\bKorean Food
\bKorean Food
  • Видео 18
  • Просмотров 8 545
[KOREAN NOODLE] Shin Ramyeon (Korea's Popular Ramyeon), Non-living Debt Saliva 신라면(한국의 인기라면), 무생채무침
[KOREAN NOODLE] Shin Ramyeon (Korea's Popular Ramyeon), Non-living Debt Saliva 신라면(한국의 인기라면), 무생채무침
* Characteristics - "Shinramen" means "spicy" in the letter "spicy.
As of 2020, it will be exported to more than 100 countries.
* 특징 - 신라면은 '매울 신(辛)'자의 '맵다'는 뜻.
2020년 기준으로 100여개 국가에 수출된다.
* ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응
Mukbang Eating Sounds
#신라면 #Shin Ramyeon #K-ramyeon #k라면 #korean noodle #무생채무침
Просмотров: 257


[KOREAN NOODLE] Squid Jjambbong Ramyeon오징어짬뽕라면, cabbage kimchi배추김치 k-ramyeon ASMR MUKBANG
Просмотров 1212 года назад
[KOREAN NOODLE] Squid Jjambbong Ramyeon오징어짬뽕라면, cabbage kimchi배추김치 k-ramyeon ASMR MUKBANG * Characteristics - It is a ramen with a spicy taste similar to that of Shin Ramen, and has a seafood taste and is characterized by dried squid ingredients. Noodle is thicker compared to general ramen, and it is characterized by a large amount of oil and a spicy and cool taste of soup. *특징 - 신라면과 비슷한 수준의 매...
WAFFLE - Oreonutella waffle, Strawberry cream waffle 오레오누텔라와플, 딸기생크림와플 Iced Americano 아이스 아메리카노 ASMR
Просмотров 592 года назад
WAFFLE - Oreonutella waffle, Strawberry cream waffle 오레오누텔라와플, 딸기생크림와플 Iced Americano 아이스 아메리카노 ASMR MUKBANG * ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응 Mukbang Eating Sounds #와플 #오레오누텔라와플 #딸기와플 #아이스아메리카노
[KOREAN NOODLE] Paldo Bibimmyeon, edible seaweed 팔도비빔면, 김 ASMR MUKBANG(k-ramyeon)
Просмотров 1622 года назад
[KOREAN NOODLE] Paldo Bibimmyeon, edible seaweed 팔도비빔면, 김 ASMR MUKBANG * Characteristic - Ramyeon mixed noodles eaten in summer. Normally, people don't eat hot ramyeon, but they eat cold one in summer. Noodles are thin and soft, so the sauce cuts well. The sauce smells like an apple and has a slightly spicy and sweet taste. * 특징 - 여름에 먹는 비빔국수를 라면으로 만든 것. 라면을 뜨겁게 먹는 것이 아닌 차갑게 해서 먹는다. 면발은 얇고 부드러워...
[KOREAN NOODLE] SESAME ramyeon, Mustard kimchi 참깨라면, 갓김치 ASMR MUKBANG (k-ramyeon)
Просмотров 1742 года назад
[KOREAN NOODLE] SESAME ramyeon, Mustard kimchi 참깨라면, 갓김치 ASMR MUKBANG * Characteristics - It contains solid ingredients along with powder soup and contains egg blocks and seasoned sesame oil. * 특징 - 건더기가 분말 스프와 함께 들어 있으며 계란 블럭과 조미 참기름이 들어 있다 * ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응 Mukbang Eating Sounds #참깨라면 #korean noodle #k-ramyeon #갓김치 #ramyeon
[KOREAN NOODLE]CARBO BULDAK mixed noodles 까르보 불닭볶음면, Pickle 피클 Korean noodle ASMR MUKBANG(k-ramyeon)
Просмотров 2,3 тыс.2 года назад
CARBONARA BULDAK mixed noodles 까르보 불닭볶음면, Pickle 피클 Korean noodle ASMR MUKBANG * Characteristics - The noodles are wider than regular ramen. It's based on Alfredo sauce. It's kind of spicy, but considering that it came out in the buldak mixed noodles series, It is unusually quite less spicy. * 특징 - 일반 라면보다 면이 넓적한 편이다. 알프레도 소스 베이스이다. 나름 매운 편이긴 하지만 그래도 불닭볶음면 시리즈로 나온 것 치고는 이례적으로상당히 덜 맵다. * ASMR (A...
Potato pancake, Olive 감자전, 올리브 ASMR MUKBANG
Просмотров 692 года назад
Potato pancake, Olive 감자전, 올리브 ASMR MUKBANG * ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응 Mukbang Eating Sounds #감자전 #올리브 #Potato pancake #Olive
[KOREAN NOODLE]Anchovy kalguksu ramyeon, kimchi 멸치칼국수 라면, 배추김치 KOREAN NOODLE ASMR MUKBANG(k-ramyeon)
Просмотров 1812 года назад
Anchovy kalguksu ramyeon, kimchi 멸치칼국수 라면, 배추김치 KOREAN NOODLE ASMR MUKBANG * Characteristic - Noodles that are not fried noodles. The taste of anchovy soup is properly embodied, and the noodles are similar to the taste of kalguksu. * 특징 - 튀기지 않은 면. 멸치 국물맛을 적절히 잘 구현해 냈고, 면발도 칼국수의 느낌을 얼추 비슷하다 * ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응 Mukbang Eating Sounds #멸치칼국수 #라면 #k-ramyeon #배추...
Eunhee's hangover soup, Dombe meat (boiled pork), Jinro is back soju. 은희네 해장국,돔베고기, 진로이즈백 소주 ASMR
Просмотров 682 года назад
Eunhee's hangover soup, Dombe meat (boiled pork), Jinro is back soju. 은희네 해장국,돔베고기, 진로이즈백 소주 ASMR Eunhee's hangover soup - Beef with a special texture in the broth that has been boiled for a long time. It's a spicy and refreshing combination of Jeju dried cabbage and bean sprouts. Jeju Eunhee's hangover soup. Dombe meat (boiled pork) - It's a broth with 12 ingredients of fresh pork belly from J...
FRIED CHICKEN 옛날통닭, Three sauces 3가지 맛 소스, BEER - TERRA 테라 ASMR MUKBANG
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.2 года назад
FRIED CHICKEN 옛날통닭, Three sauces 3가지 맛 소스, BEER - TERRA 테라 ASMR MUKBANG * Three sauces - Mustard sauce, Seasoned chicken sauce, mexican sauce 3가지 맛 소스 - 겨자소스, 양념치킨소스, 맥시칸소스 * Onion Ssamjang 양파 쌈장 * BEER - TERRA 테라 * ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응 Mukbang Eating Sounds #후라이드치킨 #테라 #chicken #옛날통닭 #TERRA #맥주
[KOREAN NOODLE]SAMYANG RAMYEON삼양라면 The first ramyeon in Korea한국의 첫번째 라면, Pickled radish단무지 k-ramyeon
Просмотров 1652 года назад
SAMYANG RAMYEON 삼양라면 The first ramyeon in Korea 한국의 첫번째 라면 Pickled radish 단무지 ASMR MUKBANG * Characteristics - Ramyeon with the longest history in Korea. * 특징 - 한국에서 제일 오래된 역사를 가진 라면. * Pickled radish that goes well with ramyeon. 라면과 잘 어울리는 단무지. * ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응 Mukbang Eating Sounds #삼양라면 #라면 #k-ramyeon #단무지 #SAMYANG RAMYEON #korean noodle
[KOREAN NOODLE] NEOGURI RAMYEON 너구리라면, Green onion kimchi 파김치 ASMR MUKBANG (k-ramyeon)
Просмотров 4792 года назад
NEOGURI RAMYEON 너구리라면(korean noodle), Green onion kimchi 파김치 ASMR MUKBANG * Characteristics - It has kelp in it. The noodles are thicker than normal ones. It has a unique chewy texture. Chapaguri from the movie Parasite. Neoguri ramyeon and Chapagetti ramyeon are combined. * 특징 - 다시마가 들어있어요. 일반 라면보다 통통합니다 특유의 쫄깃한 식감을 가지고 있습니다. 영화. 기생충의 짜파구리. 너구리 라면과 짜파게티 라면이 합쳐진 것 입니다 * Green onion kimchi 파김치 -...
PORORO TTEOKBOKKI (Four flavors) 뽀로로 떡볶이 4가지 맛 ASMR MUKBANG
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.2 года назад
PORORO TTEOKBOKKI (Four flavors) 뽀로로 떡볶이 4가지 맛 ASMR MUKBANG - Pororo spicy tteokbokki 뽀로로 매콤 떡볶이 - Pororo Cream tteokbokki 뽀로로 크림 떡볶이 - Pororo Black Bean Noodles tteokbokki 뽀로로 짜장 떡볶이 - Pororo lobster-flavored tteokbokki 뽀로로 랍스터맛 떡볶이 * ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응 Mukbang Eating Sounds #뽀로로 #떡볶이 #TTEOKBOKKI
[KOREAN NOODLE] JJAPAGETTI 짜파게티, Half-boiled egg 반숙란, Radish kimchi 총각김치 ASMR MUKBANG(k-ramyeon)
Просмотров 3802 года назад
JJapagetti 짜파게티, Half-boiled egg 반숙란, Radish kimchi 총각김치 ASMR mudbank * Characteristics - Instant Black Bean Noodles into Black Bean Noodles. * 특징 - 짜장면을 짜장라면으로 인스턴트화 * and Half-boiled egg 반숙란 * It's delicious when you eat it together 같이 먹으면 맛있는 총각김치 (Radish kimchi) * ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응 Mukbang Eating Sounds #짜파게티 #k-ramyeon #JJAPAGETTI #Radish kimchi #반숙란 #...
Просмотров 802 года назад
EGG TOAST, BULGOGI RICE WRAP, CHEESE BALLS, 에그토스트, 불고기라이스랩, 치즈볼, 아이스 아메리카노 ASMR MUKBANG - EGG TOAST 에그토스트 - BULGOGI RICE WRAP 불고기라이스랩 - CHEESE BALLS 치즈볼 Drink - Ice americano * The name of the store is Egg Zone. * ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) 자율 감각 쾌락 반응 Mukbang Eating Sounds #에그토스트 #toast #에그존
CORN DOG MUKBANG 핫도그 mozzarella and cheddar cheese, whole mozzarella cheese, garlic seasoning cheese
Просмотров 1562 года назад
CORN DOG MUKBANG 핫도그 mozzarella and cheddar cheese, whole mozzarella cheese, garlic seasoning cheese
GIMBAP MUKBANG Chamchi Gimbap, Sobulgogi Gimbap, Shrimp Gimbal, Spicy fish cake Gimbap 김밥김밥김밥 k-food
Просмотров 482 года назад
GIMBAP MUKBANG Chamchi Gimbap, Sobulgogi Gimbap, Shrimp Gimbal, Spicy fish cake Gimbap 김밥김밥김밥 k-food
Просмотров 1702 года назад
