  • Видео 41
  • Просмотров 31 359
Family Bowling
Family Bowling
Просмотров: 20


MBRP 5in straight exhaust
Просмотров 374 года назад
MBRP 5in straight exhaust
2005 F250 EGR and Oil Cooler repair part 2
Просмотров 514 года назад
2005 F250 EGR and Oil Cooler repair part 2
2005 F250 EGR and Oil Cooler work part 1
Просмотров 214 года назад
2005 F250 EGR and Oil Cooler work part 1
July 4th fun and fireworks.
Просмотров 164 года назад
July 4th fun and fireworks.
July 4th 2020
Просмотров 164 года назад
July 4th 2020
Fishing 2020
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Fishing 2020
2005 F250 6.0L oil and fuel filter change
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2005 F250 6.0L oil and fuel filter change
Social Distancing 101
Просмотров 204 года назад
Social Distancing 101
Tornado siren Chatsworth GA 4/12/20
Просмотров 2,5 тыс.4 года назад
Tornado siren Chatsworth GA 4/12/20
Dip Stick and Fluid fill location
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Dip Stick and Fluid fill location
Long night at work
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Long night at work
2019 Year In Review
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2019 Year In Review
Christmas in the park
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Christmas in the park
2003 Mitsubishi Galant alternator swap
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2003 Mitsubishi Galant alternator swap
7-8 Boys Basketball Game 1 2019
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7-8 Boys Basketball Game 1 2019
7-8 Boys Basketball
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7-8 Boys Basketball
7-8 Football
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7-8 Football
Our Daughter’s first year.
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Our Daughter’s first year.
2019 7-8 Farm Devision
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2019 7-8 Farm Devision
2005 Ford Freestyle trans fluid and filter change.
Просмотров 18 тыс.5 лет назад
2005 Ford Freestyle trans fluid and filter change.
2005 Ford Freestyle Rear Breaks
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2005 Ford Freestyle Rear Breaks
Stormy Nights
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Stormy Nights
Radio Swap
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Radio Swap
Night shift local driving
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Night shift local driving
A day at the park
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A day at the park
91 Mustang Strut Replacement
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91 Mustang Strut Replacement
Project car
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Project car
Farewell Wrangler
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Farewell Wrangler


  • @damon323
    @damon323 4 месяца назад

    Thanks for the video brother!

  • @Aaron-gr1qe
    @Aaron-gr1qe Год назад

    I live by Northwest Elementary . Paul Barys had just said and I quote "The danger is over." so we turned off our TV. Less than 5 minutes later our whole house was vibrating and the roofing and siding was being ripped off.

  • @CarbonApi
    @CarbonApi Год назад

    I was there

  • @artsmith103
    @artsmith103 2 года назад

    I actually have a Freestar Van. Got fooled by the Freestyle name. But nice short video highlighting similar issues. The big one is getting the old plastic tip of the filter out. I used a pocket knife to open the backside a little and then angled needlenose to get a grip and pull hard leveraging off some of the tubing.

  • @commandercat5694
    @commandercat5694 2 года назад

    Hi! I just purchased an AWD 2005 Ford freestyle and am having trouble finding the right transmission fluid. I know it's special since it's a CVT transmission but my searches are just full of name brand boosted ads for multi-car fluids. What did you use?

  • @matthewkoch4529
    @matthewkoch4529 2 года назад

    I know this may be two years old but I thought I'd try, but, did you have any metal shavings in the oil pan? Mine does and I'm not sure if that's regular wear and tear or something worse that needs replaced like an input shaft or buying a rebuild kit for the transmission. Mine started to make a sound like a helicopter noise but only in part and in neutral but when it was in drive it was all right started to take out the oil and it was dark in color and smelled burnt up, that's when I found the silver and gold metal shavings. Thanks if you happen to see this at all!

  • @river86012
    @river86012 3 года назад

    Good video

  • @thomasreagan8056
    @thomasreagan8056 3 года назад

    Hey daddy

  • @yeseniamendoza391
    @yeseniamendoza391 3 года назад

    do you have to change the filter?

    • @michaelreagan9329
      @michaelreagan9329 3 года назад

      Any time you change the fluid it is best to change the filter so you can see if there is any premature wear and tear on the trans.

    • @yeseniamendoza391
      @yeseniamendoza391 3 года назад

      @@michaelreagan9329 does it have 2006 ford freestyle a filter ?

    • @yeseniamendoza391
      @yeseniamendoza391 3 года назад

      Do you know if theirs anyway that you can put the transmission filter wrong?

  • @brandonbrown2202
    @brandonbrown2202 4 года назад

    Hey im about to do a fluid change on mine, did you change the filter you had in hand or just the small white one because i read somewhere the pan filter doesn’t need to be changed just the white one also hows your gasket holding up ?

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 4 года назад

      As far as the filters go, I couldn’t find where the small white one goes. I believe it is for the AWD transmissions but I may be wrong. I never did get it going because the trans ended up being bad but the gasket never did leak while it was setting in the drive way. Best of luck to you brother hopefully you’ll have better luck than we did.

    • @georgen9838
      @georgen9838 Год назад

      @Brandon Brown if you still have that car, yes, you're right. The service manual says that for the CVT, the pan filter doesn't need to be changed on fluid changes, but the high pressure filter (the smaller white one) does. It's not in the pan; it's in the housing (near where the trans dipstick is) under the trans cooler pipes, you have to pull them to get to it. Not particularly hard, but the manual does say discard and replace the seals on those pipes when you do it.

  • @sticksmitchel6325
    @sticksmitchel6325 4 года назад

    Could you tell me the symptoms of a bad alternater? I have the exact same car year model to.. I bought a brand new battery and installed it and the car would start but I drove it not a quarter mile and it died so would it be the alternater still?

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 4 года назад

      One of the easiest ways without a voltage meter is to boost it off and disconnect the positive battery terminal while it’s running. If it dies it’s most likely the alternator.

    • @sticksmitchel6325
      @sticksmitchel6325 4 года назад

      @@dieselb7067 thanks for replying.. I had the alternator tested and it's shot.. was it simple to change it did you have any trouble?

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 4 года назад

      It’s not a hard job to do but can be a little aggravating. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. It makes it a lot easier if the passenger wheel and fender liner are off.

  • @midnightjackolantern1070
    @midnightjackolantern1070 4 года назад

    thats a senrty siren

  • @stevencox7061
    @stevencox7061 4 года назад

    It was crazy I live near Woodlawn Elementary school in Bagley middle school right above my house in deer Park

  • @briennapelletier2848
    @briennapelletier2848 4 года назад

    I am trying to find out where the transmission temperature sensor is located? The code I scanned said that's the issue but I can't find any videos to help 05 Ford five hundred

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 4 года назад

      The 500 and the freestyles are the same trans. I would pull the pan off and see if you could find any sensor roughly the size of a finger. This car I have, I found out the trans is actually shot so we will be tearing it apart eventually.

  • @bajensen410
    @bajensen410 4 года назад

    Is this the CVT or the 6 speed transmission? Just wondering if I would replace the filter with the same one you use in the video or with the Motorcraft FT-178.

  • @cindyr7407
    @cindyr7407 4 года назад

    I live behind Northwest Elementary. There was 2-3 minutes of silence, then I started seeing transformers popping, then seconds later, it sounded like a CSX freight train coming. WE NEED TORNADO SIRENS in the WHOLE county! We barely get cell phone reception, let alone, hardly any signal from the NOAA weather radio.

    • @bobloblawlablabla
      @bobloblawlablabla 4 года назад

      That's what I'm saying, I know we don't get tornadoes that often, but we should have them installed cause not knowing where the tornado was once they said it was spotted was scary as fuck :/

    • @9995-q1u
      @9995-q1u 2 года назад

      I live in Northern Virginia. They said screw it, we don't need sirens. Their reasoning is that there are so many people who are so distracted on a daily basis, adding sirens would just freak people out. So they use TVs, radios, and smartphone alerts.

  • @shadowhawk4085
    @shadowhawk4085 4 года назад

    That was scary it was around 9 something when the Tornado sirens started here in Chatsworth.

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 4 года назад

      Scorpz 706 that’s where I recorded this. It was 8:53 when I was on the front porch.

    • @RMRCHL
      @RMRCHL 2 года назад

      @@dieselb7067 I was in school I think

  • @whyamihere2725
    @whyamihere2725 4 года назад

    Last night was crazy. Hope everyone is safe

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 4 года назад

      Scott Rampley everyone at my house is but a few miles north west of where we were at not everyone was so lucky. I believe 7 confirmed deceased at the moment and some still missing.

  • @MissAshten
    @MissAshten 4 года назад

    Just came thru SC. Woke up to my house shaking from the wind and thunder

  • @kieranklein2527
    @kieranklein2527 4 года назад

    I didn't even hear them last night! Thats creepy

  • @juaquinluera4002
    @juaquinluera4002 4 года назад

    The three screws that are slightly angled a little more. near the driver side how in the hell did you get those off

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 4 года назад

      Juaquin Luera we used a 1/4 inch drive swivel extension. It was a pain but it did the job.

    • @juaquinluera4002
      @juaquinluera4002 4 года назад

      @@dieselb7067 ❤️

  • @paulalee2307
    @paulalee2307 4 года назад

    Thanks for letting your boy help you n learn. You don't see that generation working on cars any more. N thanks for the lesson.

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 4 года назад

      It may have been more of a lesson if I would have talked some 😂. It’s always nice having the boys out there with me. One enjoys it more than the other.

  • @haveabananaproductions9117
    @haveabananaproductions9117 4 года назад

    Look at my school

  • @briandawson5573
    @briandawson5573 5 лет назад

    That was a very cute video she is getting big and hard to believe she is already 1

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 5 лет назад

      Brian Dawson she is getting big

  • @bryangibson1174
    @bryangibson1174 5 лет назад

    Glad to see ya posting new video man 🇺🇸🤘

    • @dieselb7067
      @dieselb7067 5 лет назад

      Bryan Gibson thanks brother. Work schedule gets in the way sometimes 😂