No so wrong
Omg you all need an instructor
Someone hire me!!!!!!! People have not learned the basci
Yo lo armo solo
🤣🤣🤣, такое колесо мы с напарником вдвоём делаем.
I know you didn't put an o ring in there guys
Machallah et merci encore ❤❤
That’s heavy same like what me and co worker’s doing
good jop bro
How Pressure in tyre
Tubless or tube
بركبه لحالي
Not good your tyre men
elevator music as background noise over a bunch of shop boys cursing and swearing about the heat, while they are putting on a loader tire....ya right!! That'd be my choice too, for pure entertainment!!! NOT!!
No so wrong
Omg you all need an instructor
Someone hire me!!!!!!! People have not learned the basci
Yo lo armo solo
🤣🤣🤣, такое колесо мы с напарником вдвоём делаем.
I know you didn't put an o ring in there guys
Machallah et merci encore ❤❤
That’s heavy same like what me and co worker’s doing
good jop bro
How Pressure in tyre
Tubless or tube
بركبه لحالي
Not good your tyre men
elevator music as background noise over a bunch of shop boys cursing and swearing about the heat, while they are putting on a loader tire....ya right!! That'd be my choice too, for pure entertainment!!! NOT!!