fuckin filthy
Oh why can't I like this 100 times?
Vert good
bravissimi Fiamma Luce
хишигдалай их сайхан эмэгтэй юм байна
da italiano devo fare i complimenti ottima interpretazione.....
j'adore 💕💋
I enjoyed the music and they did a good job on the Italian.
Too bad, what's the accent....
but hope they can improve... good luck guys. keep singing
Super! Hello from Russia (Kaukas)!
Ene saihan hairiin duug ingej heruul hiij bui meteer duulah gej halag huuhai...
Сайхан гэр бүлтэй юмаа Амжилт ......
fuckin filthy
Oh why can't I like this 100 times?
Vert good
bravissimi Fiamma Luce
хишигдалай их сайхан эмэгтэй юм байна
da italiano devo fare i complimenti ottima interpretazione.....
j'adore 💕💋
I enjoyed the music and they did a good job on the Italian.
Too bad, what's the accent....
but hope they can improve... good luck guys. keep singing
Super! Hello from Russia (Kaukas)!
Ene saihan hairiin duug ingej heruul hiij bui meteer duulah gej halag huuhai...
Сайхан гэр бүлтэй юмаа Амжилт ......