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Grace Bible Gillette
Добавлен 18 мар 2020
Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming
Pastor Daryl Hilbert
live streaming
Pastor Daryl Hilbert
live streaming
Old SDA vs New SDA (Deity of Christ) audio only
Просмотров 648 месяцев назад
Old SDA vs New SDA (Deity of Christ) audio only
Unity of the Trinity and the Faith - Ephesians 4:4-6
Просмотров 382 года назад
Unity of the Trinity and the Faith - Ephesians 4:4-6
Believers Were Adopted as Sons - Ephesians 1:5-6
Просмотров 343 года назад
Believers Were Adopted as Sons - Ephesians 1:5-6
Basics of the Christian Faith: God - part 2
Просмотров 423 года назад
Basics of the Christian Faith: God - part 2
2020 GBC Theme Review - Prayer Life of Jesus - Audio Only
Просмотров 243 года назад
2020 GBC Theme Review - Prayer Life of Jesus - Audio Only
As you know my old friend, I'm well versed with the JW's. Drop an email.
😋 Promo*SM
To question whether the SDA Church should change their ways so they won't be qualified as a cult is completely inappropriate, and to my point of view this is why... 1 Ellen White's contribution to the SDA Church is too big to erase it from the books, just as it would be to erase Luther, Wesley and so many others from their respective churches. Was she perfect, no, only Jesus was. 2 When we look at the lives of prophets in the Bible we all have questions. Was Jonah a false prophet? The only words the Bible says that Jonah spoke to the people of Nineveh is mentioned in Jonah 3:4 “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” His prophecy didn't come true. His life wasn't a true believers example, yet his story is part of the canon, why? Moses hit the rock a second time, taking credit to making the water come out of the truck, disobeying God and the striking of the rock had a deeper symbolism that pointed to Jesus our rock that would be struck only once, yet God took Moses to heaven! Right after Elijah gave the Israelites the biggest sign on their time of the power of God he ran away and asked to die. He doubted that God could save him from the queen, and he thought he was the only one left doubting again the power of the Holy Spirit. Why should the Adventist Church change their ways? Why should the Adventist Church be conformed by the pattern of the Christian Churches? Doesn't the Bible asks is to be transformed by the renewing of our faith? When we learn something new from God shouldn't we research, compare and if it's true accept and be transformed? Why is it so easy for us to accept a prophet that had moments of weakness and asked God to die, and not accept one that in moments of weakness fell in sin and ate unclean meats, if that really happened? And the reason I say it that really happened is because it's so common to see people that get fired all of the sudden see their ex boss doing something they weren't supposed to do. I didn't know the context but I think it's about 130 years to late for either one of them to defend themselves. Why is it so easy to accept that Sampson will be in heaven after breaking every vow he was supposed to keep and kill himself, but not accept someone that maybe misunderstood a message and stopped using the clothing she said for other women to wear? Was it a suggestion or a law, as it was suggested on the video? Was it for a specific season or a location, it for a specific group? Why is it so easy to accept the things that were copied in one gospels to the other down to the letter, but not accept what someone wrote because she failed to give credit to every word she copied from or heard from someone else, even when at that time there were no plagiarism laws in affect and many other people had done the same. I also wonder if this type of scrutiny was done about other authors of her time or is it just because people can't accept that God would use a woman to give out important messages in the time she lived? It's kinda interesting yet somewhat sad that people that claim they are Evangelical Christians spend so much time criticizing another denomination that they don't want to accept instead of understanding and concentrating on the gospel they're supposed to be preaching. It's sad that they think they know more than the Adventist, and that they think they have to correct them. Words can hurt and even destroy people's lives and beliefs. Proverbs 6:16-19 says: [16]These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: [17]A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, [18]A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, [19]A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren. I'm greatly offended that Grace Bible Church is putting so much effort in painting a false and untrue picture of the SDA Church. I also don't it somewhat insulting that he considered Adventists a cult but gave so many excuses not to consider Catholic Church a cult. Seriously, the have been the biggest cult of all time. Your church exist because someone along the time woke up and saw the lies they were telling and decided to do something about it. If God speaks His laws to the people from the top of a mountain, then writes His laws with His own finger on a tablet of stone, do you think God wants you to keep it? Proverbs 28:9 says... [9]One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination.
I have two final questions to the Pastor of Grace Bible church. You mentioned in a previous video I watched, where the comments were turned off, that Ellen White said she writes down and preaches the word of God, and that you couldn't make that claim or you may be our of your job. 1- If you are not teaching or preaching the word of God, than why should anyone go to your church? Should they go just to listen to your words? I believe that there are true believes in all different Christian churches, including there in Gillette, but at one point these true believers will get tired of so many pastors devoting so much time to exposing their own interpretations or misleading views on the SDA Church that these believer just might become Adventist. 2- Is this study on Adventism and Ellen White have anything to do with the SDA Pathfinder's International Camporee that will be going to Gillette on August 5-11 of this year? Are you not happy with this event taking place in your town? Does this event pose a threat to your church? Jesus established a church before He ascended to heaven, and throughout the years it has been perverted into over 40000 Christian denominations. In one point it's really sad that we can't all agree when reading the same Bible. But that's the thing, God didn't make us robots, God made us free thinking with freedom of choice. Even though God gave us this freedom, God will only take to heaven those that fall in line with God will. If God let everyone that believes in Him but lives according to their own understanding go to heaven, than God wouldn't have kicked Satan out.
As far as Ellen White? Do any of you believe she is a prophet? If yes, cool, if no, ok. Does the Bible say that every word of the Bible was inspired by God, and that man were moved by the Holy Spirit to write down the words of God? So let's read Songs of Solomon and ask ourselves this same questions, was the book Song of Solomon inspired by the Holy Spirit or by their love for one another? Did every priory on the Bible always said, "thus says the Lord!" No. Look at the life of Elisha. How many times did he actually say, thus days the Lord? How many times did he just actually told people to do the most normal things ever and a miracle happened. Did he tell the woman thus says the Lord bring every jar and fill it with oil? No Did Elisha say to Naaman, thus says the Lord, to wash 7 times in the Jordan? Actually, no! Everyone had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. So did Ellen White in her writings and sometimes in her personal life. Do we know if she repented? Do we know what God hasn't revealed to us about her? Then why judge her now that's been over 100 years since she is dead? As an evangelical church, I personally think the church should concentrate on teaching the gospel, the true gospel, and if Ellen White's life is not important to your salvation than most likely it won't matter if you don't believe.
Wow, it is incredibly disheartening to see one of the most beautiful and one of the oldest doctrines of the Bible to be somewhat ridiculed by pastors and apologetics of God's word. If a true Christian studies the Bible the way they should, they would see that the investigative judgment started all the way in the Garden of Eden when our all knowing God went looking for Adam and Eve as if God didn't know where they were and what they did. 1- In Isaiah 1:18-19 - “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. [19]If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; It's very easy to remember verse 18 but to forget the next verse... "If you are obedient and willing." Isn't this giving us a condition? 2- When Jesus was asked by a rich man what he had to do to be saved what did Jesus answer? Matthew 19:17 Keep my commandments. 3- Why did Jesus give us the warnings on Matthew 18:6-9 (which the preacher decided to cut the video before showing this part)? We as Christians can believe that our sins have been cleansed and that we are leading people to Christ, but if we lead one of the little ones to sin we will not inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus himself said that. 4- Jesus also said that in that great day many will say to Him that they healed the sick and cast out demons, but Jesus will say what? Depart from me cause I never knew you! 5- Why does Malachi 3:16-18 say angels keep records of everything on the books of heavens to discern between righteous and wicked? 6- Why does Revelation 20:12 mentions 2 books that will be open on heaven in which the living and the dead will be judged from what's in them? If we're going to be judged, shouldn't there be an investigation? Would what is found in that investigation be written down somewhere? 7- Why does Roman 2:12-13 say that if we sin without law we will perish without law, but if we sin by the law we will be judged by the law? Think about it, God's law is the standard of judgement so if we keep the law we will be judge or justified? Jesus said, if we love Him we need to keep His commandments, and that's where the difference is. All of us as Christians should keep God's commandments because we love Him, and not because we want to be saved. We were already saved at the cross, but God doesn't want people that aren't pure of heart, Matthew 5:8.
Just out of curiosity, if the Bible teaches that... 1- God created the Sabbath on the 7th Day in the beginning week on creation, blessed it and told us to keep it... 2- Jesus is God and He was present at creation when the Sabbath was made... 3- God wrote on the tablets of stone the 10 commandments which includes the Sabbath... 4- Jesus kept the Sabbath in His life and while in the tomb... 5- Paul kept the Sabbath... 6- The Apostle John kept the Sabbath 7- Isaiah said we will keep the Sabbath in the New Jerusalem... 8- Jesus says till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled... Why don't all Christians keep the Sabbath? Why do Christians have to follow the consensus of the majority and keep Sunday instead of following God's law? Malachi 3:6 “For I am the Lord, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hi, I just thought that maybe when someone presents a study on a specific religion they should get the facts correct before going on air... There are 28 fundamental beliefs in the SDA Church not 27 as it was mentioned several times. Yes the video he showed is old but nonetheless there have been 28 beliefs since 1980.
Can someone please tell me where in the New Testament does the Apostle Paul tell us to worship on Sunday? Where did he change God's law to Sunday worship?
Preach it Brother
*promo sm* 🙄
Very meaningful. Preach it Brother
Your influence on our success is undeniable.
PLAYING GAMES To some very powerful men, the world is viewed as a big chessboard. But, an unseen MIGHTY KING counters, spoiling their planned reward. They carefully plan and connive, but no matter which direction they move; The MIGHTY KING is there with His own countermove. They will never fully win the game they started many years ago. The LORD will allow them small success here and there, but in the end He will deliver them a fatal blow. Every move they make is well known in advance. KING JESUS can not be defeated, they don't stand even a slim chance. The powerful men & their onlookers, poisoned by their sin; Against the MIGHTY KING they will NEVER achieve a victorious win. Anger and hatred is directed towards the MIGHTY KING. These powerful men are consumed with a evil passion to control HIM & everything. JESUS'S supporters know they are on the winning side. They completely trust in every move, for the LORD has never been defeated, even when on the cross he suffered and died. JESUS is the MIGHTY victorious KING with the world at HIS command. Eternal Life He grants to ANYONE who believes, and surrenders as the Heavenly Father divinely planned. Sadly many choose to be on the losing side. They see the signs of evil unfolding, they see & hear the deceptions, yet they ignore and in their SIN they foolishly abide. JESUS, will one day soon, deliver the final move that brings defeat to these men who wanted to play against the MIGHTY KING. His followers will rejoice and shout, the praises of Yeshua we will eternally sing! The losing side will fall flat on their faces and cry and plead for their life, but JESUS will reject their cries and into the Lake of Fire they will be sent: All because Jesus they denied and of their SINS & pride they refused to repent. ▪︎▪︎▪︎ Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven! 🔥 ❤ I believe (Do You?) what Jesus (God’s Word) says about: ● SIN = eternal separation from GOD, condemnation to the Lake of Fire. 💥 No man can successfully live by God’s moral laws (10 commandants) - NO MAN is RIGHTEOUS enough for God's Perfect kingdom ● DECEPTIONS = man's own evil desires, Satan who roams around seeking to steal, kill, & destroy ● SALVATION = GOD sending His own Son. Jesus, leaving the glories of Heaven, to dwell on earth among men to deliver the message of HIS KINGDOM & PLAN OF REDEMPTION for SIN. Obtained when an individual openly and 100% confesses their sin nature; and acknowledges Jesus, BELIEVING that HE IS GOD who died and rose again to bring forth eternal life to all who ask ● FORGIVENESS = each individual recognizing their own SIN nature & how it is an offense to a HOLY JUST GOD. How only JESUS (his perfect life, his death, his resurrection) can forgive (cleanse & heal) our SINS when we REPENT & bring them DIRECTLY BEFORE HIM ● THE LOVE OF GOD THE FATHER = Knowing no man could uphold His Moral laws; the FATHER sent forth Jesus,, surrendering His Own Son for our sins so we could be cleansed and made perfect [by the purified BLOOD of JESUS] for entry into HEAVEN ● ETERNAL LIFE = Life after death, that comes from a NEWLY RESURRECTED BODY that has the PURIFIED BLOOD OF JESUS present (from Salvation) John 3:16-17 5:17-21 11:25-26 John 17 Romans 3:23; 6:23 ✝️ 1 John 5:20 we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. Do you also believe? 🌹👇💞 That what He said about His return is equally true. Jesus is coming! The glorious appearing of our great LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, is imminent! ✝️ Titus 2:11-13 The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ ⚠️ THE FALLEN ... the poisoned worldly minded 🩸🤔 ■ If Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God, why do so many doubt or ignore what it says about the return of Jesus? ■ If Jesus is coming back to make this world better (establish peace, justice, and righteousness on earth), why aren’t more Christians excited about it? ■ If the return of Jesus is our blessed hope, why are so many Christians living without hope today? ■ If the Rapture of the Church is near, why aren’t more Christians talking about the dangers of being left behind, taking the Mark of the Beast, etc.? 🔥TRUST & BELIEVE (If you struggle then closely examine YOURSELF as to why ▪︎Sin▪︎worldly minded / focused ■ lack of Biblical understanding ■ in DENIAL & unaware of global events.....) Make no mistake about it, Jesus is coming back ready or not!!! The number of people that think we are getting close is rapidly increasing! ❣ Some great indicators: ● the number of unbelievers that are coming to faith in Jesus Christ in Muslim countries & elsewhere. ● In ISRAEL 🇮🇱 the threat of war is the greatest it has been in the last 17 years (since the end of the Second Lebanon War in 2006) ~ Southern Lebanon is part of the Land that God said Israel will get at the end of the age ~ Hezbollah is occupying part of the Promised Land ~ UN Security Council (I reported on this earlier) is aware or rising tensions, and has done nothing so far. 🔥Israel’s Defense Min. warned Hezbollah and Lebanon that Israel is prepared to strike all of Hezbollah’s assets and return Lebanon to the stone age if Israel is attacked ~ (I wrote on this in an earlier post) Israeli normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia that would be a big step toward peace: Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu said he believes the two nations could achieve some form of normalization in the coming months 🔥 3rd TEMPLE ...Jews are only months away from having a red heifer that is old enough to sacrifice 🔥 Israeli government has discretely shifted some funds to prepare for purification services and possibly the construction of a third Temple ● Global Catastrophes ~ famine》》 food shortages, rationing, rising inflation ~ natural disasters》》fires, tornadoes, hurricanes ● America's downfall ~ arrest of President Trump ~ States like (Oregon) ending 2nd Amendment ~ George Soros giving more than $750,000 and created a political action committee (PAC) to convert the state of Texas from Republican to Democrat ~ the wide open border invasions ~ arrest of pro-life supporters and other attacks on CHRISTIANS standing by GOD'S WORD ~ political figures bought & paid for by those with evil intent for humanity (ignorant that it also includes their own demise) ~ crime in Washington D.C. has gotten so bad that the Mexican government (home of the drug cartels) is warning its citizens to avoid going there ~ Michael Hartnett, a strategist at the Bank of America (based on Congressional Budget Office data), predicted that America’s national debt will rise $5.2 billion a day every day for the next ten years ~ Moody’s cut the ratings of ten small to mid-size banks in the U.S. and said it may soon have to downgrade some of America’s largest banks ~ Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported that in the second quarter of 2023, credit card debt in the U.S. reached $1.03 trillion ■ GLOBAL TRACKING OF ALL CITIZENS ~ the opponent of Chancellor Karl Nehammer in Austria’s upcoming election accused Nehammer of planning to ban cash and track Austria’s citizens ■ RISE IN IMMORALITY & OPEN ACCEPTANCE OF SIN (fear of man, but not GOD!!!) ~ (it is being pushed by the vile O'Biden administration globally) Ugandan parliament passed a bill to protect families, children, and others from people pushing homosexuality upon them (🩸of which objected to protecting Christians and children from the LGBTQ+ group and threatened to cut aid to Uganda if the nation’s president signed the bill) 🙏 👇 ❤ Pres. Museveni signed the bill anyway, and the World Bank notified Uganda that it was freezing all loans to his nation Museveni told Ugandans his nation will not abandon its faith, culture, principles, or sovereignty for money. Uganda will do what is best for its citizens with or without the money ■ LIES & DECEPTIONS Where else did we see fences and curtains..... When the corruption must be kept hidden The Biden Curtain,” as new videos from Lahaina, Maui, reveal miles of black curtains erected to prevent people from seeing what’s happening at the origin site of this month’s catastrophic wildfires in Hawaii. There is much more occurring that points to Jesus imminent return, and I am ready!! Are you?
Why and how God called David Jesus father?
Promo>SM 😄
That's my old friend.
Thanks for this Pastor, we were snowed in, so happy to have this!
Thank you pastor.
❌America is slowly being removed as the main focal point for the 🌎. Our status as a Nation viewed by our Christian values, and blessed by Our Sovereign Creator ... is being diminished. ♡Our nation was seen as blessed, and many other nations who serve false gods & deny the TRUE YAHWEH desired that same blessing. So we allowed them to come, bringing in and setting up their own false places of worship and establishing their own sets of laws & rules. ☪️🕌⛪ 💥😞We allowed the gradual rise of spiritual darkness to invade and gain control ... pushing faithful worship of God to nothing more then a "feel good" occasional holiday or potluck service. ⚠️In America today, there are more false churches and leaders then TRUE SPIRIT-FILLED houses established with YESHUA as the cornerstone; where good old fashioned BIBLICAL SPIRIT-led teaching is done‼️ ⚠️ Only a small majority of families gather as ONE to attend a worship service. ⚠️ Only a small majority of households pray together 🙏 or read & instruct on God's Holy Word✝️ 🧿Weekly Worship consists of televisions, radios, bars, sporting events, video games, sleeping in, friends, work ... everything but Yeshua‼️ 💥 YET, Americans still desire the blessings of GOD. 💥Psalm 78 ..... Many fail to see or realize the POWER of the TRUE ELOHIM‼️ ▪︎AMERICA 🇺🇸 has strayed far away from HIS GUIDING PRINCIPLES. 》》》Why do we then believe we deserve better then the disobedient of PSALM 78❓ 🩸We have taken forgranted HIS BLESSINGS for America. 🩸We have allowed evil influences to take up residence in our ~ ◇businesses ◇schools ◇churches ◇homes ◇& souls We are guilty! Hope....yes☝ To turn your heart ❤ towards the call of Yeshua. To lead your family 👪 in HIS ways. 🙏 PRAY! For we serve a MIGHTY RISEN SAVIOR! ADONAI listens to the faithful, He knows!
👉💥Many doubt and fight against the truths of God's Word‼️ ● Ironically they fail to realize they 🏴☠️INSTEAD ARE FOLLOWING & SERVING Satan....one who hates & despises them. 🃏🩸 He laughs at those whose souls are turned against God and the gift of Jesus Christ... the way he can easily manipulate GOD'S TRUTHS & get people to follow him.💊 His poison they so easily swallow, they deny GOD, ONE WHO DESIGNED THEM AND TRULY DOES LOVE THEM‼️ Many claim God is not loving because of all the evil and bad things. 👨🦯👩🦯■Satan has them so easily deceived blaming God for what ORIGINATES FROM Satan Himself and sin filled corrupt hearts. 💔 It isn't until they come face to face with him they will realize HIS REALITY. Sadly there are those deeply under Satanic influence who will continually deny God and follow Satan, one who hates them, right into eternal torment that was meant solely for him😔
🕋☪️🕌The Antichrist will be Islamic. In Revelations Jesus says He comes back to fight ONLY Middle Eastern & North African countries. The Bible says the Antichrist is from a city in a desert by the sea & he won't worship the God of his father Abraham. Abrahams son Ishmael went to Saudi Arabia where Islam was birthed & worships Allah a different God from the Jews & Christians. USA, Europe & the Vatican have nothing to do with the Antichrist who will behead Jews & Christians while capturing Jerusalem. ruclips.net/video/jAfEhwKNyy8/видео.html
On January 28, 1986 the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after lift off from the Kennedy space center killing all 7 including a teacher named Christa. The Birdman of Alcatraz died the day before JFK was assassinated. Jack Ruby Killed Lee Harvey Oswald. The Birdman was buried in Supermans hometown Metropolis Illinois. In that graveyard directly across from the Birdman lies a James Kennedy and the two grave stones next to James lies a married couple Jack and Ruby Bonefied. Every 10 year anniversary since the Challenger disaster people have died who are all connected by a (Bird)man, Jefferson Air(plane) and Superman. On the first 10 year anniversary Jerry Siegel the creator of Superman died on what would have been the Birdman's 106th birthday. On the 20 year anniversary Rabbi Kaduri died at age 106 and had the largest funeral in Israel's history with over half a million people attending. A letter he wrote was opened a year after his death which stated he believed Jesus is God's son. An Angel was filmed by multiple cameras over the Dome of Rock in Jerusalem just after midnight on the 5 year anniversary of Rabbi Kaduri dying 1/28/2011. On the 30 year anniversary Paul Kantner and Signe Toly founders of Jefferson Airplane died. The movie the Birdman of Alcatraz was released in 1962. One year later Alfred Hitchcock released the movie "The Birds." Both of these bird movies were filmed in San Francisco. The Pope chose his papal name to be "Francis" the same Saint San Francisco is named after. The Challenger Commanders name was also Francis. NASA originally asked Big Bird from Sesame Street to be the guest on the Challenger but Carroll Spinney turned down the invitation. In the Bible it talks about how the birds of Revelation will devour the antichrist and his army's. Marilyn Manson's birthday January 5 is National Bird day and it is the same day construction began on the Golden Gate Bridge in 1933. The "Phoenix" is a mythical bird on fire sometimes associated with Jesus because of its ability to resurrect. Manson released a song about the Phoenix titled "Birds of Hell Awaiting". The San Francisco flag is of the Phoenix. The number 49 has represented San Francisco since the gold Rush. Super bowl #49 was played in Phoenix. On Mansons 1st birthday an earthquake struck China killing over 15,000 people. On Mansons 13th birthday 18,0000 landslides occurred in San Francisco killing 33. These landslides occurred on the 49 year anniversary of the start of the Golden Gate Bridge January 5, 1982. On Mansons 49th Birthday the Kadovar Volcano erupted in Paupa New Guinea for the first time in recorded history. Amelia Earhart was last scene in Paupa New Guinea before she disappeared. Amelia was pronounced dead on January 5, 1939 and exactly 30 years later Manson was pronounced alive. On Manson's 69th birthday a eclipse will take place over Egypt.This day 1/5/2038 will also coincide with the 99 year anniversary of Amelia being pronounced dead. She was the president of the 99 club when she went missing. Ja Rule a rapper from New York played Alcatraz inmate "Nickolas" alongside Steven Seagull in the 2002 movie "Half Past Dead." Barbara Hershey played Marry Magdeline in the movie "The last Temptation of Christ". In 1968 Hershey was on the set of the movie "Summer Love" when she accidentally killed a Sea Gull. Hershey felt the spirit of the bird run through her body and was so moved by it that she changed her last name to SeaGull. As a Freshman Carmelo Anthony led the Syracuse Orangeman to their first and only National Championship with a win over the Kansas Jayhawks on April 7, 2003 at the Super dome in New Orleans. The next morning I almost drowned where the St. Joseph River meets the St Mary’s River in Ft. Wayne. A series of strange events happened to me that day which ended with me meeting a man named "OZ" at St. Joseph hospital. That was the day I walked the yellow brIck road. On the 21 year anniversary of that day a total solar eclipse will take place directly over Syracuse New York and will also take place on the same night of the 2024 NCAA basketball Championship which will take place in Phoenix. This eclipse will also take place on the 50 year anniversary of Hank Aaron eclipsing Babe Ruth for the all-time home run record which occurredd on April 8, 1974. Hank remained the home run king for the next 33 years. The great American eclipses of 2017 and 2024 are separated by 6 years, 6 monthss, 6 weeks and 6 days and will intersect in Mankanda Illinois a city nicknamed Star of Egypt. This land sits on top of the New Madrid fault line in an area known as "Little Egypt." In 1881 a 7.9 earthquake struck this region which is the strongest earthquake to hit east of the Rockies. "The Dark side of the Rainbow" is a story about how Pink Floyds album "The Darkside of the Moon" syncs up with the movie the Wizard of OZ. This story originated in Ft. Wayne with a 1995 Journal Gazette article from the same city I would walk the yellow brick road in 8 years later. The Darkside album ends with the song Eclipse and begins with "Breathe." Breathe has the lyric "Run Rabbit Run." This is the title of a John Updyke book series that the movie 8 mile was based on. This is why Eminem played the character "Rabbit". Updyke died 7 years later on my birthday. Elton John released the album "Good by Yellow Brick Road" and Eminem wrote a song titled "the Yellow Brick Road." Eminem and Elton performed a song together at the 2007 Grammys titled "Stan". A book was released about Eminem titled "the Dark Side of Eminem." The chapter "Stan" starts on my birthday page 127. Nick Mason the drummer for Pink Floyd was born on January 27 as well as Lewis Carrol. Marilyn Manson played Lewis Carrol in the movie "Phantasmagoria." Bruce Wayne was named after "Mad" Anthony Wayne the founder of Ft Wayne. Wayne Anthony is Anthony Wayne’s name backwards. Wayne Anthony is an actual person who won an NBA title with the Miami Heat. Wayne played for Kansas in 2003 but was injured and could not compete against Carmelo in that 2003 Championship game. Wayne is a Preacher now. I used to rap as "Reaces Peace's and Marshall Mather’s rapped as Eminem. Eminem was born in St. Joseph Missouri and I was born at St. Joseph Hospital. I grew up in Ft. Wayne, and Marshall Bruce Mather’s grew up in Wayne county. We are both Candy Rappers, both have blue eyes, and are both left handed. Also Eminem and I chose not to speak to our father who both call Ft. Wayne home. Carmelo Anthony holds two records that contain the # 33. He holds an NCAA record for most points scored by a freshman in a final four game when he scored 33 against Texas when the Orangemen entered the tournament in 2003 as a #3 seed. Carmelo is also tied for 2nd place with "The Iceman" for most points scored in a quarter when he scored 33 points in the 3rd quarter of an NBA game in 2008. Carmelo was drafted #3 overall in 2003 and has won 3 Olympic Gold Medals. On my 33rd birthday the "Kiss" fire took place which is the 3rd deadliest nightclub fire In history killing 242 people in Santa Maria, Brazil. Philadelphia is one of the 7 churches of revelation and is was this Nations original Capital. The Eagles won their first Superbowl in 2018 with QB Nick Foles. Philadelphia to Canton Ohio is exactly 333 miles as the crow flies. Marilyn Manson was born in Canton on January 5, 1969. Canton to Chicago is also 333 miles as the crow flies. This route from Philly to Chicago equals exactly 666 miles the number of the beast. Chicago is where Anton Lavey published the satanic Bible the same year Manson was born, 1969. Manson and Lavey became friends after first meeting at Anton's "Black House" in San Francisco in 1995. This same year Manson released the album "Antichrist Superstar" 4 years after he released the album "Birth of the Antichrist". Metropolis Illinois to Fort Wayne is exactly 333 miles as the crow flies. On my 13th Birthday the wrestler and actor Andre the Giant died. Andre the Giant and I share the same last name and Andre climbed the walls of insanity in the movie the Princess Bride and I climbed walls of insanity when I climbed the Anthony Wayne building on St. Patrick's day 2003 and got arrested. That incident was my first upload on RUclips. My family originated from Belfort France which is exactly 127 miles from Molien France where Andre was born. Belfort is also where Frederic Bartholdi was born the man who sculpted the Statue of liberty. Johnny Depp played Frederick Abberline in the movie "From Hell' who enlisted with the London police on January 5, 1863. Exactly 106 years later Depp's best friend Marilyn Manson was born. In the movie the Birdman of Alcatraz the first bird he saves is a Sparrow he names Jack, in the Pirates of the Caribbean Depp plays Captain Jack Sparrow. The Birdman was born in Seattle on January 28, 1890 and I on January 27, 1980, 5 minutes before midnight. The Birdman was in prison when his brother came to visit him who he had not seen in over 8 years. One of the prison guards denied him his visit with his brother. The Birdman then stabbed this prison guard through the heart in front of 1,200 inmates. Robert Stroud was then sent to Alcatraz where he spent the next 42 years in solitary confinement. In 2012 Peyton Manning went to play for a horse of a different color, from the Colts to the Broncos. He was first defeated by the Emerald City in New York. Peyton then went on to defeat Superman (Cam) in the Cathedral, San Francisco's new stadium. The QB that helped Denver get to there last Superbowl was Brock (OZ) OsWeiler. Peyton Mannings favorite thing to say at the line was "Omaha." Omaha is what is written on the hot air balloon at the end of the Wizard of Oz. The Golden Gate Bridge was made with Bethlehem Steel. The Rock is the same nickname Jesus gave to Peter. The Rock was first named bird Island. Larry Bird was #33 and pier #33 is how you reach the Rock.
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