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Micro English
Добавлен 29 июл 2017
Micro English is an English learning channel focusing on practical situational dialogues. We provide short and engaging conversations or phrases to help you effortlessly learn English expressions and improve your communication skills.
Micro English 是一个实用场景对话的英语学习频道。我们为您提供简短精彩的情景对话或应用语句,让您轻松学习英语表达,提高交流能力。
Micro English 是一个实用场景对话的英语学习频道。我们为您提供简短精彩的情景对话或应用语句,让您轻松学习英语表达,提高交流能力。
60種常見服飾商品的英文單字 | 60 English words for common clothing products | 60种常见服饰商品的英语单词 | #英語練習 #英语学习 #服装英文
我們頻道分享各類場景的英文單字、片語,短句,採用美式發音,每天練習,讓您快速提升英語口說和聽力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在留言區提出您的寶貴意見,讓我們努力做得更好,謝謝!
Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions in the comment area so that we can work hard to do better. Thank you! #英語 #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语 #english #learnenglish
Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions in the comment area so that we can work hard to do better. Thank you! #英語 #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语 #english #learnenglish
Просмотров: 85
60個日常廚房用品的英文單字 | 60 English words for everyday kitchen items | 60个日常厨房用品的英文单词 | #英語練習 #英语学习
Просмотров 2005 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各類場景的英文單字、片語,短句,採用美式發音,每天練習,讓您快速提升英語口說和聽力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在留言區提出您的寶貴意見,讓我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
60種常見蔬菜的英文單字 | English words for 60 common vegetables | 60种常见蔬菜的英文单词 | #英語練習 #英语学习 #vegetables
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.6 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各類場景的英文單字、片語,短句,採用美式發音,每天練習,讓您快速提升英語口說和聽力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在留言區提出您的寶貴意見,讓我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
60種常見水果的英文單字 | English words for 60 common fruits | 60种常见水果的英文单词 | #英語練習 #英语学习 #english #fruits
Просмотров 6376 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各類場景的英文單字、片語,短句,採用美式發音,每天練習,讓您快速提升英語口說和聽力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在留言區提出您的寶貴意見,讓我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
常見的50項體育運動英文單字 | 50 common English words for sports | 体育运动英文单词 | #英語練習 #英语学习 #english #sports
Просмотров 4676 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各類場景的英文單字、片語,短句,採用美式發音,每天練習,讓您快速提升英語口說和聽力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在留言區提出您的寶貴意見,讓我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
60種中華美食的英文單字 | English words for 60 kinds of Chinese food | 60种中华美食的英文单词 | #英語練習 #英语学习 #中华美食 #美食英语
Просмотров 4396 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各類場景的英文單字、片語,短句,採用美式發音,每天練習,讓您快速提升英語口說和聽力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在留言區提出您的寶貴意見,讓我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
動物園60種常見動物的名稱單字 | The names of 60 common animals in the zoo | 动物园60种常见动物的名称单词 | #英語練習 #英语学习
Просмотров 2787 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各類場景的英文單字、片語,短句,採用美式發音,每天練習,讓您快速提升英語口說和聽力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在留言區提出您的寶貴意見,讓我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
遊玩主題樂園常用的50個單字 | 50 commonly used words for visiting theme parks | 游玩主题乐园常用的50个单词 | 英語練習 #迪士尼 #環球影城
Просмотров 2577 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各類場景的英文單字、片語,短句,採用美式發音,每天練習,讓您快速提升英語口說和聽力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在留言區提出您的寶貴意見,讓我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
股票投資常見的50個單字 英語短語練習 快速提升英語聽力 | 50 common words for stock investment | 股票投资常见的50个单词 | 英语短语练习 #证券学习
Просмотров 3487 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各類場景的英文單字、片語,短句,採用美式發音,每天練習,讓您快速提升英語口說和聽力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在留言區提出您的寶貴意見,讓我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
9分鐘學會80個氣象知識單字 | Learn 80 meteorological knowledge words in 9 minutes | 气象知识单词 | 每天英語練習 讓你快速提升聽力
Просмотров 6748 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各类場景的英文單字、短語,短句,采用美式发音,每天练习,让您快速提高英语口语和听力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在評論區提出您的寶貴意見,让我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
辦理銀行業務常用的50個單字 每天英語練習 讓你快速提升聽力 | 50 words commonly used in banking | 办理银行业务常用的50个单词 每天英语单词练习
Просмотров 9008 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各类場景的英文單字、短語,短句,采用美式发音,每天练习,让您快速提高英语口语和听力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在評論區提出您的寶貴意見,让我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
麥當勞點餐常用英文單字 每天英語練習 讓你快速提升聽力 | Commonly used English words for ordering at McDonald's | 麦当劳点餐常用英文单字
Просмотров 10 тыс.8 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各类場景的英文單字、短語,短句,采用美式发音,每天练习,让您快速提高英语口语和听力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在評論區提出您的寶貴意見,让我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
星巴克點餐常用英文單字 每天英語練習 讓你快速提升聽力 | Commonly used English words for ordering at Starbucks | 星巴克点餐常用英文单字
Просмотров 20 тыс.8 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各类場景的英文單字、短語,短句,采用美式发音,每天练习,让您快速提高英语口语和听力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在評論區提出您的寶貴意見,让我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
美國駕照路考常用英文指令学习 | Common Instructions for U.S. Driver's License Road Test | 纽约/加州驾照 #美国生活 #學車 #dmv
Просмотров 6 тыс.9 месяцев назад
我們頻道分享各类場景的英文單字、短語,短句,采用美式发音,每天练习,让您快速提高英语口语和听力。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,也可在評論區提出您的寶貴意見,让我們努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel shares English words, phrases, and short sentences in various scenarios, using American pronunciation, and practices every day to help you quickly improve your English speaking and listening. If you like our channel, please like and follow us. You can also give us your valuable opinions...
美式英語60個口頭短語 (60 spoken phrases in American English) #英語 #英語学習 #英語聽力 #englishspeaking #English
Просмотров 3069 месяцев назад
我們的頻道提供適合各種場景的英文短語。 如果您喜歡我們的頻道,請按讚並關注我們,並在評論區提出您的寶貴意見。 我們會努力做得更好,謝謝! Our channel provides English phrases suitable for various scenarios. If you like our channel, please like and follow us, and leave your valuable opinions in the comment area. We will try to do better, thank you!
30 English phrases commonly used in Uber scenes (passengers) Uber场景常用的30条英文短语(乘客篇) #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语教学
Просмотров 1279 месяцев назад
30 English phrases commonly used in Uber scenes (passengers) Uber场景常用的30条英文短语(乘客篇) #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语教学
30 English phrases commonly used by Uber drivers (Uber司机常用的英文短语) #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语教学 #englishlearning
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.9 месяцев назад
30 English phrases commonly used by Uber drivers (Uber司机常用的英文短语) #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语教学 #englishlearning
40 English phrases commonly used when checking into hotel (入住酒店常用的40条英文短语) #英语学习 #英语教学 #英语口语 #英文聽力
Просмотров 1969 месяцев назад
40 English phrases commonly used when checking into hotel (入住酒店常用的40条英文短语) #英语学习 #英语教学 #英语口语 #英文聽力
40 commonly used English phrases for personal travel(个人旅行常用40条英文短句) #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语教学 #learnenglish
Просмотров 2109 месяцев назад
40 commonly used English phrases for personal travel(个人旅行常用40条英文短句) #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语教学 #learnenglish
40 short English sentences for daily interpersonal communication (日常人际交往40条英文短句) #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语教学
Просмотров 59710 месяцев назад
40 short English sentences for daily interpersonal communication (日常人际交往40条英文短句) #英语学习 #英语口语 #英语教学
40 commonly used English phrases for supermarket shopping scenes (超市购物场景40条常用英文短句)#英语学习 #英文聽力 #英语口语
Просмотров 24910 месяцев назад
40 commonly used English phrases for supermarket shopping scenes (超市购物场景40条常用英文短句)#英语学习 #英文聽力 #英语口语
40 commonly used English phrases for airport scenes (机场场景40个常用英文短句) #英语学习 #英语 #英语口语
Просмотров 18110 месяцев назад
40 commonly used English phrases for airport scenes (机场场景40个常用英文短句) #英语学习 #英语 #英语口语
30 English conversation sentences in restaurant scenes(餐厅场景30个英文短句) #英语学习 #日常英语
Просмотров 23410 месяцев назад
30 English conversation sentences in restaurant scenes(餐厅场景30个英文短句) #英语学习 #日常英语
@@barnabasxie9200 多聽就習慣了,這是正常語速🤝
@@linpeter3515 🤝
@@chi-yingchao4570 🤝
@@chi-yingchao4570 🤝
Thanks for sharing
@@laiyau7177 🤝
@@charles.j2611 多聽多練😃
很棒 但 講太快了😅
@@何文言-m7t 正常語速,多聽會學得快