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2 Kings Chapter 13
Jehoahaz and his successors reign in wickedness in Israel-Elisha proph-esies that Joash will defeat Syria- Elisha dies-A dead Israelite is re-stored to life after touching Elisha’s bones.
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2 Kings Chapter 12
Просмотров 2Месяц назад
Jehoash (Joash) reigns in righteous-ness-The breaches in the temple are repaired-The safety of Jerusalem is purchased with the hallowed things in the temple-Joash is slain and Ama­ ziah reigns.
2 Kings Chapter 11
Просмотров 1Месяц назад
Athaliah destroys the royal family in Judah and reigns herself in Judah- Joash is preserved and crowned king when seven years old-Jehoiada the priest destroys the house of Baal.
2 Kings Chapter 10
Просмотров 4Месяц назад
Ahab’s seventy sons are slain-Jehu destroys the house of Ahab and all the worshippers of Baal, but he continues to worship the golden calves in Bethel and Dan.
2 Kings Chapter 9
Просмотров 9Месяц назад
A prophet anoints Jehu king over Israel and prophesies the destruction of the house of Ahab and the death of Jeze­ bel-Jehu kills Joram in the field of Naboth-Jezebel is killed by Jehu and is eaten by dogs.
2 Kings Chapter 8
Просмотров 11Месяц назад
Elisha prophesies a seven-year famine- The Shunammite woman is preserved through the famine-Jehoram and then Ahaziah reign in wickedness in Judah.
2 Kings Chapter 7
Просмотров 23Месяц назад
Elisha prophesies incredible plenty in Sa-maria-The Syrian hosts flee at a noise of battle and leave their possessions-Is-rael takes spoil from the Syrians.
2 Kings Chapter 6
Просмотров 4Месяц назад
Elisha causes an ax to float-He re-veals to the king how to conduct a war with Syria-Horses and chariots of fire protect Elisha-The Syrians are smitten with blindness-Benhadad be-sieges Samaria, and foodstuff sells for a great price.
2 Kings Chapter 5
Просмотров 22 месяца назад
Naaman, the Syrian, comes to Elisha to be healed of leprosy-He rejects the prophet’s instruction at first but relents and dips himself in the Jordan seven times; he is healed-Elisha refuses to accept a reward-Gehazi accepts a gift from Naaman and is cursed with leprosy.
2 Kings Chapter 4
Просмотров 42 месяца назад
Elisha multiplies the widow’s oil- He promises a son to a Shunammite woman-The child dies and is raised to life by Elisha-He makes the poisonous food harmless-Bread and grain are multiplied for the people to eat.
2 Kings Chapter 3
Просмотров 42 месяца назад
Jehoram of Israel and Jehoshaphat of Judah join forces against Moab-Elisha promises them water for their animals and victory in the war-The Moabites are defeated.
2 Kings Chapter 2
Просмотров 45 месяцев назад
Elisha and the prophets know that Elijah is to be translated-Elijah divides the waters of the Jordan and is taken up into heaven in a whirlwind-The mantle of Elijah falls on Elisha, who also di-vides the waters of the Jordan-Elisha heals the waters of Jericho-Youths are torn by bears for mocking Elisha.
2 Kings Chapter 1
Просмотров 25 месяцев назад
Ahaziah turns to Baalzebub to learn if he will live-Elijah prophesies Ahazi­ ah’s death-Elijah calls down fire from heaven to consume the soldiers sent to apprehend him.
1 Kings Chapter 22
Просмотров 435 месяцев назад
Jehoshaphat of Judah and Ahab of Israel join forces against Syria-Ahab’s proph-ets foretell success-Micaiah foretells the defeat and death of Ahab-Ahab is slain and dogs lick up his blood- Jehoshaphat reigns in righteousness in Judah-Ahaziah reigns in Israel and serves Baal.
1 Kings Chapter 21
Просмотров 95 месяцев назад
Ahab desires the vineyard of Naboth- Jezebel arranges for false witnesses, and Naboth is stoned for blasphemy-Elijah prophesies that Ahab and Jezebel and their house will be destroyed.
1 Kings Chapter 20
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1 Kings Chapter 20
1 Kings Chapter 19
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1 Kings Chapter 19
1 Kings Chapter 18
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1 Kings Chapter 18
1 Kings Chapter 17
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1 Kings Chapter 17
1 Kings Chapter 16
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1 Kings Chapter 16
1 Kings Chapter 15
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1 Kings Chapter 15
1 Kings Chapter 14
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1 Kings Chapter 14
1 Kings Chapter 13
6 месяцев назад
1 Kings Chapter 13
1 Kings Chapter 12
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1 Kings Chapter 12
1 Kings Chapter 11
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1 Kings Chapter 11
1 Kings Chapter 10
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1 Kings Chapter 10
1 Kings Chapter 9
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1 Kings Chapter 9
1 Kings Chapter 8
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1 Kings Chapter 8
1 Kings Chapter 7
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1 Kings Chapter 7
1 Kings Chapter 6
Просмотров 36 месяцев назад
1 Kings Chapter 6