Performing Our City
Performing Our City
  • Видео 26
  • Просмотров 72 468
【戲劇節目精彩回顧】廣播劇《20 · 40》 Audio Drama《20·40》
#廣播劇 #2040 #香港
來自2040年嘅允行因為一場意外,回到 2020的香港。發現這個香港與自己一直生活嘅香港完全不一樣。誤入呢個陌生的香港後,雖然遇見了不少問題。但與此同時,都遇到了不少趣事,體驗到 20 年前獨特的香港風格。
Since an accident, Chris Wong, who comes from 2040 went back to 2020 Hong Kong. Same Hong Kong, but a totally different lifestyle which drives him crazy. Wanna know what he has gone through in this strange place?
Check out our podcast Drama 20·40! See you on Thursday 2030!
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Website: performingourcityeng.wordpress...
Просмотров: 182


【舞蹈節目精彩回顧】疫情下的拉丁舞和中國舞 Latin Dance and Chinese Dance Demonstration Lecture and Interview
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.3 года назад
我們很高興邀請到何希雯小姐為我們表演體育系列拉丁舞,作為香港舞蹈運動精英團體代表,她將會帶出三種不同類型的拉丁舞,森巴,倫巴和鬥牛拉丁舞。通過這三種類型的拉丁舞可以從表演中傳達訊息,並透過舞蹈來表達他們對疫情的感受。 We are delighted to invite Miss Heiman Ho who will perform the Sports Series Latin Dance for us. As a representative in the Hong Kong Dance Sports Elite Team currently, who will bring out three different types of Latin dance: Samba, Rumba and Paso Latin Dance. respectively. Through these...
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.3 года назад
一起來回顧戲曲的精彩節目,細心欣賞以上的粵劇及粵曲表演! Let's review the wonderful performances of Chinese opera and appreciate the above Cantonese opera performances! *歡迎您在問卷上表達對本節目的意見: You are welcome to express your opinion by filling in the Feedback Form: *節目查詢: Website: Instagram: performing_our_city.2021 Facebook:CityU: Performing Our City: Mask ON-Thea...
【音樂節目精彩回顧】獨立及樂隊音樂人表演合集 Episode of Performance by Independent and Band Performer
Просмотров 883 года назад
#本地音樂 疫情下,社會氣氛低迷。大型和小型的音樂活動都被逼取消或延期。不過,本地音樂人在創作的道路上從未停止,盼望用音樂慰籍每一個香港人的心靈, 讓我們一起細聽他們的音樂。 Under the Covid-19, the city is depressed. Many music events have been canceled or postponed. However, some local musicians have never stopped on their creative path. They hope to comfort Hong Kong people with music. Let's listen to their music! All the adoption of materials are allowed under the free licens...
粵韻悠長:盧德泰先生分享 Cantonese Opera Interview: Lo Tak Tai (Episode 2)
Просмотров 5993 года назад
#粵劇 #樂曲 #表演 盧德泰先生是一位業餘的粵曲愛好者,在這次的疫情影響下,他的樂曲生涯又有何影響呢! 讓我們來欣賞他帶來的表演和聽聽他的心聲吧。 Mr. Lo Tak Tai is an amateur musician, how has his music career been affected by this epidemic! Let's enjoy his performance and listen to his heartfelt words! *歡迎您在問卷上表達對本節目的意見: You are welcome to express your opinion by filling in the Feedback Form: *節目查詢: Website: performingourcityeng.wordpr...
粵韻悠長:陳慧思老師分享 Cantonese Opera Interview: Chan Wei Sze (Episode 1)
Просмотров 5663 года назад
#粵劇 #名伶 #陳慧思 粵劇,2009年成為人類非物質文化遺產,其架構、表演、服裝,每一項都藴藏深厚的藝術底藴,亦是香港不可不提的本土藝術。 「我演我城 疫流而賞」有幸邀請到粵劇名伶陳慧思女士接受訪問和借出演出片段,分享下疫情下的笑與淚。陳慧思女士是資深粤劇演員,2000 年成為康文署的「千禧文化大使」,2006 年更獲邀出 香港粵劇曲藝協會副主席。藉著訪問,我們可以了解到陳慧思女士的表演經歷、粵劇在疫情下的轉變等內容,加深對粵劇的認識。 Cantonese opera, which became an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009, has a deep artistic heritage in its structure, performance, and costume, and is an essenti...
【城市之音 疫誌唱吟】 第三輯:廣東音樂 (伍人粵Band) Episode 3: Cantonese Music Band
Просмотров 4 тыс.3 года назад
#廣東音樂 #Band #伍人粵Band 伍人粵Band 一個在疫情時成立的粵樂團隊。他們旨在推廣本土文化和廣東音樂。透過不同的嘗試,粵樂能以創新的形式出現,改變大家對傳統中樂的看法。 為您獻上伍人粵Band的音樂表演。 TroVessional A Cantonese music band set up under the covid-19, aiming to promote the local culture and Cantonese music. They try to perform Cantonese music in innovative forms that change people's attitudes towards traditional Chinese music. We hope you will enjoy the performance and e...
【經典回顧】香江粵韻音樂會(竹韻小集)Cantonese Music of Hong Kong by Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble
Просмотров 3,7 тыс.3 года назад
竹韻小集於2011年舉辦了一個社區音樂會 香江粵韻。 透過演奏多首粵樂,能與大眾共同回顧這些和香港有着緊密聯繫的音樂,並展示粵樂在流行曲中的影子。 A concert of Cantonese Music by Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble. Playing multipole Cantonese songs that are closely connected with Hong Kong, to retrospect the music with audience and introduce their shadow in Cantonese pop music. *歡迎您在問卷上表達對本節目的意見: You are welcome to express your opinion by filling in the Feedback Form: ...
舞蹈特輯:中國舞表演 黃若寧 龍馥鎧 Chinese Dance Performance Emily Wong Vanessa Lung
Просмотров 3083 года назад
我們邀請了黃若寧小姐和龍馥鎧小姐作為我們的中國舞表演嘉賓,他們將會為我們表演三種中國舞:抒情,東北秧歌,蒙古。透過表演去介紹中國舞的主要思想,帶出特定的中國舞訊息及從表演中表達他們在疫情下的感受。 We have invited Miss Emily Wong and Miss Venessa Lung as our guest performers in Chinese dance, who will perform three types of Chinese dance: Shuqing Group, Yang Song, Mongolia types to us. Through the performance both introduce the Chinese dance's main idea and bring their specific Chinese Dance...
專訪:疫情下的中國舞 Episode3 : Independent Performer- Chinese Dance Demonstration Lecture and Interview
Просмотров 9673 года назад
第三集:獨立表演者-中國舞示範講座及訪談 我們很高興能夠邀請黃若寧小姐和龍馥鎧小姐為我們提供中國舞的表演及示範講座訪談。兩位都是曾參與過多個省級比賽的年輕舞者。他們將會總結疫情下的舞蹈產業發展,並探討中國舞蹈文化在香港發展中的多樣性。 Episode3: Independent performer- Chinese Dance Demonstration Lecture and Interview We are delighted to invite Miss Emily Wong and Miss Venessa Lung to give out the Chinese Dance Performance & demonstration lecture and Interviews to us. Both are young dancers who have participate...
停擺的劇場:白牆戲劇專訪 The Stopped Theatre: Interview with White Wall Production
Просмотров 1683 года назад
#白牆劇團 #實驗劇場 #戲劇 2020, 劇團因為各種防疫條例,陷入前所未有的冰河期。 今次很榮幸能夠邀請白牆劇團 ,一班由熱血年青人組成的本土嘅實驗劇場,分享他們在疫情下如何自處。 Under COVID-19, troupes cannot perform their work on stage and interact with the audience because of the Prevention and Control of Disease Regulations. We are delighted to invite White Wall Production, a troupe formed by a group of drama enthusiasts. They are going to tell us their story and works perfo...
非粵我城:粵劇工作坊 Chinese Opera Workshop (Leung Fei-tung)
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.3 года назад
#粵劇 #面譜 #梁非同 粵劇曾是廣受香港人歡迎的戲曲表演活動,以唱、做、唸、打形式展示,配以戲服道具等呈現戲劇情節。而時至今日,粵劇仍是香港其中一項消遣娛樂活動,並吸引年輕人入行。 是次工作坊邀請到粵劇青年演員 梁非同小姐,和大家分享粵劇的發展和小知識。工作坊的第二節,更設有互動環節,誠邀大家一起設計屬於自己獨一無二的粵劇面譜! Cantonese opera was once a popular form of opera performance in Hong Kong, featuring singing, acting, reciting, and fencing with costumes and props. Today, Cantonese opera is still one of the pastimes in Hong Kong and has attracte...
廣播劇《20·40》(下) Audio Drama《20·40》Part II
Просмотров 1073 года назад
#廣播劇 #2040 #香港 允行終於可以返去2040啦!嗰嗰佢發夢都想返返去嘅高科技世界。 咦等等先,你竟然為咗「佢」而唔想返去?到底呢個落後嘅2020有咩令允行咁留戀?想知嘅就要留意我地嘅廣播劇啦! Congratulations Chris Wong! We have received your report from Kiko, your returning will be occurred in these days, please get yourself prepared. - Message from Technology and Development Bureau NO! I want to stay! Kiko help me! What turns Chris’ mind so sudden to stay in this ‘backward era’? Ch...
Voice in the City Episode 2: Bands
Просмотров 1933 года назад
Voice in the City Episode 2: Bands
【經典講座回顧】《電影中的中樂》(朱芸編)Chinese Music in Film by Wan Pin Chu
Просмотров 2203 года назад
【經典講座回顧】《電影中的中樂》(朱芸編)Chinese Music in Film by Wan Pin Chu
舞蹈特輯:拉丁舞表演 何希雯 Latin Performance Heiman Ho
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.3 года назад
舞蹈特輯:拉丁舞表演 何希雯 Latin Performance Heiman Ho
專訪:疫情下的拉丁舞(下) Episode2: Independent Performer- Latin Dance Demonstration Lecture and Interview
Просмотров 4173 года назад
專訪:疫情下的拉丁舞(下) Episode2: Independent Performer- Latin Dance Demonstration Lecture and Interview
專訪:疫情下的拉丁舞(上) Episode1: Independent performer -Latin Dance Demonstration lecture and Interview
Просмотров 1 тыс.3 года назад
專訪:疫情下的拉丁舞(上) Episode1: Independent performer -Latin Dance Demonstration lecture and Interview
【 城市之音 疫誌唱吟】 第一輯:獨立音樂人(Byejack, Rue-Chan Tsz Ching, 袋鼠) Episode 1: Independent performer
Просмотров 9 тыс.3 года назад
【 城市之音 疫誌唱吟】 第一輯:獨立音樂人(Byejack, Rue-Chan Tsz Ching, 袋鼠) Episode 1: Independent performer
Performance: The Peony Pavilion (The Tryst)
Просмотров 33 тыс.3 года назад
Performance: The Peony Pavilion (The Tryst)
Daily life of Cantonese Opera performers under the epidemic (Leung Fei-tung)
Просмотров 12 тыс.3 года назад
Daily life of Cantonese Opera performers under the epidemic (Leung Fei-tung)
廣播劇《20·40》(上) Audio Drama《20·40》Part I
Просмотров 2423 года назад
廣播劇《20·40》(上) Audio Drama《20·40》Part I
「我演我城-疫流而賞」| 線上藝術節:節目巡禮 Performing Our City: Mask ON-Theatre | Online Art Festival | Program Lineup
Просмотров 923 года назад
「我演我城-疫流而賞」| 線上藝術節:節目巡禮 Performing Our City: Mask ON-Theatre | Online Art Festival | Program Lineup
The Opening Ceremony of "Performing Our City: Mask ON-Theatre" |「我演我城-疫流而賞」開幕典禮
Просмотров 4813 года назад
The Opening Ceremony of "Performing Our City: Mask ON-Theatre" |「我演我城-疫流而賞」開幕典禮
「我演我城-疫流而賞」| 線上藝術節:預告篇 Performing Our City: Mask ON-Theatre | Online Art Festival | Trailer
Просмотров 2043 года назад
「我演我城-疫流而賞」| 線上藝術節:預告篇 Performing Our City: Mask ON-Theatre | Online Art Festival | Trailer


  • @man-kitli1572
    @man-kitli1572 8 дней назад


  • @man-kitli1572
    @man-kitli1572 8 дней назад


  • @ooijintak5515
    @ooijintak5515 4 месяца назад


    • @ooijintak5515
      @ooijintak5515 4 месяца назад

      Fantastic, listen to what your have playing the unique Cantonese traditional music. Very Professional, skillful. Give your a Thumbs-up 👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏💯🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳❤️

  • @wingkamng6685
    @wingkamng6685 4 месяца назад


  • @waipingcheung4730
    @waipingcheung4730 5 месяцев назад


  • @chiyue3915
    @chiyue3915 5 месяцев назад


  • @KKk-nb4nu
    @KKk-nb4nu 5 месяцев назад


  • @cheekhuenlee6646
    @cheekhuenlee6646 7 месяцев назад

    The original script " Mai Dan Teng Keng Moong",( The Peony Pavilion), was sung by late Choong Wan Sun & late Chan Feng Sin ( she slso back sage sang for late Patricia Lam Feng ). This drama of the 60s was so popular that, hitherto almost young singers would like to enmulate. Wonder Fool !

  • @cheekhuenlee6646
    @cheekhuenlee6646 7 месяцев назад

    You missed out the shafting in of eye lashes and the sticking of side burns.Wonder Fool !

  • @chiyue3915
    @chiyue3915 9 месяцев назад


  • @user-ji3mg4vw3q
    @user-ji3mg4vw3q 11 месяцев назад


    • @user-dj3sa8
      @user-dj3sa8 5 месяцев назад

      不過,如果要比都冇得比 !差好 遠

  • @artsfong5231
    @artsfong5231 Год назад


    • @jacquelineleung2616
      @jacquelineleung2616 10 месяцев назад


    • @user-dj3sa8
      @user-dj3sa8 5 месяцев назад

      @@jacquelineleung2616 小可 根本上唔係個班馬,點可以同場跑,只係古董喊價 ,胡言亂吐

  • @kamho7617
    @kamho7617 Год назад

    英文字 幕遮住畫面

  • @john6948
    @john6948 Год назад

    梁非同唱功與林穎施相差十萬八千里,為何可以擔正演胡不歸?還被 彭美施捧上天,唯一解釋有後台,或是彭美施與林穎施交惡了。

    • @jacquelineleung2616
      @jacquelineleung2616 10 месяцев назад


    • @user-dj3sa8
      @user-dj3sa8 5 месяцев назад


  • @Peter-ps3zl
    @Peter-ps3zl Год назад


  • @Peter-ps3zl
    @Peter-ps3zl Год назад


  • @liewkaisun6850
    @liewkaisun6850 Год назад

    Lacking in most aspects of a good huadan.......a long way ahead for her...

  • @rosechung8025
    @rosechung8025 Год назад


  • @yc1697
    @yc1697 Год назад


  • @jacksonyin2000
    @jacksonyin2000 Год назад


  • @smuichow6123
    @smuichow6123 Год назад

    梁非同, 你好! 今日偶然在這裡發現你的報導,十分欣賞你對粵劇的熱誠passion, 不斷追求更深造詣,加油呀!方便時聯絡我,讓我有機會欣賞你的演出。

  • @fankwok8306
    @fankwok8306 2 года назад

    byejack 有著羽生結弦優雅清冷的氣質

  • @tinfa458
    @tinfa458 2 года назад


    • @john6948
      @john6948 5 месяцев назад


    • @user-dj3sa8
      @user-dj3sa8 5 месяцев назад

      @@john6948 極之贊 同,如果係,咁通街都係?

    • @tinfa458
      @tinfa458 4 месяца назад

      @@john6948 新一代港產花旦?我真想不到哪個比她靚?你可否舉例?

  • @canCan-oh7sq
    @canCan-oh7sq 2 года назад


  • @HillsTatJ
    @HillsTatJ 2 года назад

    Wow u so handsome and so rapper wor really hip hop too :)

  • @yuetngotsoi5513
    @yuetngotsoi5513 2 года назад


  • @chihungchu1209
    @chihungchu1209 3 года назад


  • @chihungchu1209
    @chihungchu1209 3 года назад


  • @wendywong6890
    @wendywong6890 3 года назад


  • @poorman3134
    @poorman3134 3 года назад

    I appreciate their effort that has been put into making harmony to support the main melody line, so that each instrument don't have to play the same thing all the time like the traditional players. However, I would suggest that they should seek how to improve their recording & mixing technique so that the sound of each instrument could be heard more clearly. In this recording, everything just messed up OR I would say the sound of the instruments covered up each others. May be they should try to use equalizers to separate the recording of each instrument into separate range of frequency. I am no recording engineer and I may be wrong, but this is just what I really feel.

    • @TroVessional
      @TroVessional 2 года назад

      Thank you very much! More videos and recordings on our own channel 💝🙏🏼 Hope you will like it

  • @candy-truth
    @candy-truth 3 года назад

    呢位新進花旦扮相好靚女 💕💕

  • @user-tb2hv6fq8t
    @user-tb2hv6fq8t 3 года назад

    Juice wrld

  • @chiupingng6101
    @chiupingng6101 3 года назад

    Very good combination! Thank you very much!

  • @johnlin3486
    @johnlin3486 3 года назад

    功夫深厚! 粵樂後繼有人!

  • @josephinetse8076
    @josephinetse8076 3 года назад


  • @wchiu5828
    @wchiu5828 3 года назад


  • @user-rp1bz7se6m
    @user-rp1bz7se6m 3 года назад


  • @tomchan8232
    @tomchan8232 3 года назад


    • @alfredip1151
      @alfredip1151 3 года назад


    • @JJLo-zb5fe
      @JJLo-zb5fe Год назад


    • @jacquelineleung2616
      @jacquelineleung2616 10 месяцев назад


  • @fu5024
    @fu5024 3 года назад


  • @user-qc1gm8rk1o
    @user-qc1gm8rk1o 3 года назад


  • @foodboymaterial4897
    @foodboymaterial4897 3 года назад

    byejack真人幾靚仔 haha

  • @simonlau2746
    @simonlau2746 3 года назад


  • @shyil145
    @shyil145 3 года назад


  • @shyil145
    @shyil145 3 года назад


  • @dorislang5563
    @dorislang5563 3 года назад


  • @steveho9884
    @steveho9884 3 года назад

    I think leung feb tung is a good sister and friend to have

  • @cheungkwokwah4087
    @cheungkwokwah4087 3 года назад

    粵劇係一門艱深藝術 非同肯毅志投身 希望能夠精進有為 加油👍👏💪💪

  • @yinhanwoo5606
    @yinhanwoo5606 3 года назад

    一直有留意梁非同,希望你成功。 我不曲,但覺得這段曲是否音調偏高了,而有的低音處是否可以更低?!

  • @kenchan1125222
    @kenchan1125222 3 года назад


  • @peterho8007
    @peterho8007 3 года назад

    No pain No gain . You still have a long way to go. Don't give up , life is short , play hard !