Tech Stark Scientist
Tech Stark Scientist
  • Видео 254
  • Просмотров 7 975
Description: A collection of elements identified by index or key. Elements are stored in contiguous memory locations.
Indexing: Elements are accessed using an index.
Fixed Size: The size of the array is fixed once it is created.
Time Complexity:
Access: O(1)
Insertion/Deletion: O(n) (due to shifting)
Use Cases: Simple lists, lookup tables.
2. Linked Lists
Description: A linear collection of elements where each element points to the next. There are different types of linked lists:
Singly Linked List: Each node points to the next node.
Doubly Linked List: Each node points to both the next and previous nodes.
Circular Linked List: The last node points back to the first node.
Просмотров: 17


Просмотров 498День назад
Natural Language Processing (NLP) 1. Introduction to NLP Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), and linguistics. It focuses on enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a meaningful way. NLP involves various techniques and methodologies to process and analyze text or speech data. 2. Key...
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Natural Language Processing (NLP) Definition: NLP is a broad field within artificial intelligence focused on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. It involves various techniques and methodologies to process and analyze text or speech data. Key Components: Text Preprocessing: Tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, and removing stop words. Feature Extraction: T...
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Data Collection: Gather and load textual data. Data Preprocessing: Clean and prepare the text. Text Representation: Convert text to numerical vectors. Train-Test Split: Split the data into training and testing sets. Model Training: Train a machine learning model. Model Evaluation: Evaluate model performance. Advanced NLP Tasks: Use pre-trained models for additional tasks. Visualization: Visuali...
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Credit Risk Assessment Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning


  • @IOSALive
    @IOSALive 12 дней назад

    Tech Stark Scientist, awesome video my guy

  • @nO_OnE_hehee
    @nO_OnE_hehee 24 дня назад

    Can you tell me how I can start fine tuning a pre trained model with video dataset

    • @technicalknowledge7520
      @technicalknowledge7520 24 дня назад

      Fine-tuning a pre-trained model with a video dataset involves several steps, as working with video data introduces additional complexities compared to working with static images or text. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started: 1. Define Your Objectives Before starting, clarify what you want to achieve with fine-tuning. Common objectives include: Action Recognition: Identifying actions or activities in videos. Object Detection: Detecting objects in video frames. Video Classification: Classifying entire videos into categories. Video Captioning: Generating textual descriptions for videos. 2. Select a Pre-trained Model Choose a pre-trained model that aligns with your objectives. Some popular pre-trained models for video tasks include: I3D (Inflated 3D ConvNet): Good for action recognition and video classification. SlowFast Networks: Effective for action recognition and capturing different temporal scales. VideoBERT or VisualBERT: For tasks combining vision and language, like video captioning. 3. Prepare Your Video Dataset Data Collection: Gather Videos: Collect videos that match your target domain and categories. Annotation: Label your videos appropriately (e.g., action labels, object categories). Data Preparation: Extract Frames: Convert videos to individual frames (images). This is typically done using tools like OpenCV or FFmpeg. python Copy code import cv2 import os def extract_frames(video_path, output_folder): video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) success, image = count = 0 while success: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_folder, f"frame_{count:04d}.jpg"), image) success, image = count += 1 video.release() Preprocessing: Resize and normalize frames. Convert videos to a suitable format for your model. 4. Adapt the Model for Video Data Fine-tuning involves modifying the pre-trained model to suit your specific dataset. This typically involves: Replacing the Final Layers: Adapt the final layers of the pre-trained model to match the number of classes or output types in your dataset. Adding Temporal Layers: For tasks involving temporal data, you might need to add or adjust temporal layers in the network. 5. Set Up Your Training Pipeline Framework and Libraries: PyTorch/TensorFlow: Popular frameworks for training and fine-tuning deep learning models. Hugging Face Transformers: If using transformer-based models for video, Hugging Face provides utilities for video data. Data Loading: Use libraries like PyTorch’s DataLoader or TensorFlow’s API to handle video frames efficiently. python Copy code from torchvision import transforms from import Dataset, DataLoader class VideoDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, frame_paths, labels, transform=None): self.frame_paths = frame_paths self.labels = labels self.transform = transform def __len__(self): return len(self.frame_paths) def __getitem__(self, idx): image =[idx]) label = self.labels[idx] if self.transform: image = self.transform(image) return image, label transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((224, 224)), transforms.ToTensor(), ]) dataset = VideoDataset(frame_paths, labels, transform=transform) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=16, shuffle=True) 6. Fine-tune the Model Training Loop: Define your training and validation loops. Use an appropriate loss function and optimizer. Save and load model checkpoints to avoid losing progress. python Copy code import torch.optim as optim model = YourPretrainedModel() model.fc = nn.Linear(in_features, num_classes) # Adjust final layer criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) for epoch in range(num_epochs): model.train() for inputs, labels in dataloader: optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = model(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() 7. Evaluate and Test the Model After fine-tuning, evaluate your model on a separate validation or test set to measure performance. Use metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score depending on your task. 8. Deploy the Model Once satisfied with the performance, you can deploy your model. This could involve integrating it into an application, creating an API, or using a cloud-based inference service. 9. Iterate and Improve Based on evaluation results, you might need to: Adjust Hyperparameters: Fine-tune learning rates, batch sizes, etc. Enhance Data: Collect more data or improve labeling. Model Architecture: Experiment with different architectures or add more layers. Example Pipeline Summary Prepare Dataset: Extract and preprocess frames from videos. Modify Model: Adapt a pre-trained model to suit your video task. Train: Fine-tune the model with your dataset. Evaluate: Test the model and measure performance. Deploy: Implement the model in your application. This process involves a blend of data preparation, model adaptation, and iterative improvement. It’s crucial to monitor and validate each step to ensure your fine-tuned model performs well on your specific video dataset.

  • @user-zd1vv9ss3p
    @user-zd1vv9ss3p 24 дня назад

    Nice explaining

  • @user-zd1vv9ss3p
    @user-zd1vv9ss3p 25 дней назад

    Great Explaination

  • @ashwinidive337
    @ashwinidive337 Год назад

    Khup chan mahiti delit tq

  • @technicalknowledge7520
    @technicalknowledge7520 Год назад

    Hii guys, Please give your suggestion.

  • @trading_buddy
    @trading_buddy Год назад

    0:05 sir can you make video on ats friendly resume for data analyst and apply

  • @UshaVerma-e7k
    @UshaVerma-e7k Год назад


  • @UshaVerma-e7k
    @UshaVerma-e7k Год назад

    Nice Informative

  • @hemantverma2876
    @hemantverma2876 Год назад


  • @hemantverma2876
    @hemantverma2876 Год назад

    Nice video

  • @hemantverma2876
    @hemantverma2876 Год назад


  • @chetanjanaki9530
    @chetanjanaki9530 Год назад

    Thank sir... For this video,

  • @technicalknowledge7520
    @technicalknowledge7520 Год назад

    Please share the content to your friends if it is helpful.

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    Please like and subscribe my channel

  • @user-tu9ju8jr5q
    @user-tu9ju8jr5q Год назад

    Nice sir

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    Please like and subscribe my channel and also share with your friends if you like the content

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    Aptitude is the best part for our Skill Growing and Building

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  • @Aditya07566
    @Aditya07566 Год назад

    Nice video sir

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    Please like and Suscribe My channel

  • @Aditya07566
    @Aditya07566 Год назад

    Nice teaching

  • @Aditya07566
    @Aditya07566 Год назад

    Audio is not visible

  • @user-tu9ju8jr5q
    @user-tu9ju8jr5q Год назад

  • @user-tu9ju8jr5q
    @user-tu9ju8jr5q Год назад

    Nice vedio❤

  • @technicalknowledge7520
    @technicalknowledge7520 Год назад

    Koi na Permanent Hain Jagg main what an motivational song...

  • @nareshselvarajan7918
    @nareshselvarajan7918 Год назад

    can you share the pdf

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    This the Fourth Series for SQL Interview Q&A

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    Machine Learning Assignment Important

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  • @dr.bhartivnathwani2073
    @dr.bhartivnathwani2073 Год назад

    Nice work

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  • @technicalknowledge7520
    @technicalknowledge7520 2 года назад

    Wow 🤩 🤩

  • @technicalknowledge7520
    @technicalknowledge7520 2 года назад

    Please like and suscribe my channel

  • @technicalknowledge7520
    @technicalknowledge7520 2 года назад

    Excellent textbooka

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    @dipansverma9284 4 года назад


  • @dipansverma9284
    @dipansverma9284 4 года назад

    Nice explaination