- Видео 10
- Просмотров 5 187
Alexandre Tchikalov
Добавлен 21 сен 2010
Sailing summer flight fun on Grabner HappyCat Evolution, 28 km/h max
Sailing fun on Grabner HappyCat Evolution inflatable. Lake Ontario. Aug 2020. SOG max 28 km/h or 15.12 kt is tracked by GPS. Wind 15-20kt.
Просмотров: 862
Susan Hood Ontario race, 2023 06 04
Просмотров 11610 месяцев назад
Credit to my daughter Maria - great photographer and crew member for the video. Great THSC crew, 4th place in the race
one day of sailing into late summer
Просмотров 1133 года назад
Just one late summer day of relaxing sailing lake Ontario Credit to my daughter Maria as a great photographer and crew member
Speed sailing 25 km/h, HappyCat Evo catamaran on lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.4 года назад
Sailing Grabner HappyCat Evolution inflatable catamaran on the lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada. it was fun. Video was captured in Sept 2016, GoPro3, GPX track was overlaid by DashWare. Revamped lately with Lightworks.
Solo kayaking on McRae lake June 2017
Просмотров 174 года назад
Beautiful McRae lake of Ontario. Drone attempt. Quiet, peaceful, slow motion. Seaeagle Paddleski kayak, couple of portages.
washing sails
Просмотров 2174 года назад
washing sails... opening season 2020 on Gingersnap GPS tracking speed was 10.08 knots
Quiet misty Ontario sunset @ABYC July 2019
Просмотров 194 года назад
Quiet misty Ontario sunset @ABYC July 2019
Speed sailing 25km/h HappyCat @Ontario Sept 2019. Revamped video.
Просмотров 1954 года назад
Speed sailing HappyCat at max 25 km/h on Ontario lake September 2019 Video is revamped in 2020
Speed sailing 25km/h HappyCat @Ontario Sept 2019
Просмотров 3765 лет назад
Speed sailing HappyCat at max 25 km/h on Ontario lake September 2019 (first version, updated video ruclips.net/video/ZgAcFg6k-jg/видео.html)
Kompliment 👍, das war auch für mich mein bisheriger Bestwert. Allerdings habe ich dann nicht noch nebenbei gefilmt oder fotografiert 😉. Kleiner Tipp: Dass dein Gennaker so lose untergebracht ist und bei Wind herausstellt, ist hoch riskant, wenn er plötzlich herausgerissen wird. Schade, dass deine Fock keinen Achterliek-Spanner hat und damit ruhiger steht.
yes I know, wind came from almost 0 to 15-20kt in few min and I used that chance to ride on the flat water with pretty good wind going from the lake (which means steady). But thank you though, you have sharp eye.
Саша, круто!👍👍👍
Alexandre Tchikalov - You are so good sailor with the Evo. You are able to bring all the good qualities forward. Very impressive and I am watching now a second time to catch your technique. I drive Hurricane but I learn much more from you. Thank you!
Thanks for posting this. I am thinking about buying one of these so I can sail when my husband is kiting; so I was very interested to see that there was a kite out while you were sailing; and also that you were able to get good speed without flying a hull. Looks like a blast!
Уютно получилось! По-домашнему тепло
Саша, очень маленький крен, нужно на пару градусов больше, а то паруса плохо моются.. )))
Это да :-), но Машка уже местами подвизгивать начала, она и снимала. Просмотрели порыв ветра :-)
@@AlexandreTchikalov Но выглядит очень эпично! )))