Wishful thinking, metric odometer - but they do move out for a 280 4x4, sounded like the middle gear range. I've got an '01 280 now, I can pull 45-48 mph, I miss my 1997 250 4x4 - would pull 50-53, I think the head flowed a little better and allowed a few more top end revs. Either one has been basically unstoppable, just don't drop them in a lake W.O.T.
these quads are fast considering they weigh 660 lbs, i had mine up to 46mph with my fat ass on it and my brother on the front rack... not to mention they go anywhere
Hi. My plow is a 60'' warn whith the power pivot, that rotate the plow by pushing a butten on the handlebars. After two months of rough use it is still good as new.
Nice bike how do you like it? I ride a 2001 Polaris sportsman 500
haha you have 15 thousand miles on that thing
i got the 300 cc version. it will move.
No wheel hop, just pulls till it spins out, no damage except the tires or pavement - Hell Yeah!
Wishful thinking, metric odometer - but they do move out for a 280 4x4, sounded like the middle gear range. I've got an '01 280 now, I can pull 45-48 mph, I miss my 1997 250 4x4 - would pull 50-53, I think the head flowed a little better and allowed a few more top end revs. Either one has been basically unstoppable, just don't drop them in a lake W.O.T.
these quads are fast considering they weigh 660 lbs, i had mine up to 46mph with my fat ass on it and my brother on the front rack... not to mention they go anywhere
Hi. My plow is a 60'' warn whith the power pivot, that rotate the plow by pushing a butten on the handlebars. After two months of rough use it is still good as new.
If you kept going you probably could've hit 60!
do that in super low next time