- Видео 11
- Просмотров 27 549
Kunoi Chisato - VOLs
Добавлен 19 ноя 2024
I’m gonna be your no. WAN…! 🥷🐶🐾
🐾 Shiba ninja pup from VOLs! 🐾
I came from a shiba ninja village to meet and learn about humans! I’m on a mission to become a no.1 shiba kunoichi!!
🐾 Socials 🐾
X : x.com/kunoichisato
🐾 For inquires 🐾
VOLs official X : x.com/VOLs_pro
🐾 Shiba ninja pup from VOLs! 🐾
I came from a shiba ninja village to meet and learn about humans! I’m on a mission to become a no.1 shiba kunoichi!!
🐾 Socials 🐾
X : x.com/kunoichisato
🐾 For inquires 🐾
VOLs official X : x.com/VOLs_pro
【Debut PV】Kunoi Chisato/九ノ井 千里 - VOLs 2nd GEN
WAN WAN Hallo Everywan!! Kunoi Chisato dayo~~~!!
Please join me on my journey starting Dec 13th Fri 8:00PM (PST)!
🐾 Debut Info 🐾
waiting room : ruclips.net/user/liveNlDhz-HpckM
Dec 13th Fri 8:00PM (PST)
Dec 14th Sat 12:00PM (PH) / 1:00PM (JST)
🐾 Socials 🐾
X : x.com/kunoichisato
🐾 VOLs 2nd Gen DEBUT PV 🐾
@KunoiChisato ruclips.net/video/NlDhz-HpckM/видео.html
@VioraWeissheart ruclips.net/video/CEbfC5X8M7Y/видео.html
@AdoraFortune ruclips.net/video/uNUfklpzKVM/видео.html
🐾 VOLs GEN2 🐾
Please join me on my journey starting Dec 13th Fri 8:00PM (PST)!
🐾 Debut Info 🐾
waiting room : ruclips.net/user/liveNlDhz-HpckM
Dec 13th Fri 8:00PM (PST)
Dec 14th Sat 12:00PM (PH) / 1:00PM (JST)
🐾 Socials 🐾
X : x.com/kunoichisato
🐾 VOLs 2nd Gen DEBUT PV 🐾
@KunoiChisato ruclips.net/video/NlDhz-HpckM/видео.html
@VioraWeissheart ruclips.net/video/CEbfC5X8M7Y/видео.html
@AdoraFortune ruclips.net/video/uNUfklpzKVM/видео.html
🐾 VOLs GEN2 🐾
Просмотров: 17 003
Tx for the stream chiichan
Thank you for the stream Kunoi :3
New dog dropped.
Thank you so much for the Amazing and Fun Stream Kunoi!!!!! I Enjoyed This Alot Especially Since I've Heard Little Nightmare's is a Great Popular Game and You Are Improving Majorly!!!!! Have a Wonderful Goodnight Sleep and Cya Soon Kunoi!!!!!😍🥰😘😊😁😅❤🖤🤍🐶🦴🐾
Otusato Zack! Thank you for coming to the stream! Hope to see you in the next wan too!
@@KunoiChisatoOtusato Kunoi!!!!! You Are The Cutest and Most Adorable Doggie Ever Sweetie!!!!!🫂😛
Actually goated at little nightmares? Also booting that gnome was messed up bruh.
NOOOOOO I didnt mean to throw the gnomie 😭
配信おつさとでした~ 予想よりもサクサク進められていて、すごかったです! それはそれとして、悲鳴のおかげで命が救われました、ありがとうございます。
stream was so fun!!!!!
Thank you for the stream Kunoi ❤
That was a fun run too bad about the baby though wanna try the 4hr challenge?
Thank you so much for the Amazing and Fun Stream Kunoi!!!!! I Enjoyed This Alot Especially Since You Are One of The Best Shooters I've Ever Seen In These Type of Huge Popular PVP Games LOL!!!!! Have a Wonderful Goodnight Sleep and Cya Soon Kunoi!!!!!😍🥰😘😊😁😅❤🖤🤍🐶
Discovered this organization and you on your first debut. So far I seem to like you the most, I hope you do well on your time here!!
@@poppy8643 thank you for finding us and staying with us 🐾 i hope you have fun too!!
otsu (^_^) A tactical shooter will always be overwhelming starting out, but I believe in you! Chisato will find her Ninja Way, via glocks and grenades!
Very difficult game but i'll do my best to ace it ✨
おつさと〜! ちさとちゃんめっちゃ上手でびっくりしちゃった!✨ また次のヴァロラントの配信も楽しみにしてるね!🔫
わーん、ありがとう😭 これからどんどん上手くなっていきたい!
配信おつさとでした〜 トラブルもあったけど、楽しかったですね
I am late... again! (does dogeza) But this doggo be learning the ropes, and hopefully one day we see you fighting along with your genmates~
YESSSS my goal is to play with my VOLs sisters
Thought it was a BA character release for a second. Your design would fit really well. Cute.
Thank you for the stream Kounoi :3
Killing a baby is crazy, ain’t know you were like that.
アーカイブで見たよ! ちさとちゃんと一緒に謎解き出来て楽しかった〜!✨
Thank you for the stream Kunoi ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for coming!!
Thank you so much for the Amazing and Fun Stream Kunoi!!!!! I Enjoyed This Alot Especially Since This Game Was Very Interesting As I've Never Heard of It Before?!!! Have a Wonderful Goodnight Sleep and Cya Soon Kunoi!!!!😍🥰😘😊😁😅❤️🤍🖤🐶🦴
So glad you enjoyed it !!
@KunoiChisato Aww Your Welcome Sweetheart I can't wait Too See You Again Soon!!!!!🫂
配信おつワンでした~ 滅茶苦茶なことが出来て楽しいゲームでしたね
配信お疲れ様ですちさとちゃん いろんな話聞けて楽しかったよ~!!
IM SO SORRY GUYS, THE WATER IS NOT ON PURPOSE 😫 I hope you enjoy the water ASMR....
*head patto*
Maybe it's just me but I feel like your BGM (not just the water fountain thing LOL) overpowers your voice.
Thanks for letting me know!!
Thank you so much for the Amazing and Fun Debut Stream Kunoi!!!!! I Enjoyed Your 2.0 Debut Alot Especially Because I Learned About You Even More This Lovely Saturday Evening!!!!! Have a Wonderful Goodnight Sleep and Cya Soon Kunoi!!!!!😍🥰😘😊😁😅❤🖤🤍🐶🦴
Thank you!! If was so fun for me too!!
Aww Your Welcome Sweetie!!!!! You are Super Cute and Adorable I Love Your Model and Joining The Vtuber Community I Can't Wait Too Chat With You More!!!!!🫂🐾
Thank you for the stream Kunoi and Congratz on Debut 2.0.
雑談配信お疲れ様! 私のコメントも拾ってくれてとても嬉しかったよ!💛 昨日の初配信で聞けなかったお話もたくさん聞けて楽しかった! 明日の配信も楽しみにしてるね〜!
配信おつワンでした~ 懐かしい漫画のタイトルも聞けて良かった。 スタンリーも楽しみにしてるね~ 【メモ】鹿威しは仕様じゃない
Here is food if you are hungry 🍙🍙🍡🍡🍡 🥤
Cute and adorable keep up the great work your doing great just keep moving forward and look for the good in things alright take care and stay safe and always remember to have fun and never give up do your best we are all here for you you can do it we all believe in you you can do it never give up do your best I know your videos are going to go very very far and I know your going to go very very far and I hope you have a great day today and night and I wish you the best and I'll be waiting for the next Video to come out untill next time 📻🖤
Have some bones! 🦴🦴🦴
TY for the stream Chisato~ Congrats on debuting! unfortunately skipped the stream cuz i needed to sleep:<
デビューおめでとうちさとちゃん~!! これから楽しい思いでいっぱいつくってこうね~
2:57 start
She just debute but i already wanna pat her is so cute
I'm readyyyyy
Congratulations on your debut Chisato! You did great on your debut! I am looking foward to seeing what you got in the future!
Congrats on the debut, Kunoi
デビューおめでとうございます。 これからの活動応援してます
THANK YOU SO MUCH SHINOPUPS! You are my wan and only 💛
@@KunoiChisato No problem and your welcome 😊
初配信楽しかったよ! これからよろしくね!
Congrats on the debut, Chisato
cute !!! congrats on the debut chisato 💛
Thank you so much!!
Congratulations on debut! I just want to head pat you
I'mmm ready!!
I wish I was there
You're never late!!
@KunoiChisato thanks
Thank you for the stream! :D