. They have lost track of what 40k is.
At this point I'm starting to consider selling all my 40k stuff and moving to Age of Sigmar.
The proud (and 20 yo) 56th threshold Grenadiers. A heavy infantry unit has dropped from just under 200 men to 8 plus some Ogryns (what with the heavy weapon squads being ruled out by base size changes, sentinels being too small, vets and specs vanishing etc.) In 2 releases.
They never cared.
moving from one G-dubs system to another sure wont give you that heartache again.
i stopped following gw rulesets a long time ago and just collect thr models i think are nice. for 40k, i stopped with 9th, for fantasy with 6th. i recommend you pick the one where you think gw wasnt bending over players
@@RotneybotOfficial Sell and move to another hobby
Kinda funny that GW took away the flavor of named space marines to avoid the "problem" of having a painted ultramarine army but wanting to use imperial fist rules. Only to reintroduce that exact problem in the guard codex. Except its worse because they're not tacticals painted different ways, they're actually different kits. So, as people are saying, they really should've just made
"Line infantry, assault infantry, shock infantry." I suspect the reason they didn’t is because of the buying power of something being literally called "DEATH KORPS"
That being said, removing infantry squads was pretty predictable, theres no "infantry squad" kits, just cadians, death korps, catachans. Honestly, it's keeping catachans around that's surprising.
In reality for most people, this changes almost nothing, at the start of the game I'll just declare "yeah all my officers are going to use cadian rules, my infantry are going to use cadain rules, & my heavy weapons are going to use catachan rules." Unless your mixing different rules of the same type of unit, this is really just 3 different rules to choose from for your squads.
If you are going to mix some cadian infantry & some death korps infantry, what I stared doing back in 9th was puttting a clearcoat lacquer on one shoulder pad, then painting a chevron/stripe in different unit colors in washable paint on that lacquered shoulder. That way if I don't want it there anymore it just rubs or wipes off, I theory there can be issues but I've liked it.
Fun detected.
Issue resolved.
Everything they release just ends up with me pretending it's steel legion. Long live Commissar Sebastian Yarrick.
@@Matwho they're getting rid of straken too
Steel Legion forever!
*Gazz liked dis*
I kinda feel like we will never again get the level of goodwill GW had in 8th Edition 40K. Regardless of if you did or didn’t like the Edition as an individual, the community as a whole generally had high morale then. Now we’re just like. “Here’s a worse version of the thing we did right preciously! Oh, you wanted to start a new army? I mean, just make a time machine and travel back 6-7 years and buy into it then!” I mean it’ll be cheaper to do that at this rate.
Basic infantry squad was an actual good unit, so of course they got rid of it.
Also, it's so nice (/s) that they're giving these "new" units to the Catachan...when two of their epic heroes who can help buff them.l are going to Legends.
Is Sly Marbo going to Legends?
@silentsorrowbane no, it's Harker and Straken by what the rumours say.
In one sense having the unit as it is in the box is a little understandable, but overall it feels like it has really made the options for units really boring now
…yeah saw this coming regarding GW’s stance of “no models, no rules”.
On the bright side, possibly soft-confirmed that a range update for Catachans is happening…at some point!
too late, i already got 100+ superior spacenam minis from reptilian overlords for a fraction of the price that GW will charge
My Armageddon Steel Legion: “Form up proxy formation!”
GW: "Not in our stores, you don't!"
Big E’s Party bus (stormlord) is getting loaded up with more heavy weapon teams than ever to maximise its ‘firing deck 24’…
God 24 lascannons shots
@@christophertidwell242218 maximum cause each hwt takes 2 seats
How many points would that be?
Should have waited till the codex errata had been written before mentioning that….
Done this several times. Absolute giggle.
I'm still sad my t-shirt/vest clad (or bare chested) Catachans have the same 5+ armour save as the chonky armour on the Cadian boys. I'd happily trade that down to a 6+ or 7+ in exchange for a 6+ FNP/Inv or some other means of representing their hardiness (T4?). S4 or some other minor melee buff would be thematic too - their current profile doesn't exactly scream 80s action hero, lol.
Cool! GW is really leaning into roleplaying the fact that being in the guard, a footsoldier for the cruelest regime imaginable, sucks! Thanks for making Guard players feel the pain their units do, GW. /s
The flavour and variety of guard keeps vanishing, and this removal is not helping. GW, why is fun anathema to you?
Not just guard, this is happening to just about every faction
As the Space wolves players start sweating.
Tau had a similar treatment with battlesuit happen
Tournament play is the answer.
It's all of 40k that's getting flavor removed to make the game balance better for competitive gamers.
Guess my Tallarn are now either Krieg or Cadian. Poor choice GW.
I feel you, fellow Tallarn collector 😢
I already do this, have Tallarn but play as Cadian or Krieg datasheet depending on needs
Iv converted my cadians into pretorians with ww1 and ww2 british helmets and for the tempestus sions there sas helmets
Tallarn here too, not that Ive played any games of 10th. If I do I'll just bring all tanks, this is getting stupid though.
Tallarn 51st here, apparently reporting in for retirement.
This is bugging the hell out of me. I wanted to build my first Guard army as Rynn’s Guard, as I’m primarily a Crimson Fists player and wanted to lean into the defense of Rynn’s World. This move is just more of GW telling me “screw your creative freedom, we want you to take our poster boys instead”
I’ll still paint my guard as Rynn’s Guard and refuse to call them Cadians or DKK or anything else. But the fact a hobby company that primarily sells a *creative* medium is indirectly telling me I can’t be creative is really bothersome to me. Now just want to 3D print an entire UNSC army and play them as guard so I can at least feel like I have more of my own creative freedom
The first part is realizing you´re in a toxic relationship. GW should be boycotted until they must make changes to the ways they do business
40k hasnt been a creative hobby for years. It has been a competitive tabletop game first and a creative hobby second at least since 7th/8th edition.
Na 8th ed was fun due to every list being different and fun missions
@@CommanderRion 8th/9th th was when they succed the tourneyf's dry instead of making a cool hobby
They never said you can’t paint them as rynns guard. Use the cadian or whoever rules, that doesn’t change the paint job you do. You’re overreacting, they literally mention having mordians at the bottom of the article. Rules are not paint jobs.
How do you mess up the Guard codex? If the problem was how the boxes were set up, change how the boxes are set up!
Thanks for the update, this way I know not to bother pre-ordering the box set this weekend.
Yeah I just called up to cancel mine, and my Krieg range refresh 9 boxes of infantry up for grabs.
I guess my local shop is going to hate me now.
@@friendlyneighbourhoodsunwheel Don't hate the player. Hate the game(s workshop).
You WILL play what we sell and you WILL like it!
RIP Vallhallans
RIP Vostroyans
RIP Elysians
RIP Mordians
RIP Praetorians
RIP Steel Legion
RIP Tallarns
RIP Your dudes
Lmao, there's people defending this, not realizing this is just another step into the extreme streamlining GW is doing.
I guess we really deserve this if the average modern 40K defends corporate actions of this type.
Quite from the website:
The generic Platoon Command Squad and Platoon Infantry Squad datasheets have been removed - but there’s nothing to stop you from using one of the three archetypes for your own infantry. Do your Mordians have more in common with Cadia or with Krieg?
@@DrakonPhD Mordians fight like Mordians and not like Cadians or Krieg.
@@StormerisIs that like the generic one did?
And what extra rules could be fished out from basic guys, to showcase Mordians? Or Valhalans? What extra character basic guys squad has over Cadian rules to showcase them better as pennal legion for example?
If you want to create an army with a theme, just stick to available rules. I made 2000pts infantry army out of Van Saar models for Necro, with no issues to accommodate correct number of special weapons.
Try to find a tournament player that has 6 squads of every guard infantry to use them in games, bcs he cannot use other models xD
Weak sauce. Locking everything to specific regiments is Almost certainly for copyright reasons, since “infantry squad” doesn’t contain any TM-able words. They could have just given them a stupid primarisy name like Bombastinators or something.
Im glad this came out when it did, i was about to build 40 generic infantry with heavy weapons to run in chimeras
Genuinely spent last night having a great time putting together a fluffy Gaunt's Ghosts list with different units from the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. Guess they're Cadian now.
I hate that the what you see is what you get crowd is going to demand you buy models of each faction for this if you don’t kitbash into something like Tallern and just say they are like one of the three.
I'm thinking of adding a magnet on base and adding magnetized little 3rd party green jungle thing on base for catachan to signify
This might be an unpopular opinion, but this is why all the controversy is frustrating to me. Yes, the loss of kits and rules sucks but nothing is stopping you from running your custom regiment as cadian or krieg.
Let me introduce you to the power of sticky notes.
For each unit, write what they have on a sticky note. Put that on your back line or to the side, or if there's space and you dont mind it ruining the look, move it up the board with the unit.
Fuck me does it make life easier, and means WYSIWYG is totally unnecessary.
...I guess you can tell I play for fun.
The wysiwyg crowd are not worth playing
When i started imperial guard over 15 yeara ago ive had 4 squads of troops with missiles. This hurts my army to tue point im putting them into storage. Im not spending hundreds to update my army
dont you need literally one box of cadians to fix that?
@@roboflex3162 Why give money to a toxic company? Even if it´s "just" one squad, which in itself is the price of a full new videogame or many days worth of food.
@roboflex3162 dude I'm not paying $60 for some cannon fodder infantry squads 😂
@@roboflex3162 which don't match the the rest of the models in the unit? What are you going to do about the missing special weapons from the squads, that will need to be found? Oh and the sgt was modelled with a bolt gun, guess he needs replacing too.
It's not that simple, neither is reforging the emotional connection.
@@TEMPcontrol9000 ok, print some guys.
I like how you snuck in the genestealers.
I couldn't stop looking at those heads! Cheeky
Maybe I’m alone here, and I don’t play guard but I enjoy playing against guard. Infantry heavy guard specifically is a blast. I just in general prefer infantry, its far more fun imo.
So this change just kills a huge part of what I have fun playing against. I think I would rather have my own army, world eaters nerfed than my favorite person to play and his army to be changed.
Cadia is gone, yet one of the three most prolific guard armies? Lol.
I mean, they've been moving to Cadians basically being default for a while. In lore their gear and training is widely mimicked by other regiments.
Probably because having others that would go OOP encouraged proxying amd 3rd party.
@malcire Oh I'm aware it's just laughable.
"Cadians -stands- exploded outwards!"
the Catachans are getting new models, right?
they are getting new models... right?
There's always Kill Team hopium 🙃
Lets just be thankful the codex isnt just Cadians and Death Korps 😅
nah. Catachan will get new models. I dont doubt that. Just look at sisters and eldar...
Just need to wait another quarter century
'Sadly marks a date on the 2050 calander....'
Seriously? Generic infantry squads gone? Absolutely disgusting.
Cadians already filled the same role, and were represented by the same models. I expected the Cadian squad to be removed instead, but this change has the exact same effect
@@sugma42069this is like representing entire space marine chapters with a datasheet instead of detachment rules. It's dumb as hell.
@@sugma42069 They didn't though. Cadians can't have a heavy weapon in their squad (which was already stupid as we know in lore they DO)
"absolutely disgusting" lmfao calm down
Yeah, I'm not happy either. I use infantry squads with a heavy bolter as the core of my army. Their benefit of cover and the flat damage/ sustained hits of the squad make them easy picks for sitting on objectives.
::poof:: all gone.
Looks fun. I however will retire my Imperial Guard armies based on the above. I have collected Guard since 1989 and have around 50k points. Bit miffed tbh. Happy to play older editions these days with any one willing
When the free, Horus heresy militia lost pdf makes a better guard codex than the actual guard codex
Which is exactly why I've gone to HH and haven't looked back
This feels an awful lot like Games Workshop just cut the legs out from under Hachette since the Guard part of the Combat Patrol isn’t out yet and several units in that may not still exist in the game.
Which units?
@@jasonpeacock9735 hopefully that was just me getting my wires crossed regarding units. I just had a glance over the Combat Patrol magazine list again and it seems we may be okay.
This makes me a sad Vostroyan.
I'm raging in steel legion.
@@thehandoftheking3314indeed. My steel legion are useless now!
Same man... shelving my admechy guard for this edition entirely now... and we waited half the bloody edition. Back to sisters for me
@nobodyherepal3292 I'll find a way to make them work but F whoever wrote the dex
Why? It's literally just a name on a datasheet! I do not understand why everyone acts like the can't play their army anymore.
If they remove our characters after calling the catachan one of the three staples i'm gonna be pissed.
"Laughs in steel legion"
@@thehandoftheking3314 I love the steel legion but c'mon you were pissed when Yarrick got binned,
Just getting into Warhammer, loved the idea of space vietnam busting up demons and servants of chaos. Scoured ebay for unpainted catachan character models, and now they are probably leaving. Guess GW doesnt want my business
Theyre resin, of course theyre gone.
@Eddy_Grimm we were pissed when they dropped our range. Pissed when Yarrick was dropped and passed when the infantry squad was dropped.
The book better allow for horde play. Guard has slowly been becoming NOT guard. This isn’t a good sign.
Yeah I'm serious pissed cancelled my box and a ton of infantry I ordered.
Wahapdida doesn't fuck me with rules
WHY does every army I build get squatted in the next codex? They better have armored fist squads, or my Steel Legion army's just a waste of metal and plastic.
I still like the models. So I will collect because they are cool and play older editions when I can. I can care less about new GW plastic. It's all soulless and bland looking.
Welp guess half of my squads just lost their leaders. Without regular platoon squad you go from being able to support 6 units of your flavor of guardsman to just 3. (Including those that dont exist anymore like mine.)
I miss 9th and 8th edition choices, like having a list of options to pick two of felt way better.
Notice they aren't even trying to hide that basically everything in the Imperial Armoury is gone.
Well i guess my guard army is being forced into retirement
I'm about to start a successor custom space marine chapter. I hope that option won't be removed until 11th edition.
Play older editions. Or just keep collecting, play games with yourself. Never let gW ruin your hobby
But...why? Just run your generic infantry with cadian rules?
@@tariq5498 I don't want to be cadian. Maybe I prefer vostroyans that day. Or steel legion the next
@@TEMPcontrol9000 but what's actually stopping you from doing that? Any of the three datasheets for your guys doesn't mean they have to be cadians any less than when you used Tallarn rules with your krieg two editions ago
I think you people are being reaaaaaaally autistic about this.
Man I’ll miss my Platoon command squad attached to an infantry platoon both with mortars attached.
No... I feel like Michael Scott in that old meme when he kept saying "No." What a sad turn of events.
yeah me too, I'm going to need to redo my entire list past 500pts
wish GW would stop treating rules like cycling live service patches or rotating season pass bs
catachans really need to be part of a wave 2 guard model refresh later this year if they are gonna feature them so heavily in the codex. those dudes look rough
That seems like a bad choice
A very bad choice
The lack of Pith helmets makes me think there’s a cover up at GW to make everyone forget the Battle of Big Toof River, we shall remember!
As a new warhammer fan I have no clue what this means I just brought the old astra militarum combat patrol and now I don’t even know what data sheets to use or even if the army is even usable in any games.
Last time the Guard had this little flavour and variety to them was 3rd Ed. (aka 40K, Simplified Edition)
This sucks! Being forced to play 1 of 3 regiments in an army that used to be all about making any regiment you wanted or playing any cool regiment from the lore is such a downgrade.
You still can. GW literally says so at the end of the article.
@ using mordians with Cadian rules or Tallarn with Catachan rules is lame. The old regiment system was way better.
@@baguls8084 I would totally have preferred to have the data sheets simply named Infantry, Scout and Veteran squads respectively .
I’m just saying that you can still play using your models. I play using rogue trader plastic, metal Penal Battalion models and a random assortment of 1980s Imperial Guard models myself. And have been doing so regardless of what GW names the different types of units over the editions.
@@mattiasgamin9640 Oh then you and I are on the same page haha- all my steel legion infantry is converted/3rd party. I just wish GW would write the codex in a way that encouraged creativity instead of stifling it. Doing your own thing is always the best way to play the game.
Shall we all just play older editions and use the old codexes, White Dwarfs, and imperial armour books? Yeah, theyre not "meta-balanced" but at least there was flavour and fun.
The removal of the infantry squad is a heinous crime.
When I called this change I was called an idiot, racial slurs, and told I should quit this game. It's fun to be proven correct.
Ok redditor.
I mean... your name bro 😬
@@KArchine that is, in fact, the joke.
@@thatoneguynobodylikes8553 haha 😄
Well Actually Thatoneguynobodylikes8553.... (Insert inane picky detail that doesn't really make a difference here) 😂
Getting the old box before it becomes a horse adventure set with some guard thrown in for the flavour worked out well.
So the most numerous and varied faction in the lore is now just 3 different squads.
The hoops GW jumps through to not produce or acknowledge their other guardsmen lines
And yet catachans somehow are still surviving the death world that is GW
Ah do lord solar was a warning of what was to come as a combined arms Guard going forward... but what about my combined arms imperial guard army? I had catachan, cadians and krieg all under one banner.. damn it..
I really prefer the idea of each regiment being a detachment rule thing with the units themselves being unspecific, instead of this way.
Also on a more positive note I can now put 20 lascannons in the Stormlord. Or 16 and 8 heavy hitting one sized units to max out the firing deck. Vindicare, inquisitor, psyker, 5 snipers and 16 lascannons except they have T13 and 24 wounds with a 9" move. Also 5 more lascannons, 5 heavy bolters, a Vulcan Mega-bolter, and a heavy stubber on the stormlord itself. This is where the fun begins.
Reptilian Overlords already handled my Catachan update with their SpaceNam range...
The whole galaxy seems to get smaller every edition!
Kind of weird they make that change and then decided to make grenadiers and engineers into 1 kit.
btw in that artwork at 14:11 there is a huge mistake on the DKOK Soldier 113rd xD
@@NorthInium gW combines 2 awesome DKOK units into one lame version
Don’t worry, they’ll patch that typo in the next Balance Dataslate.
Losing Straken will/would suck, it's my favorite guard character
Whoever decided to nix generic infantry squads, I wish you the worst.
I don't even play Guard and I'm pissed off. Regiments are detachment-level groups, not squad-level. What the fuck?
So they removed imperial guard from the imperial guard?
Everyday GW reminds me why I now play 7th edition with 3rd party / 2nd hand minis. and battletech.
No more "your dudes" I guess
You 100% don't have to run each squad as the models for each regiment, just as long as you can tell each of your squad types apart
@@sugma42069 We want rules that don't require us to abstract our miniatures thank you very much.
@@sugma42069 The issue is you can't run a generic infantry squad as your dudes. Your dudes could have heavy weapon teams, special weapons soldiers, all sorts of weapons on the Sgt. Remember when the Sgt. could take a lasgun? Now everything is getting mashed into the same molds and all you can do is change the colors on the models.
@@byzantiphile7630 It annoys me to no end that SGT can't have the same weapon as his squad.
@@jamesespinosa690So a generic squad is not already an abstraction?
Hey, Guard players. Now you know why SM & CSM players were complaining about the codices lacking flavour. Welcome to the 10thEd club! We're currently serving plain bread and glasses of room temperature water. Please don't look at the 9th edition club - you'll get gout by comparison.
See you could buy the krieg box and get the kreig box or you could bu the solar auxiliary box whoch gives you 25 infantry 5 being command squad a sentinal and a leman russ and the dracosan arnoured transport for cheaper and more widely available.
I'm starting to see the appeal of playing a legends army.
I guess no one remembers 2nd ed imperial gaurd codex where you only had regiment specific squads
I wonder if the officers will be build into the command squads or can join them. I'd prefer the latter but fear the former. Why shouldn't a lord commisar be able to join a cadian command squad? Overall I'm not a fan of units being regiment specific. The generic approach with just some models being one regiment or another would be way better.
Another needless update designed to make my armies unplayable without forking over money for the new models for an edition that continues to screw me at every turn. Thanks GW
Oh good.... 10th once again is the enemy of player choice.
Why the hell there is no "Krieg detachment" "Catachan detachment" etc... Just why? They did that with Space Marines. They literally put a Stealth detachment in IG codex (wich i personalny think just doesn't fit into the Guard) but they didn't make detachments for at least "3 main Regiments"? It's just doesn't make sense
The recon detachment is going to be the Catachan one and the Artillery one is the Krieg one basically though.
@Kingofdragons117 i think Krieg are more into fight on death, comissars and stuff like that, but actually shooting into combat with risk to your own units is kinda Krieg so thanks for pointing that out
GW makes the detachments generic (course correcting from specific formations in 8th), but the units have to be specific for basically legal reasons
Catachan seem like a shoe in for the next update. Personally hoping for either Tallarn (since Dune is popular again) or Steel Legion (as they appear in Darktide and Armageddon is relevant to the lore again - what with the resurgence of Angron and the Orks)
We're just gonna have to get used to have the "re-rolls hits and wounds of 1" heavy weapons team and the "overwatch" heavy weapon team Or the "5+ FNP" Officer or the "Fall Back and Shoot" Officer >.>
Not sure if I'm more pissed about losing generic infantry. Or that I have a box of heavy weapons teams built to be used in the generic infantry, and that with the changes announced, they're still unplayable.
I hate this, i dont like using named characters or units. I like fielding my own regiment, and the weapon team in the squad was fun, gw must hate guard players right now
Such a strange choice right after the lambasting they got with deathwatch
Sometimes I'm glad I haven't played the tabletop since 2019. Not only have I saved a lot of money, I also don't have to watch models I've had for over a decade (or two in some cases) become obsolete anymore, also don't have to watch my playstyle get restricted as well.
Surely Catachans have to get the new 'Big flamer' Heavy Weapon team option too...?!
@HighlandPhoenix One of the most bizarre weapons options I've found is the Veteran in the Platoon Command Squad eqiupped with the Heavy Flamer. It has a higher WS and AP than the regular and jungle flamers, and is the only personal flamer in the Guard with this profile.
That is a profile the Catachans are screaming for! If their only special weapon choice is a flamer, make it a better one!
Well it will be an option for the Catachan command squad as it is in the box
ARGGH! My worst fear confirmed...
And weirdly first?
It's infuriating I'm so over this company
3d printer goes brrr! Apocalypse based on old rules go brrr!!! I'm printing a nemesis warbringer with all volcano cannons goes brrrr!!
RIP Infantry squad