Geszti mit szól ehhez ?
Please, more lyrics in Hungarian, It sounds so better!
it's from a Hungarian band called Jazz+az, the song was part of a movie called Kalozok (Pirates). Song title is "Ma jol vagyok".
Yes. A person asked what album this was on, and then another person traveled backwards through time to let him know the answer.
in what album is this song?
None, it is a bootleg.
Geszti mit szól ehhez ?
Please, more lyrics in Hungarian, It sounds so better!
it's from a Hungarian band called Jazz+az, the song was part of a movie called Kalozok (Pirates). Song title is "Ma jol vagyok".
Yes. A person asked what album this was on, and then another person traveled backwards through time to let him know the answer.
in what album is this song?
None, it is a bootleg.