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[KOR Parenting] Первый бассейн Руды! Вилла с бассейном, часть 1 (ребенок 9 месяцев)
Просмотров 1,8 млн4 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com [Video Source Support] www.youtube.com ...
Представляем вам уникальный детский отель в Корее.
Просмотров 1,4 млн3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com [Video Source Support] www.youtube.com ...
[Повторно загрузить] Как корейский папа заботится о ребенке!
Просмотров 886 тыс.3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com 🎵Music provided by 브금대통령 🎵Track1 : 국민학교 ...
Корейский папа заботится только о двух малышах! (Дочь👶 + Подруга дочери👶 )
Просмотров 994 тыс.3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com [Video Source Support] www.youtube.com ...
[SUB] 달팽이 먹이를 뺏어 먹는 아기🐌🥒 (생후 16개월 아기 루다👶)
Просмотров 1,8 млн3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com [Video Source Support] ...
[SUB] 육아 Vlog. 5개월 아기의 하루 (👶🏻🍼 생후 170일)
Просмотров 2,3 млн4 года назад
This vlog follows a day in the life of a 5-month-old baby, Ruda. The video captures Ruda's playful interactions with their parents, including playtime, feeding time, and bath time. The parents also share their experiences with baby food and laundry, offering insights into their daily routines.
[SUB] 딸기 따러간 호기심이 많은 22개월 루다! 🍓🍓
Просмотров 1,9 млн2 года назад
A 22-month-old child explores the world with curiosity, from investigating snacks and beverages to discovering the wonders of a strawberry farm. The video follows their journey as they pick strawberries, wash them, and enjoy a delicious treat. The day concludes with a visit to a lotus field and a delightful encounter with a puppy.
[SUB] 비 오는 날 밖에서 처음 놀아본 아이의 반응☔️ (18개월 아기 루다)
Просмотров 2,2 млн3 года назад
A parent attempts to take their child outside to play in the rain, but the wind is too strong. After a nap, the sun comes out and they try again. The child enjoys splashing in puddles and exploring the outdoors, despite some initial hesitation.
[육아 vlog] 생후 두달아기 독박육아 26시간
Просмотров 236 тыс.4 года назад
교대근무 하는 신랑이 없는날 혼자 26시간동안 독박육아 하는 모습입니다 진정부부와 루다의 일상은 ...
[SUB] 5개월 아기와 강아지의 첫 만남 (👶🏻🍼생후158일)
Просмотров 583 тыс.4 года назад
A baby and a dog meet for the first time. The baby is initially scared of the dog, but the dog tries to be friendly. The dog's family tries to help the baby and dog get acquainted, and the baby eventually warms up to the dog.
[SUB] 사랑하는 사촌동생이지만 결국 육아에 지쳐버린 루다😩 (43개월 루다의 일일 동생 체험하기)
Просмотров 478 тыс.Год назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : jinjeongbubu@naver.com [Video Source Support] ...
[KOR Parenting] Первый бой в жизни? как 9-месячные ангелочки играют вместе.
Просмотров 1,2 млн4 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com
[SUB] 천방지축 루다의 첫 차크닉!⛱ (생후 20개월 아기)
Просмотров 1,3 млн3 года назад
A family takes their 20-month-old child on their first car picnic. They visit a waterfall and an observatory, enjoying the scenery and the child's playful energy. The family prepares a simple meal and shares their experience of this unique outing.
[SUB] 동생이 싫다던 루다가 이제는 동생을 낳아달라고 합니다.. (사랑하는 사촌동생과 1박2일 풀빌라 여행🏡)
Просмотров 1,3 млнГод назад
A family takes a trip to a villa with a pool, where a young child, RUDA, meets their cousin, Li-ah, for the first time. RUDA is excited to teach Li-ah how to swim and share snacks with them. The video captures the heartwarming interactions between the two cousins as they explore the villa and enjoy their time together.
[SUB] ⛔️맴찢주의⛔️ 아직 이별이 어려운 루다😭 - (어린이집 적응기 / 19개월 아기)
Просмотров 8 млн3 года назад
This video follows a family as they navigate their child's first few days at daycare. The child experiences a range of emotions, from excitement to anxiety, as they adjust to their new environment. The parents discuss their strategies for helping their child adapt and the challenges they face.
[SUB] 루다의 재밌는 영상 클립 모음집! (👶🏻🍼생후6개월~8개월)
Просмотров 1,1 млн4 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com Music provided by 브금대통령 Track : My Star ...
[SUB] 사이좋게 과일을 먹던 아이들이 갑자기 '푸드 파이트'를 하는데...😱
Просмотров 1,1 млн2 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : jinjeongbubu@naver.com [Video Source Support] ...
[SUB] 처음으로 계곡 여행을 간 루다의 반응은?? 🏞 (무주 여행 1편)
Просмотров 1,1 млн3 года назад
본 영상은 무주반딧불축제에서 주관한 트래블슈팅 캠페인의 참가를 위해 제작되었습니다 Instagram ...
[SUB] 20개월 딸과 아빠의 키즈카페 데이트~💛
Просмотров 14 млн3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : jinjeongbubu@naver.com [Video Source Support] ...
How to play Korean baby's 'Playing for Tactile Development'!!
Просмотров 1 млн3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com [Video Source Support] www.youtube.com ...
[SUB] 하와이에서 혼자 잠수 연습하는 32개월 루다! 🇺🇸
Просмотров 2,2 млн2 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : jinjeongbubu@naver.com [Video Source Support] ...
[육아 vlog] 죽음의 쳇바퀴! 생후 한달 육아 24시
Просмотров 624 тыс.4 года назад
이메일 pink661@naver.com #육아24시 #생후한달 #브이로그.
[KOR Parenting] 9-month-old baby, Ruda and Dad's day!
Просмотров 1,5 млн4 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com [Video Source Support] www.youtube.com ...
[SUB] 고구마를 캐러 간 귀여운 루다네 가족!🍠 (체험 농장🎑)
Просмотров 1,1 млн3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com [Video Source Support] ...
[SUB] Cutest Korean Baby's Videos Collection💛 (9~11 months old after birth)
Просмотров 2,5 млн3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com
[SUB] 강아지를 무서워 했던 루다의 8개월 후 놀라운 변화! 🐶 (23개월 아기)
Просмотров 1,2 млн2 года назад
A young child, who was previously afraid of dogs, is shown interacting with their aunt and uncle's puppies after eight months. The video follows the child's journey as they learn to overcome their fear and become comfortable around the dogs. The video highlights the child's progress and the positive impact of spending time with the puppies.
[SUB] 이제 더 이상 물놀이를 무서워하지 않는 22개월 루다 🌊
Просмотров 2,7 млн3 года назад
A family takes their 22-month-old child to a glamping site with a swimming pool. The child, who was initially scared of water, is encouraged to swim and eventually enjoys the experience. The video captures the family's journey, from preparing for the trip to enjoying the pool and the surrounding area.
[SUB] 아웃백 물이 제일 마시쪙~🥤 - (19개월 아기 루다)
Просмотров 1,1 млн3 года назад
A parent takes their child to buy shoes, encountering a puppy and a fountain along the way. They end up at Outback Steakhouse, where the child enjoys a meal and drinks a lot of water. The video captures the child's playful and curious nature, as well as the parents' interactions with them.
[KOR Parenting] 8-month-old baby, Ruda's first caravan trip! (Part 1)
Просмотров 846 тыс.4 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com
[SUB] 엄마의 자부타임, 아가는 뭘할까?
Просмотров 765 тыс.4 года назад
A parent takes a day off from childcare to enjoy some personal time. They visit a cafe, get their nails done, and receive a massage. The parent also visits an oriental medical clinic for wrist therapy. The video ends with the parent returning home after a long day of self-care.
[SUB] 인생 첫 비즈니스석을 타고 해외여행을 떠난 루다! 🛫 (생후 34개월)
Просмотров 2,4 млнГод назад
A family travels to Sydney, Australia, with their young child. The child experiences their first business class flight, complete with a reclining seat and headphones. The family enjoys the amenities and explores the city, including a supermarket and a food court.
[SUB] Korean baby who loves book (Korean parenting method with book)
Просмотров 568 тыс.3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com
[SUB] A Korean baby went to Physical Education Class. 👶
Просмотров 1,5 млн3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com 🎵Music provided by 브금대통령 🎵Track : 내 꿈은 말 ...
[SUB] 할아버지, 할머니와 함께 제주도 여행을 하게 되어 너무 행복한 루다! 🏝
Просмотров 1,1 млн2 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : jinjeongbubu@naver.com [Video Source Support] ...
[SUB] 아빠와 생후 8개월 아기 루다가 보내는 하루! (👶🏻🍼생후252일)
Просмотров 838 тыс.4 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com Music provided by 브금대통령 Track : 룰루~ ...
[재업로드]사랑하는 숙모를 위해 '일일 아기 돌보미'가 된 39개월 루다!
Просмотров 297 тыс.Год назад
A young child, RUDA, visits their aunt and uncle to meet their newborn cousin, Li-ah. RUDA excitedly chooses a gift for Li-ah and promises to take good care of them. The video follows RUDA as they interact with Li-ah, showcasing their playful and caring nature.
[SUB] 처음으로 짜장면을 먹어 본 21개월 루다! 🍜
Просмотров 1,7 млн3 года назад
A young child experiences their first taste of black bean noodles. The video captures their reactions to the new food, as well as their attempts to use chopsticks. The child's parents are seen interacting with them, teaching them about sharing and encouraging them to try new things.
[SUB] 루다의 휴대용 유모차 구입기! (👶🏻🍼생후216일)
Просмотров 1,1 млн4 года назад
A parent and child go shopping for a portable stroller, comparing different brands and features. The parent struggles with their child's preference for a specific stroller, ultimately making a decision. The video ends with the family enjoying a takeout meal and the child's bedtime routine.
[SUB] 15개월 아기 루다의 DPT 4차 예방접종💉 (디프테리아+파상풍+백일해🦠)
Просмотров 5 млн3 года назад
Instagram : vera_kim86 E-mail : pink661@naver.com [Video Source Support] ...