Three Wise Guys Podcast
Three Wise Guys Podcast
  • Видео 46
  • Просмотров 10 129
Blind Coke Taste Test: Can We Spot the Real One? 🤯
In this video, we put our wise taste buds to the test as we try 5 different types of Coke in a blind taste challenge! 🍾 Can we guess the difference between classic Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper? 🎯 Or will our palates fail us miserably? 😅
Watch as the guys debates flavor profiles, makes hilarious guesses, and crowns the ultimate Coke connoisseur of the group. Will your favorite Coke come out on top? Let us know in the comments which one you’d choose!
👉 Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell so you don’t miss any of our taste test adventures.
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#TasteTest #CocaColaChallenge #BlindTasteTest
Просмотров: 7


Medieval Times, Black Friday Shenanigans, and Elon Musk vs Bots #106
Просмотров 53День назад
The Wise Guys are back, jousting their way into your ears -starting with a recap of their trip to Medieval Times. Turns out, it’s not just for kids; Luke, Arya, and Dolapo break down the spectacle, the cheering adults, and, why Dolapo thought he’d be allowed to get on stage and fight a night. Plus, Luke shares a side quest of his own: attending a Marianas Trench concert with Terry and being mis...
Party Recap, Religion, and Frameworks for Life #105
Просмотров 9021 день назад
Fresh pizzas, free-flowing drinks, and the whole room shouting “seven!” in unison-if Three Wise Guys casino night was a movie, it’d be Inception meets Dazed and Confused. Tune in as the guys dive into the art of hosting a party, from picking the perfect drinks to mixing friend groups and all the stories in between. With a crowd this diverse, you get all kinds of takes on life. Things get more i...
Money Matters? Relationship Red Flags #104
Просмотров 121Месяц назад
The Wise Guys are back with another action-packed episode! We kick things off with Luke’s marathon experience-daring to run miles on end, handling unexpected ‘runner’s dilemmas’ along the way. Meanwhile, Arya attended the unforgettable retirement of Vince Carter’s jersey at the Raptors’ arena, where the night took a surprising turn with a fan’s arrest. Shifting gears, the guys tackle a hot topi...
Music, Artistry, Living with Loss ft. Adam Boutari #103
Просмотров 63Месяц назад
Music, Artistry, Living with Loss ft. Adam Boutari #103
Wine Drunk, Ancestral Sins & The Path To Redemption #102
Просмотров 1442 месяца назад
Wine Drunk, Ancestral Sins & The Path To Redemption #102
Waymo, Court of Public Opinion, & Making Decisions #101
Просмотров 1482 месяца назад
Waymo, Court of Public Opinion, & Making Decisions #101
Просмотров 1053 месяца назад
Food, cities, culture, and universal healthcare #99
Просмотров 1823 месяца назад
Food, cities, culture, and universal healthcare #99
3WG Lore, Recapping NYC, More About Us #98
Просмотров 484 месяца назад
3WG Lore, Recapping NYC, More About Us #98
#38: Threesomes & Routine Habits
Просмотров 423 года назад
#38: Threesomes & Routine Habits
Truth or Drink
Просмотров 453 года назад
Truth or Drink
Hot Noods | Untitled Food Review Buldak Bokkeum Spicy Ramen Mukbang
Просмотров 573 года назад
Hot Noods | Untitled Food Review Buldak Bokkeum Spicy Ramen Mukbang
Burgers Done Well (But Not Well Done) | GoodFud BBQ
Просмотров 203 года назад
Burgers Done Well (But Not Well Done) | GoodFud BBQ
The End of Good Fud???
Просмотров 193 года назад
The End of Good Fud???
MOM DON’t WATCH THIS ONE | Untitled Food Review 420 Special | Bakedbyjustoned
Просмотров 393 года назад
MOM DON’t WATCH THIS ONE | Untitled Food Review 420 Special | Bakedbyjustoned
Italian Asian Fusion - Noodles + Creamy Soup + Italian Cuisine | Good Fud
Просмотров 563 года назад
Italian Asian Fusion - Noodles Creamy Soup Italian Cuisine | Good Fud
Kuketista | Untitled Food Reviews
Просмотров 163 года назад
Kuketista | Untitled Food Reviews
Cheese + Fish + Cucumber Salsa | Good Fud episode 4
Просмотров 513 года назад
Cheese Fish Cucumber Salsa | Good Fud episode 4
Cherie and Graze | Untitled Food Reviews
Просмотров 623 года назад
Cherie and Graze | Untitled Food Reviews
Spice + Carbs + Meats | Good Fud
Просмотров 603 года назад
Spice Carbs Meats | Good Fud
Cooking V.S Music V.S Writing - The Creative Process | Three Wise Guys E4 Clip
Просмотров 143 года назад
Cooking V.S Music V.S Writing - The Creative Process | Three Wise Guys E4 Clip
Amazing Audition Story | Three Wise Guys E4 Clip Ft Sway
Просмотров 223 года назад
Amazing Audition Story | Three Wise Guys E4 Clip Ft Sway
Naija Jollof | Untitled Food Review
Просмотров 953 года назад
Naija Jollof | Untitled Food Review
Why the Modern Male Sucks at Dating… | Three Wise Guys
Просмотров 333 года назад
Why the Modern Male Sucks at Dating… | Three Wise Guys
The "Right" Way To Approach Women? | Three Wise Guys Episode 3 Clip
Просмотров 313 года назад
The "Right" Way To Approach Women? | Three Wise Guys Episode 3 Clip
AVOCADOS! | Good Fud E2 | Guac 3 Ways
Просмотров 763 года назад
AVOCADOS! | Good Fud E2 | Guac 3 Ways
Kayne Is UNDERRATED? | Three Wise Guys E2 Clip
Просмотров 243 года назад
Kayne Is UNDERRATED? | Three Wise Guys E2 Clip
Ottawa's Newest Food Concept! | Untitled Food Review E1
Просмотров 3383 года назад
Ottawa's Newest Food Concept! | Untitled Food Review E1
Materialism is a WESTERN CONCEPT? | Three Wise Guys E1 Clip
Просмотров 774 года назад
Materialism is a WESTERN CONCEPT? | Three Wise Guys E1 Clip


  • @sammynajm4402
    @sammynajm4402 15 дней назад

    I love the 3 Wise Guys

  • @theandraos1
    @theandraos1 17 дней назад

    Connor is an OG its an honour to be confused for him ❤️

  • @theandraos1
    @theandraos1 17 дней назад

    14:01 , damn D…. That hurt

  • @theandraos1
    @theandraos1 17 дней назад

    12:17 and fully, if you need to charge a cover, do it those pizzas couldn’t have been cheap!

  • @theandraos1
    @theandraos1 17 дней назад

    4:59 Fake money, of course it was legal no real money was exchanged! Great party though you’re right the pizza was great but the wise men where the highlight for sure

  • @davinpark
    @davinpark 26 дней назад

    nevermind this is

  • @davinpark
    @davinpark 26 дней назад

    I love this edit the most 🔥

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 Месяц назад

    Wild to see what the old episodes looked like

  • @Tobi-cr4ow
    @Tobi-cr4ow 2 месяца назад

    The videos are 🔥🔥🔥

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 3 месяца назад

    I deadass thought the mic shadow was a big ass stain LOL

  • @nultrix
    @nultrix 3 месяца назад

    Engaging podcast! Really awesome quality and panning also 🙌🏽🙌🏽

  • @estherzhu1243
    @estherzhu1243 4 месяца назад


  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 4 месяца назад

    From episode 38 to 98 is wild 😂

  • @LactoseSoyMilk
    @LactoseSoyMilk 3 года назад

    Alcohol is evil. I am a wholesome boi

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 3 года назад

    I have no real friends, how did you let me shoot this without wiping my nose

  • @tyrellshawn
    @tyrellshawn 3 года назад


  • @dolapoolaniawo815
    @dolapoolaniawo815 3 года назад

    where's lactose say milk?

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 3 года назад

    Metal fork on non stick is the reason I left

  • @ryansiking7297
    @ryansiking7297 3 года назад

    U gud mate?

  • @tobyxia
    @tobyxia 3 года назад

    Yesss plantain chips got a mention

  • @prabha4165
    @prabha4165 3 года назад

    B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-..❤️⤵️ !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1618398934

  • @dolapoolaniawo815
    @dolapoolaniawo815 3 года назад

    babushka boy is a superstar in the making🤣

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 3 года назад

    Use me as a justine should start a youtube counter ✌️

  • @GazandMarty
    @GazandMarty 3 года назад

    Fresh homemade pasta! Deeeelicious...

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 3 года назад

    Don't show this to my mom please and thank you

    • @ryansiking7297
      @ryansiking7297 3 года назад


  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 3 года назад


  • @dolapoolaniawo815
    @dolapoolaniawo815 3 года назад

    what an intro😂

  • @makovue
    @makovue 3 года назад

    the presentation at the end was so goooood, legit made me drool

  • @makovue
    @makovue 3 года назад

    8:42 sold me

  • @shariframs8053
    @shariframs8053 3 года назад

    Looks mad fire

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 3 года назад

    "I like whats going on... Inside" -me answering my ex when she asked "what do you like about me"

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 3 года назад

    What's up guys future Luke (who has baked a few more cakes since) here. Please mix your sugar with the eggs, not the flour! I goofed.

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 3 года назад

    My creative process involves self hate and a bottle of burbon

  • @therzn6257
    @therzn6257 3 года назад


  • @dolapoolaniawo815
    @dolapoolaniawo815 4 года назад

    guac and girls huh

  • @terrysway
    @terrysway 4 года назад

    Hi I'm 11 years old and I want to learn to how to bake cilantro like you do. Can you teach me?

    • @The19980528
      @The19980528 4 года назад

      You don't bake cilantro silly!!!! You deep fry it

  • @tyrellshawn
    @tyrellshawn 4 года назад

    I get it perfect everytime 6:06😂❤! Best SOUNDTRACK tho🙏🏿

  • @tobyxia
    @tobyxia 4 года назад

    Garlic is disgusting . I will unsubscribe now

  • @terrysway
    @terrysway 4 года назад

    Keep up the great work boys <3

  • @estherzhu9067
    @estherzhu9067 4 года назад

    That cake was bombbbb!! Thanks for cooking for me<3

  • @mishalbutt1268
    @mishalbutt1268 4 года назад

    Amazing 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • @terrysway
    @terrysway 4 года назад

    THIS IS SO WELL DONE!!!!! Keep it up :D

  • @shariframs8053
    @shariframs8053 4 года назад

    Damn looks fire 🔥🔥

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 4 года назад

    Thank you to everyone who watched, we hope you enjoyed this as much as we enjoyed filming it! We're still figuring things out as they go but we promise better shots, better editing, and better content as time goes on. Stay tuned, it only goes up from here 😳 Lots of love from your favorite residential wine aunt <3

  • @The19980528
    @The19980528 4 года назад

    Mad that the clip of me breaking our flatscreen did not make it :(