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ðŒðšð ð¢ðœðšð¥ ðð¥ð¨ð¬ð¬ð¨ð¦ ðŒð®ð¬ð¢ðœ
Добавлен 25 Ñен 2021
♥ ðš†ðšŽðš•ðšŒðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšðš˜ ð™¼ðšŠðšðš’ðšŒðšŠðš• ð™±ðš•ðš˜ðšœðšœðš˜ðš– ð™¼ðšžðšœðš’ðšŒ. ð™° ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš’𚜠ðšŠðš‹ðš˜ðšžðš ðš–ðšžðšœðš’𚌠ðšðš›ðšŽðššðšžðšŽðš—ðšŒðš¢ ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš ðš’ðš•ðš• ðšŠðš’ðš ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðšðšžðš›ðš’ðš—ðš ðš–ðš˜ðš–ðšŽðš—ðšðšœ ðš ðš‘ðšŽðš— ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðš—ðšŽðšŽðš ðš™ðšŽðšŠðšŒðšŽ, ðš•ðš˜ðšŸðšŽ, ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšŠðš•ðš’ðš—ðš. ð™³ðš˜ðš—'ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšœðš’ðšðšŠðšðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšœðšžðš‹ðšœðšŒðš›ðš’ðš‹ðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšðš‘𚎠ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‹ðšŽ 𚊠ðš™ðšŠðš›ðš ðš˜ðš ðšðš‘ðš’𚜠ðš ðš˜ðš—ðšðšŽðš›ðšðšžðš• ðš“ðš˜ðšžðš›ðš—ðšŽðš¢.
ðš‡ðš¢ðšŠ ðš ðš’ðš•ðš• ðš—𚘠ðš•ðš˜ðš—ðšðšŽðš› ðš‹ðšŽ ðšðš˜ðš’ðš—ðš ðšƒðšŠðš›ðš˜ðš/ðšðš’ðšŸðš’ðš—ðšŠðšðš’ðš˜ðš— ðš›ðšŽðšŠðšðš’ðš—ðšðšœ ðš˜ðš— ðšðš‘ðš’𚜠ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš•. ð™¸ðš ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðš ðšŠðš—ðš ðšðš˜ ðš‹ðšŽ 𚊠ðš™ðšŠðš›ðš ðš˜ðš ðš‘ðšŽðš› ðš—ðšŽðš ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš•, ðš ðš‘ðš’ðšŒðš‘ ðš ðš’ðš•ðš• ðšœðš‘ðš˜ðš ðšŒðšŠðšœðšŽ ðš‘ðšŽðš› ðš—ðšŽðš ðš‹ðš›ðšŠðš—ðš ðš˜ðš ðšŒðšŠðš—ðšðš•ðšŽðšœ, ðš˜ðš’ðš•ðšœ, ðšœðšŠðš•ðšðšœ, ðšŒðš•ðš˜ðšðš‘ðš’ðš—ðš, ðšŠðš—ðš ðšðšŽðšŒðš˜ðš›... ðšðš˜ðš—'ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšœðš’ðšðšŠðšðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšðš˜ðš•ðš•ðš˜ðš ðš‘ðšŽðš› ðšœðš˜ðšŒðš’ðšŠðš•ðšœ ðš‹ðšŽðš•ðš˜ðš ! ð™¿ðš•ðšŽðšŠðšœðšŽ ðšœðšžðš‹ðšœðšŒðš›ðš’ðš‹ðšŽ ðšðš˜...
ðšˆðš˜ðšžðšƒðšžðš‹ðšŽ: @ðšŸðšŽðš•ðšŸðšŽðšðš–ðšžðšœðšŽ_ðšŒðš˜
ð™¸ðš—ðšœðšðšŠðšðš›ðšŠðš–: @ðšŸðšŽðš•ðšŸðšŽðšðš–ðšžðšœðšŽ.ðšŒðš˜
ðšƒðš’ðš”ðšƒðš˜ðš”: @ðšŸðšŽðš•ðšŸðšŽðšðš–ðšžðšœðšŽ.ðšŒðš˜
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ð™¸ðš—ðšœðšðšŠðšðš›ðšŠðš–: @ðšŸðšŽðš•ðšŸðšŽðšðš–ðšžðšœðšŽ.ðšŒðš˜
ðšƒðš’ðš”ðšƒðš˜ðš”: @ðšŸðšŽðš•ðšŸðšŽðšðš–ðšžðšœðšŽ.ðšŒðš˜
UNLOCK the Secret to Telepathic Communication with Your Soulmate | Meditation Sleep Music
#meditation #meditationmusic #soulmates
♥ ðš†ðšŽðš•ðšŒðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšðš˜ ð™¼ðšŠðšðš’ðšŒðšŠðš• ð™±ðš•ðš˜ðšœðšœðš˜ðš– ð™¼ðšžðšœðš’ðšŒ. ð™° ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš’𚜠ðšŠðš‹ðš˜ðšžðš ðš–ðšžðšœðš’𚌠ðšðš›ðšŽðššðšžðšŽðš—ðšŒðš¢ ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš ðš’ðš•ðš• ðšŠðš’ðš ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðšðšžðš›ðš’ðš—ðš ðš–ðš˜ðš–ðšŽðš—ðšðšœ ðš ðš‘ðšŽðš— ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðš—ðšŽðšŽðš ðš™ðšŽðšŠðšŒðšŽ, ðš•ðš˜ðšŸðšŽ, ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšŠðš•ðš’ðš—ðš. ð™³ðš˜ðš—'ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšœðš’ðšðšŠðšðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšœðšžðš‹ðšœðšŒðš›ðš’ðš‹ðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšðš‘𚎠ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‹ðšŽ 𚊠ðš™ðšŠðš›ðš ðš˜ðš ðšðš‘ðš’𚜠ðš ðš˜ðš—ðšðšŽðš›ðšðšžðš• ðš“ðš˜ðšžðš›ðš—ðšŽðš¢.
Hello, my beautiful souls! 🔥 Warning compelling Soulmates meditation music.
This powerful meditation music will aid you in manifesting the love you want from your desired person... It will open and expand their heart chakra â¤ï¸
ðƒðˆð’ð‚ð‹ð€ðˆðŒð„ð‘: The meditation music is for entertainment purposes only. The owner of Magical Blossom Music is not legally responsible for the actions or decisions made by people who watch these videos. ...
♥ ðš†ðšŽðš•ðšŒðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšðš˜ ð™¼ðšŠðšðš’ðšŒðšŠðš• ð™±ðš•ðš˜ðšœðšœðš˜ðš– ð™¼ðšžðšœðš’ðšŒ. ð™° ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš’𚜠ðšŠðš‹ðš˜ðšžðš ðš–ðšžðšœðš’𚌠ðšðš›ðšŽðššðšžðšŽðš—ðšŒðš¢ ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš ðš’ðš•ðš• ðšŠðš’ðš ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðšðšžðš›ðš’ðš—ðš ðš–ðš˜ðš–ðšŽðš—ðšðšœ ðš ðš‘ðšŽðš— ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðš—ðšŽðšŽðš ðš™ðšŽðšŠðšŒðšŽ, ðš•ðš˜ðšŸðšŽ, ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšŠðš•ðš’ðš—ðš. ð™³ðš˜ðš—'ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšœðš’ðšðšŠðšðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšœðšžðš‹ðšœðšŒðš›ðš’ðš‹ðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšðš‘𚎠ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‹ðšŽ 𚊠ðš™ðšŠðš›ðš ðš˜ðš ðšðš‘ðš’𚜠ðš ðš˜ðš—ðšðšŽðš›ðšðšžðš• ðš“ðš˜ðšžðš›ðš—ðšŽðš¢.
Hello, my beautiful souls! 🔥 Warning compelling Soulmates meditation music.
This powerful meditation music will aid you in manifesting the love you want from your desired person... It will open and expand their heart chakra â¤ï¸
ðƒðˆð’ð‚ð‹ð€ðˆðŒð„ð‘: The meditation music is for entertainment purposes only. The owner of Magical Blossom Music is not legally responsible for the actions or decisions made by people who watch these videos. ...
ПроÑмотров: 435
ð€ððð«ðšðœð ð‹ð¨ð¯ðž ⯠Reconnecting ♥ Healing ⯠Memories Frequency Meditation Music
ПроÑмотров 7496 меÑÑцев назад
♥ ðš†ðšŽðš•ðšŒðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšðš˜ ð™¼ðšŠðšðš’ðšŒðšŠðš• ð™±ðš•ðš˜ðšœðšœðš˜ðš ð™¼ðšžðšœðš’ðšŒ. ð™° ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš’𚜠ðšŠðš‹ðš˜ðšžðš ðš–ðšžðšœðš’𚌠ðšðš›ðšŽðššðšžðšŽðš—ðšŒðš¢ ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš ðš’ðš•ðš• ðšŠðš’ðš ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðšðšžðš›ðš’ðš—ðš ðš–ðš˜ðš–ðšŽðš—ðšðšœ ðš ðš‘ðšŽðš— ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðš—ðšŽðšŽðš ðš™ðšŽðšŠðšŒðšŽ, ðš•ðš˜ðšŸðšŽ, ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšŠðš•ðš’ðš—ðš. ð™³ðš˜ðš—'ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšœðš’ðšðšŠðšðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšœðšžðš‹ðšœðšŒðš›ðš’ðš‹ðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšðš‘𚎠ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‹ðšŽ 𚊠ðš™ðšŠðš›ðš ðš˜ðš ðšðš‘ðš’𚜠ðš ðš˜ðš—ðšðšŽðš›ðšðšžðš• ðš“ðš˜ðšžðš›ðš—ðšŽðš¢. ðŒð®ð¬ð¢ðœ ð‹ð¢ðœðžð§ð¬ðž ð„ð©ð¢ððžð¦ð¢ðœð’ð¨ð®ð§ð: Shadow Play ~ Anna Landström ðƒðˆð’ð‚ð‹ð€ðˆðŒð„ð‘: The tarot/oracle readings, guidance & meditation music are only for entertainment. The owner o...
INSTANT! Be On Their Mind | POWERFUL Twin Flame Telepathic Messages | Come Back Into Union
ПроÑмотров 13 Ñ‚Ñ‹Ñ.Год назад
Twin Flame telepathy is a real thing... make them think about you. Be on their mind with this telepathy meditation. Ignite a spark of love in their soul. Master the art of Twin Flame telepathic communication by unlocking the secrets. Music speaks to the soul and this meditation video is directed to them so they can think about you and reunite. If you have a twin flame, it is foreseen that you w...
11:11 ✨🔥 WARNING: POWERFUL Attract Twin Flame & Soulmate Love ✨ 432 Hz Twin Flame Manifestation
ПроÑмотров 19 Ñ‚Ñ‹Ñ.2 года назад
🌈🧚â€â™‚ï¸ #twinflames #binauralbeats #soulmate 🔥Warning extremely powerful Twin Flame and Soulmate meditation music. Make them love you and think about you, even if they are with a Karmic 🔮 ATTRACT A REAL AND PURE RELATIONSHIP! CAUTION: DO NOT LISTEN IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SERIOUS! ruclips.net/channel/UCsekk9dgcfqJJUEdBYjc60g 🦄Twin Flames and Soulmates are divine...🙠This meditation music will telepat...
WARNING: THE MOST POWERFUL | Twin Flame Meditation Music | Telepathic Communication | Sleep Music
ПроÑмотров 286 Ñ‚Ñ‹Ñ.2 года назад
💕#meditation #twinflame #meditationmusic ♥ ðš†ðšŽðš•ðšŒðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšðš˜ ð™¼ðšŠðšðš’ðšŒðšŠðš• ð™±ðš•ðš˜ðšœðšœðš˜ðš ð™¼ðšžðšœðš’ðšŒ. ð™° ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš’𚜠ðšŠðš‹ðš˜ðšžðš ðš–ðšžðšœðš’𚌠ðšðš›ðšŽðššðšžðšŽðš—ðšŒðš¢ ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš ðš’ðš•ðš• ðšŠðš’ðš ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðšðšžðš›ðš’ðš—ðš ðš–ðš˜ðš–ðšŽðš—ðšðšœ ðš ðš‘ðšŽðš— ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðš—ðšŽðšŽðš ðš™ðšŽðšŠðšŒðšŽ, ðš•ðš˜ðšŸðšŽ, ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšŠðš•ðš’ðš—ðš. ð™³ðš˜ðš—'ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšœðš’ðšðšŠðšðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšœðšžðš‹ðšœðšŒðš›ðš’ðš‹ðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšðš‘𚎠ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‹ðšŽ 𚊠ðš™ðšŠðš›ðš ðš˜ðš ðšðš‘ðš’𚜠ðš ðš˜ðš—ðšðšŽðš›ðšðšžðš• ðš“ðš˜ðšžðš›ðš—ðšŽðš¢. 🔥 Warning extremely powerful Twin Flame & Soulmate meditation music. This music will touch every essence of your existence &...
WARNING: POWERFUL 3.5 Hrs Shamanic Flute Music, Meditation, Healing, Astral Projection | Tantric
ПроÑмотров 1,7 Ñ‚Ñ‹Ñ.2 года назад
#flutemusic #shamanic #nativeflute ♥ ðš†ðšŽðš•ðšŒðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšðš˜ ð™¼ðšŠðšðš’ðšŒðšŠðš• ð™±ðš•ðš˜ðšœðšœðš˜ðš ð™¼ðšžðšœðš’ðšŒ. ð™° ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš’𚜠ðšŠðš‹ðš˜ðšžðš ðš–ðšžðšœðš’𚌠ðšðš›ðšŽðššðšžðšŽðš—ðšŒðš¢ ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš ðš’ðš•ðš• ðšŠðš’ðš ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðšðšžðš›ðš’ðš—ðš ðš–ðš˜ðš–ðšŽðš—ðšðšœ ðš ðš‘ðšŽðš— ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðš—ðšŽðšŽðš ðš™ðšŽðšŠðšŒðšŽ, ðš•ðš˜ðšŸðšŽ, ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšŠðš•ðš’ðš—ðš. ð™³ðš˜ðš—'ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšœðš’ðšðšŠðšðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšœðšžðš‹ðšœðšŒðš›ðš’ðš‹ðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšðš‘𚎠ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‹ðšŽ 𚊠ðš™ðšŠðš›ðš ðš˜ðš ðšðš‘ðš’𚜠ðš ðš˜ðš—ðšðšŽðš›ðšðšžðš• ðš“ðš˜ðšžðš›ðš—ðšŽðš¢. 3.5 Hours Relaxing Flute Music: This healing music is calming with Zen sounds to relax the body for deep sleep or meditation. Sham...
POWERFUL | Awaken The Goddess Within | Divine Feminine | Sleep Meditation | Binaural Beats 432 Hz
ПроÑмотров 3,3 Ñ‚Ñ‹Ñ.3 года назад
#goddess #kundalini #meditationforsleep ♥ ðš†ðšŽðš•ðšŒðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšðš˜ ð™¼ðšŠðšðš’ðšŒðšŠðš• ð™±ðš•ðš˜ðšœðšœðš˜ðš ð™¼ðšžðšœðš’ðšŒ. ð™° ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš’𚜠ðšŠðš‹ðš˜ðšžðš ðš–ðšžðšœðš’𚌠ðšðš›ðšŽðššðšžðšŽðš—ðšŒðš¢ ðšðš‘ðšŠðš ðš ðš’ðš•ðš• ðšŠðš’ðš ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðšðšžðš›ðš’ðš—ðš ðš–ðš˜ðš–ðšŽðš—ðšðšœ ðš ðš‘ðšŽðš— ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðš—ðšŽðšŽðš ðš™ðšŽðšŠðšŒðšŽ, ðš•ðš˜ðšŸðšŽ, ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšŠðš•ðš’ðš—ðš. ð™³ðš˜ðš—'ðš ðš‘ðšŽðšœðš’ðšðšŠðšðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšœðšžðš‹ðšœðšŒðš›ðš’ðš‹ðšŽ ðšðš˜ ðšðš‘𚎠ðšŒðš‘ðšŠðš—ðš—ðšŽðš• ðšŠðš—ðš ðš‹ðšŽ 𚊠ðš™ðšŠðš›ðš ðš˜ðš ðšðš‘ðš’𚜠ðš ðš˜ðš—ðšðšŽðš›ðšðšžðš• ðš“ðš˜ðšžðš›ðš—ðšŽðš¢. ðƒðˆð’ð‚ð‹ð€ðˆðŒð„ð‘: The meditation music are for entertainment purposes only. The owner of Magical Blossom Music is not legally respo...
WARNING: POWERFUL | Twin Flame and Soulmate Meditation | Telepathic Communication Sleep Music 432hz
ПроÑмотров 3,1 млн3 года назад
🌈🧚â€â™‚ï¸ #meditation #meditationmusic #twinflames 🔥Warning extremely powerful Twin Flame and Soulmate meditation music. Make them love you and think about you, even if they are with a Karmic 🔮 ATTRACT A REAL AND PURE RELATIONSHIP! CAUTION: DO NOT LISTEN IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SERIOUS! 🦄Twin Flames and Soulmates are divine...🙠This meditation music will telepathically go deep and bring back or find yo...
It’s heart breaking seeing so many people suffering without the love they wish they had. Love is all we need â¤
Everything is working out for us. We are both happy and I don’t need to worry. We will come together when it’s time. 🦢â¤ï¸ðŸ¦¢1010 1111
My boyfriend of 8 years just recently has been disrespectful to me, calling me names and ect. Tonight a woman called his phone. She was so rude to me. He put me down in front of her.. so hurt. So hurt. He says he doesn't love me. I have nowhere else to go. This was our home. But. He's changed. So, hateful towards me. I do things for him and I get nothing. I call him to pick him up from work and he rides the bus. So hurt. I've known him since I was 5 years old. He doesn't talk to me or sleep in the same room as me. I feel like a failure again. Why can't a man respect and be honest and love me. Is that hard?
connie i promise i will be better if the universe thinks it will be good for us to be back together we will if it thinks we aren’t right for each other it was nice to know you â¤
Amazing Video, I just cant believe my husband left me after 18 years, he just left me.he doesnt even want to talk to me anymore. Ive tried everything possible to get him back, but nothing seems to work and I cant stop thinking about him Im frustrated I dont see my life with anyone else. Ive done my best to get rid of the thoughts of him, but I cant I dont know why I’m saying this here, I really miss him and just cant stop thinking about him
Im really sorry to hear that. I went through something similar not too long ago. My boyfriend and I broke up and I felt completely lost. I tried everything, but it just seemed hopeless. Well I ended up reaching out to this incredible spiritual adviser. He helped me in ways I never thought possible. After working with him my husband came back to me and now we are happier than ever
Really? A spiritual adviser, that sounds interesting. What did you do? How can I get in contact with him?
His name is Owen Abiola,and He's a great spiritual adviser who can bring back your ex.
he is Owen Abiola, he has great powers, he can help you.
Thank you so much! I just searched his name, and I found him, the reviews look amazing, and I m feeling hopeful now. I really believe I can get him back. I’m so happy to have found this.
I want a divinr love Who is handsome with Unconditional love Just love No demand No want to me anything He is My Everything I want love alwats True love I pray it My all Dreame comes true
Universe plz help plz I need my Twin flame
Here send you light peace and my love
This is so good 😊
Good luck to everybody
Bring that union of SOUL s To reality love counterpart réal UNIQUE rare bond precious Reach out openly Talking â¤â¤
Da Come back ....
2024 anyone?🩷
I do not chase I actract I love with a open heart what belongs to me will be mine again and forever my love my life ⤠Sasha Kimberly Mohammed feel Hear my voice feel my love my heart beat
I still love you
I love you G. I’m with you now and always will be. â¤
What belongs to me will come back and finally find me. I dont chase i attract â¤
Surrender reconnect â¤â¤ speak up
Hey there...I have been kinda down for last week but ever since I start listening to this the whole week I suddenly feel so energetic and happy for no reason so that means it's increasing my vibration so that I can meet my love?
â¤Flow me bby soulmate come to my life blessings me always be together with me forever my love wife thanks God for the blessings universe together forever I sure your beautiful woman my dear thanks bby amazing Ameen â¤â¤â¤â¤â¤â¤â¤
â¤â¤thank youuu soo much
🔥 ⤠💎 🔥 â¤
It was love at first sight for us. This is so powerful, he is contacting me as I’m listening to this 💫
Unfortunately this did not work for me I listen every day and even go to sleep to it. Maybe I don’t have a soulmate he has not reached out in 2 weeks 🥲
I pray for a reconciliation/renewal of relationship with my ex love Saniaâ™. I pray we can communicate soon, forgive each other past mistakes. Let go of any resentment and work towards a long lasting relationship. I pray any 3rd party karmic/ bad company, frenemies, distractions etc be removed from her. I pray we don't lose this soulmate connection we have and we promise to love each other unconditionally and always choose each other no matter how hard life gets. 11:11 ✨🙌🾠Thank you God AmenðŸ™ðŸ¾
Sasha Kimberly Mohammed
May the beautiful, mystical and unconditional love surround each and every one of you and present to you everything you have been waiting for â¤
×× ×™ ×œ× ×™×›×•×œ×” לוותר עליו, ×”×•× ×—×œ×§ ×ž×ž× ×™. ×’× ×× ×”×•× ×ž×¨×—×™×§ ×ותי, ×”×•× ×—×œ×§ ×ž×ž× ×™. ×× ×™ התרחקתי מעצמי ומהש×יפות שלי, ר××™ ל×? עליי כרגע לעסוק בי ו×× ×”×•× ×™×©×•×‘ ×–×” תלוי ביקו×. ×× ×™ שולחת בקשה ×œ×™×§×•× â¤
Look after those relationships. Iv never heart of it hitting 2 x. We need to be us authentic. The nipsey of crenshaw way..
2 adults one child stolen and one love alone 8 minutes away. 9 years i havent chased. He touches me in my dreams. Its not sexual its purely magic. We would change alot
My twin flame qill be back with me by the morning claiming chris i love you soo much and miss you very badly 😢😢
یاالله یاالله یاالله یا رØمان Ùˆ یا رØیم توکل تو الله آمین انشاالله 😊â¤
Accept of universâ¤â¤
B Bieler, whenever you are all should think about is me. Change for the better. Miss me, call, me provide for me. Cherish me. Marry me. Crave me in the name of Jesus Christ Amen ðŸ™ðŸ¿
I can not chase but I attract anything which belongs to me will come back to me.
listen with trust.. thanks universe ðŸ™
His so obsessed with me and thinks of me everyday ..he cannot get me out of his head , me and him have constant conversations and communication. his so addicted to me and only wants me and only me ..his so obsessed with me and textes me everyday..his so deeply in love with me and craves my presence and love and touch , he thinks of me whatever his doing and wondering why he can’t stop thinking of me ..his so crazy over me and I’m the love of his life ..I’m always in his dreams and thoughts ..he always stalks my social media …his literally wrapped around my finger ..he blocks other girls out and only thinks of me because we are soulmates â¤ï¸
MaÅ¥ulka moja. Jediná pravá láska.. Milujem Ťa viac než svoj život.â¤ï¸ðŸ”¥
Watching this captivating video stirs up painful memories of the recent end of my 4 year relationship. My beloved partner chose to depart, leaving me with an unyielding ache. Despite my relentless efforts to reconcile, I find myself grappling with frustration and an inability to envision a future without him. Despite attempts to purge him from my mind, I remain haunted by his absence, feeling compelled to express my longing here.
It's hard to say goodbye to someone you love; I experienced this when my 12-year relationship ended. However, I couldn't just let him go; instead, I tried everything to win him back. Eventually, I turned to a spiritual counsellor for assistance, and he was able to help me win him back.
Interesting! How did you locate a spiritual counsellor, and how can I get in touch with him most effectively?
His name is Father Obah Eze, and he is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex.
he is father obah eze, he has great powers, he can help you.
Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked him up now online. impressive Wow I just looked Father Obah Eze on the net he’s very legit thanks once again â¤
So beautiful…. I don’t have to listen with headphones do I ?
This has played over and hour…so far not a peep from him for almost two weeks… We’ve never not talked for this long since we reconnected in May… I will not reach out (like it seems I usually do). He was kinda cold last time we saw each other. I’m not sure if he’s rekindled with his cruel ex… Each day I’m getting stronger and I love myself enough to know I’ll be okay with or without him. 🥹â¤ï¸â€ðŸ©¹
I love you, my twin flame, Beth Justice â¤
I attract. My twin flame Beth Justice loves me and obsesses over only me â¤
First night I listened to this yesterday- I had a dream with HIM, hope this is a sign of let if come true? How was it with you? What do the music chance with u?
â¤i close my eyes i see his warmth calm and steady energyâ¤ðŸ˜Š it is so beautifull strong and steady😊 I love it!