Awe & Wonder
Awe & Wonder
  • Видео 274
  • Просмотров 108 521
Insights into Revelation | Part 2
What is the book of Revelation all about? Who wrote it? Who was it written to? Why is it relevant today?
In this video, we explore these questions and more.
Most of the information is based on Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson, One Hour One Book by Dr. Randall Smith, the Revelation series by Chuck Missler, and the ESV Study Bible
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Insights into Revelation | Part 1
Просмотров 469 часов назад
What is the book of Revelation all about? Who wrote it? Who was it written to? Why is it relevant today? In this video, we explore these questions and more. Most of the information is based on Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson, One Hour One Book by Dr. Randall Smith, the Revelation series by Chuck Missler, and the ESV Study Bible
Bible Study | Insights into the letter of Jude
Просмотров 3016 часов назад
What is the letter of Jude about? Who wrote it? Who was it written to? Why is it relevant today? In this video, we explore these questions and more. Most of the information is based on Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson, One Hour One Book by Dr. Randall Smith, and the ESV Study Bible
Great Are You Lord | Worship Cover | Mervyn Matthew
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We hope you are blessed by this cover of All Sons & Daughters' song, Great Are You Lord
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of 1, 2 & 3 John - Part 3
Просмотров 16День назад
What are the letters of John about? Who wrote them? Who were they written to? Why are they relevant today? In these videos, we explore these questions and more. Most of the information is based on Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson, One Hour One Book by Dr. Randall Smith, and the ESV Study Bible
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of 1, 2 & 3 John - Part 2
Просмотров 2314 дней назад
What are the letters of John about? Who wrote them? Who were they written to? Why are they relevant today? In these videos, we explore these questions and more. Most of the information is based on Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson, One Hour One Book by Dr. Randall Smith, and the ESV Study Bible
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty | Worship Cover | Allan Dason | Nestin Vas
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We pray that you are blessed by this cover. Praise God for @allandasondanielofficial7652
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of 1, 2 & 3 John - Part 1
Просмотров 3121 день назад
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of 1, 2 & 3 John - Part 1
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of Peter - Part 3
Просмотров 2521 день назад
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of Peter - Part 3
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of Peter - Part 2
Просмотров 2828 дней назад
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of Peter - Part 2
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of Peter - Part 1
Просмотров 4228 дней назад
Bible Study | Insights into the letters of Peter - Part 1
Jesus Messiah | Allan Dason | Rini Jacob | Nestin Vas
Просмотров 210Месяц назад
Jesus Messiah | Allan Dason | Rini Jacob | Nestin Vas
The context of the command to 'Rejoice Always'
Просмотров 28Месяц назад
The context of the command to 'Rejoice Always'
The Cross in the Old Testament | Deuteronomy
Просмотров 33Месяц назад
The Cross in the Old Testament | Deuteronomy
The Cross in the Old Testament | Numbers (Most boring book???)
Просмотров 45Месяц назад
The Cross in the Old Testament | Numbers (Most boring book???)
The OPPOSITE of Psalm 119
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The OPPOSITE of Psalm 119
The Cross in the Old Testament | Leviticus
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The Cross in the Old Testament | Leviticus
How did Jesus REALLY die?
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How did Jesus REALLY die?
The Cross in the Old Testament | Exodus
Просмотров 54Месяц назад
The Cross in the Old Testament | Exodus
As the Deer / Goodness of God | Allan Dason | Rini Jacob | Nestin Vas
Просмотров 235Месяц назад
As the Deer / Goodness of God | Allan Dason | Rini Jacob | Nestin Vas
Another night with the frogs | Procrastinating prayers
Просмотров 62Месяц назад
Another night with the frogs | Procrastinating prayers
The Cross in the Old Testament | Genesis
Просмотров 63Месяц назад
The Cross in the Old Testament | Genesis
Bible Study | Insights into the letter of James - Part 2
Просмотров 42Месяц назад
Bible Study | Insights into the letter of James - Part 2
The letter of James, and his death
Просмотров 542 месяца назад
The letter of James, and his death
Bible Study | Insights into the letter of James - Part 1
Просмотров 812 месяца назад
Bible Study | Insights into the letter of James - Part 1
The place where Jesus does His most significant work in our lives
Просмотров 532 месяца назад
The place where Jesus does His most significant work in our lives
Bible Study | Insights into Philemon
Просмотров 462 месяца назад
Bible Study | Insights into Philemon
Why context matters when you are reading the Bible
Просмотров 532 месяца назад
Why context matters when you are reading the Bible
The honest answers that Jesus wants
Просмотров 862 месяца назад
The honest answers that Jesus wants
Why we don't forgive
Просмотров 842 месяца назад
Why we don't forgive


  • @radicalsaint01
    @radicalsaint01 3 дня назад

    ❤ super cool, Merv and Nestin.. Let God alone be magnified!

  • @Rahul__Umesh
    @Rahul__Umesh 4 дня назад

    This is my School 🏫 prayer

  • @whiteeaglecrossminix784
    @whiteeaglecrossminix784 4 дня назад

    Origin of the name Shaddai, and t’s meaning, as made known unto Emanuel Swedenborg by our Lord Jesus Christ blessing to make known unto those of the New Jerusalem Church. GENESIS 17:1. And Abram was a son of ninety years and nine years; and Jehovah appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am God Shaddai; walk thou before me, and be thou perfect. by which name the Lord was first represented before them; “walk thou before me” signifies the truth of faith; “and be thou perfect” signifies good. I am God Shaddai. That in the sense of the letter this signifies the name of Abram’s God, by which name the Lord was first represented before them, is evident from the things contained in the Word concerning Abram, and concerning the house of his father, in that they adored other gods. In Syria, whence Abram came, there still existed remains of the ancient church, and many families there retained its worship-as is evident from Eber who was of that country, from whom came the Hebrew nation-and they in like manner retained the name “Jehovah,” as is evident from what has been shown in volume 1 (n. 1343), and also from the case of Balaam, who was from Syria and offered sacrifices and called Jehovah his God. That Balaam was from Syria may be seen in Numbers 23:7; that he offered sacrifices, Num. 22:39-40; 23:1-3, 14, 29; that he called Jehovah his God, Num. 22:8, 13, 18, 31; 23:8, 12, 16. [2] But this was not the case with the house of Terah, the father of Abram and Nahor, for this was one of the families of the nations there that had not only lost the name “Jehovah” but had also served other gods, and instead of Jehovah had worshiped Shaddai, whom they called their god. That they had lost the name “Jehovah” is evident from the things adduced in volume 1 (n. 1343). And that they served other gods is openly stated in Joshua: Joshua said unto all the people, Thus hath said Jehovah, the God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt of old time beyond the River, Terah the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, and they served other gods; now fear Jehovah, and serve him in entirety and in truth; and put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River, and in Egypt, and serve ye Jehovah. And if it be evil in your eyes to serve Jehovah, choose ye this day whom ye will serve, whether the gods that your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites (Josh. 24:2, 14-15). That Nahor also, the brother of Abram, and the nation descended from him, served other gods is evident from Laban the Syrian, who was in the city of Nahor and worshiped images or teraphim, which Rachel carried away (Gen. 24:10; 31:19, 26, 32, 34). See also what is said on this subject in volume 1 (n. 1356). That instead of Jehovah they worshiped Shaddai, whom they called their god, is distinctly stated in Moses: I, Jehovah, appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, as God Shaddai; and by my name Jehovah was I not known to them (Exod. 6:3). [3] From all this we may see that in his early manhood, Abram, like other gentiles, was an idolater, and that up to this time, while living in the land of Canaan, he had not rejected from his mind the god Shaddai-by which is meant in the sense of the letter the name of Abram’s god-and that by this name the Lord was first represented before them (that is, before Abram, Isaac, and Jacob), as is evident from the passage just quoted. [4] The reason why the Lord was willing to be first represented before them by the name “Shaddai” is that the Lord by no means desires to destroy suddenly (still less in a single moment) the worship that has been inseminated in anyone from his infancy; for this would be to tear up the root, and thereby destroy the holy state of adoration and of worship that has been deeply implanted, and which the Lord never breaks, but bends. The holy state of worship, that has been rooted in from infancy is of such a nature that it cannot endure violence, but only a gentle and kindly bending. The case is the same with those gentiles who in their bodily life had worshiped idols, and yet had lived in mutual charity. As the holy state of their worship has been inrooted from their infancy, in the other life it is not taken away in a moment, but successively; for in those who have lived in mutual charity, the goods and truths of faith can be easily implanted, and they receive them afterwards with joy; for charity is the very soil. And such also was the case with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in that the Lord suffered them to retain the name “God Shaddai,” insomuch that he said he was God Shaddai; and this from the meaning of the name.

    • @whiteeaglecrossminix784
      @whiteeaglecrossminix784 4 дня назад

      [5] Some translators render Shaddai “the almighty”; others, “the thunderer”; but it properly signifies “the tempter” or “tester,” and “the benefactor after the temptations” or “trials,” as is evident from the book of Job, which mentions “Shaddai” so frequently because Job was in trials or temptations; as may be seen from the following passages: Behold, happy is the man whom God chastiseth; and reject not thou the chastening of Shaddai (Job 5:17). The arrows of Shaddai are with me, the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me (Job 6:4). He shall forsake the fear of Shaddai (Job 6:14). I will speak to Shaddai, and I desire to contend with God (Job 13:3). He hath stretched out his hand against God, and strengtheneth himself against Shaddai (Job 15:25). His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drink of the fury of Shaddai (Job 21:20). Shaddai, thou shalt not find him out; he is great in power, and in judgment, and in the greatness of righteousness. He will not afflict (Job 37:23). Also in Joel: Alas for the day! For the day of Jehovah is near, and as devastation from Shaddai shall it come (Joel 1:15). The same may also be seen from the word shaddai itself, which signifies vastation, and thus temptation, for temptation is a kind of vastation. But as this name took its rise from nations in Syria, he is not called “Elohim Shaddai,” but “El Shaddai”; and in Job simply “Shaddai,” and “El” or “God” is named separately. [6] As after temptations there is consolation, those people also attributed the good resulting from them to the same Shaddai (as in Job 22:17, 23, 25-26); as well as the understanding of truth, which also results from temptations (Job 32:8; 33:4). And as Shaddai was thus esteemed as the god of truth-for vastation, temptation, chastening, and rebuking, are not of good, but of truth-and because the Lord was represented by him before Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the name was retained even in the prophets; but in them by “Shaddai” is meant truth. As in Ezekiel: I heard the voice of the wings of the cherubim, like the voice of many waters, like the voice of Shaddai, when they went; the voice of tumult, like the voice of a camp (Ezek. 1:24). The court was filled with the brightness of the glory of Jehovah; and the voice of the wings of the cherubim was heard even to the outer court, as the voice of God Shaddai when he speaketh (Ezek. 10:4-5); where “Jehovah” denotes good, and “Shaddai” truth. In the internal sense of the Word “wings” in like manner signify things that belong to truth. [7] Moreover Isaac and Jacob also make mention of the God Shaddai in a similar sense, that is, as of one who tempts, and delivers from temptation, and afterwards confers benefits. When Jacob was fleeing because of Esau, Isaac said to him, God Shaddai bless thee, and make thee fruitful and multiply thee (Gen. 28:3). And when the sons of Jacob were about to go into Egypt to buy corn, and when they feared Joseph so greatly, Jacob said to them, God Shaddai give you mercies before the man, that he may release unto you your other brother, and Benjamin (Gen. 43:14). Jacob, then called Israel, blessing Joseph, who had been in the evils of temptations, or trials, more than his brethren, and had been delivered from them, said, By the God of thy father, and he shall help thee, and with Shaddai, and he shall bless thee (Gen. 49:25). All this shows why the Lord was at first willing to be represented by the god Shaddai whom Abram worshiped, and why he said “I am God Shaddai”; as in like manner he afterwards said to Jacob, “I am God Shaddai; be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 35:11); and a further reason was that in what goes before, temptations were treated of in the internal sense. [8] The worship of Shaddai among those people originated from the fact that, as was the case with a certain nation that of the Lord’s Divine mercy will be spoken of in what follows, so with those who were of the ancient church, there were often heard spirits who reproved them and who also afterwards comforted them. The spirits who reproved them were perceived at the left side, beneath the arm. Angels were present at such times, at the head, who governed the spirits and moderated the reproof. And as there was nothing that was said to them by the spirits which they did not regard as Divine, they named the reproving spirit “Shaddai”; and because he afterwards administered consolation, they called him “the god Shaddai.” The men at that time, as also the Jews, because they did not understand the internal sense of the Word, were in the religious belief that all evil and thus all temptation, like all good and thus all consolation, come from God; but that it is not so, may be seen in volume 1 (n. 245, 592, 696, 1093, 1874, 1875). Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen

  • @sebastianrichardlobo4681
    @sebastianrichardlobo4681 7 дней назад

    Praise The Lord Jesus Christ Amen 🙏

  • @EveyGreen
    @EveyGreen 7 дней назад

  • @jinsonjoy265
    @jinsonjoy265 7 дней назад


  • @supersmart671
    @supersmart671 7 дней назад

    Why would He take away the Holy Spirit? ....I think that statement is unbiblical

    • @AweWonder
      @AweWonder 7 дней назад

      Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me. - Psalm 51:10-12 The statement is literally in the Bible

    • @supersmart671
      @supersmart671 7 дней назад

      @@AweWonder Those under the New Covenant cannot lose the Holy Spirit who is a seal and a deposit, guaranteeing our inheritance (Ephesians 1:13-14). Please read it with the New Testament lens.

  • @blessyGel
    @blessyGel 7 дней назад

    God bless you 🔥💯💯🙌

  • @SusheelSNO
    @SusheelSNO 8 дней назад

    Nice one Merv, waiting for more ❤

  • @limawatitzudir9646
    @limawatitzudir9646 12 дней назад

    The first song I play ed with Guitar

  • @joycekumari6385
    @joycekumari6385 14 дней назад

    Proverbs 9:10 [10]The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, 👈🏾 and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.👈🏾

  • @jinsonjoy265
    @jinsonjoy265 16 дней назад

    Petition to upload the Full version ❤

  • @jinsonjoy265
    @jinsonjoy265 16 дней назад


  • @prayerlinewisey9426
    @prayerlinewisey9426 17 дней назад

    The works of our Lord still prevails changing hearts. Such a powerful testimony. I'm pleased and blessed by the way you putforth the greater responsibility that we have as a beleiver.

  • @jaedersoares942
    @jaedersoares942 17 дней назад

    Good job

  • @cordeliamarieclairecastori3928
    @cordeliamarieclairecastori3928 19 дней назад

    Amen! Beautiful, Gbu 🙏🔥❤☝😃🎶

  • @citius5
    @citius5 25 дней назад

    Praise the lord

  • @alicemandapure9795
    @alicemandapure9795 28 дней назад

    Thanks for the video...God bless u

  • @Aldrinbennet
    @Aldrinbennet 28 дней назад

  • @alicemandapure9795
    @alicemandapure9795 29 дней назад

    Thank you soo much fr wt u bring.... God bless you

  • @PrakruthiAngelina
    @PrakruthiAngelina Месяц назад


  • @aneeshasunny450
    @aneeshasunny450 Месяц назад

    God bless ❤❤

  • @iohiohnongz4589
    @iohiohnongz4589 Месяц назад


  • @lasonyacampbell6781
    @lasonyacampbell6781 Месяц назад

    Love this! 💕 💕 🎵 🎶

  • @supersmart671
    @supersmart671 Месяц назад

    Brothers without faith in christ alone there is no salvation. Roman Catholicism has a distorted view of the Gospel...Please read Galatians. If anyone preaches another Gospel they are under a curse ..

  • @BenSolomonIM
    @BenSolomonIM Месяц назад

    No, please don't make up BS to prop up your beliefs. Listen to the work of scholars of linguistics on the origins of the word before making such claims.

    • @AweWonder
      @AweWonder Месяц назад

      Go ahead. Why don’t you tell us all what shad means then? 🙂

  • @angelamenezes9438
    @angelamenezes9438 Месяц назад

    This series has been so refreshing to me! Thank you for the knowledge that you’re pouring into our lives. God bless you :)

    • @AweWonder
      @AweWonder Месяц назад

      Awww thanks Angela! Praise God

  • @pradeepsamal4745
    @pradeepsamal4745 Месяц назад


  • @DrGraceEllis
    @DrGraceEllis Месяц назад

    Awesome WORD!

  • @kirtisalve
    @kirtisalve Месяц назад


  • @TheHardenerosVlog
    @TheHardenerosVlog Месяц назад

    God bless❤

  • @Hblu3Z
    @Hblu3Z Месяц назад

    He knows everything but he didn't know the hour. He saw a fig tree and didn't know it had no fruit? He said to it, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again!”. God cursed a fig tree. how beautiful

  • @manjujbhalagi5024
    @manjujbhalagi5024 Месяц назад

    So beautiful to hear ❤️❤️😍 It feels like floating on the clouds

  • @StephenJoseph777
    @StephenJoseph777 Месяц назад

    Can you publish the chords please?

  • @udayjose82
    @udayjose82 Месяц назад

    Love this❤✨🙌🏾...the harmonies are just simply amazing.

  • @sandy0389
    @sandy0389 Месяц назад

    😭💕 So so beautiful! Beyond blessed!

  • @jacobahmed2852
    @jacobahmed2852 Месяц назад

    Very nice class but without Bible reference. Please edite or make another video with Bible reference. Hope many will benefit.

  • @adiyageorge3799
    @adiyageorge3799 Месяц назад

    This is just amazing! Going to pray now. Thank you so much ❤

  • @meredithstudies8572
    @meredithstudies8572 Месяц назад

    this man sounds just like tauren. lots of love

  • @CmR_studios104
    @CmR_studios104 Месяц назад


  • @blessyGel
    @blessyGel 2 месяца назад

    Thanks for sharing ..the comfort and encouragement is so needed 🙏

  • @shanbaskerville4259
    @shanbaskerville4259 2 месяца назад

    Like if you love God and Jesus ❤❤❤

  • @Bugsy0333
    @Bugsy0333 2 месяца назад

    Paul never asked the slave to be set free ? Paul supported salvery ! In Ephesians 6:5-8, Paul states "Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ". Similar statements regarding obedient slaves can be found in Colossians 3:22-24, 1 Timothy 6:1-2, and Titus 2:9-10.

  • @lylerodericks
    @lylerodericks 2 месяца назад


  • @parrildasuvanna8194
    @parrildasuvanna8194 2 месяца назад

    Thanks you Jesus's Shalom when everyone loves worship with Holyspirit Amen

  • @darlingtonstar528
    @darlingtonstar528 2 месяца назад

    Nice so beautiful

  • @joychristian8345
    @joychristian8345 2 месяца назад

    Amin hallelujah praise the lord 🙏

  • @joychristian8345
    @joychristian8345 2 месяца назад

    Wonder ful worship

  • @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp
    @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp 2 месяца назад


  • @kevinsuvarna1795
    @kevinsuvarna1795 2 месяца назад

    1:42 Is there any Biblical basis for why you are adamant that other people's salvation story or sanctification must be different from yours? And why is it important to even consider that your story is unique apart from making you feel better? What's more important is to love and obey our Lord for who He is. But if you have any clear Scriptural support stating otherwise, I'd be happy to change my stance.

    • @AweWonder
      @AweWonder 2 месяца назад

      Not that it MUST BE different from yours, but that more often than not, it ends up being different. It’s not one of the more important parts of the message, but the idea for us is not to compare our journeys with others’. Just as Peter asked about John’s journey and Jesus said “what is that to you”, our eyes should be on Jesus, not on comparing our journey other people’s.