Truth Baptist
Truth Baptist
  • Видео 947
  • Просмотров 319 882
Fishers of Men (I Peter 1): Who & How
Oct. 2, 2024, Wednesday night Bible study at Truth Baptist Church.
1 Peter 1:2 "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied."
#truth #truthlewiston #truthmatters #bible #faith #christ #christian #evangelism #peter #Ipeter #persecution #grace #trial #gracethroughfaith #salvation #chosen #belief #election #predistination #calvinism #calvinist #reformed #reformedtheology
Просмотров: 72


Faith like Enoch
Просмотров 7114 часов назад
Sept. 29, 2024, Sunday morning service at Truth Baptist Church. Hebrews 11:5 "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." #truth #truthmatters #truthlewiston #faith #faithmatters #courage #couragematters #joshua #christian #christiangrowth #rahab #jericho #s...
Liberty & Legalism: What About Pastors?
Просмотров 7914 часов назад
Sept. 29, 2024, Sunday morning Bible study at Truth Baptist Church. 1 Peter 5:1-4 "The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Ne...
Fishers of Men (I Peter Intro): In Fair or Foul Weather
Просмотров 8321 час назад
Sept. 25, 2024, Wednesday night Bible study at Truth Baptist Church. 1 Peter 5:12 "By Silvanus, a faithful brother unto you, as I suppose, I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand." #truth #truthlewiston #truthmatters #bible #faith #christ #christian #evangelism #peter #Ipeter #persecution #grace #trial #gracethroughfaith #storms #peace
Faith like Abel
Просмотров 69День назад
Sept. 22, 2024, Sunday morning service at Truth Baptist Church. Hebrews 11:4 "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh." #truth #truthmatters #truthlewiston #faith #faithmatters #courage #couragematters #joshua #christian #christiangrowth #rahab #jeri...
All Religions Lead to God?
Просмотров 163День назад
Sept. 22, 2024, Sunday morning Bible study at Truth Baptist Church. 1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" #truth #truthlewiston #truthmatters #catholic #pope #catholicism #papal #romancatholic #vatican #mariolatry #idolatry #salvation #christ #salvationbygracethroughfaith
The Importance of God's Words, Part 2
Просмотров 8914 дней назад
Sept. 18, 2024, Wednesday night Bible study at Truth Baptist Church. Ephesians 1:13 "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise," #truth #truthlewiston #truthmatters #bible #godsword #scripture #kjv #translation #preservation #inspiration #trust #stability #pow...
Reaching the Community
Просмотров 6214 дней назад
Sept. 15, 2024, Sunday evening service at Truth Baptist Church. Romans 10:15 "And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" #truth #truthlewiston #truthmatters #gospel #community #reachingthelost #reachingthecommunity #souls #christ #salvation #salvationbygracethroughf...
Faith like Gideon
Просмотров 8214 дней назад
Sept. 16, 2024, Sunday morning service at Truth Baptist Church. Judges 6:27 "Then Gideon took ten men of his servants, and did as the Lord had said unto him: and so it was, because he feared his father's household, and the men of the city, that he could not do it by day, that he did it by night." #truth #truthmatters #truthlewiston #faith #faithmatters #courage #couragematters #joshua #christia...
Abortion: Shedding Innocent Blood
Просмотров 11714 дней назад
Sept. 15, 2024, Sunday morning Bible study at Truth Baptist Church. #truth #truthlewiston #truthmatters #abortion #babies #innocent #innocentblood #sheddinginnocentblood #abolition #mybodymychoice #righttochoose #healthcare #abortionishealthcare #abortioniswrong #abortionissin #seekchrist #forgiveness #salvation
The Importance of God's Words, Part 1
Просмотров 8421 день назад
Sept. 11, 2024, Wednesday night Bible study at Truth Baptist Church. John 6:63 "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." #truth #truthlewiston #truthmatters #bible #godsword #scripture #kjv #translation #preservation #inspiration #trust #stability #power #life #eternallife
Faith like Moses
Просмотров 10321 день назад
Sept. 8, 2024, Sunday morning service at Truth Baptist Church. Hebrews 11:24-26 "By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recomp...
Learning to Trust God
Просмотров 11121 день назад
Sept. 8, 2024, Sunday morning adult Bible study at Truth Baptist Church. Psalm 57:1 "Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast." #truth #truthlewiston #truthmatters #trust #trustmatters #trustgod #ingodwetrust #christian #christiangrowth
III John: The Final Exam
Просмотров 65Месяц назад
Sept. 4, 2024, Wednesday night Bible study at Truth Baptist church. 3 John 11-12 "Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record; and ye know that our record is true." #truth #truthlewiston #truthmatters #love #love...
Walking on Water
Просмотров 86Месяц назад
Sept. 1, 2024, Sunday evening service at Truth Baptist Church. Sermon by Deacon Brett Fowler.
Faith like Rahab
Просмотров 125Месяц назад
Faith like Rahab
Liberty & Legalism: Homeschool or Public School?
Просмотров 106Месяц назад
Liberty & Legalism: Homeschool or Public School?
III John: Real Love is to Help the Truth
Просмотров 49Месяц назад
III John: Real Love is to Help the Truth
Просмотров 177Месяц назад
Faith like Joshua
Просмотров 128Месяц назад
Faith like Joshua
Liberty & Legalism: Cults, Convents & Coffee
Просмотров 133Месяц назад
Liberty & Legalism: Cults, Convents & Coffee
II John: Real Love is to Speak Face to Face
Просмотров 100Месяц назад
II John: Real Love is to Speak Face to Face
Swallowing a Camel
Просмотров 120Месяц назад
Swallowing a Camel
Liberty & Legalism: Is Marriage Until Death Legalism?
Просмотров 304Месяц назад
Liberty & Legalism: Is Marriage Until Death Legalism?
II John: Real Love is to Trust but Verify
Просмотров 81Месяц назад
II John: Real Love is to Trust but Verify
Smart But Not Wise
Просмотров 168Месяц назад
Smart But Not Wise
Liberty & Legalism: Praise Songs & Drum Beats
Просмотров 134Месяц назад
Liberty & Legalism: Praise Songs & Drum Beats
II John: Real Love is to Mold & Be Molded
Просмотров 77Месяц назад
II John: Real Love is to Mold & Be Molded
How to Live Your Best Life
Просмотров 1372 месяца назад
How to Live Your Best Life
Liberty & Legalism: Hair, Hormones & Effeminism
Просмотров 1402 месяца назад
Liberty & Legalism: Hair, Hormones & Effeminism


  • @andrab1287
    @andrab1287 4 часа назад

    Great stuff! Keep on preaching the gospel brother, because it is the power of God for the salvation of those who believe. Of course faith is important and God expects us to have faith in Him and His word. Faith has always been the principle God used when dealing with people. Abrahaam pleased God because he had faith, and he became the father of believers. Jesus rebuked those who did not have faith in Him because they could have had faith and be saved, but they refused (chose not to). If faith is a gift from God and only some receive it, why would Jesus (and God's word in general) rebuke those who do not have it? Because it's on them: they are responsible.

  • @louskimming4371
    @louskimming4371 6 часов назад

    Anything that isn't anthropogenic makes someone other than me the ultimate authority. We can't have that now, can we? My God is...... Whatever, the God of all is sovereign and couldn't not be sovereign. These folks are happy in their hatred of God.

  • @besratbekele1032
    @besratbekele1032 День назад

    Brother, you were supposed to steelman the arguments of the position you criticize as opposed to engaging with a caricature (a strawman). You're doing a disservice to the congregation God entrusted you with. For anyone interested:видео.htmlвидео.html

  • @iamthasecond
    @iamthasecond 2 дня назад

    Ive heard quite a few people poorly attempt to explain why reformed theology is evil... this is the uncontested winner. Absolutely mangling of the perspective, using human centered axioms, and didn't even say Baucham correctly 💀. This dude.

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston День назад

      You have a valid critique regarding Baucham, but the rest of your complaint is empty. Please give your best example of how this misrepresents reformed theology.

    • @iamthasecond
      @iamthasecond 16 часов назад

      @TruthLewiston Oh. You responded! I usually don't get a desire for a response on these issues, so much appreciated. That said, here's why. • First, already on the wrong axiomatic wavelength by using human-human relationships to describe God's relationship to humanity. God is Eternal, unbound by the universe, the creator of all, the knower of all, and purposeful in everything He does. He is not a human. He is not capable of "force" by definition. He does not operate physically or mentally, He operates spiritually. Therefore, this example is flawed from the get go. • Second, if in this example the pastor is representing God, and his house is the universe/world, He would not have needed to have "brought them over to his house." God would have created them there initially, for a purpose, and have decided to do so before the foundation of the world. There is no force involved. Gods creation of humanity is not by definition forceful, and if it were, the fact that anything exists at all without God consulting His creation about their perspective on their creation would be equally forceful, but God is obviously never criticized for being God in this manner. Overall, this is not an accurate representation of God's relationship to humanity from eternity past til eternity future. • Third, assuming the traintrack analogy makes sense, which it doesn't, it is not an accurate understanding of God's relationship to humanity yet again. God decreed the universal course of operations, correct. Men love the darkness rather than the light, correct. However, God did not predetermine their evil, but instead the capacity for evil. Since God is the only eternally perfect being in existence, and intends to keep it that way, He cannot create perfect beings that choose to serve Him independent of His direct intervention. Therefore, as naturally imperfect beings, God created humanity with the capacity to sin, but not the sin itself. Sinfulness varies relatively widely, and this is the only reasonable ramification of an imperfect reality created by a perfect God. Otherwise, God wouldn't have created anything at all, given that He cannot create something that is inherently perfect like Him. This is the beauty of our God, always working His perfect purposes to their perfect completion through imperfect beings. He is absolutely not wicked in creating imperfect things and people for His perfect purposes that will be achieved for His glory and the good of His elect. • Fourth, the sinner is not aware of the predicament of their impending doom. The "reprobate" live as if there's nothing after death. This life is all there is, and pleasure must be maximized. This is the love of the darkness. They are totally unaware of the train rumbling down the tracks towards them. • Fifth, the idea that God has the free gift interaction within time as if He hadn't predetermined before time who He would give that gift to makes His upcoming decision way to finite. God isn't dangling the gift over the head of the reprobate. He never was, because they never even contemplated needing it, and never sought to want it. This is again a shallow understanding of the sovereignty and nature of God and His relationship to humanity. • Sixth, God is not forcing the elect to respond to Him, He's empowering them to respond to Him. Force does not apply to God, He isn't bound by the universe. Nonetheless, He is impacting the response of the elect to His Freedom from a spiritual perspective, regenerating their hearts so they can desire to glorify Him in righteousness rather than glorify Him in their wickedness. The spirits we subject ourselves to influence the thoughts that we freely speak. God isn't "moving Bobby's lips." He's changing Bobby's desires from a heart perspective, and that impacts Bobby's words by extension. • Seventh, after regeneration, Bobby is not "forced" to praise God. He freely does so with His new ability to desire and live in righteousness, something that the non elect do not possess. Bobby enjoys worshipping His creator, because His creator has given him His Holy Spirit, and the multiplicity of spiritual benefits that make Bobby thankful for God's regeneration and grace. • Eigth, the idea that God is calling out to, pleading with, and/or commanding Joey desperately to accept the gift of faith is the clearest demonstration of the accusation I made earlier. You simply don't understand the axioms of reformed theology. You're applying a human centered, scope limited perspective to a theology that demands a God centered, scope appropriate understanding. God understands that the reprobate will not hear His voice. This is the inherent ramification of humanity being naturally imperfect. They do not seek to do so!! God is not wasting His time calling out to people who He knows do not seek Him. He has given Joey over to His depravity, selfish ambition, and desire for wickedness and pleasure seeking, and He has done so in order to demonstrate the anger, wrath, and justice aspects of His character, through which He derives glory in doing. God is not to be blamed for leaving humanity in their inherent state of disobedience, regardless of their age. He created everything and everyone for a perfect purpose that they will fulfill perfectly. Everything plays it's role to perfection. • Ninth, again, you've defined a concept incorrectly. When scripture says that God wants the children to come to Him, this is not Him making a plea with children. It's God demonstrating a character trait necessary to be in the Kingdom of God. Child-like faith is an absolute must. You've overpracticalized the scripture. Everyone is deserving of receiving a traintrack smashing, children, the elderly, and everyone in between. The real question is, why would God give the gift of faith to anyone at all? The answer to that is clear in Ezekiel 36: For the sake of His name, His fame, and His glory, not because of anything we did or could do. God is totally good. We are totally not. That's a basic critique. And the issue isn't that the rationale of this anti reformed perspective is wrong. It's actually good rationale. The only issue is that you can have the most perfectly reasoned argument in the world, but if it's axiomatic foundation is a toothpick, ya ain't got much 🤷🏽‍♂️.

  • @Millis77
    @Millis77 3 дня назад

    I’m so grateful for your sermons and I’ve learned so much from them. You’re truly an amazing answer to prayer!

  • @garyFollowerOfTheLamb.Rev14.4
    @garyFollowerOfTheLamb.Rev14.4 3 дня назад

    But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: (Ep. 2:4-5,8)

  • @garyFollowerOfTheLamb.Rev14.4
    @garyFollowerOfTheLamb.Rev14.4 3 дня назад

    The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. (Pr. 16:4)

  • @realmermaidman
    @realmermaidman 3 дня назад

    “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, TO THE TWELVE TRIBES which are scattered abroad, greeting.” ‭‭ - James‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬ “Ye see then how that BY WORKS A MAN IS JUSTIFIED, and not by faith only.” ‭‭ - James‬ ‭2‬:‭24‬ I made some of the words a little larger for you in case you have trouble reading. If you can’t understand something so plain and simple you’re simply too dumb to get it. Dr. Ruckman and Les Feldick were both saved sinners and faithful servants of Jesus Christ. Well if some effeminate pastor thinks they were heretics, so what? I’d much rather be a heretic with a pair of balls like those two than a cuck like you who doesn’t know how to rightly divide the word of truth, let alone read it.

  • @darthjedi99
    @darthjedi99 3 дня назад

    Dave Ramsey makes his money off his courses, thank you for good preaching.

  • @StevenAnderson-1611
    @StevenAnderson-1611 4 дня назад

    pull up

  • @eriste7879
    @eriste7879 6 дней назад

    The opening analogy is spot on. Calvinists will of course say it’s wrong. They’ll throw out their old faithful: “you just don’t understand Calvinism!”. Either they don’t actually understand Calvinism, or they have a watered down and therefore incorrect view of Calvinism. If not this, then they are an unknowing victim or a willing participant of double think. Calvin himself wrestled with these inconsistencies but apparently couldn’t bring himself to admit he was wrong. Instead, he proclaimed these inconsistencies were true due to mystery.

  • @dereklangseth9485
    @dereklangseth9485 6 дней назад

    Need pastors that preach against sin, even sin in particular.

  • @Kartoom
    @Kartoom 9 дней назад

    What a moron.

  • @dtaase
    @dtaase 9 дней назад

    This guy has no idea what he's talking about.

  • @nealdoster8556
    @nealdoster8556 10 дней назад

    Grace to you Logan The reason an independent Bible believing Baptist doesn't call for those married to another after divorce (as Jesus stated) to then divorce their present spouse is because they interpret Jesus from the biblical precedents to which He referred and not from the false suppositions you add to God's Word. After a man divorced his wife she could not return to him if in the intervening time she had remarried. There was NO divorcing one's present spouse for repentance sake as you falsely believe. After the fact they were bound to their present spouse and NOT their former. In God's Word divorce and remarriage were actual events that changed marital status as the law of Deuteronomy 24:1-4 reveals. Your interpretation of Jesus has numerous presuppositions that denies those facts, right? So instead of interpreting Jesus from your presuppositions, start from the biblical facts of divorce and remarriage being actual events that changed marital status. That way you can properly understand why those divorced and remarried are caused to commit an act of adultery against the former spouse (Mark 10:11). Also Herod and Herodias had not confessed their sin (when John rebuked them) so you are creating a hypothetical narrative in this "short" different then the text. You create a different narrative by exchanging John's reference to the law that governed Israel to that of principles of marriage. If you had realized the actual law Herod had violated there would be no need to exchange his reference to something he didn't even mention, right? Therefore Herod and Herodias situation was NOT the same as those who had not violated the law by divorce and remarriage. Blessings

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 9 дней назад

      You're making things up. If Herod and Herodias had confessed their sin, the marriage would be OK? If gay men confess their sin is their gay marriage OK too? Stupidity. No, the truth is that God made marriage, man made divorce. God never recognizes the divorce of men. He only rebukes it, just as John the Baptist did. What part of these words makes you think otherwise? Matt. 6:31-32 "It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you..." Matt. 19:8 "He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so." Jeremiah 3:1 "They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the Lord." Malachi 2:16 "For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the Lord of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously." Does this sound anything like the Mosaic law? No. Yet evil men like you continue to apply Mosaic law to make excuses for sin. Shame on you. Deut. 24:1 "When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house."

    • @nealdoster8556
      @nealdoster8556 6 дней назад

      @@TruthLewiston Hi Logan None of the verses you posted compels me to read them "as if" the other Prophets or Jesus contradicted the law God gave through Moses. Which in turn reveals you read your own ideas into scripture (eisegesis interpretation) instead of reading out of scripture (exegete). You state to me, "You're making things up. If Herod and Herodias had confessed their sin, the marriage would be OK? If gay men confess their sin is their gay marriage OK too? Stupidity." The "Stupidity" is created by you posing these questions "as if" you know my answer to them, but the truth is you obviously DON'T !!! I've NEVER stated that Herod and Herodias relationship was "OK", nor do I make the mistake of thinking that individuals of the same gender can actually be married. I also do NOT start with the presupposition that heterosexual marriage and homosexual "marriage" is comparing apples to apples, it's NOT. You should NOT conflate the two ideas as the same. Of course I would be wrong if God recognize "gay marriages" as marriages. You conflate the two because you start with the false supposition (as evidenced in your last response) that "God never recognizes the divorce of men" which I'll address shortly. So your conflation would be erroneous if God does recognize divorce and remarriage, correct? You state, "No, the truth is that God made marriage, man made divorce." The truth is Jesus revealed the existence of both having specifically stated that divorce did not exist in the beginning but was conceded to Israel (later) because of their hard hearts (Matthew 19:8). Your teaching follows David Pawson's false supposition of "indissoluble marriage" and NOT that of what Christ revealed Himself. Stop following Pastor Pawson and trust what the scriptures reveal instead. While God's Word does reveal that God designed marriage for life, it does NOT teach marriage cannot end (by divorce) as falsely believe by Pastor Pawson. That theory kept him from seeing the simple point Jesus made about divorce itself, just like you. You state, "God never recognizes the divorce of men. He only rebukes it, just as John the Baptist did." First, you start with the false supposition that John's rebuke was about divorce itself and not the violation of the near kin law of Leviticus 18:16 which reads “16 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife: it is thy brother's nakedness”. Thus by starting from a false premise (that overlooks what John actually rebuked) you end up with a false basis of reasoning that makes John's rebuke something it was NOT. Secondly, your supposition that "God never recognizes the divorce of men" is also false because His law in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 reveals that divorce is an effective event that is recognized. It would be ludicrous to extract God from the VERY law that He gave to govern His covenant people Israel. Also Ezra 10:11 reveals divorce was "God's pleasure" which would be impossible if He didn't recognize divorce, right? You state, "Does this sound anything like the Mosaic law? No. Yet evil men like you continue to apply Mosaic law to make excuses for sin. Shame on you." Once again you start from false suppositions because I never make excuses for sin and I only apply "Mosaic law" where the CONTEXT reveals it's applicable. It would be beneficial for you to start observing God's Word from the chronological facts instead of randomly selecting scriptures to support your false suppositions. Blessings and praying for your repentance for calling Believers "fools", "evil men" "Shameful" for defending God's Word over against false teaching. All of those who name the name of Christ should except correction.

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 4 дня назад

      @@nealdoster8556 No, Ezra 10:11 does not teach God takes pleasure in divorce. It doesn't even mention the Mosaic bill of divorce. It simply tells them to get away from women that God forbid them from being with. It is actually a proof text for ending adulterous marriages today that God does not recognize. As for Herod and Herodias, according to Mosaic Law (Deut. 24) their former marriages would be over because they both had divorced. Lev. 18:16 would not even apply. And what part of this isn't a contradiction? He says "but"... He doesn't say "and" Matthew 5:31-32 "It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you..."

    • @nealdoster8556
      @nealdoster8556 3 дня назад

      @@TruthLewiston Grace to you Logan You state, “No, Ezra 10:11 does not teach God takes pleasure in divorce.” I agree because that wasn’t what I said. My point was that divorce was God’s will in this case, thus His pleasure for them to end their marriages. Not that God enjoyed breaking up families for the fun of it. See the difference? You state, “It doesn't even mention the Mosaic bill of divorce.” That’s true “but I say unto you” that there are numerous passages of scripture that deal with divorce but doesn’t mention the “bill of divorce” itself (including one’s that you have posted). We don’t need for the inspired writer to mention the whole process of divorce for them to be speaking of divorce, right? You state, “It simply tells them to get away from women that God forbid them from being with.” Question, who were these “women” in relation to these men? Answer, their wives !!! This is NOT mere separation where the marriage remains intact, rather families are being dissolved here. What’s more interesting about your comment is the fact that you are toning down the language (NOT to exegete the text) but rather to suggest that marriages are not actually being dissolved, right? You state, “It is actually a proof text for ending adulterous marriages today that God does not recognize.” If you actually had “a proof text” where it actually said “God does not recognize” marriage after divorce you would be correct. Neither Ezra 10 or Matthew 5, Matthew 19, Mark 10, Luke 16, 1 Cor. 7, Romans 7 or ANY other verse states that God does not recognize marriages after divorce. That theory was derived NOT from the biblical precedents to which Jesus referred where we can see marriage after divorce, rather from the false conclusion Pastor’s like David Pawson makes when they determine adultery cannot follow a terminated marriage as Jesus described. Don’t you realize by now that was the very supposition Jesus was correcting? You’re going to have to decide (as a Pastor) if you are going to be faithful to the text (God’s Word) or if you’re going to force fit your “indissoluble marriage” theory into passages for the sake of saving face. Stop starting from a false premise and start from the truths of God’s Word where both divorce and ensuing marriages were realities. Both Jesus and Ezra 10 are speaking of marriages recognized by God, or else Jesus Himself made a false statement !!!! Recognize instead that you are purposely using rhetoric to rob both “divorce” and “marriage” of their meaning within a given text. Recognize Logan that that line of reasoning is COMPLETELY unnecessary for properly interpreting Jesus’ teaching on this issue !!! Recognize Logan that you are extracting Jesus’ teaching from the VERY one’s to whom it was relevant. Recognize Logan that the one’s to whom it was relevant was divorced and remarried and both events are recognized by God, “but I say unto you” NOT required to end their present marriages as you contend. Recognize Logan that there is no adultery (this way) without “divorce” and “marries another” (as spoken by Jesus) preceding it. You can’t have Jesus saying one thing and interpreting Him by believing “in God’s eyes” it’s different, understand? David Pawson got it wrong Logan. You don’t have to follow all the false supposition created by thinking adultery only occurs the way Pawson concluded. The sermon on the mount corrected that false supposition by revealing two other ways one can commit adultery (Matthew 5:28, 32). Those who were caused to commit the inadvertent adultery (this way) were married to another (as Jesus states) after being divorce (as Jesus states). This way of committing adultery did not happen by “still being married to the first spouse” (another false supposition derived from a false supposition itself) and after the fact did NOT require ending the present marriage. Try interpreting “divorce” and “marries another” (as spoken by Jesus) just as literally as you do the ensuing adultery and you won't have to interpret Jesus to be in conflict with His Law. You won’t have to read your “indissoluble marriage” theory INTO the aforementioned scriptures. You will find NEEDED balance to your preaching on this issue. (continued in the next post).

    • @nealdoster8556
      @nealdoster8556 3 дня назад

      Have you ever asked yourself, why am I coming up with a radically different solution for divorce than the law? Why am I having to deny the realities of divorce and remarriage when the law did not? Why am I blaming the second marriage for the adultery when Jesus’ criticism focused on the divorce as the primal cause? The TRUTH is David Pawson’s interpretation went south when he determined adultery only occurs within a marriage. It CHANGED the VERY trajectory for properly understanding Jesus’ teaching, understand? So that left Pastor Pawson with only one alternative, think of the divorce and ensuing marriage “as if” illegitimate, thus “not a marriage in God’s eyes”, right? Isn’t that exactly how you are interpreting Jesus? You state, “As for Herod and Herodias, according to Mosaic Law (Deut. 24) their former marriages would be over because they both had divorced.” Wonderful, Wonderful, wonderful observation. Therefore we both AGREE that under the law divorce and remarriage resulted in one marriage ending and another marriage constituted. That’s what I’ve been wanting you to affirm!! Those biblical truths (along with God’s creative design for marriage / Matthew 19:8b) should be the very basis for your interpretation of Jesus’ teaching !!! Which in turn will lead you to the simple point Jesus actually made, being the divorce concession (He mentions in Matthew 19:8a) did not keep Israel from violating the one-flesh for life principle (intrinsic to marriage / Matthew 19:4-6) when they remarried. The VERY correction Jesus issued to those who wanted to know all the grounds the law allowed for divorce (Matthew 19:3) was to say that if you prematurely end your marriage (where remarriage is allowed), the one-flesh for life principle (Matthew 19:4-6) will be transgressed in the process. We all should agree that is bad, but your interpretation makes it MUCH worse, agreed? Pastor Pawson did not even consider this because he had already determined that an actual divorce would not result in adultery because the marriage would truly be dissolved. That was also the common Jewish belief in the first century (and still is) today. That supposition is exactly what Jesus was correcting in all of His references to divorce. All you have to do is believe it. Violating the one-flesh principle under the law also caused the women (who were repudiated by their former husbands) to be defiled when they remarried (Deuteronomy 24:4). If these men had not divorced their wives there would be no defilement or ensuing adultery (as Jesus revealed). Both events are real and necessary to properly interpreting Jesus. David Pawson (and every other Pastor/Teacher) CHANGES the trajectory for understanding the simple point Jesus made when they mentally cancel the divorce and second marriage, understand? After your aforementioned statement above you conclude, “Lev. 18:16 would not even apply.” Your conclusion is based in the same supposition Jesus was correcting about those who believed that divorce would prevent any kind of transgression. It didn’t, nor did divorce prevent Herod from violating the near kin law of Lev. 18:16 !!!!!! What’s so surprising about your conclusion is that you are claiming that the first marriage didn’t end so that Herod and Herodias couldn’t help but violate Lev. 18:16, correct? You ask and state, “And what part of this isn't a contradiction? He says "but"... He doesn't say "and" Matthew 5:31-32 "It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you..." So here is the question and ensuing passage of scripture that will reveal what Jesus meant in the phrase “but I say unto you” (in your above reference). Did “but” mean Jesus was supplanting the law of Moses or merely revealing that there was more to keeping the law than Israel was acknowledging? In other words does heart issues matter with God under the law or did He merely want external observances? The following text from the sermon on the mount will prove that Jesus WASN’T supplanting the law at all “but” rather affirming the heart should be motivating them to have the right attitudes towards others also. Matthew 5:21 Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. The false way to interpret Jesus here is to think He is supplanting the law regarding murder and replacing it with something else. This is the way that those who formulated the view you are defending interprets “but I say unto you” from the sermon on the mount. One Pastor (Stephen Wilcox) even interjects the theory of “abrogation” into the sermon on the mount so that his adherents believe Jesus “abrogated” the law of Moses and re-instituted the Permanence of marriage. So supposedly there is no more divorce and remarriage after the fact. This theory allows Stephen to acknowledge that both divorce and remarriage were realities under the law, so therefore he doesn’t have to maintain the “indissoluble marriage” theory for that time period which other Pastor try to do. What you need to realize is all of this is NOT necessary when one properly understands that Jesus is making an observation from the very facts of remarriage allowed after divorce was conceded. There is absolutely No reason to mentally dismiss an actual divorce and an actual second marriage in Jesus’ teaching with either theory. To do so CHANGES the VERY point Jesus actual made about marriages ending before death!!! What would happen to your view if you realized that the one-flesh principle can be transgressed when remarriage is allowed after the first marriage ended prematurely? Blessings

  • @nealdoster8556
    @nealdoster8556 10 дней назад

    Grace to you brother's and sister's in Christ In this "short" we see the reason Pastor Logan gets John's rebuke of Herod wrong because he reveals the very facts that would be true if John is actually referring to the law that governed Israel. The facts that both divorce and remarriage was allowed under the law and thus not the rebuke John was referring to. Are we to believe that God's law got it wrong or is Pastor Logan creating a new paradigm by exchanging John's reference to the law for something John did not even mention? Whenever a Prophet referred to the law (in God's Word) it was always in reference to the law given through Moses. So it is obvious that Herod had violated the near kin law of Leviticus 18 in his relationship with Herodias. The truth is John was rebuking Herod for breaking an actual law and there is no need to deny that fact within that text. To do so will only lead to a whole new narrative which indeed happens by doing so. You would have to start from some preconceived idea that John the Baptist was not referring to the law to get to Logan's interpretation. That's exactly what Logan does, starts from the presupposition that John wasn't referring to the law when in fact Herod had broken the near kin law of Leviticus 18 with an unlawful relationship with his brother's Philip's wife. "v.16 thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife". By realizing that Herod had actually broken the law we can determine the truth that divorce and remarriage in general was not the context for interpreting John's rebuke. Blessings

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 9 дней назад

      No, if John were speaking of the Mosaic Law he would apply Deut. 24 which says after a divorce a man should NEVER return to his wife. Yet here is John telling Herodias to return to Philip. The truth is that God made marriage, man made divorce. God never recognizes the divorce of men. He only rebukes it, just as John the Baptist did. God's law from the beginning of time, as preached throughout the prophets and as seen in creation, is the law John is citing. This is why he got his head cut off instead of all of the other Jews who were applying the Mosaic law. The Mosaic laws for marriage and God's laws are not the same. Stop applying the Mosaic law. Listen to Christ instead. Matt. 6:31-32 "It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you..." Matt. 19:8 "He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so." Jeremiah 3:1 "They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the Lord." Malachi 2:16 "For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the Lord of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously." Christ said to apply his teachings. Not the verse below. Stop applying the Mosaic law. Stop making excuses for sin. Shame on you. Deut. 24:1 "When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house."

    • @nealdoster8556
      @nealdoster8556 7 дней назад

      @@TruthLewiston Hi Logan Thanks for posting all the verses that proves my position right, that's because none of them state that a marriage can't end before death as you claim. Conversely while Jesus did reveal that ending a marriage prematurely carries the consequence He stated, He did NOT teach your "indissoluble marriage" theory. There is a difference in Jesus revealing what is caused by ending a marriage before death through divorce over against you claiming a marriage can't end before death. The "indissoluble marriage" theory is the VERY reason why Jesus' teaching on this issue becomes so exaggerated and the VERY reason you interject that theory into the story of Herod and Herodias !!!!!! Your view disregards Jesus' very words on how and why adultery ensues. Choosing instead to invert the meaning of "divorce" and "marries another" as spoken by Jesus. This is the fundamental error David Pawson makes when interpreting Jesus and you seemed to echo everything he taught. Stop following Pastor Pawson and believe Christ instead, believe that adultery can occur the way Jesus described Logan. Then you won't have to interject the "indissoluble marriage" theory into God's Word when you define "divorce" and "marries another" (as spoken by Jesus), just define those words as literally as you do the ensuing adultery. Then you'll get Jesus' teaching right. You state, "Yet here is John telling Herodias to return to Philip." Please share where John instructed "Herodias to return to Philip" (as you claim). I'm familiar with that story but I can't recall John ever instructing Herodias to do that. I want to see if I'm wrong about it or if you're reading your own ideas into scripture again. This is the issue I have with your teaching on divorce, you disregard biblical truth and replace it with your own ideas (same as David Pawson). This is called eisegesis interpretation, which means - the act of interpreting a text by imposing one's own ideas, or biases, rather than following the author's intended meaning. This video proves that very point because you actually admit in it that you are not interpreting John from the law he referenced, but rather are presuming he was referring to another law (which he did not reference). Your false presuppositions are the VERY reason John's rebuke of Herod gets so exaggerated. Because you exchange the law he referenced and replace it with another law he did NOT reference. Classic eisegesis !!! You tell me, "Stop applying the Mosaic law. Listen to Christ instead." It would be VERY foolish for anyone to "Stop applying the Mosaic law" to a text that was directly referring to it. Hope anyone can reason that out by knowing the biblical facts chronologically !!! Secondly I do listen to Christ and I know I don't have to interpret Him as opposed to the law He (and the Father) gave Israel through Moses. That is plain ridiculous. You state, "The Mosaic laws for marriage and God's laws are not the same." I do believe there is a distinction between marriage principles and the law of God given through Moses, but (unlike you) I do NOT claim that the Old Testament laws that governed the Nation of Israel was not "God's laws". That again would be ridiculous. I want to give you a chance to prove that John was not referring to the law given through Moses (as you claim) by asking you a simple question. You claimed that John did not rebuke Herod and Herodias for violating an actual law given through Moses. Instead you have diverted John’s rebuke to something other than the law. That's clearly stated in the video above by you. So here's the question that can prove you right and me wrong if you can properly answer it. How did Herod and Herodias avoid violating the near kin law of Leviticus 18:16 which reads “16 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife: it is thy brother's nakedness”? The TRUTH is, if they avoided breaking that law with their relationship, then John indeed wasn't referring to the Mosaic law as you claimed. Conversely if they did break that law then I'm right and you're wrong. So please explain how they avoided violating that law (as you claim). Thanks in advance.

  • @susiewoodford2047
    @susiewoodford2047 10 дней назад

    Not willing that any (of us) should perish. He is speaking to the saved.

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 10 дней назад

      @susiewoodford2047 Who need to come to repentance? That makes no sense.

    • @dtaase
      @dtaase 9 дней назад

      ​@TruthLewiston keep it in context. Verse1 - who is he talking to? Beloved. Verse 8- who is he talking to? Beloved. Verse 9- who are the you? Beloved. Who are the any? Beloved

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 9 дней назад

      @dtaase They're beloved but they haven't repented yet? A person is dead in trespasses and sins before repentance. They are enemies of the cross of Christ. That's why they need to repent.

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 9 дней назад

      @@dtaase And while you're struggling with this one, let us know what the word "all" means in this verse: Romans 5:18 "Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life."

  • @karthikr8358
    @karthikr8358 10 дней назад

    You are getting confused. Please read Romans 9, and meditate it. It is pretty very clear.

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 9 дней назад

      Which part? This part? Romans 9:33 "As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed." I have a full look at Romans 9 here:видео.html

  • @louskimming4371
    @louskimming4371 11 дней назад

    ​@truthseeker5698 if you want to tie Luther and Calvin to murders, which may well be fare, and me to them, then you buying into the Satanic belief in self salvation, necessarily ties you to the inquisitions. Turn-a-bout is fare play. Your side murdered far, far, far more than did mine. Good luck with that stupid move!

  • @pattybrockman8561
    @pattybrockman8561 12 дней назад

    You give a stupid example for family being together in church. Your scripture is not talking about that. It’s good for babies to hear preaching

  • @scottw3039
    @scottw3039 12 дней назад

    Thank you pastor, Calvanism is Satan’s twist on the truth to convince people not to evangelize since, according to Calvinists, achieving salvation is purely based on God’s choosing a person and not by one accepting what God has done that we could never do for ourself.

  • @jeanpaulgarcia9813
    @jeanpaulgarcia9813 12 дней назад

    Boi what is you saying need to explain better got us out here scratchin our heads!

  • @matthewkrupa5919
    @matthewkrupa5919 13 дней назад

    The pastor at my local church allows someone divorced and remarried as members of the church. Please pray that they repent

  • @chriscravens8318
    @chriscravens8318 14 дней назад

    Here come the Rickmanites!

  • @_Madara_.
    @_Madara_. 14 дней назад

    Your responses to these people don't seem pretty loving. Unlike other movies or shows, The chosen has helped a lot of people fully understand certain things. It helps a lot of people understand more realistically of what Jesus and the disciples have been through. It more realistic than the other shows. It actually shows the raw emotions and the obstacles Jesus and his disciples had to face. Everyone keeps looking to find something wrong about it and once they find something that looks wrong (when it isn't) they immediately call it false or bad

  • @walelignkabede5036
    @walelignkabede5036 17 дней назад

    Their nothing I can see as a contradiction on the confession I advise you to read on logic of contradiction. And on your example:-Don't try to make the guy died as innocent. Really "3" years old what is wrong with you people why do you try to raise question which is already answered in Romans 9.The answer was who are you to ask!!!

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 13 дней назад

      Try again cultist . Arrogant self centered reasoning. Typical of the reformed Calvinist.

  • @cmyarbrough61
    @cmyarbrough61 18 дней назад

    Reformed Theology had its origin in Augustine. He had been saved out of Manachanism, which is a fatalistic, deterministic philosophy. At the time, the church would not allow anyone saved out of that to serve in the church as a Bishop. For some unknown reason, an exception was made for Augustine. For the first 25 years of his faith, Augustine taught everything that the church taught about salvation. Something happened in 412 AD that changed Augustine who combined his fatalistic, deterministic philosophy with Christianity and the result is Reformed Theology which Calvin expanded...

  • @moloney_overall71
    @moloney_overall71 18 дней назад

    This is a very heretical sermon because he is giving false witness what Reformed people believe. We believe what the Bible says.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 13 дней назад

      Lolololol, try again, without your cult glasses on. Lord have mercy!

  • @richardkeeling5784
    @richardkeeling5784 18 дней назад

    You don't need the chosen TV show to go to heaven

  • @richardkeeling5784
    @richardkeeling5784 18 дней назад

    The Spirit told me this in my heart amen

  • @christiansonlycc
    @christiansonlycc 19 дней назад

    @truthlewiston Dear Pastor, I have no doubt that your heart is in the right place, and I sincerely appreciate your dedication to truth. I’d like to ask a heartfelt question, though: Do you believe that calling out other teachers in a negative light is something Christ would do? I offer this as food for thought, and I ask it in love. For most of my life-52 years, to be exact-I doubted and disliked the idea of a superior Creator. When asked if I was a Christian, I would often respond with laughter, saying something like, "No way, too many hypocrites in the church." And, as you might expect, I’d often hear the common reply, "Well, there's room for one more hypocrite, so come on in." Honestly, that only pushed me further away. But in these past two years, being around Christians more regularly, I’ve noticed that many seem to feel the need to "save" a non-believer the moment they meet them. At times, it can feel like some are eager to "flex their spiritual muscle" to show how strong their faith is. Yet, as I read Scripture, I see Jesus trying to teach believers to share the Gospel in love and encouragement. Of all people who had the right to judge or belittle, it would have been Jesus. Yet, He consistently led with love. He asked questions to invite people to discover the truth for themselves. When pride kept them from hearing His message, He didn’t force His way. Could you point me to a place where Jesus publicly called out a specific person and declared them to be wrong before others? I pray that God will guide us both through this conversation-either by educating me further or by speaking to your heart in some way through this exchange. Please know that I love you as my brother in Christ, and I ask God to pour out His love and grace on you and your loved ones. With all my heart, Oxford

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 13 дней назад

      Jesus flipped and whipped those at the temple gates , called Pharisees brood of vipers , and whitewashed tombs. Reformed Calvinists are parallels. The spirit of the christ of Calvinism is demonic.

  • @nealdoster8556
    @nealdoster8556 19 дней назад

    Grace to you Logan Your interpretation of Jesus does not follow the chronological facts nor is it derived from the biblical precedents to which He referred. You are instead randomly selecting scriptures (to build your narrative) some which did not even exist when Jesus spoke to this issue. Conversely EVERYTHING Jesus concluded was derived from the writings of Moses, not the New Testament. This is not to say that the New Testament is irrelevant, I'm merely pointing out that you don't explain Jesus' teaching from the scriptures He referred to. That's why your teaching results in a different paradigm. Your interpretation relies heavily on the KJV (which I love and was raised under) but carries ideas in a few passages that exceeds the original language. For example, the phrase "married to another man" (in Romans 7) is translated differently in other literal translations because "married" in that phrase and text is not the actual Greek word for marriage. Rather it’s “ginomai” which means “comes to be”. It's not necessary to the illustration (Paul is using) to interject remarriage, nor the supposition there's been a divorce. So the difference in interpretation is HOW the wife "comes to be" with another man and is the reason some version says "sleeps with" and others "joined to". When a Pastor's interpretation of that text becomes subject to the original language we can clearly see that Paul is merely using an illustration (in verses 2-4) about a wife who "comes to be" with another man without divorce or remarriage being part of the illustration (that it is). Thus the illustration is simple saying that if a wife has sex with another man while her husband is still alive she becomes an adulterer. Which is something EVERYBODY agrees with. Conversely your interpretation is solely dependent on the KJV because you have a different motive (than Paul) for using that text. You need a proof text to support your "indissoluble marriage" theory, right? Have you ever considered the fact that no inspired writer ever claimed that divorce does not end a marriage? Don't you find that strange considering you rely heavily on several passages that you think implies that idea? If "indissoluble marriage" was true, don't you believe that would have been the very first point set forth as a counter argument by Jesus when He was asked about divorce (Matthew 19:3)? There is actually no passages in God's Word where there is an actual argument about divorce being ineffective, the interpreter is reading that idea into the text!!!!! You will find the needed limits for what you believe when you defend "divorce" and "marries another" (as spoken by Jesus) just as literally as you do the ensuing adultery. In other words believe that adultery can ensue exactly how Jesus described. That will keep you and your wife from counseling those divorced and remarried from false supposition and keep you in harmony with the writings of Moses (to which Jesus referred). Blessings

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 19 дней назад

      No inspired writer ever claimed that divorce does not end a marriage? Does God the Father, God the Son, John the Baptist, and Paul not count? Malachi 2:14-15 "Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. And did not he make one?... For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away” Jer. 3:1 "They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the Lord." Jer. 3:8, 14 "And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce ... Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion" Mark 10:10-12 "And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery." Matt. 14:3-4 “For Herod had laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife. For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her.” 1 Cor. 7:10-11 "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife." Herod and Herodias both divorced their first spouses, yet John the Baptist said they were still married to their first spouses. Jesus plainly tells us that divorce does not end a marriage. You are very confused. Mark 10:4-9 "And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

    • @nealdoster8556
      @nealdoster8556 19 дней назад

      @@TruthLewiston None of those verses claims "divorce does not end a marriage", you are presuming that INTO those text. You are even exchanging Jesus' words "let not man put asunder" (something they were doing) and reinterpreting it to mean "can't put asunder". Thus Jesus' admonition becomes nonsensical because they supposedly can't do the very thing He was admonishing them not to do. Blessings

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 19 дней назад

      @nealdoster8556 That's your response? You have no answer for the Bible. Christ's "let not man put asunder" is an imperative statement that is followed by his teaching that divorcing and remarrying is adultery, therefore proving that the marriage still exists despite the divorce. Adultery is the sin of a married person you fool. You are decieving yourself.

    • @nealdoster8556
      @nealdoster8556 19 дней назад

      @@TruthLewiston The deception is yours for turning Jesus' words inversive. Try believing what He actually said Logan. So you admit that you do not believe adultery can ensue the way Jesus described, correct?

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 19 дней назад

      @nealdoster8556 Adultery happens when a person gets divorced and remarried. How are you struggling with this?

  • @TrexLkr
    @TrexLkr 19 дней назад

    Its a pretty good show n makes us curious about Christianity....which may led many to strt reading bible so its thumbs up for me ...

  • @GraceandTruthChurchofAthens
    @GraceandTruthChurchofAthens 19 дней назад

    I don't think I've ever heard such a misrepresentation of Reformed Theology before in my life.

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 19 дней назад

      @GraceandTruthChurchofAthens What was misrepresented? Your best example please.

    • @GraceandTruthChurchofAthens
      @GraceandTruthChurchofAthens 18 дней назад

      @@TruthLewiston I'm not interested in arguing with anyone online, with all due respect. I was just stating in my comment that the Reformed Theology and Calvinistic views of God, man, justice, grace, and the gospel were extremely misrepresented by this brother as a whole. Maybe you disagree, but I believe it's ok to state my belief about this, without having to provide a defense for what I believe... at least on this kind of platform. I don't think it would be fruitful for any of us. I'm not wimping out here, by any means. I just think that this platform allows more room for strife, than for peace, and I'm more interested in peace among all my brothers in Christ, even though we may have some strong disagreements. I simply wanted to state that the beliefs of your brothers who are Reformed and/or Calvinistic (they are two different things, not one and the same thing) were very much misrepresented by this brother who preached this sermon. None of the preachers who were mentioned by name near the beginning of this sermon believe or teach what this brother claims they believe or teach. If you disagree with that, well, I'm not going to argue with you about it. God bless you. I wish you the best.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 13 дней назад

      @@GraceandTruthChurchofAthensCalvinism has its own christ. I’m a follower of Jesus The Messiah, it is impossible to cohere these two figures.

  • @JoshuaMurr-j4d
    @JoshuaMurr-j4d 19 дней назад

    Calvanism is an excuse for unbelief.

  • @VDMpeniel
    @VDMpeniel 20 дней назад


  • @Letstalktheology1
    @Letstalktheology1 21 день назад

    This is excellent.

  • @roebbiej
    @roebbiej 22 дня назад

    Finally someone said it plainly

  • @johnholquin9737
    @johnholquin9737 23 дня назад

    I'm not reformed, but you are not doing a good job at teaching.

  • @bobwood5146
    @bobwood5146 24 дня назад

    Goodness ---it is hard to listen to this complete lack of understanding of biblical truth and doctrine.

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 24 дня назад

      @@bobwood5146 Please provide your best example of how this is a lack of Biblical understanding.

  • @bobwood5146
    @bobwood5146 24 дня назад

    You folks just have trouble believing the truth that God tells you in His word. In Adam all die---PERIOD. You don't believe this even though everything in history and daily reality illustrates this biblical truth. In this spiritually dead state, you do not have the inclination or the ability to receive any kind of spiritually enlightening data as the word tells you over and over. So, the only answer for you is the last Adam. Just like you had nothing to do with your being guilty from your father Adam you had nothing to do with what the last Adam did for you. You had nothing to do with being born by your parents. God had everything to do with your being born by your parents. Jesus had to explain to Nicodemus that he had to be "born again" but that spiritual birth [salvation] was of and by and through the Holy Spirit which was like the wind and a human has no control over it just like you had no control of being consigned to hell by your father Adam. I know you don't want to believe that you are guilty from birth [actually even before birth your physical birth] and you are powerless to solve that problem. Only God, through Christ by the Gospel can deliver you and He does "not need your permission" to save a spiritual dead person who is under the curse of sin. Why is it hard for you to understand that you were "dead" in trespasses and sins. Thats right--- dead and guilty with no way out. You became a "believer" because you heard the Gospel. When you heard the Gospel, you were supernaturally spiritually awakened BORN AGAIN from a dead state. Now "after being awakened" you can and do embrace God with a new spiritually awakened introduction into His truth and reality.

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 23 дня назад

      Reread John 3. Christ likens being born again to people looking in faith to the brazen serpent to be healed. That's all it takes. No works, no glorying, just enough faith to look to Christ. And how we we get faith? By random chance? No, by God's Holy Word. Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Hearing God's word and believing IS being born again. Peter tells us this explicitly. 1 Peter 1:23 "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever."

  • @ep379
    @ep379 24 дня назад

    Only we have the right faith........

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 23 дня назад

      1 Tim. 2:5 "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;"

    • @ep379
      @ep379 23 дня назад

      ? A really good answer 🙏🔥

  • @Дмитрийхристианин

    Sometimes I am thinking when Calvin came to heaven he was probably surprised that there is no Calvinist or Arminians, only children of God

  • @Дмитрийхристианин

    We have only one Bible but everybody understands it differently

  • @Christreality
    @Christreality 25 дней назад

    'unheard of, absurd...' -(Fiddler on the Roof) :) /// Sovereign "Grace Greater Than All Our Sin"видео.htmlвидео.html

    @KPHVAC 26 дней назад

    Thank you for this message!! This makes complete sense to me.

  • @grant2149
    @grant2149 26 дней назад

    Amen Pastor Login🙏🇿🇦

  • @AlanDeMoss
    @AlanDeMoss 26 дней назад

    Calvinistic Christians drove me to deconstruct my faith and I ultimately became nihilistic. I was excommunicated and ostracized and became homeless for a year. Only by glory and grace did I find my way back to a place where Jesus could take me and heal my soul. I was broken and suffering passive unaliving myself ideation. In an instant last week the Holy Spirit took that darkness from me and pointed clear my path. I cried in joy and relief for the grace he allowed me to experience. I am now on a mission to expose Calvinism for the Anti-Christ Spirit it holds and harms with. It's the most diabolical interpretation of scripture in existence. I pray all decent people call these Charltons out for the tricksters they are. Love in Christ

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 13 дней назад

      Mercy, calvinists reformers as a whole are horrific

    • @AlanDeMoss
      @AlanDeMoss 13 дней назад

      @@truthseeker5698 they are the great apostasy

    • @louskimming4371
      @louskimming4371 11 дней назад

      @AlanDeMoss don't go to the Greek, or buy a good concordance if you really want to follow Satan. Calvanism didn't drive you to atheism/nihilism. You did. It's more likely your realization that you actually hate God did. Why wouldn't a sound church excommunicate someone who proclaimed belief, then came clean and refuted their belief? You made your choices, and blame others for it. I don't doubt for a second that a spirit is motivating you, but as you refute Jesus, Paul, and ultimately God, it isn't the Holy Spirit.

    • @iamthasecond
      @iamthasecond 16 часов назад

      @AlanDeMoss You didn't understand the doctrine then, and you just espoused a fairly common Calvinist idea 😂. It's not in the least diabolical when understood from the perspective that the universe exists for God's glory, not humanity's sake.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 15 часов назад

      @@iamthasecond Yes, put on those calvie lenses , devoid of relational basics , where prayer is a trite meaningless facade, sola de closed theists for their gods glory. Such Ridiculousnss bro!

  • @saab952001
    @saab952001 26 дней назад

    Would you debate the reformed pastors you named?

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 26 дней назад


    • @saab952001
      @saab952001 26 дней назад

      @@TruthLewiston you should contact them and arrange for a debate

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 23 дня назад

      @@saab952001 They'd probably only do it if enough people called for it. Please help us make the case! Contact them too!

  • @tsfurlan
    @tsfurlan 28 дней назад

    Paul said we need to be all things to all people all the chosen does is fill in some other stuff in Jesus life that probably happened

    • @TruthLewiston
      @TruthLewiston 23 дня назад

      This is what Paul said and would say today: Gal. 1:8 "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." The mormons behind the show and the catholic who plays Christ preach a different gospel!