  • Видео 1
  • Просмотров 94 469
Zizek on love, deconstruction and "cynicism"
Taken from the documentary Zizek!
Просмотров: 94 473



  • @Brian-ve7ds
    @Brian-ve7ds Год назад

    Damn what an ending. Boom.

  • @screensaves
    @screensaves Год назад


  • @saikatmondal3480
    @saikatmondal3480 4 года назад

    and so on and so on

  • @ChrisSamuel1729
    @ChrisSamuel1729 4 года назад

    Is this canned laughter?

  • @eightemoh9773
    @eightemoh9773 5 лет назад

    I find people to be weak for being dicks just because there's nothing to believe. Just go on with your life!

  • @mustafayldrm3449
    @mustafayldrm3449 5 лет назад

    oh Zzek, teach me to love

  • @soccrattes2295
    @soccrattes2295 5 лет назад

    Man his ticks weren't half as bad as they are now..

  • @user34274
    @user34274 5 лет назад

    This camera angle makes this video so sexy

    • @aaronsmyth7943
      @aaronsmyth7943 5 лет назад

      At least you wouldn't need lube. You could both take a bath in Zizeks slobbers.

  • @NoGodsNoMasters1885
    @NoGodsNoMasters1885 6 лет назад

    Sounds like an opinion of Jordan Peterson.

    • @claudiamanta1943
      @claudiamanta1943 Месяц назад

      I don’t recall to have heard Peterson uttering the word ‘love’. Like those whom he criticises, he dissects the hell out of whatever comes his way in order to impose his new structure by recombining old frames that have lost their creative and normative vitality. If nothing else, he butchers christianity (not that I care about that shit myself), but he lacks the moral courage to face the void and fall in (love with) it. He doesn’t believe in anything, really. In this respect, Zizek is wrong. Deconstructionists do not believe in anything whilst they destroy values themselves as categories of thinking and discourse. One might suspect initially that they hold some obscure, nay arcane, beliefs, but I doubt it. They are like worms munching on the tumours of cultural corpses.

  • @SerobZeromintis
    @SerobZeromintis 7 лет назад

    just for fun, but nothing relevant

  • @KashmirPL
    @KashmirPL 7 лет назад

    Could anyone paste the link with all this lecture in Columbia University?

  • @hukep1
    @hukep1 9 лет назад

    I'm having a hard time understanding what me means when he is talking about love, anyone care to lend some clarity?

    • @lucasfabisiak9586
      @lucasfabisiak9586 6 лет назад

      The standard articulation of love, he claims, has always been loaded with what he is calling “distanciation”; that is, when people say “I love you” it is always with some caveat about it being perhaps conditional and ephemeral even though we likely would not say so openly. This would indicate that we do not really believe in some transcendent aspect of love, but counterintuitively, Žižek points out that the very fact of our added distanciation-manifested in our fear of saying “I love you”-suggests an even greater commitment to the belief in transcendent (“true”) love. After all, we don’t typically fear things that don’t matter to us or that we don’t believe in. It is in some sense an acknowledgment of the gravity of true love and the danger of allowing oneself to “fall”, which can be painful if one is not caught, as well as the burden that is imposed on the beloved, for catching a falling man is also dangerous; better that the pair fall together in perpetuity without ever hitting the ground.

  • @niriop
    @niriop 10 лет назад

    0:33 What is that name he drops?

  • @frenzy1225
    @frenzy1225 10 лет назад

    As a poet would put it, I love you... Fucking great haha

    • @frenzy1225
      @frenzy1225 8 лет назад

      No its just a funny example of how people are afraid to just say "I love you." Adding "as a poet would say..." is sort of a cheeky way of implying that it's just a romantic thing to say and it's not really 100% sincere

  • @Sanaa2k
    @Sanaa2k 11 лет назад

    What are there to be believed in these days?

  • @marcovanheugten1387
    @marcovanheugten1387 11 лет назад

    irrelevant philosopher. read about classical cynicism to learn something

  • @karl-arnal
    @karl-arnal 11 лет назад

    yes, i hate it too, is horrible, never go to a cinema to watch anything zizek does, it destroyed the premiere in London of the pervert's guide to ideology for me, what a horrible experience

    @JAMAICADOCK 11 лет назад

    I believe in god - but I think he's a marxist. When I die I hope Che and Rosa Luxemberg are guarding the gates of heaven, and all the capitalist are down in hell being punished for eternity by Stalin and Mao.

  • @2dlamb
    @2dlamb 11 лет назад

    nothing about it is fucking funny what the fuck is that psuedo laugh track bullshit

  • @aarif0711
    @aarif0711 12 лет назад

    it is not only the ancients that had a lighter relationship with "i love you" than your contemporary new yorker... eastern man has it too.

  • @karl-arnal
    @karl-arnal 12 лет назад

    that's exactly what a bottle of tea is

  • @rainwindandwolf5
    @rainwindandwolf5 13 лет назад

    Cynicism is misunderstood

  • @dialectic76
    @dialectic76 13 лет назад

    @aha45 "When the Ancients directly said I love you, they meant exactly the same - all of these distanciations were included. So it's we today who are afraid that if we were to put it directly, 'I love you,' that it would mean too much. _We_ believe in it."

  • @freyaeve
    @freyaeve 13 лет назад

    @aha45 ancients

  • @AmrAS1985
    @AmrAS1985 13 лет назад

    @warriorprince1010 warriorprince you are arguing against common knowledge. Switzerland and norway i dont know much about but there must be some specefic extreme factors there that explain it if what you say is true. Minimum wage in a country makes businesses also leave that country and produce in say china, etc. which means unemployment. Same like increasing taxes. This is all available on even wikipedia! Common knowledge really, check first i dont know why you are still debating.

  • @AmrAS1985
    @AmrAS1985 13 лет назад

    @warriorprince1010 Wow this is an old thread... just got to it now. Im an economics major. :) Minimum wage increases unemployment.. As less ppl want to hire you, A car wash manager will go for the automatic car wash machines than pay you to wash cars at their car wash. McDs will have less staff around and try to computerize certain aspects of the job.. Its really that simple. :)

  • @arzoyan
    @arzoyan 13 лет назад

    A classless,monyless,stateless communities of humanity in cooperation to take care of our needs and well being , expressing our creative energies in freedom of being. Capitalism is the manipulation of resources and technology for the private gain of a few in a monetary system that enslaves immense humanity in wage slavery of useless employment system that dehumanises and denies our human creative potential for a world of harmony within and without.

  • @gg_rider
    @gg_rider 13 лет назад

    by those methods of force by govt + capital oligarchy, free market for labor was diminished, and thru later methods by state regulations + monopoly + corp cartels, prices were artificially inflated, wealth accumulated, and LARGE property ownership established which would not have occurred in free market and would not be sustainable in free market. In other words, Govt helped create Rentier class of parasites using privilege and favoritism thru entire history of capitalism.

  • @gg_rider
    @gg_rider 13 лет назад

    @JohnColt In free market theory, redist of wealth occurs thru work + sales + wages for few who don't yet own a biz or self-empl. Adam Smith approved "combinations" of labor to balance market power of "combinations" of capital. But as Herbert Hoover said, US economy has not been free market "dog eat dog" since 1800s. Small dogs were eating Big Dogs. Big Dogs demanded govt protection. Kevin Carson takes that back to early Ind Age where English govt + capital used laws+force against Labor.

  • @AmrAS1985
    @AmrAS1985 13 лет назад

    @warriorprince1010 Sorry mate, high minimum wages do call unemployment. Thats economics 101. High minimum wage means less workers hired as it becomes cheaper and more economical to use another of the factors of production rather than labour as for example capital ie machinery. Every dollar increase in minimum wage nation wide leaves a few hundred thousand unemployed.

  • @adzug
    @adzug 13 лет назад

    @warriorprince1010 ur right bout volkswagon. good to be corrected.and i agree bout free mkts in hair salons and the like. but its also tru bout the socialists being rounded up and the industrialists profit increasing while workers wages were slashed.

  • @adzug
    @adzug 13 лет назад

    @warriorprince1010 look all i can say is go read up on germany during hitler. he was for private ownership very much, it was his reliance on the industrialists that made the politics of the country what it was. krupps private industry, volkswagon private industry. these men were rich thru the nazis. they even rounded up the socialists at the time for the camps. all documented, look it up.

  • @adzug
    @adzug 13 лет назад

    @warriorprince1010 like i said. yes they are socialist but again "no no no" works well for you. and becuz a thing is labeled natl socailist means nothing of the concept as we talk bout it today. it was all about the industrialists and the nazi party. facsism in a word. see you cant think of things only in blk/wht. govt like usa can have social programs and capitalism as well.

  • @adzug
    @adzug 13 лет назад

    @warriorprince1010 he has a rationale and point of veiw. you just say " hes like hitler" meaningless. you present no argument of your own. and in fact , there are several "socialist " countries that have a much better standard of living then the usa. but maybe you can just say no no no and then itll be true to you.

  • @SUpersaiyajinjerkbag
    @SUpersaiyajinjerkbag 14 лет назад

    What bitcn

  • @thefirstroom
    @thefirstroom 14 лет назад

    @JohnOhn No, it should be Robert Pfaller.

  • @JohnOhn
    @JohnOhn 14 лет назад

    @dry3rlint "'Fowler', ah - many thanks for the tip and the thoughts. - JP

  • @dry3rlint
    @dry3rlint 14 лет назад

    @JohnOhn James Fowler--see the Stages of Faith.

  • @JohnOhn
    @JohnOhn 14 лет назад

    Who does he refer to at :33?

    • @gmorjuela
      @gmorjuela 4 года назад

      Robert Pfaller, a sociologist who developed the concept of "interpassivity". I suffered looking for him haha

  • @theseanze
    @theseanze 14 лет назад

    ad absurdum political correctness and relativism are a big part of it too. I think it also has something to do with the paranoia induced by the "never-again" ideological approach to eradicating ideology with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao as the straw men of progressive thinking. The solution isn't to make people afraid of devotion to a cause (analogical to love), but to raise awareness of what we have in common. Deconstruction makes us objective but then you have to go in and connect with reality.