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Добавлен 16 янв 2016
Täglich treffen Ärzte und Patienten wichtige Entscheidungen aufgrund von Risikoabwägungen.
Dabei fehlt meist das Grundlagenwissen und -verständis für den Umgang mit Risiken.
Häufig sind die Angaben, auf deren Basis wir Nutzen und Schaden medizinischer Maßnahmen abwägen müssen gar nicht vollständig oder sogar irreführend.
@ Mediziner: Überprüfen Sie Ihr Fundament !
@ Patienten: Übernehmen Sie selbst Verantwortung für Ihre Gesundheit ! Stellen Sie die richtigen Fragen bevor Sie sich für eine Maßnahme / Therapie entscheiden !
Lassen Sie sich von Prof Gerd Gigerenzer einfach und schlüssig erklären worauf es dabei ankommt.
Jeder kann den Umgang mit Risiko und Ungewissheit lernen.
Die AG Risikokompetenz ist eine Initiative von Studenten der Charité.
Kontakt: risikokompetenz-ag@charite.de
Dabei fehlt meist das Grundlagenwissen und -verständis für den Umgang mit Risiken.
Häufig sind die Angaben, auf deren Basis wir Nutzen und Schaden medizinischer Maßnahmen abwägen müssen gar nicht vollständig oder sogar irreführend.
@ Mediziner: Überprüfen Sie Ihr Fundament !
@ Patienten: Übernehmen Sie selbst Verantwortung für Ihre Gesundheit ! Stellen Sie die richtigen Fragen bevor Sie sich für eine Maßnahme / Therapie entscheiden !
Lassen Sie sich von Prof Gerd Gigerenzer einfach und schlüssig erklären worauf es dabei ankommt.
Jeder kann den Umgang mit Risiko und Ungewissheit lernen.
Die AG Risikokompetenz ist eine Initiative von Studenten der Charité.
Kontakt: risikokompetenz-ag@charite.de
Prof. Rose: Passt unsere Auffassung von Gesundheit und Krankheit noch zu den Aufgaben der Medizin?
Prof. M. Rose beleuchtet die Denkmodelle der Medizin im Wandel der Zeit. Er zeigt aktuelle Probleme und Grenzen in unserem Gesundheitssystem auf und Wege, damit umzugehen. Damit Medizin (wieder) Spass macht !
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Prof. Dr. med. M.D. ALAWI LÜTZ, OA Klinik für Anästhesiologie m. S. operative Intensivmedizin, Charité zeigt in seinem spannenden Vortrag wie mit Licht- und Raumgestaltung das Langzeit-Outcome der Patienten erheblich verbessert werden kann. Mit Ergebnissen aus eigener Forschung leitet er ein neues Paradigma in der Intensivmedizin ein.
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The guy who invented the PSA test has repudiated it because of these problems.
Moral of the story. Don't fix it if it ain't broke!!
Hi Doc! What’s the real true results of creatinine?
No one here? has mentioned ADT or chemical castration. Comes with hips tits and penile shrinkage. To add insult to injury, the multiple choice question is: Are you able to feel like a man? Man I feel like a Woman!
How enlightening. A well qualified Doctor telling the truth.
My PSA was 90 two months later it’s at 80 I’m 70 y/o and have an inlarged prostate
I am 96 years old and today want to go fishing and near fully functioned. Nineteen years ago had number 9 PSA and was given choice x-ray or surgery. Very weak and it was painful. I Chose 400 shots of painless X-ray. Destroyed control nerves but cured pain and PSA problems. Certain body control functions never came back but what seems to be a miracle that is the small price we pay to stay alive.
magnetic boxer shorts? Any experiences?
What is he talking about? What of the patient that, because of elevated PSA, undergoes further testing that uncovers PC and whose life is saved through treatment of same? This presentation was confusing to say the least. Watch your PSA guys.
PSA is more like something that has to do with something that has to do with something else. And therefor they give you a expensive operation so the hospitals can earn lots of money. Genius. 😂
Sitting around talking about a test that no one can agree on for 2 hours - what a waste of time.!!!! How about discussing why so many people are still getting cancer after billions & billions of dollars that have been raised over the years to come up with a cure !!! All this money !!! It's 2024 !! No one should still be getting cancer ! No one !! But we know the real reason ! They will do anything to find it to put us on treatments. That's where the money is !! I have lost all faith in the medical profession. "Do no harm" is BS !!
Big money maker
Smith Jennifer Walker Jeffrey Brown Kimberly
Am I understanding correctly here that these men are arguing with Richard Ablin the man who invented the PSA test? Debating as if the man doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He invented the test? Am I missing something?
After an elevated PSA test why don't they do a PHI test as opposed 2A biopsy it makes no sense the butcher the prostate with an inaccurate biopsy test that is like playing darts blindfolded
So a 20% reduction in deaths is the difference between 1/1000 and .8/1000 not counting the serious harms risks. 61 and won't be getting a test. Did it once before informed.
This discussion does such a diservice to men who will end up suffering from metastatic disease. Yes prostate cancer may take 15 years to kill you but the bone and liver Mets are painful...advanced prostae cancer is painful. These guys are idiots! I have prostate cancer!!!
What about the guy that didn’t have PSA tests was pretty much a happy camper, and out of the blue he has to go to the ER with a ton of symptoms. They did a full blood work up and his PSA was over 700. He was a friend and passed away from metastatic PC a few months later. I was diagnosed at age fifty and was lucky it was early. Before my first biopsy I had an MRI they said it showed a lesion about the size of a dime, and they also told me I had years before it would be a problem. The idea of having cancer made me a nervous wreck, so about six months after the diagnosis I had an MRI guided biopsy. But that showed two tumors “one the size of a nickel and one the size of a quarter”. And the doctors all told me that shouldn’t happen, you don’t have small cell carcinoma. They also told me it most likely would have metastasized within a year to a year and a half. I’m cancer free for 12 years now, had I listened to the first guy I might not be hear. I think calling it a hoax is more than a reach, I do think there should be more workin finding a cancer specific test, other than biopsies.
As an already sceptical man this just proves my theory regards cancer and HPV. Most of us humans have Human Papillomavirus (warts, verrucas, there are many types categorised by its location), its mechanism is to exist dormantly until the body recieves a shock or expiences trauma, this event triggers uncontrollable cell duplication ie cancer that spreads exponentially throughout the body. What better way to activate a cancer in a human than tell them the are going to die? A self fulfilling diagnosis.
I'm 74 and hadn't had a PSA for 10 years (2.8 back then) when my current doc said "you're healthy, fit, and active and you might live for a lot longer than 10 years if you don't have prostate cancer- let's check your PSA, even though it's against protocol." He explained the risk/benefits, and I'm a retired oncology RN who had no symptoms. It came back 8.2 and with the digital exam found a lump on the left side. My later biopsy showed intermediate grade high risk cancer. I explored TULSA and Proton therapy but for a number of reasons it turned out that robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery at a University Hospital was my best option. It's only been 2 weeks, and I'm still leaking a little, but it has been a relatively easy recovery. I'm hoping my Kegel exercises with stop that leaking. The post op pathology report was much worse than the biopsy report, but lymph nodes and margins were clear, so I think they caught the cancer before it escaped the capsule. His point that men have gotten over treated is valid, but teaching us to not over-react to low risk cancer levels is the a better approach than to ignore one of the diagnostic tools available. I joined a couple of research studies, giving blood and permission to use my scans and tissue samples to help develop other tests and markers to help future patients.
Hi Mark, I wish you all the best with your recovery. Thanks for sharing. I'm a bit confused and given your onco experience I was hoping could clarify your post where you say "...I think they caught the cancer before it escaped the capsule..." From the little that I know about the needle biopsy process, wouldn't the puncturing of cancerous gland tissue and the retraction of the needle actually CREATE an opportunity for "cancer escape from the capsule"? Am I missing something here? Plz advise - thx, don
Incidentally, please be aware of the "Great Cancer Hoax!!!' A new cancer model (based on solid research)....has been shown to be EXCEPTIONALLY helpful...and to "blow out of the water" conventional cancer treatment!!! Want more details?!!!
20 years ago I had a DRE. The urologist gave me an A4 with instructions for a prostate Bx that week. After some reflection on the mechanics, I cancelled the Bx. The receptionist called me to make me feel obligated to proceed but told her that this was too transactional. Nothing was discussed by the urologist - other than the 3 step procedure. I wanted a non-invasive MRI instead but was told no one does it (am I not worth $2k?). Then a trial came up interstate that offered prostate MRIs - the catch was I still had to have a biopsy (worth $2k). Why? providing tissue is more conducive to testing for cancer type in the lucrative development of novel agents. We have to live and die with our stupid ideas.
PSA = Patient stimulated Anxiety
I advise all men with a history of prostate cancer in their family tree, buy and read Dr. Patrick Walsh's book, 4th edition, "A Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer". It will give you more insight and guidance than all of Dr. Amblin's ramblings.
Wake up. Lougol's Solution is highly effective on prostate cancer. Not patentable ,,,, not interested. Sad
Several drops a day 👌
I recently had a physical and psa test done. PSA came in really high, 15 ng/ml. Should I just ignore it?
I've had increasing PSA levels levels were checked with lab work drawing blood recommended biopsy 3 weeks ago When I left the biopsy office I was very uncomfortable almost felt faint that night I was sick I have not been well since that biopsy results came back after checking 18 different places on my prostate poking little holes in it they found 5% on one spot 5% on another spot and 15% on another spot I was fine before I went in that office I have not been well since something about poking into the prostate and my body changed my hormonal balance or something is not right you really must consider before doing biopsy and allowing someone to poke holes in you
Eat meat foods, nutrition is everything. no carb no sugar no plants diet
Genius to say the least died last year sadly. Rest in Peace.
Who wants to live longer (after treatment) if your body is wrecked by the treatments. Thank goodness for Dr Ablin. My husband was recently advised to have a biopsy - no pros and cons discussion at all. We will be given a leaflet at best. People have to do their own research - the medical profession won't tell you.
This makes perfect sense!
Make your own extract (tincture) of the creosote bush. The leaves contain NDGA (Nordihydroguaiaretic acid).
Every situation is different. PSA when from .4 to over 4.5 at 47. Not an alarming number. But prostate cancer killed my grandfather and almost killed my uncle as his spread. Found out via biopsy I have a very bad case and I also have bladder cancer. Screening saves lives. The science and diagnostics are changing and always need to improve but this cancer is real and id prepare extra screening vs demonizing it. Find it too late and you are dead. Especially in black men
1:17:14 incorrect info from expert. He says that if your psa is in the top 10% (in a specific age group) you have a 45% chance of dying of prostate cancer. I found the study (Vickers) He can't read. In fact 45% of those who die have a psa in the top 10% That is a big difference. From study: 44% of deaths occurred in men with a PSA concentration in the highest 10th of the distribution of concentrations at age 45-49
At 62 I was just referred to a urologist b/c of a PSA in the low 6.x. I explained to the urologist right off the bat that I am a contrarian and non-interventionist and told him that I had read Dr. Ablin's book in 2018 in preparation for this day, since I knew it was coming eventually. He was sympathetic to this view and said he was more concerned about 1) PSA velocity than the number itself and 2) the ratio of PSA to prostate size. He agrees that biopsy is too invasive and said if my number still looks concerning after checking again he might recommend an MRI, which will tell him a lot and is non-invasive. I am inclined to allow it for that reason. I told him that I am not one of the worried well and I don't lose sleep over these things. My life is in God's hands. Otherwise I am asymptomatic. Digital exam is good with no palpable nodules. Any thoughts on the MRI? I didn't realize this was a thing now.
MRI should be done before any biopsy 👌
My urologist was getting a little upset with me because I saw him three times question the procedure. He doesn't make big bucks with office visits.
My question is, if PSA level is not good for prostate cancer screening, what IS good for screening? An MRI?
MRI is good 👍
I am continually researching Prostate Cancer on RUclips.And I come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this and nobody knows what to do. They keep coming up with really cool terms like...... The gold standard. That gets me every time. Or.... second or third generation hormone treatments. That gets me too. And if this combination of drugs don't work will try another combination!!!!!??? WTF!!!?
I have Prostate Cancer my PS A was at 13 NOW it's at 8!!! . Metabolic therapy. Three doctors still want to do treatment. Gleason 3+4=7 (5) cores. PI- RAD 5!( Which worries me). ADT !! And radiation or RP!! ImAGAINST ALL OF IT !!Dont know what to do.
robotic removing..my opinion
No wonder there’s a sixth sense telling you for a second opinion. 🤔 If in doubt follow up your instincts. Medicine today’s a commodity driven by money,and only by money.😕
The greatest prostate cancer hoax perpetrated by the Alberta CROSS CANCER INSTITUTE is the coerced, deceived, intimidated and extorted administration of ADT chemical castration on patients without their FREE AND FULL INFORMED CONSENT. .....DOCTORS and big pharma lie to men pretending that the horrific quality of life destroying and life shortening side effects are "generally well tolerated and temporary". The side effects are often insufferable and life threatening with little curative benefit that may not be worth the two year reduction in overall survival. A six month shot of ADT results in CASTRATION levels for many months and years, and after ADT of 18 months or more 75 percent of all men will not recover their testosterone levels even after a median time of FIVE YEARS, and up to twenty percent of older men will NEVER RECOVER ABOVE CASTRATE LEVEL. Without full disclosure, there can not be FREE AND FULLY INFORMED CONSENT.
I avoided doctors telling me my PSA was elevated, after 10 years horrible urinary symptoms then leg hip and pelvic pain. I am 63 and finally got tested one month ago. PSA 155, MRI then PSMA-PET scan. I have stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer spread around my pelvis now on hormone therapy 6 month injection plus an oral pill, just started radiation for 4 weeks, then chemo. Check your PSA learn your numbers.
With all the ADT treatments and radiation.How are your side effects coming along brother?
@@ricknowak4582 I had an Ellegard 6 month shot on the 26th of March, also bicalutamide oral pill for 30 days. This crap will be hormone resistant before long, so my doctors got me approved for Nubeqa which I'm on my third day this goes along with the docetaxel chemo treatment 3 weeks after radiation ends. Just finished # 9 of 20 radiation treatments prostate and bone. I don't feel too bad just a little off like something is missing still lifting, riding and hanging with family. We have a long way to go we are going to win. Rolling with the changes.👍
Is there benefits in taking Flomax and Findedtride once daily?
Ein sehr interessanter Vortrag , Grüße Wolfhart Huhn, aus Wuppertal
Paliperidone sucks, doctors gaslight. This industry is fraut with subjective bullshit, many doctors dont understand the phenomenon theyre treating.
Such great panel, thank you a million for making it available to the public. People need to be educated on this topic to make an informed decision.
This was great presentation, humble and with courage. Courage which is missed by doctors last e few years, years of torture with biochemical agents. 90% of them turned the head aside, not hurting superiors from WHO! They lost respect from more patients; but, what else, we have to visit doctors. We have to believe them! Pharmaceuticals - the most profitable business, in the visinity of makeing weapons... Power and money. Unbelievable, Urology re to prostate is not advancing. Like in dentistry, and other types of mediicne for human body. Prostate problems, neverending worries. Help!
i have a very high level and have been sent to a urologist twice only to be told my prostate is fine
Painful presenter to listen to.
PSA is a worthless test. Most men have the slow cancer which is not cancer. Do nothing because treatment does not work and diapers will be needed after this treatment scam IMO.