- Видео 18
- Просмотров 41 417
Добавлен 28 дек 2020
TMG TV is a RUclips channel publishing videos on science & technology. Our first video series is "Materials Science for Non-Materials Scientists". Enjoy it!!!
Video #3.3 - Fe-C Binary System & Phase Diagram (Phase Equilibria)
Hi Everyone, in this video, we will be wrapping up the Phase Equilibria subseries by investigating the iron-carbon binary system, phase diagram, and quasi-equilibrium coolings of hypoeutectoid, eutectiod, and hypereutectoid steels. We hope you enjoy this one!!!
Herkese Selamlar, bu videoda Faz Dengesi altserisini demir-karbon ikili sistemi ve faz diyagrami, hipoötektoid, ötektoid ve hiperötektoid çeliklerde dengeye yakın soğumaları inceleyip bitiriyoruz.Umarız bu videoyu beğenirsiniz.
Videos in This Subseries
Video #3.2: bit.ly/TMG_TV32
Video #3.1: bit.ly/TMG_TV31
Phase Equilibria: bit.ly/TMG_TV_P3
Herkese Selamlar, bu videoda Faz Dengesi altserisini demir-karbon ikili sistemi ve faz diyagrami, hipoötektoid, ötektoid ve hiperötektoid çeliklerde dengeye yakın soğumaları inceleyip bitiriyoruz.Umarız bu videoyu beğenirsiniz.
Videos in This Subseries
Video #3.2: bit.ly/TMG_TV32
Video #3.1: bit.ly/TMG_TV31
Phase Equilibria: bit.ly/TMG_TV_P3
Просмотров: 585
Video #3.2 - Binary Phase Diagrams & Lever Rule (Phase Equilibria)
Просмотров 9292 года назад
Hi Everyone, in this video, we will make a brief introduction to binary phase diagrams and identify their components. Then, we will go over the lever rule and how to employ it to determine the fractional (or percent) distributions of the phases present in binary systems. Later, we will take a look at the isomorphous, eutectic (and eutectic-like), peritectic (and peritectic-like) systems and inv...
Video #3.1 - Fundamentals & Unary Phase Diagrams (Phase Equilibria)
Просмотров 8913 года назад
Hi Everyone, video #3.1 is the first video of our new subseries, Phase Equilibria. This video investigates Phase Concept, Phase Equilibrium, Gibbs Phase Rule, Le Chatelier Principle, Unary Phase Diagrams, and Cooling Curves. Herkese Selamlar, video #3.1 yeni serimiz olan faz dengesinin ilk videosu. Bu videoda Faz Konusu, Faz Dengesi, Gibbs Faz Kuralı, Le Chatelier Prensibi, Tekli Faz Diyagramla...
Video #2.8 - Failure Mechanisms & Case Studies (Mechanical Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.3 года назад
Hi Everyone, in video #2.8, the failure mechanism will be covered and some exemplary case studies will be investigated. Herkese Selamlar, video #2.8 kırılma mekanizmalarına değineceğiz ve bazı örnek vakaları irdeleyeceğiz. Videos in This Subseries Video #2.7: bit.ly/TMG_TV27 Video #2.6: bit.ly/TMG_TV26 Video #2.5: bit/ly/TMG_TV25 Video #2.4: bit.ly/TMG_TV24 Video #2.3: bit.ly/TMG_TV23 Video #2....
Video #2.7 - Creep Phenomenon and Testing (Mechanical Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.3 года назад
Hi Everyone, in the video #2.7, creep phenomenon and testing will be covered. Additionally, some suggestions for improving creep performances of metals will be given. Herkese Selamlar, video #2.7 sürünme fenomenini ve testini inceleyeceğiz. Buna ek olarak, metallerin sürünme performanslarını artırmak için bir takım önerilerde de bulunacağız. Videos in This Subseries Video #2.6: bit.ly/TMG_TV26 ...
Video #2.6 - Fatigue Life Prediction Methods (Mechanical Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.3 года назад
Hi Everyone, in the video #2.6, we will be covering fatigue life prediction methods. Herkese Selamlar, video #2.6'de yorulma ömrü tahmin metodlarını anlatacağız. Videos in This Subseries Video #2.5: bit/ly/TMG_TV25 Video #2.4: bit.ly/TMG_TV24 Video #2.3: bit.ly/TMG_TV23 Video #2.2: bit/ly/TMG_TV22 Video #2.1: bit.ly/TMG_TV21 Playlists: Mechanical Properties of Materials: bit.ly/TMG_TV_P2 Struct...
Video #2.5 - Introduction to Fatigue (Mechanical Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.3 года назад
Hi Everyone, in the video #2.5, we will be making an introduction to fatigue of materials. Herkese Selamlar, video #2.5'de yorulma konusuna giriş yapacağız. Videos in This Subseries Video #2.4: bit.ly/TMG_TV24 Video #2.3: bit.ly/TMG_TV23 Video #2.2: bit/ly/TMG_TV22 Video #2.1: bit.ly/TMG_TV21 Playlists: Mechanical Properties of Materials: bit.ly/TMG_TV_P2 Structural Properties of Materials: bit...
Video #2.4 - 3- & 4-Point Bending Tests(Mechanical Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 8 тыс.3 года назад
Hi Everyone, in the video #2.4, we will talk about the 3- & 4-point bending tests and their analyses. Herkese Selamlar, video #2.4'de 3- ve 4-nokta eğme testleri ve analizleri üzerine konuşacağız. Videos in This Subseries Video #2.3: bit.ly/TMG_TV23 Video #2.2: bit/ly/TMG_TV22 Video #2.1: bit.ly/TMG_TV21 Playlists: Mechanical Properties of Materials: bit.ly/TMG_TV_P2 Structural Properties of Ma...
Video #2.3 - Hardness Tests (Mechanical Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.3 года назад
Hi Everyone, in the video #2.3, we will talk about the hardness concepts and tests. Herkese Selamlar, video #2.3'de malzemelerin sertliği ve sertlik testleri üzerinde duracağız. Videos in This Subseries Video #2.2: bit/ly/TMG_TV22 Video #2.1: bit.ly/TMG_TV21 Playlists: Mechanical Properties of Materials: bit.ly/TMG_TV_P2 Structural Properties of Materials: bit.ly/TMG_TV_P1 Materials Science For...
Video #2.2 - Toughness, Fracture Toughness, & Notch Toughness (Mechanical Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.3 года назад
Hi Everyone, in the video #2.2, we will talk about the toughness, fracture toughness, & notch toughness. Herkese Selamlar, video #2.2'de tokluk, kırılma tokluğu, çentik tokluğu üzerinde duracağız. Videos in This Subseries Video #2.1: bit.ly/TMG_TV21 Playlists: Mechanical Properties of Materials: bit.ly/TMG_TV_P2 Structural Properties of Materials: bit.ly/TMG_TV_P1 Materials Science For NonMater...
Video #2.1 - Tensile Testing, σ-ε Curves, & Data Interpretation (Mechanical Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 3 тыс.3 года назад
Hi Everyone, in this video sub-series, we will be talking about the mechanical properties of materials. In the video #2.1, we will talk about the uniaxial tensile testing, σ-ε curves, & their data interpretation. Herkese Selamlar, bu yeni video alt serimizde malzemelerin mekanik özellikleri üzerine konuşacağız. Video #2.1'de tek eksenli çekme testi, gerilim-gerinim eğrileri ve bu eğrilerin veri...
Video #1.4 - EM Radiation & Powder X-Ray Diffraction (Structural Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.3 года назад
In this video, we will keep talking about the structural properties of materials and we will talk about the theory and application of powder x-ray diffraction technique for structural characterization of materials. Bu videoda malzemelerin yapısal özellikleri hakkında konuşmaya devam edeceğiz ve malzemelerin yapısal karakterizasyonu için kullanılan toz x-isini kirinimi tekniğinin teori ve uygula...
Video #1.3 - Crystal Defects (Structural Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 2 тыс.3 года назад
In this video, we will keep talking about the structural properties of materials and we will cover the point, linear, and planar crystal defects. Bu videoda malzemelerin yapısal özellikleri hakkında konuşmaya devam edeceğiz ve noktasal, doğrusal ve düzlemsel kristal hatalara değineceğiz. Video #1.2: bit.ly/TMG_TV12 Video #1.1: bit.ly/TMG_TV11 Instagram: bit.ly/TMG_TV_IG Twitter: bit.ly/TMG_TV_T...
Video #1.2 - Crystallographic Directions (Structural Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 2 тыс.3 года назад
In this video, we will keep talking about the structural properties of materials and we will cover the unit cells, and crystallographic points, directions, and planes. Bu videoda malzemelerin yapısal özellikleri hakkında konuşmaya devam edeceğiz ve birim yapılar, kristalografik noktalar, doğrultular ve düzlemlere değineceğiz. Video #1.1: bit/ly/TMG_TV11 Instagram: bit.ly/TMG_TV_IG Twitter: bit....
Video #1.1 - Crystal Structures, Bravais Lattices (Structural Properties of Materials)
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.4 года назад
In this video, we will start talking about the structural properties of materials and we will cover the differences between crystalline and amorphous materials, symmetry operations, crystal systems, and Bravais lattices. Bu videoda malzemelerin yapısal özellikleri hakkında konuşmaya başlayacağız ve kristal ve amorf malzemelere, simetri operasyonlarına, kristal sistemlere, ve Bravais kafeslerine...
Video #0 - Introduction to Materials Science for Non-Materials Scientists
Просмотров 3 тыс.4 года назад
Video #0 - Introduction to Materials Science for Non-Materials Scientists
No more videos
This is the best video I came across which I couldn't find when I was searching
Thanks for the video!
Awesome Video. Thank you for taking out time to make these videos on the mechanical properties of materials, much appreciated!
Thank you, great content ! How can we define superdislocations and why they are glide without resisted by APBE ?
Time Stamps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:10 Disclamier (Önemli Uyarı) 00:31 In Previous Videos (Önceki Videolarda) 00:45 Iron-Carbon Binary Phase Diagram (Demir-Karbon İkili Faz Diyagramı) 00:58 Phases in Fe-C Phase Diagram (Fe-C Faz Diyagramındaki Fazlar) 01:33 Fe-C System Reactions (Fe-C Sistemindeki Reaksiyonlar) 04:10 Quasi-Equilibrium Cooling of Steel (Çeliğin Dengeye Yakın Soğuması) 04:28 Cooling of the Hypoeutectoid Steel (Hipoötektoid Çeliğin Soğuması) 06:48 Cooling of the Eutectoid Steel (Ötektoid Çeliğin Soğuması) 07:26 Cooling of the Hypereutectoid Steel (Hiperötektoid Çeliğin Soğuması) 09:10 Primary Phases In Hypo- & Hypereutectoid Steels (Hipo- & Hiperötektoid Çeliklerdeki Birincil Fazlar) 09:29 Introduction of Brittles by The Cementite Network (Sementit Ağıyla Gevrekliğin Sisteme Girmesi) 10:08 In The Next Video (Sonraki Videoda)
-Time Stamps- 00:11 In video #3.1 (Video 3.1'de) 00:30 Binary Phase Diagrams (İkili Faz Diyagramları) 01:00 Components of Binary Phase Diagrams (İkili Faz Diyagramlarının Parçaları) 02:21 Lever Rule (Kaldıraç Kuralı) 03:55 Cooling in the Isomorphous Phase Diagrams (İzomorfus Faz Diyagramlarında Soğuma) 05:20 Binary Eutectic Phase Diagrams (İkili Ötektik Faz Diyagramları) 06:07 Coolıng of the Eutectic Alloys (Ötektik Alaşım Soğuması) 07:22 Cooling of the Hypoeutectic Alloy (Hipoötektik Alaşım Soğuması) 08:10 Cooling of the Hypereutectic Alloy (Hiperötektik Alaşım Soğuması) 08:52 Cooling of the Alloys Having Compositions Beyond Eutectic Region (Ötektik Bölgenin Dışında Kompozisyonlardaki Alaşımların Soğuması) 09:43 Eutectic-Like Reactions (Ötektik Benzeri Reaksiyonlar) 09:55 Monotectic Reactions (Monotektik Reaksiyonlar) 10:16 Metatectic Reactions (Metatektik Reaksiyonlar) 10:26 Eutectoid Reactions (Ötektoid Reaksiyonlar) 10:38 Binary Peritectic Phase Diagrams (İkili Peritektik Faz Diyagramları) 11:03 Cooling of the Peritectic Alloy (Peritektik Alaşım Soğuması) 11:37 Cooling of the Hypoperitectic Alloy (Hipoperitektik Alaşım Soğuması) 12:15 Cooling of the Hyperperitectic Alloy (Hiperperitektik Alaşım Soğuması) 13:01 Peritectic-Like Reactions (Peritektik Benzeri Reaksiyonlar) 13:13 Syntectic Reactions (Sintektik Reaksiyonlar) 13:21 Peritectoid Reactions (Peritektoid Reaksiyonlar) 13:28 Syntectoid Reactions (Sintektoid Reaksiyonlar)
Time Stamps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:10 What Is Phase? (Faz Nedir?) 00:00:50 Physical Phases (Fiziksel Fazlar) 00:01:08 Phase In Materials Science (Malzemelerde Faz) 00:01:50 Phase Equilibrium (Faz Dengesi) 00:02:12 Gibbs Phase Rule (Gibbs Faz Kuralı) 00:03:39 Le Chatelier Principle (Le Chatelier Prensibi) 00:05:13 Unary Phase Diagrams (Tekli Faz Diyagramları) 00:05:32 Unary Phase Diagram of Water (Suyun Tekli Faz Diyagramı) 00:07:40 Unary Phase Diagram of Iron (Demirin Tekli Faz Diyagramı) 00:07:57 Unary Phase Diagram of Carbon (Karbonun Tekli Faz Diyagramı) 00:08:10 Unary Phase Diagram of Silica (Silikanın Tekli Faz Diyagramı) 00:08:47 Cooling Curves (Soğuma Eğrileri) 00:09:10 Cooling Curve of Pure Iron (Saf Demirin Soğuma Eğrisi)
Emeğinize sağlık 👍🏻 Üçlü sistemleri ve çoğunlukla seramik malzemelerde önemli hale gelen dörtlü/altılı sistemleri de görmek isteriz 😊
Congrats Derin's uncle 👏👏😻
and his friends
The videos are coming along great Lutfi!
Thanks Anthony :)
00:00:13 Introduction (Giriş) 00:00:29 Intro to Failure Mechanisms (Kırılma Mekanizmalarına Giriş) 00:00:59 Brittle Fracture (Gevrek Kırılma) 00:01:10 Ductile Fracture (Sünek Kırılma) 00:01:39 Fracture of High Ductility Materials (Çok Sünek Malzemelerin Kırılması) 00:01:50 Fracture of Ductile Materials (Sünek Malzemelerin Kırılması) 00:02:32 Fracture of Brittle Materials (Gevrek Malzemelerin Kırılması) 00:02:48 Transgranular Fracture (Taneleriçi Kırılma) 00:02:57 Intergranular Fracture (Tanelerarası Kırılma) 00:03:36 Chevron Marks and Fan Shaped Ridges 00:04:37 Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (Sünek Gevrek Geçiş Sıcaklığı) 00:05:05 Liberty Ships (Liberty Gemileri) 00:05:52 Aloha Airlines Flight 243 (Aloha Havayolu 243 Numaralı Uçuş) 00:07:06 Great Molasses Flood (Büyük Pekmez Seli= 00:09:38 Next Video/Series (Sonraki Video/Seri)
Plz make detail video on creep mechanism graph... Plz sir
Hi Hammad, since our videos are targeting nonmaterial scientist audience, the videos are prepare at introductory level.
Plz upload the lecture fastly because my exam is coming...😢
Hi Hammad, as these videos are our side projects, we are not able to release videos faster than our current speed. Thanks.
Time Stamps --------------------- 00:00:19 Intro to creep (Sürünmeye giriş) 00:01:30 Creep testing (Sürünme testi) 00:01:52 Creep curve and stages (Sürünme eğrisi ve basamakları) 00:03:27 Temperature and stress dependence of creep (Sürünmenin gerilim ve sıcaklıkla ilişkisi) 00:07:07 Rupture (Kopma) 00:08:19 Empirical correlations (Ampirik iliskiler) 00:09:40 Strategies for improving creep performances of metals (Metallerin sürünme performanslarını iyileştirmeye dönük stratejiler) 00:13:03 Creep testing standards (Sürünme testi standartları)
Waiting another video related to fatigue....
Hi Muhammad, unfortunately, this was the last video on fatigue. Next one will be on creep deformation and testing.
@@tmgtv1426 next video???
Hi Muhammad, because of our schedules production the new video is taking longer than usual. But it will be released in a few weeks.
Any private course available...?
Perfect explanation 👏
Thanks Bilgehan :)
Plz cover all topic related to fatigue
Best channel
Time Stamps ---------------------- 00:00:36 Fatigue Life Prediction Methods (Yorulma Ömrü Tahmin Yöntemleri) 00:01:02 S-N Curve Approach (S-N Eğrisi Yaklaşımı) 00:03:40 S-N Curve vs Mean Stress and Cycle Number (S-N Eğrisi vs. Ortalama Gerilim ve Döngü Sayısı) 00:04:20 Local Strain Approach (Bölgesel Gerinim Yaklaşımı) 00:05:14 Coffin-Manson (Coffin-Manson İlişkisi) 00:06:11 Basquin's Equation and Hooke's Law (Basquin Denklemi ve Hooke Yasası) 00:06:46 Fatigue Life and Strain (Yorulma Ömrü ve Gerinimi) 00:07:05 Cumulative Fatigue Damage Approach (Kümülatif Yorulma Hasarı Yaklaşımı) 00:07:25 Miner's Rule (Miner Kuralı) 00:08:18 Fatigue Testing Standards (Yorulma Test Standartları)
Well done thanks
Plz. Complete all the topic related to fatigue your are the best explanner....👍
Thanks Muhammad
Plz complete the mechanical testing series
Excellent work, thank you. I specifically liked the parts (DBTT and K_{IC}). Very well explained. 👍
Why fracture toughness is a material property? Can I say that Fracture toughness is a material property only for plane strain case because it is independent of plate thickness?
Hi Kashif, fracture toughness is not a material property since it changes with changing material width. However, but as the material thickens and reaches to a critical thickness value, the plane stress conditions turn into plane strain conditions. As the thickness hits that value the fracture toughness of the material converges to a value which is named plane strain fracture toughness of the material. Any increase in the material thickness beyond that critical value will not lead to a major deviation from the plane strain fracture toughness value of that specific material. In other words, beyond that critical thickness value fracture toughness becomes independent of the materials thickness.
Time Stamps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:30 What Is Fatigue? (Yorulma Nedir?) 0:55 What Is Fatigue of Materials (Malzemelerde Yorulma Nedir?) 2:15 Factors Causing Fatigue Failure (Yorulma Hasarını Etkileyen Faktörler) 2:50 Crack Initiators (Çatlak Başlatıcılar) 3:37 Beachmark & Striation (Halkasal Desen & Çizgi) 4:41 Cyclic Stresses (Periyodik Gerilimler) 7:02 Reversed Stress Cycle (Ters Gerilim Döngüsü) 7:58 Repeated Stress Cycle (Tekrarlanan Gerilim Döngüsü) 8:22 Random Stress Cycle (Rastgele Gerilim Döngüsü) 8:49 Stress-Time Mode Example Applications (Gerilim-Zaman Modu Örnek Uygulamalar)
Time Stamps ----------------------- 0:29 Shortcomings of Tensile Test (Çekme Testinin Yetersiz Kaldığı Durumlar) 1:32 Bending Tests (Eğme Testleri) 2:03 3-Point Bending Test (3-Nokta Eğme Testi) 2:55 Flexural Strength (Eğme Mukavemeti) 4:16 Flexural Strain (Eğilme Gerilmesi) 5:04 Flexural Modulus (Eğilme Çarpanı) 5:42 4-Point Bending Test (4-Nokta Eğme Testi) 6:58 Bending Testing Standards (Eğme Testi Standartları)
Best wishes congrats
Thanks :)
Good 3D explanation 👍
Thank you
Well done
Thanks :)
Emeğinize sağlık
Nice explanation 👍
Thank you, we are glad to to hear that!
Time Stamps 1:08 Before Hardness Test (Sertlik Testi Öncesi) 1:21 During Hardness Test (Sertlik Testi Esnasinda) 2:18 Indenter Geometries and Applied Loads (İzaçar Geometrisi ve Uygulanan Yük) 2:30 Hardness Tests (Sertlik Testleri) 2:45 Rockwell Hardness Tests (Rockwell Sertlik Testleri) 4:48 Brinell Hardness Test (Brinell Sertlik Testi) 7:06 Vickers Hardness Test (Vickers Sertlik Testi) 9:19 Knopp Hardness Test (Knoop Sertlik Testi) 10:37 Summary of Hardness Tests (Sertlik Testlerinin Özeti)
عندي تقرير عن Lab. application of mechanical properties (hardness tests عادي اعتمد ع هذا
Hello sir, could you make some videos related to composite materials? Might be about microstructure or some properties. Thanks for useful videos. 🙂
Hi Furkan, thanks for your kind words. We are planning to make videos specific to some materials and material groups, including composite materials, but in the upcoming weeks we will be releasing more videos on mechanical properties of materials.
@@tmgtv1426 Thanks for replying. I'll keep on following. 👍🏼
Informative 👍🏻
We are glad to hear that! Thanks!!
0:42 - Toughness (Tokluk) 2:15 - Fracture Toughness (Kırılma Tokluğu) 5:00 - Plane Strain Fracture Toughness (Düzlemsel Gerinim Kırılma Tokluğu) 7:00 - Impact Testing - (Darbe Testi) 8:06 - Notch Toughness (Çentik Tokluğu) 8:15 - Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (Sünek -Gevrek Geçiş Sıcaklığı) 10:20 - Related Testing Standards (İlgili Test Standartları)
Well done
Time Marks 0:34 - Tensile Testing (Çekme Testi) 1:17 - σ-ε Curves (Gerilim-Gerinim Eğrileri) 2:42 - Stress (Gerilim) 2:52 - Engineering Stress (Mühendislik Gerilimi) 3:08 - True Stress (Gerçek Gerilim) 3:33 - Strain (Gerinim) 3:47 - Engineering Strain (Mühendislik Gerinimi) 3:53 - True Strain (Gerçek Gerinim) 4:28 - Elastic Deformation (Elastik Deformasyon) 4:35 - Elastic Modulus (Elastik Modül) 4:48 - Hooke's Law (Hooke Yasası) 5:24 - Stiffness (Direngenlik) 5:54 - Poisson's Ratio (Poisson Oranı) 6:54 - Plastic Deformation (Plastik Deformasyon) 7:37 - Yield Point (Akma Noktası) 8:21 - Ultimate Tensile Strength (Çekme Mukavemeti) 8:54 - Fracture Strength (Kırılma Mukavemeti) 9:39 - Ductile vs Brittle Materials (Sünek ve Gevrek Malzemeler) 10:33 - Resilience (Elastikiyet) 10:42 - Toughness(Tokluk)
Love from dictionary:) Are you planing to do some material also for Carbon Fibre?
Hi Afacan, carbon fibers or carbon materials will not be covered soon, we have mechanical properties of materials on our current schedule. But we will cover special applications and materials, including carbon fibers.
Sars-CoV-2 PCR lab dan selamlar..
Selamlar ve sevgiler, sizin nezdinizde tekrar butun meslektaslariniza ve size ozveriniz ve emekleriniz icin sonsuz tesekkurler :)
Congrats, ellerinize ve beyninize sağlık Gençler!!!
Cok tesekkurler :)
Ic y provide certificate of attendance it will be very thankful
Hi Nina, since we are a new organization, we are not able to provide certificates. But may be in the future.
Could you please kindly share the ppt file of your lectures?
Hi, we are preparing these videos as motion graphics because of that there are no ppt files for our content. But feel free to share our videos with your colleagues or use in your lectures.
Time Code 0:53 - EM Radiation (EM Radyasyonu) 3:16 - Powder X-Ray Diffraction (Toz X-Işını Kırınımı) 5:08 - Bragg's Law (Bragg Yasası) 6:30 - Ideal Single Crystal (İdeal Tek Kristal) 7:12 - Ideal Polycrystalline (İdeal Çoklu Kristal) 8:02 - Real Polycrystalline (Gerçek Çoklu Kristal) 8:57 - Full Width at Half Maximum (Yarı Maksimumdaki Tepe Genişliği) 9:59 - Peak Shift (Tepe Kayması)