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Zavod Dobra pot
Добавлен 4 май 2020
Izročilo | Brkinska jabolka | Zavod Dobra pot
Sadjarstvo je v preteklosti predstavljalo dopolnilno dejavnost na kmetiji, na terasah Brkinov so se oblikovali travniški sadovnjaki, ki s starimi sortami sadnega drevja kulturni krajini še danes dajejo poseben pečat. Med sadnimi vrstami so najbolj pogoste jablane, hruške, češnje in slive, po domače češplje.
Travniški sadovnjaki imajo zaradi naravi prijazne rabe pomembno vlogo kot življenjski prostor za številne rastlinske in živalske vrste, ohranjajo sortno pestrost in lepoto krajine, ki je nastala zaradi tradicionalnih kmetijskih praks.
𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗷𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗲: 8 min
𝗡𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗮𝗷𝗼𝗰̌𝗶: Franc Drožina, Edvin Drobnjak
𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗼: Vatovlje/Dolnje Vreme/Prem, april 2023
𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗷: Zavod Dobra pot | www.dobra-pot.si
𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 ...
Travniški sadovnjaki imajo zaradi naravi prijazne rabe pomembno vlogo kot življenjski prostor za številne rastlinske in živalske vrste, ohranjajo sortno pestrost in lepoto krajine, ki je nastala zaradi tradicionalnih kmetijskih praks.
𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗷𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗲: 8 min
𝗡𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗮𝗷𝗼𝗰̌𝗶: Franc Drožina, Edvin Drobnjak
𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗼: Vatovlje/Dolnje Vreme/Prem, april 2023
𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗷: Zavod Dobra pot | www.dobra-pot.si
𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 ...
Просмотров: 53
The Lore | A Tale of Primorska Folk Costume | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 83 месяца назад
The Primorska or Karst folk costume classifies as an Alpine-type costume due to the way is sewn, with the skirt attached to the bodice. It used to be worn in the region of Trieste and the Karst, all the way to the town of Komen, where its features intermingle with those of the Goriška folk costume. What is typical for this costume is the rich embroidery on the garments, especially on the shirt ...
The Lore | A Tale of Brkini Folk Costume | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 93 месяца назад
If you know symbols, you can decipher the motifs in embroidery, which are full of wishes and spells for women, daughters and girls. The Brkini folk costume is considerably different from other variations of folk costumes in Slovenia. It was brought here by the Uskoki, who settled in the Brkini region in the midst of the 16th century. What is special about this costume is that it reflects a dist...
The Lore | A Weaver's Soul | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 383 месяца назад
Basketry has developed as a domestic handicraft wherever people could find sufficient material for weaving in nature. Basket-makers used willow branches, split branches, straw, cornhusks, clematis, rush and many other materials. Such hand-crafted wickerwork was used for storage, carrying and transport. The skill of weaving natural materials has over time evolved into a vintage folk art. To make...
The Lore | Of Whistle and Horn | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 133 месяца назад
Farm work in the past was very different to what it is today. Back then, farm kids used to take over certain tasks, for example tending to livestock as shepherds. They used to take the herd out to pasture early in the morning before school and again later in the afternoon. During the summer, they spent their days on pastures with cows, sometimes far away from the village and any company. While ...
The Lore | Stone Ties | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 203 месяца назад
Every stone in the Karst landscape has its own face, even on one side and raw on the other, but of whatever kind, it tells the story of past life in the Karst and of the people, whose skill of dry-stone building transformed the environment into a cultural landscape of boundless dry-stone walls and other stone buildings. The skill, knowledge and techniques of dry-stone building have been handed ...
The Lore | Life of Shephards | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 833 месяца назад
The century-old tradition of sheep farming in the Matarsko Plain has shaped the local sheep farmers into hard-working and resourceful people. Shepherds, who used to move from pasture to pasture with their herd, knew how to take good care of animals, improve the herd, and make cheese of the best quality. Sheep breeding was a way of life for the Kulanovi family from Rožice and the Tončakovi famil...
The Lore | Castle on a Rock | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 123 месяца назад
High above the gorge of the Reka River, which disappears below the village of Škocjan, stand the remains of a once mighty castle fortress. In the past, Školj Castle was closely linked to the life in the surrounding villages, and stories about the life of lords, secret tunnels and hidden treasures still haunt the imagination of anyone who dares to listen. Nowadays, these old castle ruins have be...
The Lore | Brkini and Brandy-Making | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 173 месяца назад
Due to a favourable climate and centuries-old tradition of fruit-growing, the Brkini hills are known for their excellent fruit produce. This is why in the past, almost every house here was involved in brandy-making. Today, the Jelušič family continues this trade. In the village of Slope near Kozina, amidst panoramic views of dry meadows, pastures and the sea, the tourist farm "Pri Filetu" offer...
The Lore | Of Stone and the Karst | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 83 месяца назад
It is said that stone is the soul of the Karst. With the art of shaping Karst stone dating back to antiquity, the tradition of stonemasonry is deeply rooted here and it pervades the very soul of the Karst people. Stone masterpieces are a key component of typical Karst architecture - window and door frames, stairs, stone gutters, signs and decorative elements were carved out of stone with incred...
The Lore | Magical Wreaths of St. John | Dobra pot Institute
Просмотров 123 месяца назад
The weaving of St. John's wreaths is an ancient Karst custom, which has been registered in the Slovene National Register of Intangible Heritage since 2013. The custom comes from an old folk belief in the magical and healing power of plants gathered on Midsummer Night (June 23rd). Wreaths are hung on front doors in order to protect people and their homes from misfortunes, evil forces, bad luck, ...
Izročilo | Žbrinca - koš za nabiranje stelje | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 1534 месяца назад
Žbrinca, nekoč nepogrešljivo orodje za nabiranje stelje in krme za živino, je danes le še spomin na preteklost, ki je mesto dobilo v okrasni simboliki in umetnosti ter nas kot tako opominja na povezanost kraškega človeka z zemljo. 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗷𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗲: 26 min 𝗡𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗮𝗷𝗼𝗰̌𝗶: Vlasta Markočič, Ljubomir Faganel, Ivan Grmek, Damjan Turk, Jožef Novak, Vinko Mahnič in Martin Spacal. 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗼: Razguri, Kobjeglava, Š...
Izročilo Brkinov in Krasa | The Lore | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 159Год назад
Izročilo Brkinov in Krasa je nevidno sporočilo preteklosti, v katerem so zarisane poti in življenja prednamcev. Je vse tisto, kar so naši predniki skozi svoja življenja ustvarili; naj je bilo zaradi nuje, okoliščin, domiselnosti, veselja ali navdiha. Priča o vnemi, predanosti življenju, vztrajnosti in trdoživosti, pa tudi o toplini in človečnosti. Naj vam pričujoče vsebine pomagajo odkrivati te...
DURI | Digitalni dediščinski inkubator
Просмотров 21Год назад
Predstavljamo projekt Digitalni dediščinski inkubator (DDI), ki povezuje kulturno dediščino z digitalizacijo. Partnerji projekta DDI verjamemo v potencial kulturne dediščine kot razvojnega kapitala družbe. Projekt prinaša inovativen pristop, ki vključuje nevladne organizacije, prostovoljce, lokalno prebivalstvo, kreativce in podjetnike. Skupaj želimo kulturno dediščino uporabiti kot vir navdiha...
DURI | Virtualni muzej | “Od kmeta do delavca”
Просмотров 9Год назад
Odkrijte industrijsko revolucijo na Slovenskem, ki je temeljito spremenila družbeni red. Spoznajte vpliv na 7 slovenskih krajev: Maribor, Idrijo, Ilirsko Bistrico, Ajdovščino, Ptuj, Sežano in Tolmin. Razstava je nastala v sodelovanju med Društvom Idrija 2020, Zavodom Dobra pot in KID KIBLA v sklopu projekta Digitalni dediščinski inkubator - DDI. Skupaj z dijaki 7 srednjih šol smo raziskovali dr...
DURI | Digitalno raziskovanje in dokumentiranje kulturne dediščine | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
Просмотров 14Год назад
DURI | Digitalno raziskovanje in dokumentiranje kulturne dediščine | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
DURI | Digitizacija kulturne dediščine | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
Просмотров 4Год назад
DURI | Digitizacija kulturne dediščine | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
DURI | Prenova starih hiš | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
Просмотров 24Год назад
DURI | Prenova starih hiš | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
DURI | Kaj sploh je kulturna dediščina? | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
Просмотров 19Год назад
DURI | Kaj sploh je kulturna dediščina? | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
DURI | Digitalna interpretacija kulturne dediščine: Odkrijte moč zgodbe | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
Просмотров 9Год назад
DURI | Digitalna interpretacija kulturne dediščine: Odkrijte moč zgodbe | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
DURI | Vključevanje javnosti in grajenje skupnosti | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
Просмотров 10Год назад
DURI | Vključevanje javnosti in grajenje skupnosti | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
DURI | Beleženje ustnega izročila | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
Просмотров 15Год назад
DURI | Beleženje ustnega izročila | Brezplačni spletni tečaj
Izročilo | Zgodba o primorski noši | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 95Год назад
Izročilo | Zgodba o primorski noši | Zavod Dobra pot
Izročilo | Zgodba o brkinski noši | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 86Год назад
Izročilo | Zgodba o brkinski noši | Zavod Dobra pot
Izročilo | Pletarska duša | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 107Год назад
Izročilo | Pletarska duša | Zavod Dobra pot
Izročilo | O piščalki in rogu | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 174Год назад
Izročilo | O piščalki in rogu | Zavod Dobra pot
Izročilo | Kamnite vezi | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 122Год назад
Izročilo | Kamnite vezi | Zavod Dobra pot
Izročilo | Življenje ovčarjev | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 155Год назад
Izročilo | Življenje ovčarjev | Zavod Dobra pot
Izročilo | Grad na skali | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 313Год назад
Izročilo | Grad na skali | Zavod Dobra pot
Izročilo | Brkini in žganjekuha | Zavod Dobra pot
Просмотров 316Год назад
Izročilo | Brkini in žganjekuha | Zavod Dobra pot
Thank you. From Chile 🇨🇱
Lepa roža.
Jaz znam toliko o znanilcih Pomladi, ki se imenuje 🥀.
Kaj to pomeni do vrha kozarca? Do navoja ali do stika s pokrovčkom?
Dovolj je do navoja, vsebina se bo počasi posedala in ponovno boste lahko naložili do navoja. Naj vam dobro uspe!
Pakai kertas biasa boleh tidak?
Yes, you can use plain paper for this too. :)
Super super naprawdę dobrze wyszło polecamy
i like it
woow i will use that for christmas
Çok güzel bir çalışma teşekkürler👏👏
Tutkal diye yaptığı nedir acaba
@@busraipek6940 O ev yapımı tutkal ,un(veya nişasta),şeker ve su ile yapılıp pişirilerek hazırlanan uzun süre saklanabilen bir tutkal ,youtube dan "ev yapımı tutkal"diye aradığınızda bir çok videosunu izleyebilirsiniz. Bunun yapılış videosunu ben çekeceğim inşallah,sevgiler🙂
@@donusumderyasi7123 teşekkür ederim ilk defa gördüm,çokta şaşırdım inanın,
@@busraipek6940 👍
Muito lindo seu trabalho. Estou amando aprender.
Vau! 👏🏻 😎🤩
Bilo je super!