VeggIPort 蔬食護照
VeggIPort 蔬食護照
  • Видео 92
  • Просмотров 45 851
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.27 (Not A Nugget) 🐔🐓🐣🐥 by Stephanie Dreyer & Jack Veda
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨🥑!感謝您收看我的頻道!
Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am RiRi! Thank you for checking out my channel!
🌱 Happy World Vegan Month 🌱 世界纯素月 🌱
Most children have a natural connection with animals, but few make the connection between their love for animals ad the habit of eating them. Engaging children early in the discussions about the origins of our food, and the impact on ourselves, animals, and the environment is critical. Presenting this information in an engaging and fun way is ch...
Просмотров: 185


RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.26 (It’s OK to be Different) 👦⚧🦮🦯🌈🦽🌐🦻 by Sharon Purtill & Sujata Saha
Просмотров 178Год назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨🥑!感謝您收看我的頻道! Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am RiRi! Thank you for checking out my channel! 👦👱🏿 Happy Universal Children’s Day 👧🏿👱🏻‍♂️👧🏽 世界兒童日 👦🏾👧🏼 2022 Theme: Inclusion for every child ⚧🦮🦯🌈🦽🌐🦻 Investing in our future means investing in our children - which is why the United Nations has designated every November 20th as Universal Children’s Day. It’s a time to promo...
Avocado Studio Ep.18《M6NTHS》六個月 🐽🐷🐖
Просмотров 248Год назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到 VeggIPort!我是酪梨🥑! 今天酪梨要跟大家介紹一部紀錄片。《M6NTHS》 六個月。 這是一個關於豬豬們被囚禁卻渴望外面世界的故事。 這部紀錄片探討了人類對豬豬們的各種影響。 您知道嗎 ? 豬豬們在野外可以活15到20年, 但在人類的囚禁裡只能活到六個月。 今天酪梨我想讓大家體驗和了解一個近 6 個月的豬寶寶們 在工廠式農場裡經歷的一切... Why ? 因為今天就讓您見識一下真相…… Don't hesitate, start the vegan diet today! You will not regret it! 🌱 不僅是為了拯救數百萬隻動物的生命,也是為了我們自己和整個地球的健康。 我相信每個人都能做到的!加油! 快來看看我和我的動物朋友們 這週為您帶來的 酪梨影音室🎬Avocado Studio Come and check out what ...
LPBD 🌼 Ep.7 (Greta Thunberg) 🌍🌱🔥⛈🌪❄️🌐🆘
Просмотров 2302 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨 🥑!感謝您收看我的頻道! Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am Lori! Thank you for checking out my channel! Today, we are going to discover the incredible life of one of the most famous and outspoken Vegan Climate Change Activists in the world! She has not only been at the forefront of protesting for drastic changes in government policies, across the world stage. Plus, founding th...
Do Your Part 🥑 (World Humanitarian Day 2022) 🌐
Просмотров 902 года назад
There is a saying that goes: It takes a village to raise a child. Similarly, it takes a village to support a person in a humanitarian crisis. With record-high humanitarian needs around the world, this year’s World Humanitarian Day (WHD) builds on this metaphor of collective endeavor to grow global appreciation of humanitarian work Whenever and wherever people are in need, there are others who h...
【看見菩提身影】愛的護照 💚 VeggIPort
Просмотров 4392 года назад
陳珞韶 (酪梨🥑) 8歲移民美國11歲接觸慈濟, 20歲隻身前往衣索比亞孤兒院當志工參與海地賑災…27歲就榮獲十大傑出青年 - 華裔青年特別獎殊榮。 2014年奶奶失智症,勇敢女孩轉移重心回台灣,以孝為先,並自製蔬食推廣YT頻道,護生大地。 2019新冠肺炎肆虐全球…她靜極思動開闢YT頻道。 以知識量高但冷門的題材,作為影片主題,期望帶給世人重新思考吃素的必要性。 請大家不要忘記訂閱哦🌼!還有一定要記得按可愛的小叮噹🔔 才能準時看到我的新的影片出來哦! 如有蔬食💚相關的合作機會,請歡迎與我們聯絡。 謝謝大家。 更多可以找到我們的平台🌐 ★ SOCIAL MEDIA ★ ★ IG: veggiport ★ FB: VeggIPort #看見菩提身影 #陳珞韶 #vegan #蔬食護照 #海地 #失智症照 #蔬食 #素食 #Vegg...
Avocado Studio 🎬 Ep.17 Seaspiracy (海洋陰謀) 🌊🪼🐙🦑 🦐 🦞 🦀 🐡 🐠 🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🦈🪸🤯
Просмотров 7012 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨🥑! 海洋覆蓋了地球70%以上的面積。它是我們的生命之源,人類以及地球上所有其他生物的生命都依賴於海洋。海洋產生了地球上至少50%的氧氣,是地球上大多數生物多樣性的家園 🌍 隨著90%的大型魚類種群枯竭,以及50%的珊瑚礁遭到破壞,我們從海洋中獲取的資源遠遠超過了海洋可以補給的量。我們需要共同努力,建立人類與海洋之間新的平衡,不再濫用海洋資源,而是恢復海洋元氣,為海洋注入新的活力。💙 2022年世界海洋日的主題是“振興海洋,集體行動”。今年是聯合國海洋科學促進可持續發展國際十年的一年,並將舉辦聯合國海洋大會。 世界海洋日提醒公眾海洋對日常生活的重要性。海洋是地球的肺,也是生物圈至關重要的組成部分。該國際日的目的是告訴公眾人類活動對海洋的影響,推動全球公民守護海洋運動,並動員和團結世界人民開展一項可持續管理世界海洋的項目。🙌 吃一餐素就能減...
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.25 (A Walk Through Nature) 🐾🌍🌱 A Clover Robin Peek-through Book by Libby Walden
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.2 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨🥑!感謝您收看我的頻道! Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am RiRi! Thank you for checking out my channel! 🌲🌼🌍 Every Month is Earth Month 🌱🌐♻️ ♻️🌐🌱 Every Day is Earth Day 🌍🌼🌲 Earth Month is the month surrounding Earth Day, which is April. The idea of Earth Month is that we should care and learn about our home for more than just a single day of the year. Focusing one month of the y...
VeggIPort News 🌍 Ep.13 (Earth Hour) 🌐🌚🌑💚
Просмотров 2052 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨🥑 ! 快來看看我和我的動物朋友們 這週為您帶來的蔬食新聞🌍 Come and check out what my animal friends and I have got for you this week! 🟢 全球最大自發性公益減碳行動「Earth Hour 關燈一小時」活動,提倡在每年三月份的最後一個星期六,當地時間晚上八點半一起關上「不必要的電燈」一小時,藉此呼籲在全球氣候變遷 下,每個人無論年齡、階級等背景,都能透過日常習慣的改變,愛護這孕育無限生命茁壯的地球。🌍 “60 ”要念作60Plus,代表意義是愛地球的行動不能只有一小時,是一種行動力量,最重要的是60分鐘之後的時間,喚醒更多人參與節能減碳,素食生活方式,和保護環境 的實際行動中,才是活動最大的目的。♻️ 邀請您一起參與響應,發揮自身的影響力,串連全球,與你一起讓世...
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.24 (Goodnight Forest)🌱🌲🌳🌴 by Becky Davies & Carmen Saldana
Просмотров 5202 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨🥑!感謝您收看我的頻道! Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am RiRi! Thank you for checking out my channel! 🌲🌳🌴 Happy International Day of Forests 🌴🌳🌲 Today is used not only to celebrate the beauty and grandeur of the world’s forests but to also raise awareness about the importance of trees to the world and human civilization. Encouraging taking actions to prevent and reverse the g...
LPBD 🌼 Ep.6 (Maria Montessori) 🩺🧒🧮🎨🧩🎼 by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara & Raquel Martin
Просмотров 3692 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨 🥑!感謝您收看我的頻道! Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am Lori! Thank you for checking out my channel! 🌐🌼🎊 Happy Women's History Month 🎊🌼🌐 Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture, and society. It is a dedicated month to reflect on the often-overlooked contributions of women to the United States history. It has been observed annually...
LPBD 🌼 Ep.5 (Kamala Harris) ✊🏿⚖️🇺🇸📜🌱 by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara & Lauren Semmer
Просмотров 2 тыс.2 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨 🥑!感謝您收看我的頻道! Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am Lori! Thank you for checking out my channel! 🙌🏿✊🏿 Happy Black History Month ✊🏿🙌🏿 每年2月是美國黑人歷史月 Black History Month is a holiday that is celebrated every February in the U.S., Canada, and in October in the U.K. It’s an important month for remembering important people, events, and achievements of the African diaspora. In ...
LPBD 🌼 Ep.4 (Charles Darwin) 🦠🌱🐦🌵🧬🐒 by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara & Mark Hoffmann
Просмотров 8902 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨 🥑!感謝您收看我的頻道! Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am Lori! Thank you for checking out my channel! 🦠🧬 Happy International Darwin Day 🦠🧬🦖 Charles Darwin was a biologist and naturalist who is known for his theory of evolution. On the 12th of February, Darwin Day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Charles Darwin and his significant contributions in the fie...
LPBD 🌼 Ep.3 (Anne Frank) 📙🖋🙏✡️ by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara & Sveta Dorosheva
Просмотров 4182 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨 🥑! 感謝您收看我的頻道! Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am Lori! Thank you for checking out my channel! Did you know that Anne Frank was rumored to be a vegetarian or vegan due to clues in her diary?🌱 It was said that she didn't like the taste of meat? If that were true, it makes her even more inspirational! 🎉 您是否知道Anne Frank因日記中的線索而被傳為素食主義者或純素食者? 據說她不喜歡肉的味道? 如果真是這樣,那她就更勵誌了!🙌...
LPBD 🌼 Ep.2 (Mahatma Gandhi) 🕊🌱🧂⚖️🇮🇳 by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara & Albert Arrayas
Просмотров 3682 года назад
哈囉 ! 歡迎來到VeggIPort!我是酪梨 🥑! 感謝您收看我的頻道! Hello there! This is VeggIPort and I am Lori! Thank you for checking out my channel! Did you know that Mahatma Gandhi grew up in a vegetarian home? And he tried the vegan lifestyle many times before his passing?🌱 您知道Gandhi是在素食家庭中長大的嗎? 并且他在去世前,曾多次嘗試過纯素食的生活方式? This series will be hosted all in English! It is for all you native English speakers, people who are...
LPBD 🌼 Ep.1(Martin Luther King Jr.) ✊🏿⚖️🙌🏿🎙✌🏿 by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara & Mai Ly Degnan
Просмотров 4422 года назад
LPBD 🌼 Ep.1(Martin Luther King Jr.) ✊🏿⚖️🙌🏿🎙✌🏿 by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara & Mai Ly Degnan
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.23 (Peppa Loves Doctors & Nurses) 💚⚕️😷🩺🚑🙌 by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Просмотров 3802 года назад
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.23 (Peppa Loves Doctors & Nurses) 💚⚕️😷🩺🚑🙌 by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.22 (Giraffes Can't Dance) 🪩 🦒 🪩 by Giles Andreae & Guy Parker-Rees
Просмотров 3952 года назад
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.22 (Giraffes Can't Dance) 🪩 🦒 🪩 by Giles Andreae & Guy Parker-Rees
Avocado Corner 📚 Ep.7 P.1 (Top 10) 植物性鈣質來源 🌱💀🦷🦴🌾
Просмотров 2532 года назад
Avocado Corner 📚 Ep.7 P.1 (Top 10) 植物性鈣質來源 🌱💀🦷🦴🌾
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.21 (I'm a Supervegan)🌱🦸🏼‍♀️🌈by Katie Clark & Sonnaz
Просмотров 4042 года назад
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.21 (I'm a Supervegan)🌱🦸🏼‍♀️🌈by Katie Clark & Sonnaz
RiRi’s Corner🦋Ep.20 Steven The Vegan👦( Dan Bodenstein) Libby Finds Vegan Sanctuary🦃(Julia F. Brueck)
Просмотров 4622 года назад
RiRi’s Corner🦋Ep.20 Steven The Vegan👦( Dan Bodenstein) Libby Finds Vegan Sanctuary🦃(Julia F. Brueck)
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.19 (Vegan Is Love: Having Heart & Taking Action) 💚🌐🆘 by Ruby Roth
Просмотров 4412 года назад
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.19 (Vegan Is Love: Having Heart & Taking Action) 💚🌐🆘 by Ruby Roth
Avocado Studio 🎬 Ep.16 "Dominion"【自治領】P.10 所有動物們的一生 🌐🐇🦒🐄🐷🐔🐬🐣🐴🐑🐭🌐
Просмотров 4072 года назад
Avocado Studio 🎬 Ep.16 "Dominion"【自治領】P.10 所有動物們的一生 🌐🐇🦒🐄🐷🐔🐬🐣🐴🐑🐭🌐
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.18 (My Green Day - 10 Green Things I Can Do Today) ♻️🌍🥗💚 by Melanie Walsh
Просмотров 7822 года назад
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.18 (My Green Day - 10 Green Things I Can Do Today) ♻️🌍🥗💚 by Melanie Walsh
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.17 (Linus - The Vegetarian T. Rex) 🍉🦖🥦 by Robert Neubecker
Просмотров 6352 года назад
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.17 (Linus - The Vegetarian T. Rex) 🍉🦖🥦 by Robert Neubecker
Avocado Studio 🎬 Ep.15 "Dominion"【自治領】P.9 動物實驗界🐭🐇與動物娛樂產業🐯🐘🦁🐬🦭背後的真相
Просмотров 1713 года назад
Avocado Studio 🎬 Ep.15 "Dominion"【自治領】P.9 動物實驗界🐭🐇與動物娛樂產業🐯🐘🦁🐬🦭背後的真相
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.16 (Gwen - The Rescue Hen) 🌪🐔 by Leslie Crawford & Sonja Stangl
Просмотров 3803 года назад
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.16 (Gwen - The Rescue Hen) 🌪🐔 by Leslie Crawford & Sonja Stangl
DIY 🎨 Ep.3 Upcycling 升級回收 (PET Bottle Caps) ♻️👏
Просмотров 1253 года назад
DIY 🎨 Ep.3 Upcycling 升級回收 (PET Bottle Caps) ♻️👏
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.15 (I Am A VEGAN) ✨🔤💚 by Nova El & David Hallo
Просмотров 2793 года назад
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.15 (I Am A VEGAN) ✨🔤💚 by Nova El & David Hallo
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.14 (V Is For Vegan - The ABCs of Being Kind) 🥰🔤💝 by Ruby Roth
Просмотров 3503 года назад
RiRi’s Corner 🦋 Ep.14 (V Is For Vegan - The ABCs of Being Kind) 🥰🔤💝 by Ruby Roth


  • @blee1997
    @blee1997 2 дня назад

    lol they gotta update that book if Harris wins the 2024 election LMFAOOOO

  • @果-x9g
    @果-x9g Год назад


  • @catslikethief
    @catslikethief Год назад

    You should be hosting a children’s show 🙌

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort Год назад

      That would be the dream!!!!!! Thank you for your support! 💙

  • @黃玉芳-h1f
    @黃玉芳-h1f 2 года назад

    哈囉 方便聯繫妳一起推廣蔬食?

  • @catslikethief
    @catslikethief 2 года назад


  • @catslikethief
    @catslikethief 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you for your on-going support! They did such a fantastic job with the filming and editing! I still have a lot to learn!

  • @陳冬梅-h2f
    @陳冬梅-h2f 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much!

  • @roseanciesucces1146
    @roseanciesucces1146 2 года назад

    J'ai envie de comprendre

  • @revareizky5753
    @revareizky5753 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much!

  • @benjaminchen4780
    @benjaminchen4780 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      I am so grateful for your on-going support for the channel! I will keep on doing my best; so that more and more people can be exposed to the reality of just how important the vegan diet is, in connection to saving our Mother Earth!

  • @catslikethief
    @catslikethief 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thanks for noticing and appreciating my weirdness! haha

  • @catslikethief
    @catslikethief 2 года назад

    很棒的opening 👌spot on

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much! It means a lot to me. I will keep on improving! 🦒

  • @emilynorris7625
    @emilynorris7625 2 года назад

    👀 ρɾσɱσʂɱ

  • @JackLin-c8w
    @JackLin-c8w 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      謝謝您留言回應。這對我是很大的鼓勵。請繼續收看影片,繼續給我支持喔! 🙏

  • @benjaminchen4780
    @benjaminchen4780 2 года назад

    Wonderful natural resources!

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Exactly! Thank you so much! You are a great farmer who co-exists with the land! Keep up the great work!

  • @revareizky5753
    @revareizky5753 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much 🌼

  • @unflavored5875
    @unflavored5875 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you for your on-going support! Much appreciated! Please share with others who you think would like it, as well! 🕊

  • @lilyramian
    @lilyramian 2 года назад

    Beautiful lesson

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thanks for watching 🌼 Glad you liked it! Please share with anyone that you think would benefit from this msg, as well! 💚

  • @catslikethief
    @catslikethief 2 года назад

    Amazing storytelling💜 Keep up the good work 🙌

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much!

  • @robertdavis9135
    @robertdavis9135 2 года назад

    Flatback Harris🤣

  • @unflavored5875
    @unflavored5875 2 года назад

    Thanks for wonderful sharing!

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much for watching!

  • @gailchen1002
    @gailchen1002 2 года назад

    Thank Lori's sharing! 物競天擇 適者生存 達爾文的進化論真是了不起的發現👍

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much! Indeed, Darwin's work gives us insight into the diversity of life on Earth and its origins, including our own as a species 🐒

  • @revareizky5753
    @revareizky5753 2 года назад

    😘😚😘😚😘😚 🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸 Happy New Year

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Happy New Year! ✨

  • @revareizky5753
    @revareizky5753 2 года назад

    Nice n beautyfull..😍😍😍

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you! Cheers! ❤️

  • @unflavored5875
    @unflavored5875 2 года назад

    Learned from you, indeed!

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much! Happy to hear it! Please share with others who would like to hear the story!

  • @unflavored5875
    @unflavored5875 2 года назад

    So happy to watch new series ^.^

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much for the support! I will keep working hard on making good content! Happy you like the new series!

  • @catslikethief
    @catslikethief 2 года назад

    I’m liking this new series already🤩

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you sooooooo much! That means the world to me! I will keep on doing my best on making educational content for all!

  • @黃傳成-h4m
    @黃傳成-h4m 2 года назад

    可惜了我聽不懂英語 哈哈😄

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      慢慢來! 多看幾遍,你就會明白的! 感謝支持!🙏

  • @tinakao3251
    @tinakao3251 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much! Happy to hear that!

  • @unflavored5875
    @unflavored5875 2 года назад

    長知識哦~ (這次你造型很好看!

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much!

  • @revareizky5753
    @revareizky5753 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      thank you so much!

  • @AmyLee-xf4tl
    @AmyLee-xf4tl 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      thank you so much!

  • @wkumcheong
    @wkumcheong 2 года назад

    (吃)素不只是為了健康 (素)食不只是為了環保 (是)為了不要導致動物 (最)寶貴的生命被殺食! (好)好對待所有的動物 (的)確應該要選擇素食! (放)棄肉食才是對動物 (生)命的尊重還有愛護!

  • @TrumanYuYu
    @TrumanYuYu 2 года назад

    謝謝酪梨,你的腳本寫好棒,短短的十二分鐘,就把為什麼人類對待動物的行徑背後那種盲目、視而不見、自我欺騙等集體社會行為,對動物,環境與整題人類的影響講的這麼清楚。 我這裡有兩點可以改進的建議,提供給你作參考,希望你的影片會越做越好。 1. 也許可以試試看將要講的稿件,盡可能的放置到鏡頭旁,這樣你的眼神就不會因為要看放置在下方的稿件,需要經常把眼神從鏡頭前移開。 2. 建議Go Vegan可以用"不再支持具有動物暴力"的生活方式,在中文上簡化用"吃素"一詞,因為若是單獨用吃素來作為VEGAN的翻譯,會容易讓人以為Go vegan只是僅止於飲食上選擇改變而已,而忽略VEGAN的精神是因為"不願意造成動物痛苦"的"理念",才會選擇不去吃含有或支持動物暴力成分的食物、商品、娛樂等行為。簡單的用吃素來作為VEGAN的翻譯,會讓人以為吃素就是VEGAN了。

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      謝謝您留言回應。這對我是很大的鼓勵。很開心看到您的留言。每一個建議都會讓我更進步。我還在摸索學習。我會繼續努力,把影片做得更好,讓更多人喜愛蔬食。請繼續收看影片,繼續給我支持喔! 請與您的家人和朋友分享! 不要忘記訂閱喔!大家一起加油!

  • @黃傳成-h4m
    @黃傳成-h4m 2 года назад

    今天聲音都是英語耶 我只能認了😅😅

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      這個單元,將全部以英語主持! 適用於所有以英語為母語的人, 會說多種語言的人 和/或也適合那些想要學習英語的人! 在這個單元裡,酪梨將通過朗讀方式分享, 如何減少溫室氣體和一個人的碳足跡。 慢慢來! 多看幾遍,你就會明白的! 感謝支持!🙏

  • @unflavored5875
    @unflavored5875 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад

      Thank you so much! Go Vegan! 🌱

  • @黃傳成-h4m
    @黃傳成-h4m 2 года назад


  • @黃傳成-h4m
    @黃傳成-h4m 2 года назад


  • @黃傳成-h4m
    @黃傳成-h4m 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад


  • @黃傳成-h4m
    @黃傳成-h4m 2 года назад

    從 素度要快(劉素心分享的)

  • @黃傳成-h4m
    @黃傳成-h4m 2 года назад

    今天第一次看到酪梨🥑的影片分享 很棒的台灣🇹🇼人嗎? 尊重每一個生命😊

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад


  • @unflavored5875
    @unflavored5875 2 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад


    • @veggie1veggie
      @veggie1veggie 2 года назад

      畜牧業,每一天,每一個月,每一年,把無數可愛的動物關起來,最後殘忍屠殺。 充滿痛苦與血腥。 趕快停止這種野蠻行徑,趕快拒絕肉食。

  • @revareizky5753
    @revareizky5753 3 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 3 года назад

      Thank you! Cheers!

  • @michelleliang7598
    @michelleliang7598 3 года назад

    So cute! Love it! VV T.Rex and Linus!

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 3 года назад

      I'm glad you like it! Thank you so much! I will keep on working hard!

  • @veggie1veggie
    @veggie1veggie 3 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 2 года назад


  • @veggie1veggie
    @veggie1veggie 3 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 3 года назад

      Thank you so much!

  • @moujoanna5815
    @moujoanna5815 3 года назад


  • @moujoanna5815
    @moujoanna5815 3 года назад


    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 3 года назад


  • @revareizky5753
    @revareizky5753 3 года назад


  • @gailchen1002
    @gailchen1002 3 года назад

    這一集RiRi模仿各種聲音 再加上動畫效果 真的好精彩👍

    • @VeggIPort
      @VeggIPort 3 года назад

      Thank you for noticing!