• Видео 164
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20) Muriel vous a présenté : RETHYMNON
le 15 septembre 2021 épisode 20
Troisième et plus belle ville de Crète, RETHYMNON est une superbe ville grecque de 32.694 habitants qui marie l'Orient turc et la Renaissance vénitienne. Elle est située entre Héraklion à 80 km à l'Est, et La Canée Chania à l'Ouest à 60 km. La ville tire aujourd'hui ses revenus du tourisme toujours plus important pendant la période estivale.
La cite fut bâtie pendant l'antiquité avec beaucoup de vestiges turcs et vénitiens et s'est beaucoup développée quand ceux-çi, alors maîtres de l'île, cherchèrent à établir un centre commercial entre HERAKLION et La Canée.
Promenez vous dans les ruelles historiques de Réthymnon. Cette...
Просмотров: 77


Просмотров 73Месяц назад
19) Muriel vous a présenté : Le lac de KOURNAS. le 15 septembre 2021 épisode 19. Le lac de KOURNAS est un lac de Crète en Grèce près du village de Kournas. Il est situé dans la préfecture de La Canée à 43 km et de Rethymnon à 25 km. Il est facilement accessible par la route principale. Depuis Chania, suivre l'intersection de Kavros. De là, se trouvent des panneaux indicateurs. Le trajet dure 45...
18) de Hersonissos à CHANIA OU LA CANEE LE 15 SEPT 2021 EPISODE 18
Просмотров 682 месяца назад
18) Muriel vous a présenté : De Hersonissos à LA CANEE OU CHANIA en CRETE le 15 septembre 2021 épisode 18. Nous traversons le village de Bali situé à 50 km d'Héraklion. Il est peuplé de 407 habitants. Le village de Bali des années 1970-1980 était vraiment un tout petit village, 4 maisons de pêcheurs, rien de plus. Mais après, quand les crétois ont commencé à avoir quelques sous en plus, surtout...
Просмотров 604 месяца назад
Muriel vous a présenté FIRA. Bienvenue dans l'archipel de Santorin faisant partie de la Grèce constitué de cinq îles dont la plus grande est Santorin. Elle surplombe une vaste caldeira d'une profondeur de 400 mètres remplie d'eau et fait partie des cyclades. l'île est accessible en bateau par voie maritime régulière et possède également un aéroport. FIRA, capitale de Santorin sera notre deuxièm...
Просмотров 624 месяца назад
16) Muriel vous a présenté : EXCURSION DANS LE VILLAGE DE OIA (SANTORIN) le 13 septembre 2021 épisode 16. Bienvenue dans l'archipel de Santorin constitué de cinq îles dont la plus grande est Santorin. Les principaux moyens de locomotion intérieurs sont les taxis, les cyclomoteurs et un service de car reliant les différents villages. l'île est aussi accessible en bateau par ligne régulière. Ce p...
15) EXPOSE SUR L'' ARCHIPEL DE SANTORIN LE 13 09 21 Episode 15
Просмотров 595 месяцев назад
15) Muriel vous a présenté : Exposé sur L'ARCHIPEL DE SANTORIN le 13 septembre 2021 épisode 15. Bienvenue sur l'excursion à Santorin situé dans la mer Egée en mer méditerranée, à 113 km au nord-est d'Héraklion en Crète. Ce n'est pas seulement une île mais le total des îles que vous voyez autour de vous. Ca s'appelle "l'ARCHIPEL DE SANTORIN". Il faut monter maintenant, vous voyez à peu près à 30...
Просмотров 1387 месяцев назад
14) Muriel vous a présenté : "BALADE SUR UN VOILIER VERS L'ILE DE DIA" le 12 septembre 2021 épisode 14. Dia est une petite île rocailleuse inhabitée située en face du port d'Héraklion à seulement 6 miles nautiques, 21 km d'Hersonissos Elle ressemble à un gros cailloux de 6 km de long sur 4,5 km de large. Pour y aller, seuls les bateaux privés font la navette. Son plus haut sommet culmine à 220 ...
Просмотров 978 месяцев назад
13) Muriel vous a présenté : "l'Ile CHRISSI" le 11 septembre 2021 épisode 13. On prend l'autoroute avec une superbe vue sur les hauteurs de la mer méditerranée et des villes côtières de Agios Nikolaos, Amoudara, Vathi, Istro, Pachia Ammos. Après 1h de trajet en autobus, nous arrivons au sud de la Crète. La ville de Lerapetra située au sud de Agios Nikolaos nous accueille mais nous n'avons pas l...
Просмотров 17610 месяцев назад
12) Muriel vous a présenté : "DECOUVERTE DE L'ARRIERE PAYS CRETOIS" le 10 septembre 2021 épisode 12. - 9H45 Départ dans le sud d'Héraklion en jeep. La Crète n'est pas une île volcanique mais sa position lui vaut d'être fréquemment soumise à des séismes entre 4 et 10/jour de magnitude 5,6. C'est la raison pour laquelle toutes les maisons doivent être construites aux normes sismiques. Malgré ça, ...
Просмотров 12211 месяцев назад
Pour faire cette randonnée, il faut avoir une bonne paire de baskets, un pull et ou k-way et être en bonne santé, ne pas avoir de problèmes aux chevilles, ni aux genoux, ni au dos, ni aux poumons, ni au coeur, ne pas être épileptique, on n'a pas de problème de diabète, parce que si vous avez un de ces soucis, il faudra faire demi tour immédiatement avant de commencer le circuit qui est sous la ...
Просмотров 126Год назад
10) Muriel vous a présenté : "Le Musée Archéologique d'Heraklion" le 8 septembre 2021 épisode 10. Ce reportage fait suite à celui de ma précédente vidéo épisode 9 du palais Minoen de KNOSSOS situé à 7 kilomètres d'Heraklion car Vous ne pourrez jamais bien comprendre la Crète sans avoir visité le Musée archéologique d'Heraklion VIA CNOSSOS. Ce principal édifice grec fut ouvert en 1852 après avoi...
Просмотров 145Год назад
9) Muriel vous a présenté : "Le palais minoen de Knossos" le 8 septembre 2021 épisode 9. En option payantes, les excursions sont gérées par des sociétés privées situées à hersonissos. On peut les réserver à partir de l'hôtel "Central Hersonissos Hôtel" mais vous devrez vous rendre par vos propres moyens, devant la banque nationale grecque "National Bank" pour attendre votre bus qui vous mènera ...
Просмотров 151Год назад
8) Muriel vous a présenté : "AGIOS NIKOLAOS VIA KOLOKYTHA" le 6 septembre 2021 épisode 8. Nous quittons l'île de Spinalonga pour naviguer vers la plage de Kolokytha où nous ferons une courte halte. Cet îlot grec se trouve à 850 mètres de Spinalonga, sur le même bloc rocheux au Sud Est de de la Forteresse et fait partie de la municipalité d'Agios Nikolaos qui n'est distante que de 13 kilomètres....
7) SPINALONGA VIA ELOUNDA le 6 septembre 2021 épisode 7
Просмотров 155Год назад
7) Muriel vous a présenté : "SPINALONGA VIA ELOUNDA" le 6 septembre 2021 épisode 7. En option payantes, les excursions sont gérées par des sociétés privées situées en ville. On peut les réserver à partir de l'hôtel "Central Hersonissos Hôtel" mais vous devrez vous rendre par vos propres moyens, devant la banque nationale grecque "National Bank" pour attendre votre bus qui vous mènera vers le li...
Просмотров 93Год назад
6) Muriel vous a présenté : "Hersonissos avec son port, sa chapelle orthodoxe et son Aquarium. En septembre 2021 Episode 6. En revenant du port, nous sommes passés devant une petite chapelle orthodoxe grecque connue sous le nom de "Church of Annunciation". Elle se situe en plein centre ville entre le bord de mer et la rue principale Eleuthère Vénizélos. J'ai pu m'y arrêter en 2021 pour la visit...
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  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 9 дней назад

    20) Muriel presented to you: RETHYMNON September 15, 2021 episode 20 The third and most beautiful city in Crete, RETHYMNON is a superb Greek city of 32,694 inhabitants that combines the Turkish Orient and the Venetian Renaissance. It is located between Heraklion 80 km to the East, and Chania Chania to the West 60 km. The city now derives its income from tourism, which is increasingly important during the summer period. The city was built during antiquity with many Turkish and Venetian remains and developed a lot when they, then masters of the island, sought to establish a commercial center between HERAKLION and Chania. Stroll through the historic streets of Rethymnon. This city has many stories to tell with a history of 4500 years and an identity forged through the Minoan, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine years. The old quarter dates back to the Venetian era. The fortress of Rethymno can be visited in two hours to explore its bastions, ramparts and cellars. The entrance fee is 4 euros. With a circumference of 1300 meters, the bastion was built at the end of the 16th century. It is the second fortress in Europe for the walls so powerful that are 3.50 meters and there is the second wall in length of this power of all Europe, it is the wall of 86 meters. Built between 1574 and 1582 by the Venetians, THE VENETIAN FORTRESS is a symbol of the stormy past of Crete. The Venetian class hoped that this would protect Crete from an Ottoman invasion but all this work was for nothing. The Ottomans conquered LA FORTEZZA less than 100 years after its completion and then ruled Crete for more than two centuries. It was restored and served as a cathedral before the Turkish occupation. Today, the fort still houses THE MOSQUE OF SULTAN IBRAHIM HAN and hosts many cultural events. In the middle of the landing stage, you can see the old port and its 15th century lighthouse which was of great strategic importance during the Venetian period. It could only accommodate small ships. Therefore, it underwent many constructions. The wall surrounding it to the East has been restored. The original Egyptian lighthouse of 9 meters high was built during the Turkish period of the 17th century in the 1830s during the Ottoman era and ceded to the Egyptians. The structure has oriental elements and is reminiscent of a minaret. It is the second largest and most famous Egyptian lighthouse in Greece, the first being in Chania. Today, the small colorful pleasure and fishing boats bobbing on the water create a serene and pretty image. In summer, it is lively. In addition, there are daily excursions to be made. Its colorful alleys, its pretty hotels, its wide range of restaurants, are an ideal destination for vacationers. The taverns set up their tables outside and invite passers-by to taste Greek or foreign cuisine. As time was limited, we were not able to explore Rethymno in more detail, but if you are passing through, take the opportunity to deepen your knowledge by exploring its old town in more detail. So continue your stroll and walk through the historic streets which will lead you to: the 17th century Venetian Loggia the square and its Rimondi fountain dating from 1629 the cathedral of the presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple the church of the Four Martyrs the church of Our Lady of the Angels the old cathedral of Saint Mary of the Angels transformed into a mosque (mosque of Sultan Ibrahim which I was unable to visit. We will meet again soon for new adventures in GRAMVOUSSA BALOS in CRETE Video created by myself Muriel Dubois known as Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: Movavi software You-Tube application 4K video to mp3 mp3 Tag Google map Google Earth Paint 3D Picasa 3 Editing adjustment transitions, Photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS of "THE GREEK INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC" by MANOLIS MICHALAKIS Delfini Ndelfinaki Eho mia agapi Svise to fos na kimithoume Giai tin eleni SOUND EFFECTS sound of waves Entirely filmed between the lake of KOURNAS AND RETHYMNON in CRETE on September 15, 2021. End of episode 20

  • @pheniximpex9710
    @pheniximpex9710 18 дней назад

    Bonjour chère Muriel, ravi de voir vos vidéos

  • @pheniximpex9710
    @pheniximpex9710 18 дней назад

    Bonjour chère Muriel, j’espère que vous allez bien

  • @LesvoyagesdeBD
    @LesvoyagesdeBD Месяц назад

    Très beau lac, très jolie vidéo

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Месяц назад

    19) Muriel presented to you: Lake KOURNAS. September 15, 2021 episode 19. Lake KOURNAS is a lake in Crete, Greece, near the village of Kournas. It is located in the prefecture of Chania, 43 km away, and Rethymnon, 25 km away. It is easily accessible by the main road. From Chania, follow the Kavros intersection. From there, there are signs. The journey takes 45 minutes from Chania. From Rethmnon and Heraklion, take national road 90 towards Chania. From Rethymnon, the journey takes 37 minutes. From Heraklion, 1h30 for 103 km. Paid parking spaces are available for travelers at a rate of €2.50 per day. The purchase of a parking ticket also allows visitors to benefit from a discount in the nearby souvenir shop. There are also free parking spaces but it is advisable to arrive early. We can see the path that descends steeply to the lake. The lake is located 20 meters above sea level. Its circumference is 3.5 km and its depth is 22.50 m. Its surface area is 16 ha. This body of water is fed by underground springs 25 m deep resulting from the melting of snow and surrounded by white mountains and hills as far as the eye can see. It is the one and only natural freshwater basin in the country. This is a must-see destination for nature lovers and travelers looking for a unique experience. The waters of the lake play in beautiful shades of green, blue and turquoise when the sun sets on them and the majestic lines of the mountains are reflected. It is a natural oasis. The peaceful beauty of the "lagoon" is captured in this serene setting. Perfectly equipped with playgrounds for children it has become a popular place for swimming, picnicking and family fun. A sandy beach on the northern shore provides access to swimming. The water quality is excellent and you will find sun loungers and umbrellas during the summer months. It is also easy to find accommodation in the nearby villages. When you visit the lake, there are many tavernas located on its shores. These restaurants allow you to enjoy stunning views of the lake while enjoying delicious food. But what makes it truly extraordinary are the captivating water birds and turtles that live here. Fascinating creatures have made this freshwater oasis their home, and the best way to experience their beauty is to take a trip by renting a pedalo or boat for €8 per hour. Unfortunately, there is no trail that goes around it as it is located at the foot of the mountains. To conclude, this part of Crete is a protected area under the Natura 2000 program, making it a safe haven for the wildlife that lives there. It is home to a wide variety of animals, including herons, cormorants, ducks, geese, eels, goldfish, water snakes and turtles. Also, help keep it clean and beautiful by disposing of your waste properly and respecting the environment. See you soon for new adventures in RETHYMNON in CRETE. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois aka Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: Movavi software You-Tube application 4K video to mp3 mp3 Tag Google map Google Earth Paint 3D Picasa 3 Editing adjustment transitions, Photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS of "THE GREEK INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC" Manos Hadzakis ta pedia "tou pirea" A touch of Greece captivating waters Ti sou kana ke pinis SOUND EFFECTS lapping of water Cries of ducks, cormorants and geese Entirely filmed between CHANIA and Lake KOURNAS in Crete September 15, 2021. End of episode 19

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 2 месяца назад

    18) Muriel introduced you: From Hersonissos to CHANIA OR CHANIA in CRETE September 15, 2021 episode 18. We cross the village of Bali located 50 km from Heraklion. It is populated by 407 inhabitants. The village of Bali in the 1970s-1980s was really a very small village, 4 fishermen's houses, nothing more. But then, when the Cretans started to have a few more pennies, especially those who live in the mountains, they are 80 or 100 year old grandpas who have never seen the sea there, when they started to buy the land to build the holiday home, the village developed with the arrival of tourists. CHANIA or CHANIA for the Greeks, is pronounced phonetically Rania. It is a very touristy city located in the far west of Crete. It has a mild Mediterranean climate characterized by cool, humid winters and hot, dry summers. It is the second largest city in Crete with about 55,000 inhabitants. It has an international airport. The city is also connected daily to Athens by regular ferry connections. CHANIA welcomes you with its Firka fortress, its archaeological museum, its maritime museum, its Hassan-Pacha mosque or mosque of the Janissaries, its synagogue, its 21-meter-high Egyptian lighthouse built at the end of the 16th century by the Venetians and then by the Egyptians, its Christian cathedral of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary, its Saint Nicholas Orthodox church with a bell tower and an old Ottoman minaret, its Venetian port where its many restaurants, boutiques, and a covered market dating from 1913 are spread out. You can go there to take a tour of the market halls, one of the rare covered markets in Greece. Chania was successively Minoan, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman. When it was under Muslim domination, which ruled Crete from 824 to 961, the Turks built the HASSAN PACHA Mosque in 1645. It was restored in 1960, 1998. After having been successively coveted by Muslims and Venetians, since 1913, it has finally been part of Greece and today, the mosque has become a cultural center. After the Second World War, most of the buildings were rebuilt. A true gem, the city immediately seduces the walker with its architectural heritage and the crazy charm of the narrow streets of its old town. Near its fortress, street musicians invite us to listen to some Greek guitar tunes. The Venetians also left their mark on the city by covering it with beautiful residences, palaces and fortifications to prevent its reconquest by the Muslims and pirate invasions. In 1821, many Christians were massacred by the Ottoman Empire. On the opposite bank, the maritime museum exhibits models of boats and naval photographs. We arrive in the colorful Venetian port of the 14th century where a 16th century lighthouse displays Venetian, Egyptian and Ottoman influences. We will meet again soon for new adventures at Lake Kournas in CRETE. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois known as Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - You-Tube application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag - Google map - Paint 3D - Picasa 3 Editing adjustment transitions, Photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS of "THE GREEK INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC" BY MANOLIS MICHALAKIS - KIRIAKI SINNEFIASMENI - APONI ZOI - SIRTAKI AND HASAPIKO SIKO HOREPSE - RELIGIOUS CHOIR OF MARC. C. Nichols - Sound of the waves Entirely filmed between Hersonissos and CHANIA and in CHANIA or CHANIA on September 15, 2021. End of episode 18

  • @LuigiSchiavi
    @LuigiSchiavi 3 месяца назад

    Video molto bello con bella musica

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 4 месяца назад

    Muriel introduced you to FIRA. Welcome to the Santorini archipelago, part of Greece, made up of five islands, the largest of which is Santorini. It overlooks a vast caldera 400 meters deep filled with water and is part of the Cyclades. The island is accessible by boat by regular shipping and also has an airport. FIRA, the capital of Santorini, will be our second stop. It connects OIA, which is 11 km away. Part of FIRA was partly destroyed by the 1956 earthquake, only some buildings were saved. Its population is 2,348 inhabitants. The main means of internal transport are taxis, mopeds and a bus service connecting the different villages. Perched on the heights of the cliffs overlooking the caldera, the looters of the city had difficulty accessing it. FIRA, also called THIRA or THERA was first under Venetian domination whose legacy is the presence of a Catholic community, then Turkish, finally Greek in 1835. FIRA is not a village of fishermen but of goat breeders and farmers. Cherry tomatoes and grapes grow there. Tourism has developed strongly, although there was a slight decline during the covid 19 crisis. Nowadays, there is a lot of accommodation, the main streets are also lined with many shops, jewelers, restaurants, cafes, nightclubs. The center is not very large and you can enjoy a superb panorama of the rest of the city. You can see many churches such as HOLY METROPOLITAN CHURCH OF YPAPANTHIS also called METROPOLITAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL, it is possible to visit it. This imposing building is located in the middle of the city, close to the many bars offering a clear view of the caldera. The CATHEDRAL OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST is a Catholic building that you cannot miss. It is the legacy of the past Venetian domination. It is located in the heart of the alleys of the historic center. The surroundings are very photogenic because the building is surrounded by colorful walls. The CHURCH OF THE DORMITION is known for its three bells. The site is called THREE BELLS OF FIRA. I have a crush on the small Church AGIOS IOANIS. It is located next to the METROPOLITAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL. Finally, if you like hiking, the most popular one allows you to go from Fira to the village of Oia located in the far north. The path runs along the caldera for a distance of 11 km and it is relatively flat. With the photo stops, you need to count 3 or 4 hours for a single trip. The city is connected to its port Ormos by stairs served by donkey taxis and a cable car where there are many quieter corners below. To conclude, OIA is the city for photography and calm enthusiasts while FIRA is the city for shopping addicts and lively nightlife. My personal point of view?, choose both, they are complementary. We will meet again soon for new adventures in CHANIA or CANEE in CRETE. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois aka Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - You-Tube application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag - Google Map Editing transitions, photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS of "THE GREEK INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC" BY MANOLIS MICHALAKIS - KIRIAKI SINNEFIASMENI - APONI ZOI - SIRTAKI AND HASAPIKO SIKO HOREPSE - RELIGIOUS CHOIR BY MARC. C. NICHOLS Entirely filmed on the island of Santorini in FIRA on September 13, 2021. End of episode 17

  • @sophiathompsonn
    @sophiathompsonn 4 месяца назад

    Dear I watched your videos and it was very good but due to some problem your video views and channel subscribers are not increasing your channel is very less subscribers do you want to increase your channel?

  • @sophiathompsonn
    @sophiathompsonn 4 месяца назад

    Dear I watched your videos and it was very good but due to some problem your video views and channel subscribers are not increasing your channel is very less subscribers do you want to increase your channel?

    • @murieldubois6240
      @murieldubois6240 4 месяца назад

      yes thank you very much. I would like to increase the number of subscribers and views but how to do it?

  • @sophiathompsonn
    @sophiathompsonn 4 месяца назад

    Dear I watched your videos and it was very good but due to some problem your video views and channel subscribers are not increasing your channel is very less subscribers do you want to increase your channel?

    • @murieldubois6240
      @murieldubois6240 4 месяца назад

      yes thank you very much. I would like to increase the number of subscribers and views but how to do it?

    • @sophiathompsonn
      @sophiathompsonn 4 месяца назад

      @@murieldubois6240 heleo

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 4 месяца назад

    16) Muriel presented to you : EXCURSION IN THE VILLAGE OF OIA (SANTORINI) on September 13, 2021 episode 16. Welcome to the Santorini archipelago made up of five islands, the largest of which is Santorini. The main means of internal transport are taxis, mopeds and a bus service connecting the different villages. The island is also accessible by boat by regular line. This small Greek archipelago which was partly destroyed by the 1956 earthquake, is located in the Aegean Sea in the Mediterranean Sea 113 km northeast of Heraklion (Crete). With a length of 18 kilometers, with an area of ​​76 km2, it is also called THERA or THIRA and has a mild climate. The archipelago overlooks a vast caldera with a depth of 400 meters filled with water and is part of the Cyclades. We must go up now. You see about 300 meters on your left is where we go to OIA. You will say phonetically "OYA, but no, in Greek it is pronounced "IYA". This will be our first stop. It connects the other city located 11 km away, FIRA. Oia its second coastal town of 10,000 inhabitants located at the north-west end of Santorini is populated with white houses sculpted on top of steep cliffs, It is the best known on the island. There are many cafes and restaurants. This hamlet is the most beautiful of the villages of Santorini with its blue domes and white alleys. However, the number one attraction is to wander aimlessly in the alleys which offer a picturesque view of the superb white and blue buildings of the city. You can also see colorful flowers that cling to the streets and houses and enjoy its magnificent panoramas to take your breath away. From the heights, we can see the troglodyte houses on the cliff above the port of Ammoudi nestled under the impressive escarpments of red volcanic rocks which overlook its crystal clear blue waters. The Church of SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST, the ORTHODOX CHURCH of PANAGIA and the ORTODOX CHURCH of the RESURRECTION OF CHRIST also called ANASTASIA CHURCH or CHURCH WITH BLUE DOMES also invite us to stop. The PANAGIA church is a building that no one misses because it is located right on the main street. The hamlet is connected to its two ports by stairs. The connection between the town and its small port below is made by a very steep path cut into the cliff, on foot, by donkey or by cable car. These 278 wide stone steps over 120 m of elevation will take you to the sparkling waters of the bay and to the port of Ammoudi where there are many restaurants. The descent from Oia is unmissable. Although the stairs are not immediately visible, they are worth finding. We will meet again soon for new adventures in the village of FIRA located at the other end of the island of Santorini. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois aka Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - You-Tube application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing adjustment transitions, Photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS of "THE GREEK INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC" BY MANOLIS MICHALAKIS - KIRIAKI SINNEFIASMENI - SIRTAKI AND HASAPIKO SIKO HOREPSE Entirely filmed on the island of Santorini in OIA (Iya) on September 13, 2021. End of episode 16

  • @AndrePlasse
    @AndrePlasse 5 месяцев назад

    Beau reportage

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 5 месяцев назад

    15) Muriel presented to you: Presentation on THE SANTORINI ARCHIPELAGO on September 13, 2021 episode 15. Welcome to the excursion to Santorini located in the Aegean Sea in the Mediterranean Sea, 113 km northeast of Heraklion in Crete. It is not just an island but the total of the islands that you see around you. It is called "THE SANTORINI ARCHIPELAGO". You have to go up now, you see about 300 meters to your left it is there where we go to OIA. You will say phonetically "OYA", but no, in Greek it is pronounced "IYA". This will be our first stop. In the middle of the island, directly opposite, that is FIRA the capital. This will be our second stop. Imagine that one day, all the continents were united. Then there was the separation, the waves and the sea that filled the void that existed. Instead here was a small islet of 15km2 and then it was just the mountains that came out of the water of the Aegean Sea that we call in its place the island Monolithos. In Greek when we translate it means the only stone (block of stone) of monolith. This island is called ASPRONISSI it derives from the Greek word aspro which means white. This white island ASPRONISSI, THIRASSIA, NEA-KAMENI, PALEA-KAMENI, in the middle on the left, and the island of THIRA, all that ladies and gentlemen, it is the archipelago of SANTORINI, the southernmost island of the Cyclades. We said then, instead, here was MONOLITHOS before the volcanic eruption of the earthquake 9 on the Richter scale which was enormous. Tremors like this happen every 20,000 years and don't forget that we must always think that there is a possibility that we will always have earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. As for the population, in summer it is double with the people who come here to work and also the tourists who live here. We work in the countryside, but not only that. On several different sides, we have beaches with white sand. The signs are always in two languages in, new Greek and Latin. We now see in addition to Crete and Athens that water is very expensive here and since there is no water, there are seawater desalination plants somewhere. The depth of the water in the caldera is between 400 and 600 meters. It was there in 2007 that there was the sinking of a cruise ship that hit a reef in the caldera just off the coast, so, it is precisely there that you will see the circle in the water but the ship is still at the bottom. The Greek government requested its refloating in 2017 but its position close to the vertical on the edge of the cliff makes operations problematic. We will meet again soon for new adventures in the village of OIA located on the island of Santorini. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois aka Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - You-Tube application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing transitions settings, Photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS of VARIOUS GREEK MUSIC - Sirtaki Bouzouki Dreams - Zouza Monahos Horis Agapi - a touch of Greece captivating waters - Bouzouki and Sirtaki instrumental traditional greek music SOUND EFFECTS - Soothing sound of waves Entirely filmed from Hersonissos to Heraklion, on the Ferry to the Santorini Archipelago and on the island of Santorini on September 13, 2021. End of episode 15

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 7 месяцев назад

    14) Muriel presented to you: "SAILING BOAT TRIP TO DIA ISLAND" September 12, 2021 episode 14. Dia is a small uninhabited rocky island located opposite the port of Heraklion, just 6 nautical miles, 21 km from Hersonissos It looks like a large rock 6 km long and 4.5 km wide. To get there, only private boats shuttle. Its highest peak is 220 meters high and some sections of the shore are lined with cliffs over 50 meters high. This islet is home to rabbits, falcons, a Cretan goat farm, plants and endemic fauna. It is part of the 2000 network. We have not explored it but This small island is full of fascinating stories. There are said to be remains from the Minoan era. It also played an important role in navigation during the Minoan and medieval eras. Its strategic position right next to the port of Heraklion allowed it to partially protect it from the strong winds that can hit the northern coast of Crete. The island served as a valuable landmark. Jacques Cousteau, an oceanographer, reported a number of shipwrecks. From our sailboat, we can see a small church, Analipsi, which bears the same name as the island. We drop anchor in its crystal clear turquoise waters to swim and the half-day ends with a picnic on board the sailboat. Return to the starting point. After 1 hour of sailing, we arrive in Heraklion. The city has a 14th century Venetian fort built between 1523 and 1540. A minaret was built by the Ottomans on top of the fortress. It is also an Italian architecture that guarded the entrance to the port against possible Muslim or Byzantine attackers and served to monitor the coasts of Heraklion in Crete. The fort is currently being restored since 1989 and serves as a tourist attraction for the city. Cannons and cannonballs having been found in the harbor basin, the fortress sometimes serves as an exhibition space such as a gallery, theatrical performances or shows dominating the old port, it is the symbol of the Venetian and then Ottoman presence on the island. It is also the largest important commercial port in Crete. It holds 2nd place in Greece. Here and there are a multitude of fishing boats, sailboats and ships of all kinds, well sheltered behind the long breakwater built by the Venetians fishing and pleasure boats at the docks, combining vertical lines with horizontal ones, marrying colors of hulls, nets and buoys. Further east, the huge ferries occupy a vast basin. We will meet again soon for new adventures on the island of SANTORINI (SANTORINI) End of episode 14 Video created by myself Muriel Dubois aka Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - You-Tube application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing adjustment transitions, Photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS of VARIED GREEK MUSIC - A touch of Greece captivating waters - Traditional Greek music BOUZOUKI and SIRTAKI instrumental SOUND EFFECTS - Soothing sound of the waves Entirely filmed from Hersonissos to Heraklion its city center, its port and on the Mediterranean Sea to the island of DIA. End of episode 14

  • @marylinbazin2834
    @marylinbazin2834 7 месяцев назад

    Très bon reportage

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 9 месяцев назад

    13) Muriel introduced you to: “CHRISSI Island” September 11, 2021 episode 13. We take the highway with a superb view of the heights of the Mediterranean Sea and the coastal towns of Agios Nikolaos, Amoudara, Vathi, Istro, Pachia Ammos. After 1 hour of bus travel, we arrive in the south of Crete. The town of Lerapetra located south of Agios Nikolaos welcomes us but we do not have time to linger there. It is the fourth city of Crete. There is a fortress and a fishing port, cinemas, a town hall. To the east there is a small beach lined with bars and restaurants followed by the docks from which ferries depart for the island of Chrysi. To visit it, boats also leave from Myrtos daily. The ferry crossing takes approximately 1 hour. "CHRISSI ISLAND" or "CHRYSI ISLAND" OR CHRISI is an uninhabited Greek islet 5 km long by 1 km wide with an area of ​​approximately 5 km2. It is located approximately 12 km from the south of Crete (9 nautical miles) from the town of Lerapetra in the Libyan Sea. It rises 10 meters above the Mediterranean Sea. The western part has some remains from the Minoan period (occupied during the Byzantine period) and a 13th century chapel which we did not visit. BECAUSE OF ITS INCREDIBLE NATURAL BEAUTY, (it is an islet known for its exotic waters in a gradient from turquoise blue to emerald green), its protected forest with bicentennial cedars, and its important ecosystem, IT WAS INTEGRATED INTO THE EUROPEAN NATURA 2000 INITIATIVE. It is also a nature reserve. The edge of the island is home to shallow bays and beaches covered in shells. There is little infrastructure and no drinking water. Due to its protection, it is forbidden to collect rocks, fossils, shells, plants, capture animals, start a fire, smoke near woods, throw trash in nature, or go wild camping. There is no drinking water on the island anyway. In summer, CHRISSI attracts, with its natural beauty, an ever-increasing flow of tourists. Relaxation is guaranteed. We enjoy the sun and swim in its shallow waters. In short, it's a piece of heaven on earth. The too short day unfortunately comes to an end and we have to leave this paradise and return to Crete, but it is not a farewell, it is only a goodbye. We will meet again soon for new adventures on a sailboat, at our destination from the island of Dia, north of Crete. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois known as Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - RUclips application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing adjustment transitions, photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS of VARIED GREEK MUSIC - A touch of Greece captiving waters including BOUZOUKI SOUND - Soothing sound of the waves Filmed entirely in Lerapetra, its port and on the Mediterranean Sea bound for the island of CHRISSI. End of episode 13

  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 10 месяцев назад

    Sacrée randonnée nature et sportive waouh

  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 10 месяцев назад

    Oh lalala toutes ces guêpes 😅 Ce côté de l'île est plus sauvage et moins urbanisé en effet.

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 10 месяцев назад

    12) Muriel introduced you to: “DISCOVERY OF THE CRETAN HINTERLAND” September 10, 2021 episode 12. - 9:45 a.m. Departure to the south of Heraklion by jeep. Crete is not a volcanic island but its position means it is frequently subject to earthquakes between 4 and 10/day of magnitude 5.6. This is why all homes must be built to seismic standards. Despite this, it has a wonderful climate. It is strategically and geographically well placed between the African, European and Eastern continent. As a result, it was highly coveted by the Turks in the past for 400 years. Finally, to protect itself from invaders, the island was attached to Greece in 1912 which gave it a feeling of security. - crossing the small villages of MOCHOS, AVDOU. On the road we see many small chapels built on the occasion of road accidents with photos of the deceased if they die. - Stop at the APOSELEMIS dam. It is 32 km from Heraklion near the village of AVDOU. It is an important freshwater reserve used for agriculture. Inside this lock there is a small village SFENDILI submerged by water that the inhabitants of four generations had to reluctantly leave. We certainly compensated them but money does not replace memories. Medicinal plants grow here, including SAGE which is found at the foot of DIKTI mountain. It is used in herbal tea to improve wound healing and even in cosmetic products such as deodorant and toothpaste. Honey made from sage extract is found in cooking. - arrival in the small village of ASKI for a tasting of a glass of Raki (traditional Greek alcohol) and some explanations on the quality of olive oil, the annual consumption of which for a Cretan is 50 l. Its acidity level is at its lowest, it has a fruity taste, and does not sting. Its particularity is this beautiful green color of very good quality if it is dark. Success for a Cretan is to be married, to have children, a house, a car. Religion also plays an important role. Not yet separated from the State, it exercises an undeniable influence both in the political and economic sectors. We wanted to dissociate it from the government so that it would pay taxes. The ORTHODOX church is extremely powerful and wealthy because people put their assets in the name of the Church in everyday life and at the time of their death. In return, they can count on religion if necessary, PROVIDED THAT THEY ARE ORTHODOX. - crossing KASTAMONITSA, we continue taking dusty tracks on AMARIANO, MATHIA, we start climbing from GERAKI. - Lunch break at 1000 m altitude on MONT DIKTI (MONT DICTE) for a barbecue where you can have 1.50 m of snow in winter. It was in the PSYCHRO cave on this mountain that the god Zeus was born. There is another version which says that he was born on the mountain PSILORITIS or Mount IDA, the highest peak of Crete which reaches an altitude of 2456 m. It's mythology. - We continue the ascent up to 1200 m which frames the LASSITHI PLATEAU for some explanations and a group photo. It is 25 km2, is the windmill region and is located south of Malia. We mainly grow potatoes which we harvest twice a year, we also find watermelons which can weigh up to 27 kg, green salad, cucumbers, peppers, leeks, artichokes, beans, etc... In winter temperatures can drop to -14°C. - descent of the high plateaus and crossing of the small villages of PLATI, AGIOS-CHARALAMBOS, KATO-METOCHI, KERA, KRASI, MOCHOS. Stop to quench your thirst in the windmill region. - We take the highway again with a superb view of the heights of the Mediterranean Sea and the coastal towns of MALIA, HERSONISSOS, HERAKLION. End of the course, great program in perspective. We will soon find ourselves at "CHRISSI ISLAND", a wonderful island lined with fine sand, for new adventures. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois known as Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - RUclips application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing adjustment transitions, photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS of VARIED GREEK MUSIC including - S’Afti ti Gitonia - religious music (MARC C. NICHOLS) Filmed entirely in the Cretan hinterland, at the Aposélémis dam, on Mount Dikti and the Lassithi plateau using synthetic images and videos retrieved from Google Maps and personal ones from my phone. End of episode 12

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 11 месяцев назад

    To do this hike, you must have a good pair of sneakers, a sweater and/or k-way and be in good health, not have problems with your ankles, knees, back, lungs or heart. , not being epileptic, we do not have a diabetes problem, because if you have one of these problems, you will have to turn around immediately before starting the circuit which is the responsibility of the guide! OK ? The Samaria Park, recognized by UNESCO in 1981, was created in 1962. These are the longest gorges in Europe after those of the Verdon in France. - 9:40 a.m. OMALOS XYLOSKALO PLATEAU STAGE: Start of the hike from the Omalos plateau at an altitude of 1250 m. The landscape is forested. There are pines, parasols, plane trees, cypresses, a few maples and freshness. There is a stone path that goes down steeply for the first 2 km with a wooden parapet to avoid accidents where the knees are put to the test. The first 4 kilometers the path is very difficult because the track is very steep and very slippery. Even though the steep path is well constructed, it is also quite a rough descent on the ankles if you are not a regular walker. Most sprained ankle accidents mainly occur here as it is easy to slip on the stones that are used. for paving the path. Once you reach the river bed it gets easier but you still have 13 km to go on a stony path. At the 1st stop every 2 km, there are toilets and spring water to refresh ourselves and refill our Samaria water bottle. - 11:45 a.m. AGIOS NIKOLAOS STAGE: After crossing the river several times over 4 km we can see trees that are more than 200 years old and a small chapel where we can take photos. There is water, toilets and a guard post. This is an easy part of the shade hike and the trail is virtually obstacle free. After climbing a little you descend again into the river bed. - 1:45 p.m. SAMARIA STAGE LUNCH BREAK Continue for 3 km, you arrive in the village of Samaria where there is generally a doctor's station which is free. We will have done a total of 4km + 3km, or 7km. We stop for a lunch break. We still have to go 9km to get to the port. The ruined village was inhabited until 1962, when the park was created and people were forced to leave. From Samaria we continue for 4 km with 900 m of elevation gain. Don't forget the sunscreen, except that that day the rain started to fall. - 3:45 p.m. AFENDIS CHRISTOS STAGE: We arrive at Afendis Christos, the small chapel at the last point where we are in the gorges. Watch out for falling rocks. We will have done 11km. After the coolness of the rain and the mountains, we have a little sun. We continue for another half hour to find ourselves at the “iron gates”. - IRON GATE STAGE: 700m further on, we see “the iron gates” 500m high and 5m wide, whose vertiginous rock walls are made up of twisted rocks and tapered gorges. They thus form like monumental doors, hence its name. it is the narrowest passage in the gorges. The ground is covered with rocks, stones and pebbles. We walk in the river bed. The gorge widens and after 2 km we reach the guard post where we exit the National Park. We walk another half hour to the port. From there the passage is very easy, flat and without stones. We come across wild goats and we leave the ancient village of Agia Roumeli which was destroyed by a flood in the 1950s. It consists mainly of dilapidated houses. You quickly see the sea. - 5 p.m. ARRIVAL AT THE VILLAGE OF AGIA ROUMELI: the town is not accessible via the gorges during the winter because there is too much water in the river. After walking for 16 km, we arrived at our destination. In the village we can see shops, a supermarket, the beach and restaurants. This is our meeting place at 5 p.m. where our guide is waiting for us to collect our ticket for the boat. It will take us to CHORA SFAKION or SFAKIA via LOUTRO. From there our bus will take us back to Hersonissos, 179 km away. We will soon meet in Crete for my Safari in 4/4 where I will comment again on my new adventures. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois known as Mumu Globetrotter Entirely filmed in Crete during the circuit between Hersonissos, the Samaria Gorges, Agia Roumeli, Loutro and Sfakia using synthetic images and videos retrieved from Google Maps and personal ones from my phone. End of episode 11 .

  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 Год назад

    Ce musée est très intéressant et très riche malgré la file d'attente pour y entrer 😅 Tu te souviens ? 😜 Merci pour toutes ces photos 💋📸

    • @murieldubois6240
      @murieldubois6240 Год назад

      C'est moi qui te remercie. Prochaine vidéo très différente ; les gorges de Samaria.

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Год назад

    10) Muriel introduced you to: “The Archaeological Museum of Heraklion” September 8, 2021 episode 10. This report follows that of my previous video episode 9 of the Minoan palace of KNOSSOS located 7 kilometers from Heraklion because You will never be able to fully understand Crete without having visited the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion VIA CNOSSOS. This main Greek building was opened in 1852 after obtaining authorization from the Ottoman authorities but was later modernized. It is located in the city center, 1.3 kilometers from the port and 3.8 kilometers from the airport. You can get there by taxi, bus and car. The current building has facilities for people with reduced mobility. It was built from 1935 to 1958 according to the Greek architect Patroklos Karantinos then renovated from 2006 to 2014. It includes 22 rooms on two floors and brings together all Greek antiquities in chronological order but also laboratories, offices and a library containing objects that cover 5,500 years of history from the Neolithic to Roman times. It houses many precious objects from Europe's oldest civilization from prehistory to Roman times. So you will be able to discover the largest collection of objects from the Minoan Palace of CNOSSOS the creators of the jump over the bull, the pioneers of literature, the Minoans. It also includes exhibitions fashioned in terracotta, bronze and gold from archaeological sites throughout Crete from the towns of Phaistos Malia and Zakros and more precisely CNOSSOS representing scenes from daily life. - the snake goddess (-1600) - a stone Rython bull head (-1600), - a fragment of the procession frieze (-1550) - the prince with lilies (-1550) - the disk of Phaistos found in 1908 with its hieroglyphic characters = (indecipherable) - Kamarès style vases from Phaistos and Knossos 1800-1700 BC - the sarcophagus of Haghia Triada from the archaeological site of CNOSSOS. - Minoan fresco of bullfighting (-650) On the ground floor are the riches of the Neolithic and Minoan periods concerning religious rituals, sports, public festivals, aspects of private life and funeral customs. the first floor is dedicated to Minoan frescoes and objects from historical times, to exchange currencies. A shop and a café bar are available to visitors. In the museum garden are preserved the ruins of the Venetian monastery of Saint Francis. Good discovery. We will meet again soon for new adventures in the “GORGES DE SAMARIA” in Crete. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois said Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - RUclips application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing adjustment transitions, photos, videos, sound, myself. GREEK SOUNDTRACKS OF - Raptis Ioannis and others... Filmed entirely between the Minoan Palace of Knossos and the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion in Crete thanks to synthetic images and videos retrieved from Google Maps and personal ones from my phone. End of episode 10

  • @EmmanuelRosiejak-leroy
    @EmmanuelRosiejak-leroy Год назад

    Superbe merci Muriel pour ce voyage ...

  • @EmmanuelRosiejak-leroy
    @EmmanuelRosiejak-leroy Год назад

    Comme d'habitude édifiant,précis, illustré, bravo muriel mieux que le lonely planet!, j'ai hâte de visiter le musée d 'Héraklion......

    • @murieldubois6240
      @murieldubois6240 Год назад

      Merci 😊 beaucoup c'est gentil. Ça me fait plaisir que ça t'ai plus.

  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 Год назад

    Tu as mis ma photo 🤣🥰 Mon Dieu quelle horreur ces masques de malheur 💩Très beau documentaire 🤩 J'avais oublié pas mal d'informations sur le site archéologique, merci d'avoir rafraîchi ma mémoire 🫣😎❤

  • @Guykatabi-t9r
    @Guykatabi-t9r Год назад

    Bravo pour votre talent de cinéaste ! A regarder... 25:53 vous verrez que ça transporte

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Год назад

    9) Muriel introduced you to: "The Minoan Palace of Knossos" September 8, 2021 episode 9. As a paid option, the excursions are managed by private companies located in Hersonissos. They can be booked from the Central Hersonissos Hotel but you will have to go by your own means to the Greek National Bank to wait for your bus which will take you to the location of your choice. The bank is a two-minute walk from the hotel. The KNOSSOS Palace, also spelled CNOSSOS, is an essential stop during a trip to Crete. It would have been built between 7000 and 3000 BC. It is associated with the legend of the Minotaur. Its location is 5 km south of Heraklion. You can get there by bus, car and taxi. The visit can be commented in audio translated into our language with headphones in your ears. It is the largest, most important known palace and the oldest city in Greece which flourished during the Bronze Age between 2700 and 1400 BC. It allows you to realize the greatness of the Minoan civilization (which corresponds to the archaic period of Cretan and Greek civilization) and to take a leap into Greek mythology. Research has shown that the site was occupied from the Neolithic around the 8th millennium BC. However, it took more than two millennia before Knossos Palace and its history resurfaced. Indeed, it was destroyed following the explosion of the Santorini volcano 150 km away around 1450 BC but thanks to archaeologists, it is still possible to guess the contours of the constructions. Its remains include columns, wall friezes and colorful frescoes which give an overview of what the building looked like more than 3000 years ago. Indeed, It was in 1878 that the ruins were unearthed by a Cretan merchant and antique dealer. They allow us to identify several complexes. A stirrup pot was found, a clay tablet covered in writing, the throne room, and inside a terracotta room that was once a bathtub, a chair found nicknamed "Ariane's throne" In May 1900, another specialist, the British archaeologist Arthur EVANS, took over. Dates of excavations; from 1900 to 1931, from 1957 to 1960 and from 1969 to 1970. the plaques written in an anti-Phoenician marble alphabet found are from the Promycenaean era (from Mycenae of Greek civilization). The latter used reinforced concrete and iron, unfortunately causing the site to lose part of its authenticity. But despite this, Knossos remains a major archaeological site. The palace must have contained royal officers, a number of servants, a harem, there must have been court life, an aristocracy living in beautiful houses, the remains of which can be found around the palaces. the island produced wheat, olive oil, wine, figs, apples etc...hence the importance in the palace of an oil press. It was in 1905 that the English archaeologist completed the excavations and undertook restoration operations on certain parts. In particular, he renovated a room called the throne room using Swiss artists. The frescoes regain their colors and complete representations. We can thus see in my photos: -the large propylaeum with frescoes and offering bearers -The Pelvis - the entrance to the pool which is located below - the large staircase seen from the central courtyard supported with columns, which leads to the royal apartments - towards the north the customs house and the ruins of the stores -the enormous vases where provisions were kept in stores To conclude, Knossos witnessed the fall of the Ottoman Empire and was reborn thanks to tourist visits which allowed me to bring you this report. We will meet soon for new adventures at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion in Crete. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois known as Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - RUclips application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing adjustment transitions, photos, videos, sound, myself. GREEK SOUNDTRACKS OF - Raptis Ioannis and others... Entirely shot between Hersonissos and Knossos using synthetic images and videos retrieved from Google Maps and personal ones from my phone. End of episode 9

  • @jocelynechavallard9865
    @jocelynechavallard9865 Год назад


  • @zigguytare
    @zigguytare Год назад

    Belle vidéo ! Beau travail Bravo à notre amie Mumu

  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 Год назад

    Un grand merci pour ce nouvel épisode crétois qui permet de découvrir et de redécouvrir ces lieux fort sympathiques !!

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Год назад

    8) Muriel introduced you to: “AGIOS NIKOLAOS VIA KOLOKYTHA” September 6, 2021 episode 8. We leave the island of Spinalonga to sail towards Kolokytha beach where we will make a short stop. This Greek islet is located 850 meters from Spinalonga, on the same rocky block to the South East of the Fortress and is part of the municipality of Agios Nikolaos which is only 13 kilometers away. After a brief swim in Kolokytha, we continue our navigation towards Agios Nikolaos also called Saint Nicolas in French and located 64 kilometers from Heraklion. The city is easily accessible in less than an hour. At the entrance to the port where we dock, there are huge yachts and fishing boats. The city has 19,593 inhabitants and its surface area is 31,780 hectares or 318 km2. It welcomes thousands of visitors. Its climate is Mediterranean with hot, dry summers and mild, humid winters. One of the economic activities is olive cultivation. A market is also held there every week. It is a very beautiful tourist city nicknamed the Saint Tropez of Crete by the French and one of the main ones when it comes to entertainment and nightlife. Many bars, restaurants, taverns and shops are present and open in the evening. In the center of the town near the high cliffs and bordered by terraces, is Lake Voulismeni where ducks and birds have taken possession of the place. In the past it was called "Artemis basin" and since 1870 a reach has connected it to the port. The famous freshwater lake has an impressive depth of 64 m and a circumference of 137 m. It is connected to the sea and has a rock wall on one of its sides. This basin lined with cafes, taverns and shops, surrounded by fishing boats has incredible charm. The public garden encourages walkers to stroll and musicians to come and play some violin tunes for us. For a beautiful panorama of the lake we climb to the top by climbing a few steps. What a view up there! We can see the canal connecting it to the sea spanned by a small bridge. Well clinging to their rocks, a few friendly cafés invite us to extend this pleasant moment. Near the port, huge yachts and fishing boats rub shoulders. Alas, no more contemplation and daydreaming. It is time to go back down to take the road towards Hersonissos, 40 kilometers away. But we will soon meet again for new adventures still in Crete at the Knossos Palace of Archeology and the Heraklion Museum. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois known as Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - RUclips application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing adjustment transitions, photos, videos, sound, myself. GREEK SOUNDTRACKS OF - Raptis Ioannis and others... SOUNDS: - soothing sound of waves - sound of water at the lake - birdsong Entirely shot between Spinalonga, Kolokytha, Agios Nikolaos and Hersonissos using synthetic images and videos retrieved from Google Maps and personal ones from my phone. End of episode 8 1:08

  • @EmmanuelRosiejak-leroy
    @EmmanuelRosiejak-leroy Год назад

    Muriel, Je "kiffe" trop.... L'idéal c'est de visionner vos vues l'hiver près d'une cheminée comme au bon temps des diapos... Cordialement +++sincèrement Pnb:regarder les applications pour visionner sur un mur avec un smartphone... C'est convivial en famille.... Emmanuel Leroy -Rjk.

  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 Год назад

    C'est fou comme tu as le sens du détail et une très bonne mémoire. J'avais oublié l'essentiel je crois bien mais grâce à toi je revis ces moments !! Merci 🙏🥰💋💋

  • @marieodoungas8846
    @marieodoungas8846 Год назад

    Magnétique et magnifiques j ,encourage merci pour les belles choses que tu nous montres

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Год назад

    7) Muriel presented to you: “SPINALONGA VIA ELOUNDA” on September 6, 2021 episode 7. As a paid option, the excursions are managed by private companies located in town. They can be booked from the Central Hersonissos Hotel but you will have to go by your own means to the Greek National Bank to wait for your bus which will take you to the location of your choice. The bank is a two-minute walk from the hotel. After 46 minutes of driving by bus we arrive in Elounda which faces Spinalonga. It is also called Elounta or Elouda. It is a small fishing port located on the east coast of Crete, 47.5 kilometers from Hersonissos and 12 km from Agios Nikolaos. From the port, we begin our navigation by boarding the "Saint Nicolas" which will take us to the islet located 5 kilometers from Elouda. After 15 minutes of navigation, we arrive at the 8 hectare fortress island of Spinalonga. The rock block is located beyond ancient salt marshes. Spinalonga comes from the Italian “Spina lunga” “the long thorn”. It is also called Kalydon, while the cape which is connected to Spinalonga is called the Kolokitha peninsula but we will come back to this peninsula in more detail in my next episode. On the ancient ruins the Venetians built a powerful fortress in 1579 intended to protect the port of Elounda. The high walls and the two circular bastions on top of the hill allowed the artillery to command the entrance to the port of Elounda. Impressive remains of this fortress remain. Throughout the 17th century it remained in Venetian hands and was a refuge for Christians fleeing the Turks who settled there from 1715 until the beginning of the 20th century. There are two entrances to Spinalonga, the Plakat Gate and the Galeux Entrance, a tunnel known as Dante's Gate. Indeed, Spinalonga also served as a place of confinement for lepers from 1904 to 1957. At that time this confinement was seen as a health measure to protect healthy people because there was no treatment available. There were 300 to 500 sick people deprived of citizenship. Unaffected wives also followed their husbands and around thirty children born from these uncontaminated unions. The patients did not receive any care and the health situation was dramatic. Against this abandonment, the inhabitants of Spinalonga organized themselves to recreate a village life with school, grocery store, bakery, café, barber, etc. Beneficiaries of an annuity, the lepers often bought foodstuffs from the peasants at excessive prices. of the region. In April 1957, the island ceased to function as a national leprosarium and patients were gradually transferred to an institution. The last inhabitant lived until 1962. The departure of the lepers left the island abandoned. Today it is uninhabited but has become a tourist site. We will meet soon for new adventures in Agios Nikolaos via Kolokytha. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois known as Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - RUclips application - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing adjustment transitions, photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS OF -Raptis Ioannis SOUND - soothing sound of waves Entirely shot between Hersonissos Elounda and Spinalonga using synthetic images and videos retrieved from Google Maps, Google Earth and personal ones from my phone. End of episode 7

  • @EmmanuelRoeo
    @EmmanuelRoeo Год назад

    Merci Emmanuel

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Год назад

    Thank you very much😊

  • @kostascrete6772
    @kostascrete6772 Год назад


  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 Год назад

    Je fais une apparition furtive 😎😂 On n'avait bien mangé dans ce restaurant et la vue était magnifique !! Très bon souvenir ❤🥰

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Год назад

    6) Muriel introduced you to: "Hersonissos with its port, its Orthodox chapel and its Aquarium. In September 2021 Episode 6. Returning from the port, we passed a small Greek Orthodox chapel known as the "Church of Annunciation". It is located in the city center between the seaside and the main street Eleuthère Vénizélos. I was able to stop there in 2021 to visit it before it was temporarily closed. It contains magnificent religious frescoes that leave you contemplative. It is a beautiful Orthodox church that catches the eye with its domed roof. Inside too, you will not remain insensitive to the atmosphere that reigns there. One can feel and hear marvelous choirs composed of marvelous and harmonic sounds, filled with peace, love, calm and serenity amidst the tourist bustle. For a little meditation, this is the ideal place for you. Finally, I could not end my report on Hersonissos without commenting on its famous Aquarium. this is the reason why I stopped there for half a day. This marine zoo is located at the exit of the city from Eleuthère Venizelos Street. It is one of only three Aquariums in Greece known as "AQUAWORLD AQUARIUM". Founded in 1995, it is open daily from 10 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. from April to October. It is also called "AQUAWORLD AND REPTILE RESCUE CENTRE", because the majority of these injured or unwanted exposed animals have been rescued. Indeed, this sanctuary is home to aquatic animals and reptiles that for one reason or another have been abandoned by their owners and they now have a comfortable and safe new home at "AQUAWORLD AQUARIUM". The owners of the zoo managed to create excellent conditions for these creatures as close as possible to their natural habitat, but most importantly, they managed to surround them with boundless care and love. The visit is intended for young and old. The zoological center has the particularity of presenting a great diversity of local marine life and reptiles from all over the world. Here you can not only see local animals, but also feed them, and even pet some of them, and of course, take great photos as a souvenir of this amazing place, where a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed. You can see giant water and land turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, iguanas, wonderful varieties of fish in the saltwater tanks including eels, rays, razorfish, groupers, octopus, cuttlefish lobsters crabs sea urchins and prawns. A meeting in the Aquaworld Aquarium will bring great pleasure to both adults and children. Plus, it's educational and fun. We will meet soon for new adventures where my next episodes will be devoted to the many excursions I have been able to do, the next of which will be on "SPINALONGA AGIOS NIKOLAOS". Video created by myself Muriel Dubois dit Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - You-Tube app - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing setting transitions, Photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS: - musical soundtrack by Raptis Ioannis - "Zeibekiko" by Marios - "Hasapiko" by Marios - religious music by Marc C. Nichols SOUNDS - water sounds and air bubbles in the water - soothing sound of the waves - Sounds of waves crashing on the coast of Hersonissos Entirely shot at the port, in the small Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation of Hersonissos "Church of Annunciation" and at "AQUAWORLD AQUARIUM" the Aquarium of Hersonissos thanks to images and synthetic videos retrieved from Google Maps, Google Earth and personal ones on my phone. End of episode 6

  • @EmmanuelRoeo
    @EmmanuelRoeo Год назад

    On dit UN exode...sinon très très bien Emmanuel Leroy-Rosiejak

  • @EmmanuelRoeo
    @EmmanuelRoeo Год назад

    Superbe emmanuel lrjk

  • @jean-pascalthomas5850
    @jean-pascalthomas5850 Год назад

    Bonjour Mumu, imaginez Tana Belo en pickup land rover dans les années 50 et 60. Une vrais partie de plaisir.

  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 Год назад

    Je me demande tout de même dans quel état actuel est la plage au vu du réchauffement climatique et de la montée du niveau de la mer 😅😱

  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 Год назад

    Souvenirs, souvenirs... Cela fait déjà 2 ans, que le temps passe vite !! 💋❣️

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Год назад

    5) Muriel introduced you to: "Hersonissos day and night" in Crete September 4 and 5, 2021 episode 5. Hersonissos (Chersonissos in Greek) is a large and important modern seaside town located in the middle of northern Crete which attracts a lot of people due to its proximity to the sea and its many shops. We meet mostly English-speaking tourists there. By day, the city is peaceful with cruises to day-trip sites and the Gulf. We look down the streets where it is good to stroll. Some like these are tastefully decorated. Gigantic flower pots in shimmering and cheerful colors make us want to linger. The beach of the "Cozy Beach" hotel is in high demand by summer visitors, so too small, despite the strength and dangerousness of the waves that can carry us away. The hotel complex offers us paid umbrella deckchairs and catering at the table or on the edge of the beach. By night the streets are bustling with cafes, taverns, pubs and clubs along the harbour, and bars by the beach. Hersonissos is loved by all and popular with young people with its thriving nightlife, excellent shopping. It is teeming with foreign tourists. At dusk, you can see the coast sparkling with a thousand lights, which traces a multicolored curve along the endless shoreline until it finally disappears into a thin white thread. This view reminds us that the area of ​​the city is large and beautiful. Added to this is the crash of giant waves crashing on the rocks. This leaves the contemplative dreaming. We will meet again at Hersonissos, which has not finished marveling us with its diversity, to comment on the rest of my adventures. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois dit Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - You-Tube app - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing setting transitions, Photos, videos, sound, myself. SOUNDTRACKS "ROOTS OF GREEK MUSIC" MIKOS THEODORAKIS provided to you tube - Doxa to Theo - Ena to Helidoni - Sounds of waves crashing on the coast of Hersonissos Filmed entirely at the beach, along the coast and in the shopping streets of Hersonissos in Crete thanks to synthetic images and videos retrieved from Google Maps, Google Earth and personal ones from my phone. End of episode 5

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Год назад

    4) Muriel introduced you " FROM THE SEA TO ELEUTHERE VENIZELOS STREET IN HERSONISSOS VIA MIKIS KRITIS STREET (CRETE) September 4 and 5, 2021 episode 4. Hersonissos (Chersonissos in Greek) is an important tourist town located in the middle of northern Crete. This location has made it the domain of cheap, all-inclusive sun holidays. This should not change with the commissioning of the new international airport in Kastelli planned for 2025, even closer at around 20 km by national road. To the north of the port, on the west coast of the Gulf of Malia, are a few small beaches, nestled at the bottom of rocky coves: Limaniaka beach (port beach a beach of white pebbles, a hundred meters in length, the Diakouris Beach, Géfyri Beach, Sarandaris Beach, a beach equipped with umbrellas and deck chairs, with fine sand and shallow water Nudism is tolerated but officially prohibited in Crete. The port area of ​​Hersonissos has kept a bit of charm. it is the most important seaside resort in Crete for the number of tourists it welcomes each year. This is due to its proximity to Heraklion airport which is 27 km away. In the extension of the pedestrian street, is the west coast of the Gulf of Malia; it's the domain of grand hotels, restaurants and bars that line up endlessly along the shore. There is no real city center. The city stretches over more than 2 km in length along the old national road of Heraklion which takes in the locality the name of ELEUTHERE VENIZELOS. Buses are served there during the high tourist season. There is a departure from the port of Heraklion bus station, at most every 30 minutes; the journey from Heraklion to the port of Chersonissos (Hersonissos) lasts about 45 minutes; timetables can be consulted on the KTEL-Hertas company website ( This street, as well as the side streets, is full of all the shops that holidaymakers may need: fast food restaurant bars, nightclubs, travel agencies, games rooms, beachwear shops, car rental companies of all kinds, taxis, junk jewelry shops, etc. This competition between businesses has at least the advantage of moderating prices. We come across foreign tourists who are mostly English-speaking. We will meet again in this famous town of Hersonissos which has not finished marveling us with its diversity, to comment on the rest of my vacation. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois dit Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - You-Tube app - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing setting transitions, Photos, videos, sound, myself. "TEAM GRAY STUDIOS" SOUNDTRACKS - Balanda to Andrea - Soft Aprili - I apagogi - Sounds of waves crashing on the coast of Hersonissos - Soothing sounds of the waves Entirely shot at the port, in the streets Machis Kritis, Eleuthere Venizelos, in Hersonissos in Crete thanks to synthetic images and videos retrieved from Google Maps, Google Earth and personal ones from my phone. End of episode 4

  • @andreamiceli873
    @andreamiceli873 Год назад

    Très fidèle au lieu de villégiature. J'avais cependant oublié à quel point c'était montagneux !! Vivement la suite !! ❤

  • @murieldubois6240
    @murieldubois6240 Год назад

    3) Muriel introduced you to "De Central Hotel Hersonissos" at the port of Hersonissos in Crete September 3 and 4, 2021 episode 3. Hersonissos (Chersonissos in Greek) is an important tourist town and a modern seaside resort of Crete bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Its area is 272 km2. It has 26,717 inhabitants. The climate is Mediterranean and its temperature varies between 20 and 28 degrees. Located 25 kilometers from Heraklion main city, it is synonymous with holidays in the sun because it is the nearest city to the airport. The main road "Eleuthère Vénizélos", as well as the side streets, are full of all the shops that holidaymakers may need. This competition has the advantage of moderating prices. The post office is in a small adjacent street and closes at 3 p.m. The smallest coastline has been the pretext for the construction of accommodation and bar-restaurants which attract the eye with their cheapness and their beautiful presentation. The large hotels are displayed with their swimming pool because the beaches that are too small are in high demand by tourists. Despite this, this city continues to attract vacationers with its practicality. Indeed, you can find everything here, without the need to take a car. The very dangerous sea in this place resembles the Atlantic Ocean near Biarritz. Also, it is the appropriate area for sports enthusiasts wishing to practice surfing and windsurfing. Parallel to the Eleuthère Vénizélos road, a seafront, partly converted into a pedestrian path, Machis Kritis street runs along the west coast and leads us directly to the port. this is the area of ​​restaurants where we are frequently challenged by friendly "Hello" who offer us to eat. One can feel in this street an atmosphere of joy, relaxation and idleness. The Greeks are friendly and always have a smile. Bars restaurants line up endlessly along the shore. This alley is always very busy day and night. We come across foreign holidaymakers who are mostly English-speaking. After this relaxed escapade we arrive at the port. It is the best place to land and contemplate the landscape and the coastal town which stretches as far as the eye can see for several kilometres. The marina is home to fishing boats, boats for sea trips and the famous boat "pirates of Crete". This is a point of embarkation for cruises aboard the replica of a galleon on the theme of pirates with stopovers for swimming and barbecues. It is suitable for children and people with reduced mobility. On board, we are welcomed by staff dressed in pirate costumes. Departure of the boat at 11 a.m. We will meet again in this famous town of Hersonissos which has not finished marveling us with its diversity, to comment on the rest of my vacation. Video created by myself Muriel Dubois dit Mumu Globetrotter Film also made with: - Movavi software - You-Tube app - 4K video to mp3 - mp3 Tag Editing setting transitions, Photos, videos, sound, myself. "TEAM GRAY STUDIOS" SOUNDTRACKS -Greek Sunrise - Karsilamas - Servika - Sounds of waves crashing on the coast of Hersonissos - Soothing sounds of the waves Entirely shot in the streets Eleuthera Venizelos, Machis Kritis and at the port in Hersonissos in Crete thanks to synthetic images and videos retrieved from Google Maps, Google Earth and personal ones from my phone. End of episode 3