Smart Ovaries
Smart Ovaries
  • Видео 58
  • Просмотров 56 896
Oral health during Pregnancy is Very important | Dr Jibran on Smartalks | Smart Ovaries
Oral health during Pregnancy is Very important | Dr Jibran on Smartalks | Smart Ovaries
“Smart Talks” with Smart Ovaries is a Podcast series by Dr.Sharanya.T, Gynaecologist. She interacts with health care industry Experts and other well known fitness enthusiasts, Influencers on their journey, Struggles faced and the motivation that directed them towards their successful journey.
For all the doubts that we wanted to ask, she asked the field experts on our behalf and got the smart answers..!!
“Smart Talks” Season 2 is all set to Fill your mind with facts and Knowledge..
Stay Tuned!
Video and Post Productions: Dimensions
Behind the Lens: Vishal, Vishvesh and Team Dimensions
Show Directors: Solaiap...
Просмотров: 161


ஒரு மாசத்துல Weight குறைக்க முடியாது, Make it a Life Style | Chef Maria on Smartalks | Smart Ovaries
Просмотров 235День назад
Normal deliveryக்கு நிறைய யோசனை சொல்றாங்க. ஆனா.. | Dr Namritha on Smartalks | Smart Ovaries #smartovaries #naturalbirth #healthypregency “Smart Talks” with Smart Ovaries is a Podcast series by Dr.Sharanya.T, Gynaecologist. She interacts with health care industry Experts and other well known fitness enthusiasts, Influencers on their journey, Struggles faced and the motivation that directed them ...
Normal deliveryக்கு நிறைய யோசனை சொல்றாங்க. ஆனா.. | Dr Namritha on Smartalks | Smart Ovaries
Просмотров 44614 дней назад
Normal deliveryக்கு நிறைய யோசனை சொல்றாங்க. ஆனா.. | Dr Namritha on Smartalks | Smart Ovaries #smartovaries #naturalbirth #healthypregency “Smart Talks” with Smart Ovaries is a Podcast series by Dr.Sharanya.T, Gynaecologist. She interacts with health care industry Experts and other well known fitness enthusiasts, Influencers on their journey, Struggles faced and the motivation that directed them ...
Emotional Eating and Drinking ரொம்ப மோசமாக்கிடுச்சு| Dr Santhosh Jacob’s Journey | Smartalks
Просмотров 39121 день назад
Emotional Eating and Drinking ரொம்ப மோசமாக்கிடுச்சு| Dr Santhosh Jacob’s Journey | Smartalks “Smart Talks” with Smart Ovaries is a Podcast series by Dr.Sharanya.T, Gynaecologist. She interacts with health care industry Experts and other well known fitness enthusiasts, Influencers on their journey, Struggles faced and the motivation that directed them towards their successful journey. For all th...
“Tea கடையா?”ன்னு சிரிச்சாங்க. ஆனா..| Teapreneur SRK on smartalks with Smart Ovaries
Просмотров 365Месяц назад
“Tea கடையா?”ன்னு சிரிச்சாங்க. ஆனா..| Teapreneur SRK on smartalks with Smart Ovaries “Smart Talks” with Smart Ovaries is a Podcast series by Dr.Sharanya.T, Gynaecologist. She interacts with health care industry Experts and other well known fitness enthusiasts, Influencers on their journey, Struggles faced and the motivation that directed them towards their successful journey. For all the doubts ...
Is Delivery more traumatising for ladies?| Psychiatrist Dr Sujatha on Smartalks with Smart ovaries
Просмотров 244Месяц назад
Is Delivery more traumatising for ladies?| Psychiatrist Dr Sujatha on Smartalks with Smart ovaries “Smart Talks” with Smart Ovaries is a Podcast series by Dr.Sharanya.T, Gynaecologist. She interacts with health care industry Experts and other well known fitness enthusiasts, Influencers on their journey, Struggles faced and the motivation that directed them towards their successful journey. For ...
Daily 50 முடி கொட்டினா பிரச்சினை இல்ல. ஆனா…| Smartalks with Plastic Surgeon Dr Rajinikanth
Просмотров 347Месяц назад
Daily 50 முடி கொட்டினா பிரச்சினை இல்ல. ஆனா…| Smartalks with Plastic Surgeon Dr Rajinikanth “Smart Talks” with Smart Ovaries is a Podcast series by Dr.Sharanya.T, Gynaecologist. She interacts with health care industry Experts and other well known fitness enthusiasts, Influencers on their journey, Struggles faced and the motivation that directed them towards their successful journey. For all the ...
Proper Sexual lifeக்கு core strengthening முக்கியம் | Fitsio Max on Smart Talks | Smart Ovaries
Просмотров 14 тыс.Месяц назад
Proper Sexual lifeக்கு core strengthening முக்கியம் | Fitsio Max on Smart Talks | Smart Ovaries “Smart Talks” with Smart Ovaries is a Podcast series by Dr.Sharanya.T, Gynaecologist. She interacts with health care industry Experts and other well known fitness enthusiasts, Influencers on their journey, Struggles faced and the motivation that directed them towards their successful journey. For all...
Season 2 of Smartalks- இது சகலகலா podcast | Smart Ovaries
Просмотров 80Месяц назад
Smart Talks with Smart Ovaries is a Podcast series by Dr.Sharanya.T, Gynaecologist. She interacts with health care industry Experts and other well known fitness enthusiasts, Influencers on their journey, Struggles faced and the motivation that directed them towards their successful journey. For all the doubts that we wanted to ask, she asked the field experts on our behalf and got the smart ans...
Too less or too much masturbation ? | Dr Surakshith on Smart Talks | Smart Ovaries
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.4 месяца назад
Too less or too much masturbation ? | Dr Surakshith on Smart Talks | Smart Ovaries
Therapy Poradha Social Statement-ah Maathitaanga… | Sandhya Shivakumar | Smart Talks
Просмотров 4844 месяца назад
Therapy Poradha Social Statement-ah Maathitaanga… | Sandhya Shivakumar | Smart Talks
Fitnessக்கு Pregnant Women இத நிச்சயமா செய்யனும் | Coach Tilak | Smart Talks
Просмотров 2235 месяцев назад
Fitnessக்கு Pregnant Women இத நிச்சயமா செய்யனும் | Coach Tilak | Smart Talks
Child’s happiness is equal to mother’s wellness - Samyuktha about her fitness journey | Smart Talks
Просмотров 8665 месяцев назад
Child’s happiness is equal to mother’s wellness - Samyuktha about her fitness journey | Smart Talks
Egg quality vs Egg quantity in IVf
Просмотров 3015 месяцев назад
Egg quality vs Egg quantity in IVf
இது ஒரு "முடி"வில்லாத Problem | Dermatologist Dr Radha Opens up on Smart Talks | Smart Ovaries
Просмотров 11 тыс.5 месяцев назад
இது ஒரு "முடி"வில்லாத Problem | Dermatologist Dr Radha Opens up on Smart Talks | Smart Ovaries
Doctors Influencers ஆ மாறலாமா?| Smart Talks with Sudharsanan Ganapathy | Smart Ovaries Podcast
Просмотров 6835 месяцев назад
Doctors Influencers ஆ மாறலாமா?| Smart Talks with Sudharsanan Ganapathy | Smart Ovaries Podcast
From Egg freezing to Risk factors in Fertility | Smart Talks with Dr Priya Selvaraj | Smart Ovaries
Просмотров 12 тыс.6 месяцев назад
From Egg freezing to Risk factors in Fertility | Smart Talks with Dr Priya Selvaraj | Smart Ovaries
Struggle to Success in Healthcare Industry | Smart Talks with Entrepreneur Padmini Janaki
Просмотров 8726 месяцев назад
Struggle to Success in Healthcare Industry | Smart Talks with Entrepreneur Padmini Janaki
Smart Talks with Smart Ovaries a Smart Health Podcast | Promo | Coming Soon...
Просмотров 1296 месяцев назад
Smart Talks with Smart Ovaries a Smart Health Podcast | Promo | Coming Soon...
Просмотров 2352 года назад
CERVICAL CANCER VACCINATION ...!!! an old vaccine but needs more awareness these days ..
Просмотров 1693 года назад
CERVICAL CANCER VACCINATION ...!!! an old vaccine but needs more awareness these days ..
Просмотров 2133 года назад
Просмотров 3224 года назад
AGE AND FERTILITY .. how is it related ????
Просмотров 3304 года назад
AGE AND FERTILITY .. how is it related ????
"MUST HAVES "IN YOUR HANDBAG !! ( Gynaecologist version )
Просмотров 3984 года назад
"MUST HAVES "IN YOUR HANDBAG !! ( Gynaecologist version )
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Просмотров 2724 года назад
Просмотров 1544 года назад
What are the Symptoms of PCOS? by Dr. Sharanya Thiagarajan | Mint Hospitals | PCOS
Просмотров 2785 лет назад
What are the Symptoms of PCOS? by Dr. Sharanya Thiagarajan | Mint Hospitals | PCOS
Everything you need to know about PCOS by Dr. Sharanya Thiagarajan | Mint Hospitals | PCOS
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Everything you need to know about PCOS by Dr. Sharanya Thiagarajan | Mint Hospitals | PCOS


  • @MuhizinisTamilgarden
    @MuhizinisTamilgarden 4 дня назад

    Ohh... Ithu Inga kadaikku advertisement taa??😊

  • @tigernano
    @tigernano 12 дней назад

    Liked the video very much! Thank you for sharing the knowledge ladies❤.

  • @drshanmathiraman3064
    @drshanmathiraman3064 12 дней назад

    Start tdy is the best tip I have taken from this podcast 👍

    @RLRBHARANI 18 дней назад

    Better u can speak in fully tamil madam because some middle and poor people can understand abt this content

  • @sonamani681
    @sonamani681 18 дней назад

    ❤❤❤ Dr.Namrita George... She is an absolute ANGEL in my life ..... Such a down to earth Doctor .... So spontaneous,Compassionate and She asks consent before anything she does...(This quality is rare and I wish every doctor has ).... My VBAC was only possible only because of her.... Thank u so much Dr.Namrita mam.... Am forever Grateful to u.....❤❤❤ Wishing u loads of love and only love for u abundantly.....❤❤❤❤

    • @sonamani681
      @sonamani681 18 дней назад

      Respect Their choices....❤❤❤....U r true to the words said mam....Love u Namrita Mam....❤❤❤

    • @namritageorge7817
      @namritageorge7817 18 дней назад

      Dear Sona , Thank you for that heart warming message. I am truly humbled by your kind words. In all honesty , it’s mothers like you that make the journey extra special. Lots of love to you and the family.

  • @illakiyat6345
    @illakiyat6345 24 дня назад

    Doc.. you have to let the other person talk too..

  • @aishvaryaadhayalan
    @aishvaryaadhayalan 26 дней назад

    Great Episode doc! Loved the whole episode !

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 25 дней назад

      @@aishvaryaadhayalan thank u for ur support 🙏

  • @drshanmathiraman3064
    @drshanmathiraman3064 26 дней назад

    Very emotional true and realistic conversation 👍👍👍kudos to both of you sir and mam❤

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 26 дней назад

      @@drshanmathiraman3064 thank you so much .. keep supporting 🙏

  • @tigernano
    @tigernano 26 дней назад

    I'm new subscriber, I learned & enjoyed the video! Thank you for sharing the knowledge ❤. Wishing you to great growth & success.

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 26 дней назад

      @@tigernano thank you so much for your wishes ..

  • @prakash125
    @prakash125 Месяц назад

  • @prakash125
    @prakash125 Месяц назадвидео.htmlsi=NAGamV4zS0PGe1Ln

  • @prakash125
    @prakash125 Месяц назад

    Doctor murugusindaram a leading dermatologist and youtube enthusiast has criticised GFC.

  • @prakash125
    @prakash125 Месяц назад

    Dear Doctor.PRP and GFC are total spams. As a doctor you know very well there are only two products approved by US FDA for hair growth. Topical minoxidil and oral Finasteride for male pattern baldness. Please give one peer reviewed article proves the effectiveness of PRP for hair growth. Can you explain how platelets block DHT. I onow many people have wasted money on PRP and GFC

  • @drshanmathiraman3064
    @drshanmathiraman3064 Месяц назад

    Informative podcast mam👍👍

    @BRAJAGOP Месяц назад

    I am having repeated injury in Achilles tendon, question is what can I do for prevention. I work outregularly in gym . The cause for injury happens mostly during running. So I hardly run these days . I am using kineseotape as suggested by my physician that has reduced the occurrence. I am taking magnesium supplements as well. Is there anything else I can do ?

    • @ZeroOne130
      @ZeroOne130 Месяц назад

      You should go to Physiotherapist.

    • @Dhamuandtony369
      @Dhamuandtony369 Месяц назад

      Test your ankle, knee and lastly hip mobility and stability.

  • @gayathriravi2225
    @gayathriravi2225 4 месяца назад


    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 3 месяца назад

      @@gayathriravi2225 thank u 🙏

  • @drshanmathiraman3064
    @drshanmathiraman3064 4 месяца назад

    Very useful podcast 👍👍👍👍👍

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 4 месяца назад

      @@drshanmathiraman3064 thank you so much 🙏🙏

  • @satj9898
    @satj9898 4 месяца назад

    🎉🎉🎉super Sandhya ❤❤❤

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 4 месяца назад

      @@satj9898 🙌🙌🫶🫶

  • @thiyagasundaramm5786
    @thiyagasundaramm5786 4 месяца назад

    Wonderful Awareness...! Smart Ovaries series contents are superb 👌 Best wishes

  • @beenathomas8262
    @beenathomas8262 4 месяца назад

    Thanks for the informative session ,its helpful for the present generation..

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 4 месяца назад

      Thanks for watching 👍

    • @beenathomas8262
      @beenathomas8262 4 месяца назад

      @@smartovaries your most welcome doctor☺

  • @shivmalu1
    @shivmalu1 5 месяцев назад

    Very nice. "Parents are using screen as a digital nanny" How true

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 5 месяцев назад

      @@shivmalu1 absolutely..!!!

  • @padmapriya6985
    @padmapriya6985 5 месяцев назад

    Sharanya vera level.....

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 5 месяцев назад

      @@padmapriya6985 thank you so much 🙏

  • @Dharmalingam747
    @Dharmalingam747 5 месяцев назад

    Very useful tips doctor. First time I seeing this helpful tips. Very helpful to students and working women

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 5 месяцев назад

      @@Dharmalingam747 thank u so much for your feedback

  • @sri3328
    @sri3328 5 месяцев назад

    Love for Dr. Dermatologist♥️♥️. I love the way she speaks and conveys things clearly.

    • @smartovaries
      @smartovaries 5 месяцев назад

      @@sri3328 absolutely !! 🫶🫶

  • @MuniyanKali
    @MuniyanKali 5 месяцев назад


  • @ganny22in
    @ganny22in 5 месяцев назад

    Good one Dr..Great going

  • @Dharmalingam747
    @Dharmalingam747 6 месяцев назад

    Why the camera man blocking Dr.Priya’s face whenever Doctor was talking about important information and when she gave her advice to the younger generation. That was not nice.

    • @sharanyadr7491
      @sharanyadr7491 6 месяцев назад

      Thanks for ur feedback .. Will keep it in mind next time

  • @Dharmalingam747
    @Dharmalingam747 6 месяцев назад

    Only Dr.Priya can explain this in a simple at the same time every one can understand the importance of egg freezing.

    • @sharanyadr7491
      @sharanyadr7491 6 месяцев назад

      Absolutely .. dats y she is always de best ..!! My biggest inspiration ..!!

  • @prajnaravi1778
    @prajnaravi1778 6 месяцев назад

    Love this podcast doc! Looking forward to many more!✨✨

    • @sharanyadr7491
      @sharanyadr7491 6 месяцев назад

      Thanks a lot prajs for ur support always ..!! ❤

  • @AvantikaaChariDance
    @AvantikaaChariDance 6 месяцев назад

    This is a good start for your podcast journey Doc! Love what you both have to offer to the world❤

    • @sharanyadr7491
      @sharanyadr7491 6 месяцев назад

      Thank u so much dear .. so sweet of u .. 🫶🫶🫶

  • @James-qw9mw
    @James-qw9mw 2 года назад

    Thank you for this video. I shared it with a few friends. They were so excited.! You need P-R-O-M-O-S-M!!

  • @sripriyanarayanan7895
    @sripriyanarayanan7895 2 года назад

    Very interesting and informative 👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @sripriyanarayanan7895
    @sripriyanarayanan7895 3 года назад

    Wonderful very informative 👍👍👍❤️ Thanks Sharan lucky your mom Dr.Vasundra mam educated us & I had vaccinated 👍

  • @linzabraham8653
    @linzabraham8653 3 года назад

    Nice Tips👌🏼

  • @vivekmari
    @vivekmari 3 года назад

    you might want to remove the music. it is forefront music rather than background.

  • @nivedasantoshmurugan6841
    @nivedasantoshmurugan6841 4 года назад

    Omg so informative Dr Sharanya.. really glad you are doing these videos to educate others in your busy work..

  • @rajammohan3771
    @rajammohan3771 4 года назад

    Very informative

  • @nivedasantoshmurugan6841
    @nivedasantoshmurugan6841 4 года назад

    Very informative Dr Sharanya

  • @karthikmg108
    @karthikmg108 4 года назад

    Great doctor

  • @nivedasantoshmurugan6841
    @nivedasantoshmurugan6841 4 года назад

    Thank you 😊 Very helpful and informative..

  • @sudhashanmugavelu3344
    @sudhashanmugavelu3344 4 года назад

    awesome de ❤️🤩

  • @rekhasr3964
    @rekhasr3964 4 года назад

    amazing explanation

  • @sumanjoshi1854
    @sumanjoshi1854 4 года назад

    Wow...thanks for knowledge

  • @vasanthaprabhakaran7070
    @vasanthaprabhakaran7070 4 года назад

    Congratulations mam

  • @Asimaiya
    @Asimaiya 4 года назад

    👍🏻 awesome facts!! Wow always proud to be a woman!!!

  • @Nirudivi
    @Nirudivi 4 года назад


  • @balajithinakaran4767
    @balajithinakaran4767 4 года назад

    Congrats ❤️

    • @sharanyadr7491
      @sharanyadr7491 4 года назад

      Thanks balaji .. fingers crossed .. 🤞