2024-12-07/6. Remember that My am are Alway with the Gentle Appointed Impact Individual what of Myself to with ! & Brotherhood Sisterhood Wishes to You & Your Daugther & Your's DNA Folk with of Happy Joyfull Lucky Living Life's ! Ms.MiDan Lady Dear QingYi ( QingYi ) L.M.Kok ( ChingYi-1965s. Original / Deputy birth cert.nr.461390. / 251670. Chinese Cantonese Dialect Race of great Nation Island Singapore ! ) My am Never make to put the contact against You Your & Your Any DNA Familys Ms.MiDan Dear Lady in the Embarrassment hard to without backing Support If ! & My am Alway Remember with Your's Birthday in the First week period November of the Year's ! Today the Electrical Digital Computer Fibre-glass Curl-Ray-light Radar Frequency Remote Detector Control Satellite Data Yesterday & Today the Practicable Observation Data ! Myself also with the reading in Google Computer Website News & understanding that when of You Yourself the Periods learn with study Psychiatry Class as a Student in great Nation U.S.A.College ! Haveing much of the Interesting Travel alone go sightseeing visit with the Nature-view in the Public Metro Shuttle Vehicle in the City ! Miss.MiDan Dear Lady Goodnight Sweet Dream take Care Yourself & Wish of My's the this Describe RUclips Chats in NEDERLAND / HOLLAND writing try to with your Understanding ! ** Lobo ( U.S.A. ) % Stoney-1971s. ( Songś Video Track ) ** Fortunes Teller ( Qi Xian Jie " S'pore.-1968s. ) ** Olivia Newton John ( Just past death aperiods ago ) % Let Me Be There -1970s. % IF-1972s. % Is Not For You -1971s. ! ** Telly Savaras ( Detective T.V.Movies mr.Kojak great National of ( west ) West-Europe GERMANY ) % IF-1975s. ( 1975s. ) % Goodbye Madam-1976s.( 1976s. ) % Loveing a understanding Man-1976s. ! ** Abba % Fernado {{ % Shui Xang Xin Niang ** Mandarin Songs ! }} :- Jalan Bukit Ho Sweet 793-A Block-27 S'pore.-03. ( Sept.1964s. till April Sunday 18th.976s. ) :- Laan van Vollenhoven 597 3706 CS Zeist ( Driebergen Zeist ) house tel. nr.03404 - 53 0 46. ( December 1979s - January 1982s. ) ChingYi L.M.Kok ( nick-name QingYi )
2024-12-14/6. MiDan Dear Lady Good Morning to you in great Nation CHINA ! 2024-11-30/6. MiDan Dear Lady Good Morning to You in CHINA ! ChingYi L.M.Kok LuenMow
親愛的蜜丹 我回到賴等妳哦!謝謝😀❤️🌹
請妳/你們勸姐姐 蜜丹 , 清醒起來 跟我聊聊吧😀❤️😀
蜜丹 我不找媽媽了! 我找妳可以吧😀❤️😀
伯父 這位美女 也是您女兒嗎? 太漂亮美麗哦😀❤️🌹
妳的期待關懷 , 那為什麽不能保留我呢? 我不懂❤😢
呵呵 妳對我的考驗 太嚴格了吧!😀
祝妳 新春快樂😀❤️
妳不是說 緣分 嗎? 永不分離的 , 那妳是 胡蜜丹 本人嗎!謝謝❤️😀🙏
很冒昧的問:妳是 胡蜜丹 本人嗎? 請回覆 謝謝😀❤️🌹
很冒昧的問: 妳是 胡蜜丹 本人嗎? 請回覆 謝謝❤️😀🌹
請問: 幾歲呢?😀❤️🙏
昨晚妳媽講一局話:(孽緣) 我也是 ~ ~ ~:(~ ~ ) 人家石大俠也是歌手 , 就有道德觀 , 不虛情假意啊!
今世我欠妳情債 昨天已還給妳了 !剩下是妳欠我的 °
蜜丹 妳知道嗎 ? 昨天妳唱一首歌記得:提起我是對面的 姐姐 , 我是堂堂正正的男人哦!怎會變(姐姐)? 妳這是什麽 意思? 姐妹是不能相愛的 , 早晚各嫁人沒結果 ° 我要的是能在一起永相伴今世的 , 妳說妳愛我?是否能給我呢?🙂❤️🌹
我當妳是寶!而妳昨天卻在耍我 為什麽?為什麽?🙂❤️🌹
蜜丹 我是真心誠意愛妳的。只求妳再給我一次機會 拜託 , 我會做給妳看的。🙂❤️🌹🙏🙏🙏
蜜丹 只求妳听我解釋 , 拜託妳 謝謝妳 感恩的心🙂❤️🌹🙏🙏🙏
蜜丹 我不是不聯絡妳 ,是一種昏迷不醒過來的 , 我知矢禮妳讓妳傷心欲絕 ° 請再給我一次機會 , 我會真心誠意對妳的。 謝謝妳 感恩🙂❤️🌹🙏🙏🙏
蜜丹 我是龍震天!我不是不聯絡妳的 ,是一種昏迷不醒過來的° 我要是不愛妳 , 在昨天中午至下午會一直陪妳嗎!現我一時無法解釋清楚 , 請妳先看 視頻 , 我再向妳解釋 , 謝謝妳 感恩🙂❤️🌹🙏🙏🙏
蜜丹 我是龍震天!我不是不聯絡妳?而是我一種昏迷不醒過來 ° 醒來了 發現手機壞了!拿去修 , 我知妳
老歌有多好聽啊! 旋律 歌詞都美!
蜜丹 我龍震天在找妳阿!😀❤️🌹
蜜丹 我龍震天在找妳阿!😀❤️🌹
胡小姐! 我有事要去公司一趟哦 ❤️.....掰 龍震天 敬上 ~
胡小姐早上好呀!有吃早餐了嗎? 哇 妳人長得美 , 又會唱歌 , 真是太棒了 😀❤️🌹
台灣 桃園市楊梅區 ~
2024-12-07/6. Remember that My am are Alway with the Gentle Appointed Impact Individual what of Myself to with ! & Brotherhood Sisterhood Wishes to You & Your Daugther & Your's DNA Folk with of Happy Joyfull Lucky Living Life's ! Ms.MiDan Lady Dear QingYi ( QingYi ) L.M.Kok ( ChingYi-1965s. Original / Deputy birth cert.nr.461390. / 251670. Chinese Cantonese Dialect Race of great Nation Island Singapore ! ) My am Never make to put the contact against You Your & Your Any DNA Familys Ms.MiDan Dear Lady in the Embarrassment hard to without backing Support If ! & My am Alway Remember with Your's Birthday in the First week period November of the Year's ! Today the Electrical Digital Computer Fibre-glass Curl-Ray-light Radar Frequency Remote Detector Control Satellite Data Yesterday & Today the Practicable Observation Data ! Myself also with the reading in Google Computer Website News & understanding that when of You Yourself the Periods learn with study Psychiatry Class as a Student in great Nation U.S.A.College ! Haveing much of the Interesting Travel alone go sightseeing visit with the Nature-view in the Public Metro Shuttle Vehicle in the City ! Miss.MiDan Dear Lady Goodnight Sweet Dream take Care Yourself & Wish of My's the this Describe RUclips Chats in NEDERLAND / HOLLAND writing try to with your Understanding ! ** Lobo ( U.S.A. ) % Stoney-1971s. ( Songś Video Track ) ** Fortunes Teller ( Qi Xian Jie " S'pore.-1968s. ) ** Olivia Newton John ( Just past death aperiods ago ) % Let Me Be There -1970s. % IF-1972s. % Is Not For You -1971s. ! ** Telly Savaras ( Detective T.V.Movies mr.Kojak great National of ( west ) West-Europe GERMANY ) % IF-1975s. ( 1975s. ) % Goodbye Madam-1976s.( 1976s. ) % Loveing a understanding Man-1976s. ! ** Abba % Fernado {{ % Shui Xang Xin Niang ** Mandarin Songs ! }} :- Jalan Bukit Ho Sweet 793-A Block-27 S'pore.-03. ( Sept.1964s. till April Sunday 18th.976s. ) :- Laan van Vollenhoven 597 3706 CS Zeist ( Driebergen Zeist ) house tel. nr.03404 - 53 0 46. ( December 1979s - January 1982s. ) ChingYi L.M.Kok ( nick-name QingYi )
2024-12-14/6. MiDan Dear Lady Good Morning to you in great Nation CHINA ! 2024-11-30/6. MiDan Dear Lady Good Morning to You in CHINA ! ChingYi L.M.Kok LuenMow
👍胡密丹 唱得太好听喔
2024-11-23/6. ACIS C.S.I. * 1415 hrs. / * 2:15 pm. (( Rotterdam ))