- Видео 1 606
- Просмотров 68 346
zy 公司
Добавлен 25 фев 2021
Focus on the pursuit of rigorous craftsmanship and the fulfillment of customer commitments. We have modern automated production equipment, from installation to assembly, design and install equipment for customers, and provide customers with good after-sales service.
1. Teamwork
Set industry and trade as one. It has its own professional R&D team, production team, engineering installation team, domestic and foreign sales team and logistics team.
2. Rigorous and serious working attitude
Every set of machinery and equipment produced by the company is tailor-made for customers.
3. If you have a message from a domestic or foreign customer, Zhiyan staff will reply within 24 hours, and then the engineer will formulate a plan and quote for you according to your needs. We usually ship within 30-40 days after receiving the deposit
1. Teamwork
Set industry and trade as one. It has its own professional R&D team, production team, engineering installation team, domestic and foreign sales team and logistics team.
2. Rigorous and serious working attitude
Every set of machinery and equipment produced by the company is tailor-made for customers.
3. If you have a message from a domestic or foreign customer, Zhiyan staff will reply within 24 hours, and then the engineer will formulate a plan and quote for you according to your needs. We usually ship within 30-40 days after receiving the deposit
Просмотров: 63
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全自动剥核桃仁的机器和核桃破壳取仁设备-全自动核桃去壳机和腰果杏仁花生坚果破壳去皮生产线 - 核桃破壳机器-全自动核桃剥壳取仁机器的厂家-核桃加工设备有哪些
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www.candymakingmachinery.com 풍선껌의 가공 과정은 일반적으로 다음 단계로 구성됩니다. 1. 재료 : 글루베이스, 설탕, 포도당 시럽, 향신료 및 기타 원료를 비율에 맞게 혼합합니다. 2. 혼합 : 혼합된 원료를 블렌더에 넣고 균일하게 섞이도록 저어줍니다. 3. 압출: 교반된 원료는 압출기에 의해 스트립으로 압출됩니다. 4. 절단: 압출된 원료 스트립을 특정 길이로 절단합니다. 5. 포장: 잘라낸 풍선껌은 일반적으로 작은 봉지에 포장됩니다. 6. 검사: 포장된 풍선껌을 검사하여 품질이 표준에 부합하는지 확인합니다. 풍선껌 제조업체마다 가공 공정이 다를 수 있지만 위의 단계는 일반적인 기본 공정입니다.
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www.candymakingmachinery.com 風船ガムの加工プロセスには通常、次の手順が含まれます。 1. 材料: グルーベース、砂糖、グルコースシロップ、スパイス、その他の原材料を適切な割合で混合します。 2.混合:混合した原料をブレンダーに入れて均一に混合するようにかき混ぜます。 3. 押出:撹拌された原料を押出機でストリップ状に押し出します。 4. 切断: 押し出された原材料のストリップを一定の長さに切断します。 5. 包装: カットされた風船ガムは、通常は小さな袋に包装されます。 6. 検査: 包装された風船ガムを検査して、その品質が基準を満たしていることを確認します。 なお、風船ガムメーカーにより加工工程が異なる場合がありますが、上記の工程が一般的な基本工程となります。
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