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Добавлен 12 июн 2006
DJ chile - 140BPM Electro Practice 16-07-2024
Support my tutorial projects on Patreon and gain access to additional learning content (including the beat in this freestyle) -
Thought I may as well post a practice as it's been a while since I uploaded any freestyle videos. Enjoy this one take messy wavey combos/forward scratch practice over an electro beat made in the Electribe EMX-1. #scratching
#turntablism #skratch #djchile #qbert #electro #vinyl
Thought I may as well post a practice as it's been a while since I uploaded any freestyle videos. Enjoy this one take messy wavey combos/forward scratch practice over an electro beat made in the Electribe EMX-1. #scratching
#turntablism #skratch #djchile #qbert #electro #vinyl
Просмотров: 1 120
DJ chile - Oddity Series - Balanced 1 3 & 3 1 Flare
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.5 месяцев назад
Support my tutorial projects and get access to exclusive learning materials, including the music featured in my videos and additional scratch resources. www.patreon.com/djchile The Balanced 1-3 Flare is an irregular flare technique similar in structure to the balanced hippopotamus. It produces 6 equally timed sounds with the use of a single flare click on the forward record motion and 3 flare c...
DJ chile - Oddity Series: Half Orbits Tutorial
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Support my tutorial projects on Patreon to gain access to additional learning content - patreon.com/djchile Half Orbits are an interesting variation to add to your 2 click flare repertoire. As a combo that is both half faderless record motion and half 2 click orbit, they can be used to add sudden bursts in sound for dramatic effect. The technique can be performed in a number of ways - In this t...
DJ chile - Oddity Series - Ox flare
Просмотров 2,3 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Support my tutorial projects here and receive extra learning material! www.patreon.com/djchile The Ox Flare is one of my new favourite flare techniques and will challenge your control over tears. Here I demonstrate the technique at 80 BPM over 5 different speeds as well as showing what it can sound like fast with sharper tears and morphed into a 5 beat cross rhythm variation. This combo has hea...
DJ chile: Oddity Series: AS Half M Flare
Просмотров 6 тыс.8 лет назад
www.patreon.com/djchile dj.chile1/ dj-chile.com/ This combo combines alternating stabs with a 5 Rhythm Half M Flare to create a 16 note pattern with cross rhythm undertones.
DJ chile - Oddity Series: The Internet Scratch
Просмотров 9 тыс.8 лет назад
www.patreon.com/djchile?ty=h dj.chile1/ dj-chile.com The internet scratch is actually a combo, but the internet combo didn't sound right. It gets its name from the WWW record pattern. It's a 16 note pattern and it sounds like ha ah ha ah ah ha ahhh ha ah ha ah ah ah qwrqefuqwiojgfp3q428tu139889347102938754098725 Boot Device Not Found Please install an operating system on your hard ...
DJ chile - Oddity series: Silent baby flare
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.8 лет назад
www.patreon.com/djchile Follow me @ dj.chile1/ dj-chile.com The silent Baby Flare is an example of using silence to change how a pattern interacts with the regular time beat. With one beat of silence we can transform a basic pattern into something a bit different.
DJ chile: Heuristic Methods Series: Episode 2 - Specialisation & Ratio Alteration
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.8 лет назад
www.patreon.com/djchile Follow me @ dj.chile1/ dj-chile.com With specialisation, we temporarily limit our pattern use to 1-3 techniques in order to spark creative experimentation. Ratio Alteration allows us to easily create new variations by focusing in on and altering the occurrences between patterns used.
DJ chile - Oddity Series - BRB Hippopotamus
Просмотров 10 тыс.8 лет назад
Follow me @ dj.chile1/ dj-chile.com www.patreon.com/djchile The BRB Hippopotamus is a simple combination of a baby scratch with a reverse balanced hippopotamus. A beat of silence also helps push this seven rhythm scratch into regular time. Remove the silence for cross rhythm fun.
DJ chile - Oddity Series - Twin chirp Reverse OG
Просмотров 9 тыс.8 лет назад
DJ chile - Oddity Series - Twin chirp Reverse OG
DJ chile: Heuristic Methods Series: Episode 1 - Restriction Games
Просмотров 6 тыс.8 лет назад
DJ chile: Heuristic Methods Series: Episode 1 - Restriction Games
DJ chile - Oddity Series - AC Balanced Hippopotamus
Просмотров 9 тыс.8 лет назад
DJ chile - Oddity Series - AC Balanced Hippopotamus
DJ chile - Oddity series - Half M Flare Chirp
Просмотров 5 тыс.8 лет назад
DJ chile - Oddity series - Half M Flare Chirp
DJ chile - Truetables 2015 Live @ Maitencillo, Chile
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.9 лет назад
DJ chile - Truetables 2015 Live @ Maitencillo, Chile
DJ chile - live funk improv practice
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.10 лет назад
DJ chile - live funk improv practice
DJ chile - Electribe Scratch Freestyle 24.07.2014
Просмотров 4,7 тыс.10 лет назад
DJ chile - Electribe Scratch Freestyle 24.07.2014
DJ chile - Live ustream practice 13/07/2014
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.10 лет назад
DJ chile - Live ustream practice 13/07/2014
34567uhgfcv (incoherant funk practice)
Просмотров 93510 лет назад
34567uhgfcv (incoherant funk practice)
DJ chile - IDA UK 2013 Scratch Category (winning routine)
Просмотров 5 тыс.11 лет назад
DJ chile - IDA UK 2013 Scratch Category (winning routine)
DJ chile - Core techniques - OG Flare (and some variations)
Просмотров 17 тыс.11 лет назад
DJ chile - Core techniques - OG Flare (and some variations)
“5 More!” - TomPlatz
funky dope
Whats the disk music thing called
This sounds so sick man. Would love to see the ttm if possible
Chirp boomerang
Brilliant pattern. 🔥❤️
Villain type beat
thx, is a Kool G instrumental "Kool Is Back"
ket bush :))
worket essentialz
So dope!
Dope. 👏
Chile. You have been a beast on the cut for a very, very long time. Tip of the hat sir. 🎩
😂😂😂😂😂 crazy funny.
🔥🔥🔥🔥that horse though 🐴😂
Horse betting +5G xD
Oh yes sir!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Nice parady😂
@@chilean1 agreed.
Yes sir
sick combo/variation! im still learning..
Never fail to impress, brilliant bro!
Clover tears??
Reverse tear in the timing of a clover tear (2 beats duration on the forward motion, & 2 beats duration for the two reverse motions)
Thanks bro keep it up!!
Helped a lot many thanks!
dope as usual thanks Chile 🤘🏻
Sound 🔥 chile! Loving the Electribe too - taking it back 👌🏻
Super sick ⚡⚡⚡
This just popped up I’ve still been watching your hendacagon and other ones from few years back , as always 🔥🔥🔥
😎 very nice
If possible, please rotate the camera in the opposite direction.I want to study it from your perspective.
I feel this too, especially with tutorials.
@@LordJHouse will give it a go for the next tutorial :)
Thanks for the feedback it's noted :)
@@chilean1 ありがとうございます。
Nice 👍🏻
Dopesic, to those always support skratchers and turntablist musicians all day and night 💯
flowin 🔥
yo! come back to paltalk sometime chile. Theres a couple of us cutting it up on there occasionally. Pal Scratch homie you know the score.
logged in just now and seems dead currently. will try again another time!
@@chilean1 should have popped into the scratch room man. im sat in there chillin bored.