Mandy Rumbach
Mandy Rumbach
  • Видео 12
  • Просмотров 152
Grief and loss dates/anniversaries
Going through the process of losing someone you love is not easy; let alone to be reminded of it every year. Whether it be on a particular day, or time, or a holiday, or special moment. How are we supposed to handle ourselves in a healthy way every year on those dark days? Well... there is some hope. Strength comes in time, and there is no rule that says we have to be alone on those days... Reaching out to others may be your best way to acknowledge what you can't avoid. Gathering together is a healthy outlet to share your feelings and being surrounded by the support of loved ones.
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Просмотров 12 года назад
life is difficult.. then throw in the changes that come with adulthood and independent choice... whoa it can turn your world upside down and if you already battle mental illness a period of change can be a very triggering time. we need a sense of control and consistency to cope and when things are out of our control it can seem overwhelming.. but change is temporary!!! it's not forever !!
Talk about it!!
Просмотров 43 года назад
Don't suffer in silence. Don't deal with it in private. Talk about your depression to anyone and everyone including your children!
Просмотров 13 года назад
Do you know who you are? who you really are? Have you ever concentrated all of your energy on this? You should!
Просмотров 53 года назад
grief is a topic that nobody wants to talk about.. so why not use this opportunity to reflect on how you have dealt with grief in your life and how you can help others who will experience grief. respect the journey, respect your process. Grief will never be the same experience each time with each loss. As we grow and evolve our grief journey will also change embrace it and don't try to fall int...
Suicidal thoughts
Просмотров 703 года назад
Do you suffer from suicidal thoughts? You're not alone... it is more common than you realize. You don't have to live with them forever. You just have to LIVE!
Просмотров 193 года назад
triggers... we all have different ones and none of which are fun or enjoyable to live through. How can we be prepared to face them.? how can we be prepared to accept that they're going to happen.. and sometimes when we least expect them or want them to.? let's talk about this and find a way to not let your mental illness embarrass you in public, throw you off your step, and pluck you from real ...
Avoid toxic people!!!
Просмотров 103 года назад
Cut out toxic people! What are they doing for your life!? Are you aware of unhealthy relationships and what that does to your depression? Ask yourself is this a friendship where I am giving everything and getting nothing in return? Guess what! They are using you!! Pour yourself into relationships that actually matter!!!!!!
Negative self-talk
Просмотров 53 года назад
Do you suffer from negative self-talk? does the voice inside your head control the way you feel about yourself? do you listen to it? do you fall for the lies that depression is feeding you?
Fatigue and Mental fog
Просмотров 73 года назад
Do you ever just feel like you cannot do a single thing when you wake up? Do you ever feel like just surviving seems like it takes all of your energy? I know that that's certainly how I feel almost on a daily basis let's talk about how to cope with always feeling tired, always feeling drained, and what you can do to live your life.
Do you struggle with sleep!?
Просмотров 133 года назад
Video #1 Sleep Struggles!
Introduction video! Depression sucks, why not share your struggles!!??
Просмотров 153 года назад
I have struggled with anxiety and depression and suicidal thoughts since I was nine years old. Who says you have to struggle alone?