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Добавлен 6 янв 2020
In the past years, the works of Rhymoi Music have won many awards for hundred times, such as the American Independent Music Awards,China Golden Record Awards, Chinese Excellent Publication Award
and Chinese music media award. The reputation and the record sales volume successfully show the audience’s preference and prove the oldest fable that” heaven is bound to reward diligence”.
By abandoning the allure of convenient business interest, Rhymoi Music sticks to its original spirit, taking roots from the five-thousand years of Chinese music.We promote culture and integration of Chinese music into the world.
and Chinese music media award. The reputation and the record sales volume successfully show the audience’s preference and prove the oldest fable that” heaven is bound to reward diligence”.
By abandoning the allure of convenient business interest, Rhymoi Music sticks to its original spirit, taking roots from the five-thousand years of Chinese music.We promote culture and integration of Chinese music into the world.
《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》:阳关 | The Yang Pass
选自瑞鸣音乐专辑 | From Rhymoi Music Album
《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》
此专辑以完全即兴融合之精神 激活1400年前的唐朝·敦煌
Infusing the spirit of ancient Dunhuang culture with improvised music
Li Dakang, a top-notch recording artist with over 40 years’ experience, using state-of-the art equipment at Communication University of China, writes a new chapter in the development of Chinese folk ...
《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》
此专辑以完全即兴融合之精神 激活1400年前的唐朝·敦煌
Infusing the spirit of ancient Dunhuang culture with improvised music
Li Dakang, a top-notch recording artist with over 40 years’ experience, using state-of-the art equipment at Communication University of China, writes a new chapter in the development of Chinese folk ...
Просмотров: 124
《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》:忆江南 | Memories of Jiangnan
Просмотров 15514 часов назад
选自瑞鸣音乐专辑 | From Rhymoi Music Album 《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》 此专辑以完全即兴融合之精神 激活1400年前的唐朝·敦煌 Infusing the spirit of ancient Dunhuang culture with improvised music 录音大师李大康,凝聚四十载资深功力,于录音大棚,为一生挚爱的民族音乐录制鲜活新章。新古典主义民乐“七仙女” 古琴赵晓霞、二胡杨雪、古筝苏畅、琵琶于源春、笛箫李娟、阮邸琳、鼓马瑞,皆为国内青年演奏家之翘楚,曾参与录制瑞鸣音乐的《天人合一》等专辑。在录音现场,完全即兴以现代女性独立开放的视野去审视唐朝与敦煌的厚重历史文化,将千古神乐演绎得既清丽幽雅、婉约细腻,又不失慷慨豪迈、恢弘大气。 一轮明月荡漾千年,曾凝望长安之辉煌,也曾凝望敦煌之繁华。于沧海桑田...
Просмотров 1816 часов назад
From STS "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3" STS Digital 6111150 Steam train (2-minute sample) Audiophile! CD can be available: www.enmusicworld.com
《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》:撒金沙 | Scattered Golden Sands
Просмотров 33219 часов назад
选自瑞鸣音乐专辑 | From Rhymoi Music Album 《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》 此专辑以完全即兴融合之精神 激活1400年前的唐朝·敦煌 Infusing the spirit of ancient Dunhuang culture with improvised music 录音大师李大康,凝聚四十载资深功力,于录音大棚,为一生挚爱的民族音乐录制鲜活新章。新古典主义民乐“七仙女” 古琴赵晓霞、二胡杨雪、古筝苏畅、琵琶于源春、笛箫李娟、阮邸琳、鼓马瑞,皆为国内青年演奏家之翘楚,曾参与录制瑞鸣音乐的《天人合一》等专辑。在录音现场,完全即兴以现代女性独立开放的视野去审视唐朝与敦煌的厚重历史文化,将千古神乐演绎得既清丽幽雅、婉约细腻,又不失慷慨豪迈、恢弘大气。 一轮明月荡漾千年,曾凝望长安之辉煌,也曾凝望敦煌之繁华。于沧海桑田...
Просмотров 1221 час назад
From STS "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3" STS Digital 6111150 Danza 1 (2-minute sample) Audiophile! CD can be available: www.enmusicworld.com
《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》:霓裳舞三台 | Dance of the Luscious Silks on the Three Terraces
Просмотров 99День назад
选自瑞鸣音乐专辑 | From Rhymoi Music Album 《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》 此专辑以完全即兴融合之精神 激活1400年前的唐朝·敦煌 Infusing the spirit of ancient Dunhuang culture with improvised music 录音大师李大康,凝聚四十载资深功力,于录音大棚,为一生挚爱的民族音乐录制鲜活新章。新古典主义民乐“七仙女” 古琴赵晓霞、二胡杨雪、古筝苏畅、琵琶于源春、笛箫李娟、阮邸琳、鼓马瑞,皆为国内青年演奏家之翘楚,曾参与录制瑞鸣音乐的《天人合一》等专辑。在录音现场,完全即兴以现代女性独立开放的视野去审视唐朝与敦煌的厚重历史文化,将千古神乐演绎得既清丽幽雅、婉约细腻,又不失慷慨豪迈、恢弘大气。 一轮明月荡漾千年,曾凝望长安之辉煌,也曾凝望敦煌之繁华。于沧海桑田...
"Faces and names" from STS "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3"
Просмотров 18День назад
From STS "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3" STS Digital 6111150 Faces and names (2-minute sample) Audiophile! CD can be available: www.enmusicworld.com
《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》:出塞 | Beyond the Frontier Fortress
Просмотров 75День назад
选自瑞鸣音乐专辑 | From Rhymoi Music Album 《明月映敦煌 Moonlight Glow over Dunhuang》 此专辑以完全即兴融合之精神 激活1400年前的唐朝·敦煌 Infusing the spirit of ancient Dunhuang culture with improvised music 录音大师李大康,凝聚四十载资深功力,于录音大棚,为一生挚爱的民族音乐录制鲜活新章。新古典主义民乐“七仙女” 古琴赵晓霞、二胡杨雪、古筝苏畅、琵琶于源春、笛箫李娟、阮邸琳、鼓马瑞,皆为国内青年演奏家之翘楚,曾参与录制瑞鸣音乐的《天人合一》等专辑。在录音现场,完全即兴以现代女性独立开放的视野去审视唐朝与敦煌的厚重历史文化,将千古神乐演绎得既清丽幽雅、婉约细腻,又不失慷慨豪迈、恢弘大气。 一轮明月荡漾千年,曾凝望长安之辉煌,也曾凝望敦煌之繁华。于沧海桑田...
Romeo and Juliet | 罗密欧与朱丽叶
Просмотров 4814 дней назад
编曲(Arranger):Josh Nelson 钢琴(Piano):Josh Nelson 键盘(keyboard):Josh Nelson 大提琴(Cello):Artyom Manukyan 吉他(Guitar):Will Brahm 小号(Trumpet):Chris Lawrence 贝斯(Bass):Dave Robaire / Anna Butterss 鼓(Drums): Dan Schnelle 打击乐(Percussion):Brad Dutz 选自瑞鸣音乐专辑《星空》,from Rhymoi Music "Starry Sky"
乐亭大鼓:玉堂春,冯欣蕊 | Laoting Dagu: "Yu Tangchun", Feng Xinrui
Просмотров 3814 дней назад
选自瑞鸣唱片《丑末寅初》 若是儿女情长心意浓,自不必暮暮与朝朝;惟可叹风尘沦落却执意坚贞。千古传唱玉堂春,污尘不掩初衷,泥淖不堕清志,一心相守,千般曲折,眷属终成。 If a man and a woman are meant to be together, then days and years pass like seconds and minutes, and no amount of hardship may drive them apart. In Yu Tangchun, a timeless classic, we see two young lovers who discover sincerity in a world full of corruption, who although encounter unimaginable trials and tribula...
木管重奏:打起手鼓唱起歌 | Woodwind music: Beat the Drum, Sing the Song
Просмотров 2014 дней назад
选自瑞鸣音乐专辑《重奏之美》,from Rhymoi Music "The Beauty of Ensemble Music" 长笛Flute曹蕾 中国爱乐乐团长笛演奏员。1991年考入中央音乐学院, 1995年考入中国广播交响乐团。1996年考入中国交响乐团,担 长笛首席。2000年获得全国第二届长笛比赛特别奖。 Cao Lei, CPO flute performer. In 1991 she entered the Central Music Academy, and in 1995 the China Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra. In 1996 she entered the CPO as flute concertmaster. In 2000 she received a special mention in the second ...
"The puppet hotel" from STS "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3"
Просмотров 2814 дней назад
From STS "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3" STS Digital 6111150 The puppet hotel (2-minute sample) Audiophile! CD can be available: www.enmusicworld.com
草帽歌 | Proof of the Man
Просмотров 9314 дней назад
编曲(Arranger):Josh Nelson 钢琴(Piano):Josh Nelson 键盘(keyboard):Josh Nelson 大提琴(Cello):Artyom Manukyan 吉他(Guitar):Will Brahm 小号(Trumpet):Chris Lawrence 贝斯(Bass):Dave Robaire / Anna Butterss 鼓(Drums): Dan Schnelle 打击乐(Percussion):Brad Dutz 选自瑞鸣音乐专辑《星空》,from Rhymoi Music "Starry Sky"
Просмотров 3414 дней назад
木管重奏:远方的客人请你留下来 | Woodwind music: "Please Stay, My Dear Guest from Afar"
Просмотров 1814 дней назад
木管重奏:远方的客人请你留下来 | Woodwind music: "Please Stay, My Dear Guest from Afar"
Просмотров 2621 день назад
梅花大鼓:十字西厢,冯欣蕊 | Meihua Dagu: "Thoughts of the West Chamber", Feng Xinrui
Просмотров 3121 день назад
梅花大鼓:十字西厢,冯欣蕊 | Meihua Dagu: "Thoughts of the West Chamber", Feng Xinrui
"Sleep will come" from STS "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3"
Просмотров 2321 день назад
"Sleep will come" from STS "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3"
Просмотров 1921 день назад
木管重奏:小司机 | Woodwind music: Little Driver
Просмотров 2521 день назад
木管重奏:小司机 | Woodwind music: Little Driver
弦乐重奏:走西口 | String music: “Travelling to the West Gate”
Просмотров 6921 день назад
弦乐重奏:走西口 | String music: “Travelling to the West Gate”
Menutha from STS Audiophile album "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3"
Просмотров 5321 день назад
Menutha from STS Audiophile album "EXTENDED DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE - VOL. 3"
John Pachelbel (Germany): Canon in D | 弦乐四重奏:卡农,约翰·帕赫贝尔(德国)
Просмотров 9028 дней назад
John Pachelbel (Germany): Canon in D | 弦乐四重奏:卡农,约翰·帕赫贝尔(德国)
Enrico Toselli: Serenada | 弦乐四重奏:小夜曲,托赛里(意大利)
Просмотров 17928 дней назад
Enrico Toselli: Serenada | 弦乐四重奏:小夜曲,托赛里(意大利)
Just a closer walk with thee, adapted by Christophe Marion | 铜管五重奏:再靠近一些
Просмотров 26Месяц назад
Just a closer walk with thee, adapted by Christophe Marion | 铜管五重奏:再靠近一些
I need this for my ringtone when Bao Bao calls 🫶💜😻
This piece is supposedly based on an ancient song preserved in jianzi pu (减字谱, reduced-character notation) for the 7-stringed qin (七弦琴) from "Cai Shi Wu Nong"《蔡氏五弄》(Five Songs of the Cai Family), composed by the Eastern Han Dynasty musician Cai Yong (蔡邕, 133-192) and transcribed by Li Jianzheng (李健正).
How many populace you have left after the war? I'm your camel driver but who needs me when my older brother the company man lives in Oregon with a castle fortress with Intel Corporation.
This piece is based on a piece from "Chang'an Ancient Music Scores" (长安古乐) entitled "Memories of Jiangnan," as transcribed by Li Jianzheng (李健正, b. 1940), a pioneering scholar in the field of the ancient music of Xi'an, Shaanxi.
A semi-improvised reconstruction, played on modern Chinese pipa (琵琶, pear-shaped lute) and percussion, of "Sa Jin Sha"《撒金沙》(Scattered Golden Sands), piece no. 22 of manuscript P.3808 from the Dunhuang Pipa Scores (called Dunhuang Yuepu《敦煌乐谱》, Dunhuang Qupu《敦煌曲谱》, Dunhuang Juanzipu《敦煌卷子谱》, or Dunhuang Pipa Pu《敦煌琵琶谱》in Chinese), found in Mogao Cave 17 near Dunhuang in Gansu province, northwest China, which comprise 25 pieces in pipa tablature (manuscript P.3808) with instructions for the tablature (manuscript P.3539), plus an additional incomplete piece (manuscript P.3719), all written on the backs of scrolls containing Buddhist texts. These three manuscripts, which were among up to 50,000 manuscripts that had been stored in the cave since it was walled off for unknown reasons early in the 11th century, were taken in 1908 to the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris by the French sinoloist Paul Pelliot (1878-1945). The pieces in P.3808 are believed to be the pipa parts of ensemble pieces, probably court yanyue (燕乐 or 宴乐, banquet music) pieces. On the front of the manuscript is the text of a Buddhist sermon,《长兴四年中兴殿应圣节讲经文》, with 长兴四年 meaning the fourth year of the Changxing reign of Emperor Li Dan (李亶) of Later Tang (后唐), during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period that began following the fall of the Tang Dynasty--that is, 933 AD. Although these pieces were written down in the 10th century (sometime before the founding of the Song Dynasty in 960), many or all of them are likely to have by that time already been old pieces, dating to at least the 8th century (the titles of several of the pieces are listed in Tang palace records). Indeed, a piece entitled "Sa Jin Sha"《撒金沙》is mentioned in "Jiaofang Ji"《教坊记》(The Conservatory Records), a collection of essays about court music that was compiled around 749 AD, during the Tang Dynasty.
You should properly credit the composer of this music by adding his name to the video description above.
What is the source of this piece, which seems to have been published by Li Jianzheng (李健正) in 2010? It doesn't resemble the "Santai" suite that has been handed down to the present day in Sino-Japanese sources.
Who is uncle bao
Uncle has brought us all together 😽
Maybe you could add the titles of the individual pieces, as well as the name of the arranger, to the video description above.
《仁智要录》= "Jinchi Yōroku," a Sino-Japanese source compiled by the Japanese nobleman Fujiwara no Moronaga (藤原師長, 1138-1192), likely between 1179 and 1192 during the late Heian period (794-1185) and containing more than 200 pieces in koto tablature, which is the most important and extensive collection of Tang-era scores for the 13-string koto, also called sō no koto (essentially the same instrument as the zheng 筝 in use in China during the Tang Dynasty). Although this collection was prepared during what in China was the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), the music contained therein had been handed down from Tang times.
i love uncle baobao ❤
Laoting dagu (乐亭大鼓) is a genre of traditional accompanied narrative singing (Chinese: shuochang, 说唱) in the banqiangti (板腔体) style that originated from Laoting County (乐亭县) in coastal southeastern Tangshan (唐山市), northeastern Hebei province, northern China, which has a history of about 200 years, dating back to the Qing Dynasty. The vocalist also plays a small drum called shugu (书鼓), and accompaniment is provided by Mr. Han Baoli (韩宝利, b. 1946), who plays the sanxian (三弦, long-necked fretless lute with snakeskin-covered soundbox). Despite its high cultural and aesthetic value, by the early 21st century Laoting dagu was regarded as an art form in need of safeguarding, due to a limited number of inheritors and a dwindling audience. In 2006 Laoting dagu was included in the First Batch of China's National-Level Intangible Cultural Heritage List (第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录) by China's Ministry of Culture (中华人民共和国文化部, known since March 2018 as the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 中华人民共和国文化和旅游部). The sub-agencies responsible for maintaining these lists, both under the aegis of the aforementioned ministry, are the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage (文化部非物质文化遗产司) and the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center (中国非物质文化遗产保护中心, CICHPC). Also in 2006, Laoting dagu was added to the First Batch of the Hebei Province Province-Level Intangible Cultural Heritage List (河北省第一批省级非物质文化遗产名录). In November 2019, the National-Level List of Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Item Protection Units (国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目保护单位名单) was announced, and the Laoting County Cultural Center (乐亭县文化馆) qualified as a Protection Unit for the Intangible Cultural Heritage Item of Laoting dagu (“乐亭大鼓”项目保护单位).
Maybe you could credit the composer of this piece (and not just the performers) by adding his name to the video description above.
"Uncle bao always getting his salad tossed" ahh tune 🙏😭
Wouldn't it be better to also credit the composer/arranger rather than only the performers in the video descriptions of your videos?
Yes. Both the composer and arranger are showed (0'25 - 0'40) in the video.
baobao 🔥🔥🔥
bless you uncle 1000 years
Thankyou uncle bao for making instagram a good place ❤
Boroooju hikojo Kojima kotikoja ikeeh jroo to jroo true saah jriie sooo driiie kooojira TI modraaat jiiie dooo
2024 CS2 Shanghai Major
2024 CS2 Shanghai Major
Wouldn't it be better to also credit the composers rather than only the performers in the video descriptions of your videos? 《远方的客人请你留下来》是在1953年4月由范禹和曲作家麦丁合作创作的,这首歌的创作灵感正是来源于云南彝族热情淳朴的少数民族同胞。当年范禹和麦丁来到云南的路南县,受到当地居民的热情款待,路南县是彝族的支系撒尼人聚居地,他们能歌善舞,喜欢用歌声来表达对远道而来的客人们的欢迎。作品正是突出了这种浓郁的民族风格和明朗的情感神韵,生动地表现了撒尼人民在喜庆的节日里,欢迎远方客人并共度美好时光的愉悦心情。
The composer name is showed in the video!
Uncle Bao always gets his salad tossed
There seem to be some disrepancies of tuning between the various members of this ensemble. Sticking with the authentic (non-Western 12-tone equal-tempered) tuning that would have been used in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic period, prior to the Europeanization of many traditional Chinese musical genres, would seem the proper course of action.
How is this song not on Instagram
Victor= mrd
My goat uncle Bao!!!
Hequ folk songs (河曲民歌): ruclips.net/video/Zzn9aLlqjNw/видео.html ruclips.net/video/iFhVBAhC7uQ/видео.html
《走西口》是山西河曲民歌,据说已流传百年。1991年,著名作曲家鲍元恺将多首脍炙人口的民歌旋律重新创作、改编为管弦乐曲:《炎黄风情中国民歌主题24首管弦乐曲》,《走西口》被编入第六组曲《太行春秋》中,她如泣如诉地择发了一对新婚夫妇生离死别的悲苦与近代山西人出外谋生的艰率,旋律优美、忧伤,令人心酸。 "Zou Xikou" (Through the Western Pass) is a folk song from Hequ County, northwestern Shanxi (bordering Shaanxi province to the west and Inner Mongolia to the northwest), which is said to have been passed down for a hundred years. In 1991, the famous composer Mr. Bao Yuanyi (鲍元恺, b. 1944) reimagined and adapted several widely popular folk songs into an orchestral work entitled "24 Orchestral Pieces on Themes of Chinese Folk Songs with the Spirit of the Flame Emperor and the Yellow Emperor." "Zou Xikou" was included in the sixth piece of the suite, "Spring and Autumn in the Taihang [Mountains]." It expresses the sorrow of a newlywed couple's separation and the difficulties faced by modern Shanxi people emigrating to make a living. The melody is beautiful, sad, and heartbreaking.
Uncle bao, so inspirational
oh bao... how you make me smile with your smile. you glow brighter than I could ever know.
that damn smirk
Very nice! Could you add the title of this piece and the name of its composer to the video description above?
Uncle baobao theme song 😩🎷🎷🎷
i love you uncle bao
Not to be confused with 'Son Tanto Triste'
Unnncccllle bbbaaaaooo
May Uncle BaoBao live a 100 years. ❤❤❤
Uncle bao baoo❤❤❤❤❤
thanks uncle baobao for bringing me here
I love you Uncle Bao, wishing you prosperity and health