St. George's Anglican Church Phoenix
St. George's Anglican Church Phoenix
  • Видео 180
  • Просмотров 4 352
1/26/25 Why We are Protestant 4: The Bible is our Only Infallible Authority
In our fourth and final sermon in this series on the Bible and why we are Protestant, we delve into the question of authority. As Protestants in the Anglican tradition, there are two important truths that we hold. One is that the Bible is not our only authority; it is not the only voice we listen to. However, the second is that Bible is our only "inspired and infallible authority." It is the authority that all others are measured against. So while we pay heed to what the early church fathers said, to the Creeds, to the decrees of the 7 Ecumenical Councils, etc., we weigh these against the clear teaching of Scripture.
This is especially so with regard to the question of salvation. On this ...
Просмотров: 30


1/19/25 Why We are Protestant 3: The Bible is True
Просмотров 821 час назад
Building upon last week's sermon on the Bible is how God tells us who He is, in which we covered Revelation and Inspiration, today we covered this fact, that the Bible is true. Both the words of the Bible and the 66 books of the Bible are the true, inspired words of God. The Bible is a supernatural work of God, who has all power over time/space/matter...all of creation. This includes His power ...
01/12/25 Why We are Protestant 2: The Bible is How God Tells Us Who He is
Просмотров 914 дней назад
How can we know God? Is it even possible? On one side is the fact that God is so wholly different than us, He is unknowable. But this is coupled with the fact that God is knowable to the extent that He has revealed Himself to us. This revelation comes in different ways, most notably in Jesus who is the incarnate Word of God (He is the fullness of God's revelation about Himself). And it also com...
01/05/25 Why We are Protestant 1: The Bible is One Story about Jesus
Просмотров 2721 день назад
Part 1 of our series on the Bible, answering the question of “Why We are Protestant?” The Bible is ONE story and it is all about Jesus. The story is God’s story of creation, redemption and restoration in and through the work of Christ. Grasping hold of this is crucial for us to understand God and our relationship to Him. Through faith in Christ, God invites us into His story and to participate ...
12/29/24 Galatians 4:1-7 Christ was Born that we Might be Born Again and Adopted into God's Family
Просмотров 10Месяц назад
The eternal Son of God left His heavenly family to be born into an earthly family so that we who only know an imperfect, earthly family might be adopted into the perfect family of God. This truth of our being adopted as sons and daughters of God is essential for the living of of whole Christian life. Is it what changes us and enables us to walk in love for God and one another. The Collect for C...
12/22/24 Malachi 3:13-4:6 The Humble are the Faithful who will Rejoice in the Coming of the Lord
Просмотров 7Месяц назад
In the last of the 6 conversations that God has with His people, He tells them that what they are saying about Him is hard on HIm. While God has reassured them that He loves them, will care for them in true righteousness and justice, they have refused to listen. Instead they essentially say that God is not true, that He lies: saying He blesses the righteous when He actually blesses the wicked. ...
12/15/24 Malachi 3:7b-12 Faithfulness to God with Money
Просмотров 20Месяц назад
The walk through Malachi is a series of heart checks for us in our relationship with God. When it comes to how we handle money, Jesus said this is a direct window into our heart to show what we love most. This passage in Malachi is challenging and has been misused and abused by pastors to throughout church history, including our day. For the Israelites in Malachi's day, they were being unfaithf...
12/8/2024 Malachi 2:17-3:7a Why do Good Things Happen to Bad People?
Просмотров 20Месяц назад
A common question that many of us have at one time or another is "why do people living ungodly lives seem to have such a good life?" In the fourth conversation between Yahweh God and Israel, the heart the Jewish people in Malachi's day are asking this question. But since their own hearts are hardened towards God, they accuse God of actually blessing unrighteous people. If He really cared and wa...
12/1/2024 Malachi 2:10-16 Faithfulness in Our Marriages is Faithfulness to God.
Просмотров 30Месяц назад
The third conversation God has with Israel is directed to the people. They are being unfaithful to Him and the Covenant by being unfaithful in marriage. This is seen in two ways: by marrying foreign women and by divorcing their wives for other reason than they do not love them anymore. For us today as Christians this means that believers are only to marry other believers and that those already ...
11/24/2024 Malachi 1:6-2:9 How Unfaithful Pastors Dishonor God and Lead People Astray
Просмотров 202 месяца назад
After leading with His faithful, covenantal love for His people in the first 5 verse of Malachi, now Yahweh God brings forth the many different ways that they are being unfaithful to Him. He starts with the priests and the fact that they dishonor Him by not teaching truth to the people as they should and offering blemished animals as sacrifices to Him. (which the people bring). He presents Levi...
11/17/2024 Malachi 1:1-5 How Has God Loved Us?
Просмотров 262 месяца назад
Throughout the Bible, God clearly and consistently reminds His people of His great love for them. Yet, we oftentimes find ourselves like Israel in the opening chapter of Malachi, asking “how have You loved us God?” God answers Israel through Malachi, telling them to look to His works which testify to His love for us. God works all things for the sake of the salvation of His elect, and this poin...
11/10/2024 Matthew 9:18-26 The Reconciling and Restoring Savior
Просмотров 122 месяца назад
11/10/2024 Matthew 9:18-26 The Reconciling and Restoring Savior
11/3/2024 Philippians 3:17-21 Heavenly Citizenship
Просмотров 1342 месяца назад
In an era in which identity seems to mean everything and yet is ever-shifting, it can often feel unstable and confusing. “Who am I?” is the prevailing question. In the end of Philippians 3, Paul tells us that, as Christians, our primary identity is that of citizens in heaven. We are pilgrims on the way, but Paul reminds us of our destiny, and he reminds us that because we have a great God and s...
10/27/2024 Proverbs 9:1-11 The Way of Wisdom
Просмотров 412 месяца назад
Proverbs presents instruction in the way of Wisdom for believers. The first section of the book is found in chapters 1-9, where we see the bookends of “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Christ and his life is the perfect display of wisdom. This wisdom is not dependent upon the people who communicate Christ, for the message itself is wisdom to those who believe, wiser than any wi...
10/20/2024 Psalm 144 God Blesses us Through Christ, the Son of David
Просмотров 263 месяца назад
Psalm 144 is a royal psalm in which King David the warrior is preparing for battle. He rejoices in the PAST deliverance which God has given him, prays for God's deliverance in the PRESENT battle he is about to enter, and declares God's future blessing for His people in victory through him, God's servant as King of Israel. The blessings experienced now in part, are a foretaste the fullness of bl...
10/13/2024 Ephesians 5:15-21 Living Wisely for God
Просмотров 323 месяца назад
10/13/2024 Ephesians 5:15-21 Living Wisely for God
10/06/24 Ephesians 4-17-32 Wearing Clothes that Fit Us in Holiness & Righteousness
Просмотров 263 месяца назад
10/06/24 Ephesians 4-17-32 Wearing Clothes that Fit Us in Holiness & Righteousness
9/22/24 Ephesians 4:1-6 Living out our Unity in the Body (Christopher Daugherty)
Просмотров 574 месяца назад
9/22/24 Ephesians 4:1-6 Living out our Unity in the Body (Christopher Daugherty)
9/17/2024 Ephesians 3:13-21 The Incomprehensible Love of God Makes us Strong
Просмотров 324 месяца назад
9/17/2024 Ephesians 3:13-21 The Incomprehensible Love of God Makes us Strong
9/8/2024 Ezekiel 34: Fall Vision Casting and What we Value
Просмотров 214 месяца назад
9/8/2024 Ezekiel 34: Fall Vision Casting and What we Value
8/25/2024 Luke 10:23-27 The Good Samaritan Justin Bellars
Просмотров 815 месяцев назад
8/25/2024 Luke 10:23-27 The Good Samaritan Justin Bellars
8/19/2024 The Repaganization of the West and the Judgment of God
Просмотров 755 месяцев назад
8/19/2024 The Repaganization of the West and the Judgment of God
8/11/24 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 What is the Gospel?
Просмотров 95 месяцев назад
8/11/24 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 What is the Gospel?
8/4/24 Jeremiah 52 Suffering Under the Word Part 2: How to Lament
Просмотров 205 месяцев назад
8/4/24 Jeremiah 52 Suffering Under the Word Part 2: How to Lament
7/28/2024 Jeremiah 38:1-13 Suffering Under the Word - James Delarato
Просмотров 215 месяцев назад
7/28/2024 Jeremiah 38:1-13 Suffering Under the Word - James Delarato
7/21/24 Jeremiah 36 Living Under the Word of God
Просмотров 216 месяцев назад
7/21/24 Jeremiah 36 Living Under the Word of God
7/14/24 Jeremiah 31:31-34 The New Covenant Promise that We can Have Intimacy with God
Просмотров 306 месяцев назад
7/14/24 Jeremiah 31:31-34 The New Covenant Promise that We can Have Intimacy with God
6/16/2024 1 Peter 5:6-7 Give ALL your Worries to the Father because He Cares for YOU
Просмотров 347 месяцев назад
6/16/2024 1 Peter 5:6-7 Give ALL your Worries to the Father because He Cares for YOU
6/09/24 Romans 16:21-27 We Glorify God through Christ
Просмотров 347 месяцев назад
6/09/24 Romans 16:21-27 We Glorify God through Christ
6/02/24 Romans 16:17-20 Run Away from False Teachers Who Say and Do Things Contrary to the Gospel
Просмотров 297 месяцев назад
6/02/24 Romans 16:17-20 Run Away from False Teachers Who Say and Do Things Contrary to the Gospel