Black Pear
Black Pear
  • Видео 67
  • Просмотров 65 842


Hollow Knight Any% NMG Speedrun (37:45)
Просмотров 363 года назад
Hollow Knight Any% NMG Speedrun (37:45)
CELESTE Classic 2 Speedrun (1:46)
Просмотров 973 года назад
CELESTE Classic 2 Speedrun (1:46)
CELESTE Classic 2 Speedrun (1:50)
Просмотров 693 года назад
CELESTE Classic 2 Speedrun (1:50)
CELESTE Classic 2 Speedrun (1:58)
Просмотров 533 года назад
sub 2
CELESTE Classic 2 Speedrun (2:09)
Просмотров 363 года назад
CELESTE Classic 2 Speedrun (2:09)
Kuso LOVE Speedrun (7:53.96)
Просмотров 874 года назад
714 frames behind the wr
Celeste Any% Speedrun (28:32.937)
Просмотров 1805 лет назад
Celeste Any% Speedrun (28:32.937)
Celeste Any% Speedrun (28:51.144)
Просмотров 925 лет назад
I forgot reset splits before this run
Celeste Any% Speedrun (29:18.752)
Просмотров 445 лет назад
Celeste Any% Speedrun (29:18.752)
Cuphead Co-op All Bosses Regular 1.1.5 Speedrun (39:32)
Просмотров 1135 лет назад
first sub 40. first deathless. sloppy.
AirXonix Modern Speedrun (14:00)
Просмотров 2,3 тыс.5 лет назад
AirXonix Modern Speedrun (14:00)
AirXonix Classic Speedrun (9:10)
Просмотров 8045 лет назад
AirXonix Classic Speedrun (9:10)
AirXonix Easy Speedrun (2:48)
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.5 лет назад
Last split was late. bad lvl 6. Yeah I do this when i have break from celeste.
AirXonix Easy Speedrun (4:04)
Просмотров 1465 лет назад
trying to get this on No audio oops
Celeste Dashless City Speedrun (1:58.626)
Просмотров 805 лет назад
Celeste Dashless City Speedrun (1:58.626)
Celeste Summit IL Speedrun (8:35.457)
Просмотров 3505 лет назад
Celeste Summit IL Speedrun (8:35.457)
Celeste Reflection IL Speedrun (5:53.668)
Просмотров 675 лет назад
Celeste Reflection IL Speedrun (5:53.668)
Celeste Temple Speedrun (A&B) (3:50.418)
Просмотров 95 лет назад
Celeste Temple Speedrun (A&B) (3:50.418)
Celeste Ridge IL Speedrun (2:43.795)
Просмотров 285 лет назад
Celeste Ridge IL Speedrun (2:43.795)
Celeste Resort IL Speedrun (4:26.084)
Просмотров 325 лет назад
Celeste Resort IL Speedrun (4:26.084)
Celeste Site IL Speedrun (1:45.451)
Просмотров 235 лет назад
Celeste Site IL Speedrun (1:45.451)
Celeste City IL Speedrun (1:02.730)
Просмотров 735 лет назад
Celeste City IL Speedrun (1:02.730)
10SNX Any% (6:39.90)
Просмотров 6336 лет назад
10SNX Any% (6:39.90)
Celeste Any% Speedrun (31:10.595)
Просмотров 576 лет назад
Celeste Any% Speedrun (31:10.595)
Celeste 5B speedrun (2:31.215)
Просмотров 10 тыс.6 лет назад
Celeste 5B speedrun (2:31.215)
Celeste 88 Different Demodash Spots
Просмотров 44 тыс.6 лет назад
Celeste 88 Different Demodash Spots
Celeste Any% Speedrun (31:50.205)
Просмотров 536 лет назад
Celeste Any% Speedrun (31:50.205)
Celeste Ridge Speedrun (2:51.037)
Просмотров 106 лет назад
Celeste Ridge Speedrun (2:51.037)
Celeste Classic Any% Speedrun (2:15)
Просмотров 826 лет назад
Celeste Classic Any% Speedrun (2:15)


  • @Larch3
    @Larch3 6 месяцев назад

    My jaw dropped at spiked cornerboost bubs drop

  • @pintyooka
    @pintyooka Год назад

    Why did 43k people watch this very useful vid XD?

  • @Psycho0Noob
    @Psycho0Noob Год назад

    did someone ever do the one at 4:55 i always thought it was impossible

  • @weryut154
    @weryut154 Год назад

    My pb was 8.20 but after watching this I feel like I can do at least sub 7. You make it looks like so easy

  • @smooshymemes
    @smooshymemes 2 года назад

    "88 demodashes that you may or may not have stolen from the any% tas"

  • @therealf66
    @therealf66 2 года назад

    Hitboxes are merely a suggestion

  • @hutthutthutt7321
    @hutthutthutt7321 2 года назад

    1:43 "Now you're just showing off."

  • @zzasdfwas
    @zzasdfwas 2 года назад

    Over 99% of matter is empty space. You could take advantage of this fact to demo dash in real life.

  • @vj7248
    @vj7248 2 года назад

    dash moment

  • @ravelia
    @ravelia 3 года назад


  • @Rayneworld
    @Rayneworld 3 года назад

    I had been watching Subnautica speedruns before getting into Celeste, so the first time I saw a demo dash I thought that some of the walls were suggestions. Oh how wrong I was.

  • @martialseguin673
    @martialseguin673 3 года назад

    Hey how do you do to see the hitbox in red please?

  • @shadowkross3697
    @shadowkross3697 3 года назад

    Not bad man

  • @evilhero530
    @evilhero530 3 года назад

    So what’s a demodash? Yea I was outta the loop, you know owning the bk newbs like we do….No I just I’m lame ok.

    • @timothyt666
      @timothyt666 2 года назад

      you dash while crouching, named after a guy with demo in his name, note as of the "recent" update there is now just a button to do it.

  • @MusicalRiolu
    @MusicalRiolu 3 года назад

    2:14 it has been years but DAMN none come close to this swag strat LOL

  • @gamingmorewithcharlieporte5085
    @gamingmorewithcharlieporte5085 3 года назад

    Didn’t include the chapter 9 demo dashes

    • @p.g.v.3765
      @p.g.v.3765 3 года назад

      i think chapter 9 wasn't out when this video was published

    • @RichConnerGMN
      @RichConnerGMN 3 года назад

      it didn't exist until a YEAR after this

  • @mr.cobbweb1624
    @mr.cobbweb1624 3 года назад

    Demodashes are a hard risky technique, in this video we are shown: - A small percantage of demodashes that are worth performing compared to how hard they are to perform. - A decent amount of demodashes still cut some time but aren't generaly worth trying due to the technique's complexity. - A good amount of useless demodashes that save little time and that you'd only perform just to show off, not practical at all to try. - A great amount of cool ways to use demodash to commit suicide.

  • @tatianatub
    @tatianatub 3 года назад

    should have called this fantastic hitboxes and where to find them

  • @ngchorhong3174
    @ngchorhong3174 3 года назад

    i thought my 2 hours here were quite average... yet again you're not an average person so i am still pRoUd of my achievement

  • @liamdonahue6301
    @liamdonahue6301 3 года назад

    Super impressive!

  • @TheRealSinful
    @TheRealSinful 3 года назад

    I enjoy how like only 3 of them are something I would actually want to use

  • @beri4138
    @beri4138 3 года назад

    Brother this alternative way to bubsdrop is so awesome I need to try it.

    • @account1a
      @account1a 3 года назад

      Its awful LOL

    • @karlcossaboon7072
      @karlcossaboon7072 3 года назад

      no u don't don't do it it's hard as hell lmao it's faster than bubsdrop and even the wr run doesn't use this strat. because it's that much less consistent don't do it.

    • @TheOddHog
      @TheOddHog 11 месяцев назад

      @@karlcossaboon7072 I don’t even think it’s any faster, with the setup it looks slower than bubsdrop to me

  • @gkoble
    @gkoble 3 года назад

    he didn't say all of these were useful tho lol

  • @sagehoge
    @sagehoge 3 года назад

    is there a setup for 4:34 because thats massive

    • @p.g.v.3765
      @p.g.v.3765 3 года назад

      ...but its not? its quite a small time save

  • @Nnordbergg
    @Nnordbergg 3 года назад

    i need to know if the 4:56 one is possible or not.

    • @karamboubou8579
      @karamboubou8579 2 года назад

      just watch the latest tas, it definitely would use it

  • @LNSWoodz
    @LNSWoodz 3 года назад


  • @Malakbel
    @Malakbel 3 года назад

    It actually gets more interesting the longer it goes. It's also funny how the video doesn't start with demo skip in 3A haha. So much randomness, really dig the video.

  • @Davidvzco
    @Davidvzco 3 года назад

    When you learn a new trick on celeste:

  • @zbotg
    @zbotg 3 года назад

    It's so odd hearing the calm music during the boss fight agenized Oshiro.

  • @gadgetlab7
    @gadgetlab7 3 года назад

    most of these are EXTREMELY necessary

  • @imminentlitch9267
    @imminentlitch9267 3 года назад

    Nice on!!!

  • @hammielover225
    @hammielover225 3 года назад


  • @Nat_the_Chicken
    @Nat_the_Chicken 4 года назад

    NO CAP ON SPEEEEEEED That's what I hear in my head every time anyone does the big Kevin block launch

  • @spynorbays
    @spynorbays 4 года назад

    I used to play and love this game when I was little. I forgot it's name completely for years but after some research it lead me here. I never noticed how short this game was back then.

  • @thelacedog1915
    @thelacedog1915 4 года назад

    That is dedication and I absolutely love it

  • @rd_ctrlr5311
    @rd_ctrlr5311 4 года назад

    Mario 64: "Walls are just a suggestion" Celeste: *Death is just a suggestion*

    • @beri4138
      @beri4138 3 года назад

      Portal: Space and time are just a suggestion

    • @karamboubou8579
      @karamboubou8579 2 года назад

      except for half of these where you die anyway

  • @psyched_sr
    @psyched_sr 4 года назад

    Nutty run

  • @radu6772
    @radu6772 4 года назад

    bro moment

  • @anubbaconboi7911
    @anubbaconboi7911 4 года назад

    Alternative title: 88 ways to show off with demo dash coz i can

  • @sebastian-ny1sp
    @sebastian-ny1sp 4 года назад

    would be nice with a video of the useful demodashes. not the suicidal once just the once that makes the chapter shorter

  • @Never_Give_Up0
    @Never_Give_Up0 4 года назад


  • @Jellylamps
    @Jellylamps 4 года назад

    So you can demo AND save 9 years at the same time? Damn

    • @theskeds7256
      @theskeds7256 4 года назад

      Demo-doorskip actually saves 10 years. Double-validates a run.

  • @trainerian4835
    @trainerian4835 5 лет назад

    Oh god. I'm on this b side. Is it really that long??

  • @tofufiish
    @tofufiish 5 лет назад

    4:17 superior doorskip

  • @valrous1567
    @valrous1567 5 лет назад

    how do you not hit the hitboxes i check the hitboxes andbtry to go between dem spikes and i die

    • @ugxsan
      @ugxsan 5 лет назад

      You have to do a demo dash (dash down and switch to left or right within the first four frames) and often the positioning is very tight. Madeine shrinks to about 4 pixels tall when she crouches, which is just barely small enough to make it through, but it gives you very little leeway in terms of positioning. That’s also why this doesn’t get used as much in runs as it could, as you’d need a consistent and QUICK setup or it becomes quicker and safer to just do it normally.

  • @M1lk1scool
    @M1lk1scool 5 лет назад

    This is an insult to my death count on this stage

  • @ubia2949
    @ubia2949 5 лет назад

    Still someone ho plays this in 2019... ahh :)

  • @vhetsikke3517
    @vhetsikke3517 5 лет назад
