Inattentive ADHD Coalition
Inattentive ADHD Coalition
  • Видео 37
  • Просмотров 56 761
Lara Dawn, founder of the ADHD Village - an ADHD parent with ADHD kids
Lara Dawn has been an elementary school teacher for 25 years, 10 years of which is in special education. She's a mother to two children with ADHD and she herself was diagnosed with ADHD. Watch her interview with Katherine Ellison as she shares her journey having children with ADHD.
Просмотров: 146


Vicki Lind, a Career Counselor and Marketing Coach
Просмотров 12221 день назад
Did you know that getting diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD can be challenging? Vicki Lind, a career counselor and ADHD expert, shares her personal journey of seeking an accurate diagnosis and embracing effective strategies. Watch her inspiring story today with Katherine Ellison, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. #InattentiveADHD #adhdstruggles #adhdinwomen #ADHDstory
Elaine Taylor Klaus Shares Insights About Parenting a Child with ADHD
Просмотров 1992 месяца назад
Katherine Ellison, noted author and journalist interviews Elaine Taylor Klaus, parent, coach, and co-owner of Impact Parents. Elaine will share her many insights about parenting a child with ADHD.
Dr Lawrence Choy Educates About Anger and How to Manage It If You Have ADHD
Просмотров 1592 месяца назад
Cynthia Hammer, Executive Director of Inattentive ADHD Coalition interviews Dr. Lawrence Choy. He's a Stanford-educated Psychiatrist who also has ADHD. In this interview, Dr. Choy will talk about the impacts of anger to people with ADHD and how they can manage it. During the interview, Cynthia also learned that she has trouble expressing her anger, and Dr. Choy confesses that he regularly exerc...
Dr. Pomeroy Interview with Cynthia Hammer to talk about Inattentive ADHD in Girls
Просмотров 2412 месяца назад
Dr. David Pomeroy interviews Cynthia Hammer, MSW and Executive Director of the Inattentive ADHD Coalition ( . Dr. Pomeroy is a Board-certified Family Medicine and practiced general Family Medicine for 26 years. After his diagnosis with ADHD, he limited his practice to ADHD and related conditions and founded the ADD Center of Bellevue in 2005. Dr. Pomeroy hosts the podcast, ADHD Fo...
Katherine Ellison, interviews Kristin Wilcox, Ph,D., about parenting her son with inattentive ADHD.
Просмотров 2246 месяцев назад
Kristin Wilcox, Ph.D. and board member of the Inattentive ADHD Coalition, talks about her son, diagnosed with inattentive ADHD when in the second grade and is now in his second year of college. She wrote a book about their ADHD journey called, "Andrew's Awesome Adventures with his ADHD Brain." #adhd #adhers #iadhd #inattentiveadhd #adhdmom #adhdparenting #adhdstrategies #adhdchildren 0:00 Kathe...
Katherine Ellison interviews Vanessa Jones, a voice actor.
Просмотров 777 месяцев назад
Katherine Ellison interviews Vanessa Jones, a voice actor. She was diagnosed 11 years ago with inattentive ADHD. #ADHD #inattentiveADHD #iadhd #adhdinattentive #adhdadult #adhders #adhdtips #adhdstruggles #adhdstrategies 00:00 katherine and vanessa
Jennifer Weedon Palazzo of MomCave Live is interviewed about her inattentive ADHD
Просмотров 1317 месяцев назад
Jennifer Weedon Palazzo of MomCave Live is interviewed about her inattentive ADHD which was only recently diagnosed. #ADHD #inattentiveADHD #iadhd #adhdinattentive #adhdadult #adhders #adhdtips #adhdstruggles #adhdstrategies 00:00 Jennifer Weedon Palazzo
Chris Hanson, former special education teacher and now a parent/teen coach at Life Skills Advocate
Просмотров 1497 месяцев назад
This recording provides a captivating conversation between Chris Hanson, the owner and founder of Life Skills Advocate, and Katherine Ellison, a journalist and author. The discussion revolves around neurodiversity ADHD and inattentive ADHD. Chris delves into his personal experience with neurodivergence which he discovered when 35. He reflects on his challenges in school, including struggles wit...
Michelle Harris-Price, founder of sheADHD, ( is gifted and has inattentive ADHD
Просмотров 2287 месяцев назад
Michelle Harris-Price, founder of sheADHD, ( is gifted and has inattentive ADHD.#ADHD #inattentiveADHD #iadhd #adhdinattentive #adhdadult #adhders #adhdtips #adhdstruggles #adhdstrategies
Cynthia Hammer talks about her life and book, "Living with Inattentive ADHD" with Katherine Ellison
Просмотров 3867 месяцев назад
An inspiring individual, Cynthia Hammer, joins Katherine Ellison in a fascinating and insightful conversation about living with inattentive ADHD. Cynthia, the author of the book "Living With Inattentive ADHD," shares her journey and experiences, providing hope and awareness for others facing similar challenges. Cynthia begins by discussing her book, a bestseller on Amazon, which took two years ...
Cynthia and Melissa, two women discuss their lives with inattentive ADHD
Просмотров 2617 месяцев назад
This recording involves a discussion between Melissa Reskof and Cynthia Hammer, two individuals involved in the ADHD community. Melissa is the host of "Conversations with Melissa" and a member of the planning committee for the International ADHD Conference. Cynthia is the founder of the Inattentive ADHD Coalition and an author of the book, “Living with Inattentive ADHD.”. Cynthia explains that ...
Ana Krajinovic, a graduate student, talks about her inattentive ADHD diagnosis and her creativity.
Просмотров 2037 месяцев назад
This recording, "Ana Krajinovic," revolves around a discussion between Katherine Ellison, a well-known journalist and author, and Ana Krajinovic, a linguist and cartoonist diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. The conversation sheds light on Ana's personal experiences with ADHD, her journey toward diagnosis, and how she has learned to navigate the challenges and strengths associated with the conditi...
Critical Information About Inattentive ADHD in Children presented by a physician and a psychologist.
Просмотров 4868 месяцев назад
The script is a conversation between Dr. Oren Mason, Dr. Jaee Boda, and Linda Roggli about identifying and supporting children with inattentive ADHD in school. They discuss the behaviors to look out for, the importance of early diagnosis and intervention, different treatment options, and how teachers can support students with ADHD. The conversation emphasizes compassion, understanding, and iden...
How Inattentive ADHD Affects Children and Their Parents
Просмотров 1458 месяцев назад
How Inattentive ADHD Affects Children and Their Parents #ADHD #inattentiveADHD #iadhd #adhdinattentive #adhdadult #adhders #adhdtips #adhdstruggles #adhdstrategies 00:00 How Inattentive ADHD Affects Children and Their Parents (1)
Getting Diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD Later in Life discussed by two family physicians
Просмотров 4728 месяцев назад
Getting Diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD Later in Life discussed by two family physicians
Adults With Inattentive ADHD Describe Its Impact.
Просмотров 5508 месяцев назад
Adults With Inattentive ADHD Describe Its Impact.
Andrew Wilcox, first year college student, was diagnosed in the 2nd grade with inattentive ADHD
Просмотров 2178 месяцев назад
Andrew Wilcox, first year college student, was diagnosed in the 2nd grade with inattentive ADHD
Ariyanna White, ADHD therapist, talks about her life as a black woman with inattentive ADHD.
Просмотров 5658 месяцев назад
Ariyanna White, ADHD therapist, talks about her life as a black woman with inattentive ADHD.
David Dewitt, certified financial planner, got diagnosed in high school, but still struggled
Просмотров 1258 месяцев назад
David Dewitt, certified financial planner, got diagnosed in high school, but still struggled
Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D and ADHD author, shares her story
Просмотров 5338 месяцев назад
Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D and ADHD author, shares her story
Irena Smith, a college admissions counselor, had a long journey to her own diagnosis.
Просмотров 678 месяцев назад
Irena Smith, a college admissions counselor, had a long journey to her own diagnosis.
Getting Diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD Later in Life discussed by two family physicians
Просмотров 6 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Getting Diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD Later in Life discussed by two family physicians
Adults With Inattentive ADHD Describe Its Impact.
Просмотров 37 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Adults With Inattentive ADHD Describe Its Impact.
Marc Almodovar, ADHD Coach, and Executive Director of the Men's ADHD Support Group
Просмотров 848 месяцев назад
Marc Almodovar, ADHD Coach, and Executive Director of the Men's ADHD Support Group
Angie Mack, businesswoman and performing artist
Просмотров 1218 месяцев назад
Angie Mack, businesswoman and performing artist
Brendan Mahan, ADHD Coach with inattentive ADHD
Просмотров 2188 месяцев назад
Brendan Mahan, ADHD Coach with inattentive ADHD
Grace Baldridge, a minister with inattentive ADHD
Просмотров 588 месяцев назад
Grace Baldridge, a minister with inattentive ADHD
Liz Adam, neuropsychologist, diagnosed in graduate school with inattentive ADHD.
Просмотров 1518 месяцев назад
Liz Adam, neuropsychologist, diagnosed in graduate school with inattentive ADHD.
Jim Williams, man of many talents
Просмотров 608 месяцев назад
Jim Williams, man of many talents


  • @scottsmith7521
    @scottsmith7521 2 часа назад

    the way this video was edited is triggering my ADHD

  • @MrCookalooka
    @MrCookalooka День назад

    Just a few minutes into it, and I'm laughing at how relatable the other 2 speakers are; the ones in the top-right and bottom-right. Top-right is *dying* to talk and is taking down notes just to remember 100 points and ideas he has racing in his head, and bottom-right is note taking, doodling or looking at her phone and never looking up at the camera. This instantly made me feel at home lol

  • @jentommyontheroad8089
    @jentommyontheroad8089 День назад

    I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD at the same time as my oldest son. I only understood what the issue was because I was in an LD class at university. Now, as a teacher, it is so frustrating that I am not even allowed to suggest to a parent that ADHD may be the issue! It’s no wonder that it’s so difficult to get a diagnosis if you’re not a boy who’s bouncing off the walls.

  • @cookielalalala
    @cookielalalala 2 дня назад

    as an AuDHD person, I couldn't watch past 2:44 because of the audio being all over the place

  • @ic_0129
    @ic_0129 3 дня назад

    Lol I've been binging ADHD videos. I recently got diagnosed with combined ADHD, with gerenal anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder. My first day of Concerta removed all the anxiety and low mood I felt everyday and it gave me calmness and motivation that I had not felt. Lol I wish I had known when I was a child.. life would be different right now. But at least I know I can focus on things without fighting myself to get things done.

  • @chadalca17
    @chadalca17 4 дня назад

    RUclips algorithm shared this video to me. This is so self-assuring hearing these stories as I feel I've had experience in all the experiences. I've never been diagnosed with ADHD as I flew under the radar, making good enough grades, being well-behaved. But the almost getting kicked out of undergrad and the being able to do things in a panic, and only being able to do things in a panic speak to me.

  • @Rahna7
    @Rahna7 7 дней назад

    The first speaker who was talking about having to walk around and she couldn't sit still, even though it is a symptom of hyperactive ADHD, it sounds like "stimming" due to being under stimulated possibly.

  • @Coyot0xx0
    @Coyot0xx0 9 дней назад

    Hi everyone, I really need an advice from someone who knows this. I seem having many of the symptoms that has been pointed out in several sources, such as videos and professional articles on ADHD. I also have a history of hardship somewhat similar to what Aaron Croft was talking about. I've decided to seek professional help. One of the psychiatric centres offers a so called Gibson test as a professional method of diagnostics. It is a bit costly to me, but I still would be happy to go for it if somebody would be lovely and assured me that this is one of the good ways to start off. Many thanks for any words.

  • @alurone1
    @alurone1 12 дней назад

    I am 44 years old and scheduled to be evaluated for ADHD in a few weeks. I can’t tell you how much I relate to this content, thank you.

  • @ishaonpurpose
    @ishaonpurpose 12 дней назад

    The older I get, I’m not as able to pull off the last minute miracles as well and it creates more stress than it used to.

  • @lunabird6030
    @lunabird6030 13 дней назад

    I like your calm self acceptance about it and I know it’s not always easy.

  • @lunabird6030
    @lunabird6030 13 дней назад

    Wow! You’ve come a long way. I’m so impressed that you have not only identified ADHD, but have many tools for dealing with it and are able to help others professionally.

  • @vkween256
    @vkween256 13 дней назад

    I'm so glad more people are opening up about this. I thought I was just the weirdo for so many years. And now I'm getting to a point where I am losing my words when trying to articulate myself. It's so frustrating! I'm so happy I've just realized that I have ADHD. I'm about to go get my official diagnosis next week. I can't wait.

  • @truckywuckyuwu
    @truckywuckyuwu 14 дней назад

    Getting real tired of the 'it looks different in women vs men' agenda. It's ADHD, you're either inattentive, hyperactive, or mixed. Women and Men can be all 3. Yes, maybe women present more often with inattentive, doesn't mean it looks different.

  • @JazzyJonas
    @JazzyJonas 14 дней назад

    2:00 Same. I watch Dr. Katz Professional Therapist on low volume before bed and just let it play on shuffle all night. I have for several years.

  • @tiffanykraft944
    @tiffanykraft944 18 дней назад

    HOLY CANOLI!!! Aryiana narrated my life. Every.Thing.!!! I'm glad she was able to bring a unique perspective to this conversation. The different and demanding constraints on black children, to how she coped growing up, to how she is able always relate back to "how am I treating my body," etc. Also, by saying she was happy with who and where she is now and being honest about how her past shaped her. THIS has been an Absolutely remarkable video for me. I'm deeply greatful and hope she can come back on a semi-regular basis. God bless❤

  • @jerishawilson
    @jerishawilson 20 дней назад

    I would like to know Ms. White's strategies for studying for her LCSW with ADHD. Im just discovering this and taking mine in June and would like to hear her thoughts.

  • @Lynee5290
    @Lynee5290 22 дня назад

    Definitely one of the most validating videos I’ve watched, thankyou! 🙏🏻

  • @jamie.777
    @jamie.777 23 дня назад

    I have had a few friends growing up, not many!!! I have had adhd my entire life. I was actually called "hyperactive" young. My skin literally crawls when i am bored or with ppl who dont like me

  • @jamie.777
    @jamie.777 23 дня назад

    I love doodling during lame office meetings, i LOVED seeing 👀 my manager giving me angry eyes as.i doodled eye balls on my precious steno pad

  • @TylerDaSilva522
    @TylerDaSilva522 24 дня назад

    I am exactly like the guy. For real 100%

  • @NinjaWolf87
    @NinjaWolf87 25 дней назад

    Much of this was eye opening for me. I have deadlines at work but I can never seem to get them done early. Only when I am having my boss breath down my neck and I'm going through massive panic do I get everything done and get it done quickly. Then I get reprimanded for "why wasn't it done earlier?". I don't have a good answer. Makes me happy that I have an appointment in a few weeks to speak with a professional.

  • @karinturkington2455
    @karinturkington2455 26 дней назад

    Very informative.

  • @Hananssm
    @Hananssm 28 дней назад

    15:28 from this point, its very powerful and core to adults with ADHD 😢

  • @tomcat51701
    @tomcat51701 29 дней назад

    I had a doctor tell me that you are too old to be diagnosed for ADHD and you are a woman and you are too old for any sort of medication or treatment! WTH?

  • @battmyne
    @battmyne 29 дней назад

    Aron's account nearly made me cry. Due to issues with focus I'm currently really struggling to complete university (for the second time) and its beginning to affect my day job too. This has been exhaserbated by working from home since Covid because i feel so disconnected and disengaged with the work. I've always just thought it was me - i managed through school but started falling apart at A Levels and University the first time around was a disaster and i quit before finishing with depression. I have a family now, which is my motivation and 'urgency/pressure' to complete this. It's only upon researching ADHD for my son that i've come across inattentive ADHD and hearing people's accounts are so familiar. I'm wondering what to do and whether i should go to the doctor to try and get a diagnosis, though i'm worried what if i don't get it? I've tried loads of techniques such as pomodoro and creating my own urgency, but even turning focus to these things feels almost impossible.

  • @mrennie5158
    @mrennie5158 29 дней назад

    To everyone except the inattentive ADD sufferers because we don’t have the attention span for this long form s**t 😂

  • @Howtovideos840
    @Howtovideos840 Месяц назад

    Theres usually someone in the family who shows these symptoms .. mom or dad.. a parent being undiagnosed makes it so hard for the child

  • @nikleiser5888
    @nikleiser5888 Месяц назад

    @the entire speakerpanel Part of the ADHD is a bloodtest (atleast in Germany), what did the doctor say about your potencial comorbitities like Diabities, hypothyroiditis,etc? Did you do additionel tests for lack of nutrients, Epstein Barr Virus, Lyme diseases, Testerone etc ? If so, what did you find ? Cheers from Germany

  • @user-dt2sc5dm1u
    @user-dt2sc5dm1u Месяц назад

    Lady Catnip - I was never formally diagnosed, because I was off the charts excellent at everything but math. I simply could NOT pay attention, and even now (I'm a grandma) things with number concepts behind them are very difficult for me. My teachers were unanimous at report card time: "If she would just pay more attention to details. . ." I was accepted at a phenomenal university that didn't require any math for my Language/Literature major, and graduated with honors. So, basically, I've proven that you can get through life reasonably well AND avoid math if that's the only thing that trips you up.

  • @shawnrisley2404
    @shawnrisley2404 Месяц назад

    Thank you for communicating so openly and for sharing context. Being open about your own growth of awareness gives others hope, that they can make adaptive changes in order to do life, and communicate, better.

  • @AdassaNelsonEdwards
    @AdassaNelsonEdwards Месяц назад

    Linda Roggli from adhd diva and palooza are a life saver for yearly up to date research - like a round up of Neuro science and research annually, give it a look.

  • @PhotoAmbrosia
    @PhotoAmbrosia Месяц назад

    I see 4 people that have to share talking time, and I am going to pass on this. 4 is just too much. I hate interruptions, it is to frustrating when Im following a line of reason and someone with poor impulse control butts in and derails the thought. 15 minutes and nothing is said!

  • @pdacquisto15
    @pdacquisto15 Месяц назад

    I was recently diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD at 48. I was originally diagnosed with anxiety and depression 20 years ago, but I always felt there was something else going on. At 48, I am learning so much about myself!

  • @pjackson8322
    @pjackson8322 Месяц назад

    The distinction between finishingbat the lat minute and starting at the last minute is a good one.

  • @melanierobinson4566
    @melanierobinson4566 Месяц назад

    ❤❤thank you for sharing this.

  • @AlisonCrockett
    @AlisonCrockett Месяц назад

    The last woman made me tear up. As a black woman, the was no failure allowed, grit was something you had to acquire. You figured it out. I had all the ideas but a lot of difficulty with follow thru. And I still did amazing things feeling like I was lazy and dumb but I had no choice but to figure it out and make it work. I was diagnosed at 50 and all the depression, anxiety, panic attacks, not being able to live up to what my own vision was, was explained. Why I was good a everything, but master of nothing. I created a life that allowed me to live as a music educator and musician. But I just thought my lack of success(by my terms) was just because I just didn’t work hard enough. Medication allows me to access the insane energy I have to complete things without the requisite anxiety, depression, ruminating thoughts, distraction etc. that messed with me before that made me feel like I was a bad person. An unexpected adhd diagnosis has changed everything and made me understand the why and how I can work well and be my version of success.

    • @OyaRevolutionary
      @OyaRevolutionary 17 дней назад

      I'm 61 this year, black female and looking into getting diagnosed. I really appreciate and resonate with you.

  • @abav811
    @abav811 Месяц назад

    Wow this is me. Thank you.

  • @hdg0pc70
    @hdg0pc70 Месяц назад

    I was diagnosed in my early 50s, in the UK. I was awarded a 2:2 for my BSc (Hons) degree. I had been awarded 2 PG Diplomas. I my marks for both were in a 2:1 territory. In all 3 cases I couldn't focus enough to submit a dissertation. The support of a friend allowed me to explore why. After some research, I was diagnosed with Dyslexia, and ADHD ( hyperactive/ inattentive) sub type.

  • @erinfield1943
    @erinfield1943 Месяц назад

    K so the solution is adderall? What is it that makes these interviewees function now? What does adderall actually do?

  • @capgains
    @capgains Месяц назад

    Miserable fn life. That’s what is it. Watching people now half my age pass me by. Stuck in low level jobs, yet traditionally educated and seemingly qualified to move up. Only reason I stick around are the moments when my mind cooperates. Which takes about 2-3hrs to engage and the balance of the study session is intermittent moments of useful thoughts. Fn ridiculous

  • @scarba
    @scarba Месяц назад

    New subscriber. I wish I could have told my mother about this before she died. She had it worse than me and we had no clue this existed, me in the 70s as a child or her in the 30s. Now my daughter has it. She’s so lucky there’s awareness now. We thought we were just stupid weirdos and lacked self esteem. We knew we weren’t stupid though and none of it made sense.

  • @Christen-G
    @Christen-G Месяц назад

    I’m so distracted by compassion for the non-talking participants 😄 this was not a very ADD-sensitive interview style 😂

    • @peterstamatelos9525
      @peterstamatelos9525 Месяц назад

      You paid attention to them?? Why weren’t you drawing or drumming on your desk with a pen???

  • @Maryam-111
    @Maryam-111 Месяц назад

    Thank you 🙏. God bless you and your guests. Whatever she said I experience daily. I have been diagnosed with depression anxiety and ADHD. I felt her so deeply, I AM TIRED ALL THE TIME!!!! no matter if i got enough sleep but i am still tired!!!

  • @ytseman9617
    @ytseman9617 Месяц назад

    Thanks for this video. I am a new subscriber and currently awaiting an ADHD diagnosis at 45. I live in the UK. I can relate to so much of what was said here👏

  • @void________
    @void________ Месяц назад

    So true. Getting diagnosed is a privilege. Doctors blow off my suspicions.

  • @adeo9293
    @adeo9293 Месяц назад

    I am Aaron 😢

  • @piotrgraniszewski8544
    @piotrgraniszewski8544 2 месяца назад

    The first person is high off the 'neurodiversity' kool-aid. They are wrong. ADHD **is** a mental disorder.

  • @ProBloggerWorld
    @ProBloggerWorld 2 месяца назад

    This was kind of very comforting to hear. Thanks for these fine people to open up publicly. I feel them. 🙏🏻

  • @user-gt7jl8yw6p
    @user-gt7jl8yw6p 2 месяца назад

    I’m 73 and I would like to know if I have ADHD as a senior adult. Recent incidents have made this relevant and proper meds for anxiety is needed. Do I start with my current PCP? Or do I find someone who specializes in adhd as Dr Mason from GR Mich. I live in Holland, Mi.