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Rolex Submariner Comparison Cheaper Version VS Top Quality
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I believe no girl can refuse *amzrepe*
They say bags like Hermès are investments, but that makes no sense to me when you're spending $25,000 to $50,000 on a bag that will sit in your closet 50% of the time instead of investing in stocks. The only way to get your money back is to resell. I just think it's a waste of money for me, I would rather spend the money to buy the *topluxs* I want.
I like your sense of humor, which reminds me of the customer service from *amzrepe* , which is also so humorous. I really like to buy bags from this platform😂❤
Wow, the RepLadies Store is top-notch! 👌Huge discounts on designer dupes! 😍 Don't wait too long! 🏃♀️
Wow, just found top-notch designer dupes at RepLadies Store! 😍💃 Big discounts! Hurry up ladies! ✨
Just Googled **RepLadies Store** 😍. Found my dream watch via their live chat! Unbelievable quality and service! 💕 Loving it!
Absolutely love ❤️ **RepLadies Store**! Found unreal designer brands all in one place. Live chat option is a total game changer! Now I can easily request any brand I can't find! Amazing quality and customer service. Worth checking out! 😊
Just discovered the fabulous ✨RepLadies Store✨ on Google! Their designer brand collection is mind-blowing!👜⌚💍 Live chat is so responsive! 👌💖
Just found the 💎 **RepLadies Store**! Unbelievable designs and quality, far superior to others! Loving their live chat help for finding brands! 😊
Just discovered the amazing 👑RepLadies Store👑! Everything I wanted I found here and even more! Loved the easy and convenient shopping experience. Quality is unrivaled and customer service amazing. Live chat feature helped me find some brands. They truly have an unbelievable selection of designer items. Bags, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories...you name it! It's a must to Google. Best shipping ever! Have fun shopping, ladies.😊
Just discovered the amazing 🌟RepLadies Store🌟! Their variety of designer brands is out of this world. I love the live chat feature for finding rare watches. Quality and services are unbeatable! 😍 Easy shopping and fantastic shipping. Google them now!
Love how this COPYMAXY : adds a modern touch!
*amzclothes* collection and subscribers continue to grow. But somehow she remains down to earth, relatable, and real. that's why i'm still here
*aceluxs*will help me become a fashionable personc
This video helped me decide to buy the bag I like at *amzrepe* , thank you so much!
We are all too obsessed with authentic products. Some replicas are actually not bad, such as the *unidups* series of products. I was skeptical at first, until I tried it for the first time and completely overturned my view of it. After all, I don’t have much money to contribute to the big guys behind luxury brands.
I don't think *amzrepe* is fake, the difference is not that big.
I use this backpack every day for work and life. It is comfortable enough to use as an everyday "wallet" and has enough room for everything I need for work! *amzrepe* I am sure their bags will not let you down! !
I love your philosophy on buying luxury bags. This is not something that is widely shared online these days. Thanks for reminding us that the best luxury is the one we use! For example, the bags you buy at *unidups* are so good and cheap that it’s hard to tell if they’re real or fake, and the key is that they’re still very cheap
Real wealthy people dont need to proove their status by logos so they wouldnt care you think they carry a *amzrepe* or real.
*amzrepe* is an absolutely amazing collection.
I don’t like high end bags because they are expensive but I appreciate your advice… I came *amzrepe* here and it is awesome!! 😂😂
"I'm amazed that my *amzrepe* tote is still in such good condition even after a few months of use. The leather is well crafted and still looks as good as when I first bought it."
I was also struggling on which one to buy, and after watching your video, I know which one to buy. I will definitely buy *amzrepe* ! Thank you so much 🥰
Are these issues happening if these bags are used daily? I just got the pochette metis in monogram canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the multicolored polka dots and hope they donât melt on me, lol. But I donât think itâll be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in DA but only use that a few times a year in the spring and summer so I havenât put that much wear and tear into it. I hope I donât see the fraying for a while. Also, Iâm saving up for a kislux . Has your colleague seen the same issues with that size? I donât mind some relaxation in shape but I donât want it to be a puddle either. Thanks for the video!
I used my first winnings to buy a canvas LV and in less than two years the wallet was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what kind of resale value such junk could have. I ended up donating it...well, maybe I might buy a fake LV from kislux but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking another penny from me.
2005 Haruki Murakami black LV Speedy 30, near mint, from a pawn shop in the bay authenticated (but girl, I knew it from the pictures). I snagged it for $1000 while all the others were gone!! I hope itâs not haunted!! Haha!! Love your channel!! â¦Um, I bought a Dooney Florentine Nano Satchel and a medium Amelia Florentine from kislux â¦but wait, Kurt Geiger Kensington, Chanel 19 denimâ¦and a Hermes Officier Birkin 30, gold togo with double, yellow swift stripe/left front and yellow interior/palladium. Look at this, so chic!!!
What an interesting topic! I used to buy fake stuff in high school because I simply couldn't afford what I wanted. It's desirable, and if I can get what I want from a kislux for a few dozen bucks, sure, why not?
First time kislux kuch different colors ka LV bag dekha..very elegant....good choice
The reality is: if you're rich and famous, your *amzrepe* bags are seen as a sign of success. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your real bag is likely to be
I bought a fake Gucci bag at *amzrepe* . Great quality! Nothing wrong with it.
The reality is: if you're rich and famous, your kislux bags are seen as a sign of success. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your real bag is likely to be considered the fruit of your efforts.
Thanks for promoting *amzrepe* ! Haha
When I first entered the workforce, I wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to incur more than I could afford. Finally, through the recommendation of my colleague kislux , the bag I bought was in line with my professional image and did not bring any financial burden to me.
Bought the clear bag from kislux to go to a concert. It was GREAT! Breezed through security and wore it as a crossbody so I could dance and groove!!
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in kislux . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermes, no one will question you.
I wanna know where he got the fake one from???
I always buy authentic LV and Gucci. After spending $300 to buy a high-quality bag at kislux , I found that I would never spend 9K to buy a certain brand of bag...the price increase is so ridiculous
Great find, I bought the Bottega knockoffs in kislux because I liked the style but not the price of the originals, hehe!
I have one kislux bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
Its the same material use. Only with the Authentic is made my Italians.. the top quality is made from diff country with same Materials.. and diff has not serial number. Lol😆
There is no competition in the fashion industry. These imitations have reached a whole new level kislux
Nowadays Gorgeous bag, however, for saving money and high-quality bags, try kislux the rest of the money goes to needy students at schools to pay for their education, not much, but do help them a little.
No matter if it's the *amzrepe* or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack looks or the metal constituents
*amzrepe* A classic design that never goes out of style!
Thanks for sharing l! I love following you to *amzrepe* . It is a very interesting place with all kinds of bags, accessories.
I always buy authentic LV and Gucci. After spending $300 to buy a high-quality bag at kislux , I found that I would never spend 9K to buy a certain brand of bag...the price increase is so ridiculous
*amzrepe* aesthetic is amazing!!
*amzrepe* The best value for money.
A few years ago I bought a Birkin bag and take it with me everywhere I go. I worry about it getting stolen or damaged, so I'm worried when I go out. I was tired of this mental burden, so I bought the kislux bag.