Julia Budassi
Julia Budassi
  • Видео 1
  • Просмотров 28 235
PMMA Thin Films Tutorial
This video takes place in a Materials Science and Engineering laboratory at Stony Brook University.
Created by Julia Budassi.
Просмотров: 28 245



  • @aishakanwal3526
    @aishakanwal3526 3 месяца назад

    Very informative. Why don't you have many such videos?

  • @justhujia
    @justhujia Год назад

    that's really help thank you julia!

  • @andyrit2
    @andyrit2 Год назад

    These techniques for scribing silicon are horrible. To scribe silicon you just need to put ONE tiny scratch near the edge. Then flip the wafer over, press opposite of your tiny scratch gently with the round part of the scribe, and it will cleave along the crystal planes. This produces no dust and the cut will be perfectly straight every time.

  • @ajaykumarvaishnani621
    @ajaykumarvaishnani621 2 года назад

    Amazing... Please make some another video with full of instructions like this. i really learn many important steps from this video. thank you very much.🤗🤗

  • @MatheusSilva-nf5vw
    @MatheusSilva-nf5vw 2 года назад

    Julia Budassi, pleasure! First of all congratulations for your very educational video. During your process I had a doubt and if you can remove it I will be very grateful. And about the solvent dilution in PMMA, why did you choose Toluene? Does it make the polymer more diluted? Hugs and once again, Congratulations!!!

  • @jieliu7041
    @jieliu7041 2 года назад

    Thanks a lot.

  • @Nosha649
    @Nosha649 2 года назад

    It's really helpful and well explained. Thank you!

  • @atomipi
    @atomipi 3 года назад

    very good.. interesting.. funny note though... no wonder you need to clean so much, your lab tools/equip/gear are filthy! Is this lab used by lots of other people who slop stuff everywhere and don't care?

  • @SedziaP
    @SedziaP 4 года назад

    Really useful for someone who wants to start his work with PMMA. It's nice that You showed and explained all the steps.

  • @puru1027
    @puru1027 5 лет назад

    Girl is so cute

  • @nathanmccorkle4278
    @nathanmccorkle4278 6 лет назад

    So much more finesse than the way I've been coating wafers... turn on spincoater with wafer attached, douse with acetone, douse with IPA, place polyester cloth over spinning disc and douse the cloth with either solution to 'wet buff' the wafer, spin to dry, squirt on PMMA solution, throw on a hotplace for 90 seconds, go to town with exposing it. I will say my resolution is approaching 1 micron, so I need to work on that... but wow, so much more care done here! I am not doing electronics with the final thin films, more mechanical stuff really... but maybe someday I'll need to care as much as the videographer here did! Thanks!

  • @AuDrEy0289
    @AuDrEy0289 6 лет назад

    What about safety glasses?

  • @Kimya_el_tabkh
    @Kimya_el_tabkh 6 лет назад

    Thanks a lot. Incredibly informative and detailed

  • @jamesmit100
    @jamesmit100 6 лет назад

    Did you use HF outside of the fume hood?

  • @nick99995
    @nick99995 7 лет назад

    Excellent tutorial! How come you chose to make your own PMMA solution instead of using a commercially available one?

  • @MMajhadi
    @MMajhadi 7 лет назад

    Thank you so much for this beautiful tutorial.