SEC702 Cyber Intelligence
SEC702 Cyber Intelligence
  • Видео 18
  • Просмотров 59 312
Breach - Loading the Dead Drop
From the movie Breach about convicted spy Robert Hanssen. This scene shows Hanssen loading a dead drop while under surveillance from the FBI's special surveillance group (SSG) and counterespionage (CE) team.
Просмотров: 21 926


Conducting a Vehicle Search
Просмотров 1424 года назад
From the movie Breach about convicted spy Robert Hanssen. This scene has specialists and technicians from the FBI conducting a full vehicle search and inventorying all of the components - ostensibly looking for both tools of espionage, but also in order to replicate and possibly tag/bug the vehicle with trackers.
Why the deceit - the REAL investigation
Просмотров 14 тыс.4 года назад
From the movie Breach about convicted spy Robert Hanssen. This scene has the FBI Special Agent managing the case discussing with young Eric the truth behind the investigation and why Eric is informing on Hanssen's activities.
Who to Trust - The Insider Problem
Просмотров 8114 года назад
From the movie Breach about convicted spy Robert Hanssen. This scene has the FBI Special Agent discussing with young Eric the problem with an insider threat investigation. Inevitably the insider who is the subject of the investigation may actually be the target of a mole hunt.
Breach Moles and Cooperation
Просмотров 7 тыс.4 года назад
From the movie Breach about convicted spy Robert Hanssen. This scene has Hanssen discussing the need for cooperation and the mole hunt currently on in the Bureau that is excluding the CIA (CI/CE team)
Breach Insider recruitment
Просмотров 8 тыс.4 года назад
From the movie Breach about convicted spy Robert Hanssen. This scene has the FBI Special Agent involved in the Hanssen espionage investigation (65 Case) recruiting an unsuspecting member of the FBI's SSG to inform on Hanssen.
Breach Foreign Cyber Threat
Просмотров 4 тыс.4 года назад
From the movie Breach about convicted spy Robert Hanssen. This scene has Hanssen ironically discussing the foreign cyber threat to his new "clerk."
Hacker Demonstrates Man In The Middle Attack on Public WiFi
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.5 лет назад
Hacker Demonstrates Man In The Middle Attack on Public WiFi
Smart Phone Watching You
Просмотров 315 лет назад
Is your smart phone watching you? What does it collect and how?
Social Media and ID Theft
Просмотров 365 лет назад
What is the relationship between Social Media and Identity Theft? How to do criminals use SMS to extract your information and then target you?
Просмотров 335 лет назад
Navy Seal talks about his exploits
Amazing Mind Reader
Просмотров 965 лет назад
An amazing Mind Reader with a not so amazing skill
Phishing Email Analysis
Просмотров 4975 лет назад
An example of an ATO Phishing email scam. This email has certain characteristics that make this a prime example of a phishing scam.
blockchain video
Просмотров 165 лет назад
A short animation of a blockchain
SEC702 Course Introduction
Просмотров 455 лет назад
An introduction to University of the Sunshine Coast's Cyber Intelligence course
About Me
Просмотров 525 лет назад
About Me
Searching: Geospatial Search Using Image Matching
Просмотров 275 лет назад
Searching: Geospatial Search Using Image Matching
Searching: Reverse Image Search
Просмотров 675 лет назад
Searching: Reverse Image Search