Amazing footage! That looks like a huge (do you know what kind?) fish the Heron caught! The fish was struggling, but the hungry Heron managed to fully consume (alive?!) it all okay? It looked like the potential meal was still fighting inside too! I wonder, does the large fish stand any chance of escaping if eaten in that condition? Maybe it has a chance of survival here.
Amazing footage! That looks like a huge (do you know what kind?) fish the Heron caught! The fish was struggling, but the hungry Heron managed to fully consume (alive?!) it all okay? It looked like the potential meal was still fighting inside too! I wonder, does the large fish stand any chance of escaping if eaten in that condition? Maybe it has a chance of survival here.
おはようございます!!(*´▽`*) 鳥のいる風景良いですね!!(*´▽`*) 見ているだけで心癒されますね!!(*´▽`*) Ch登録しました!!(*´▽`*) ラッキー7人目でした!!(*´▽`*) よろしくお願いします!!(*´▽`*)
マロちゃん、かわいいね~ 一日中、見ていたい感じ~♪