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  • Просмотров 25 780
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Angela Rolfe
Angela summarizes the international context for inclusion in the historic built environment. She explains the work of the Architecture for All Work Program (AfA WP) of the Union of International Architects (UIA) and the UIA “Friendly and Inclusive Spaces Awards”. With special emphasis on accessibility in heritage buildings and some case studies. Finally, she also elaborates on the role of the ICOMOS “Our Common Dignity” Rights-Based Approaches working group.
Просмотров: 5


Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Els Pieraerts
Просмотров 52 месяца назад
In the Bruges Policy Programme, the city clearly opts for accessibility. Where every resident and visitor has equal and independent access to buildings, public spaces, services and communications. With the appointment of an accessibility officer in 2020, Bruges showed its ambition regarding accessibility, making it one of the pioneers in Flanders. Bruges also signed Inter’s charter ‘Towards an ...
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Bart Slabbinck
Просмотров 32 месяца назад
At the beginning of this year, the City of Bruges and the Roads and Traffic Agency presented the design for the R30 Station Environment project, with various infrastructure improvements. It was a close collaboration between various government agencies and partners, including the Department of Mobility and Public Works, Province of West Flanders, Immovable Heritage Agency, De Lijn, Inter and oth...
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Ramona Nicolaescu
Просмотров 12 месяца назад
BMCC is a new building, built in a heritage context. Ramona discusses the preconditions from the start of construction.
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Delfin Jimenez Martin
Просмотров 52 месяца назад
Delfín Jiménez Martín delves deeper into making heritage sites accessible within urban public spaces. He refers to Roman city layout to show how public spaces in ancient times served as centers of urban activity. Compared to the modern use of public spaces, with mainly cultural and tourist visits, an important shift in purpose becomes clear. Two successful adaptations in Spain, Baelo Claudia (i...
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Pieter Marechal
Просмотров 12 месяца назад
Pieter Marechal is alderman for Personnel & Organization, Customer-oriented services and Welfare (seniors, people with disabilities and health) in the City of Bruges.
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Marieke Vanloocke
Просмотров 12 месяца назад
Marieke talks about the approach to heritage files with special attention to an inclusive experience. She takes a closer look at some good examples, such as the Gruuthuuse Museum in Bruges and the Ensor House in Ostend.
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Alexandra Verdeil
Просмотров 12 месяца назад
Inclusive design emphasizes a new way to build bridges between the public and art, history and culture. Tactile Studio is an inclusive design agency and workshop with the aim of promoting access to art and culture for all. Educational solutions full of sensory experiences (touch, sound, smell) make use comfortable for everyone, while recognizing the difference in people, their experiences and t...
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Jos Meheus
2 месяца назад
Jos Meheus explains how the province of West Flanders is committed to better accessibility for all residents. He discusses the ambitious objectives and illustrates them with concrete, successful cases such as Provincial Court, Provincial Domain Atlantic Wall Raversyde “Battery Aachen”.
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Matthias Francken
2 месяца назад
Herita wants to make the cultural heritage in Flanders accessible to a wide audience. This includes not only physical accessibility of historic sites and buildings for people with disabilities, but also cultural accessibility, such as promoting inclusion and diversity within the heritage sector and creating programs and activities that appeal to many people. Herita regularly organizes events, e...
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between Heritage & Inclusion"- Fionnuala Rogerson Monika Klenovec
Просмотров 132 месяца назад
This presentation provides insight into the recent developments in the design of the International standard ISO/DIS 5727 “Accessibility of immovable cultural heritage - Principles and methodology for interventions”. In addition, Fionnuala and Monika show some European examples of good practice in accessibility for cultural heritage. Together with notable examples from the 2014 UIA exhibition “A...
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Krista Bracke ENG
Просмотров 112 месяца назад
Krista was a presenter and producer at Radio 1. In 2009 she was struck by an aggressive bacterial infection and an immune disease. She wrote the book ‘My life on stilts’ about this. Since then, she has traveled around the country speaking about her experiences. In this presentation she shares her experiences from her road trip through Bruges, which she made together with 20 people with differen...
Congress “Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion" - speech Wendy Metten
Просмотров 42 месяца назад
Wendy Metten is director of Inter - Accessible Flanders. Inter is an independent center of expertise in accessibility and Universal Design and partner of the Flemish government.
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Marieke Vanloocke
Просмотров 122 месяца назад
Marieke vertelt over de aanpak van erfgoeddossiers met speciale aandacht voor een inclusieve beleving. Ze gaat dieper in op enkele goede voorbeelden, zoals het Gruuthuusemuseum in Brugge en het Ensorhuis in Oostende.
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Alexandra Verdeil
Просмотров 92 месяца назад
Inclusief ontwerp benadrukt een nieuwe manier om bruggen te slaan tussen het publiek en kunst, geschiedenis en cultuur. Tactile Studio is een inclusief ontwerpbureau en een werkplaats met als doel om de toegang tot kunst en cultuur voor iedereen te bevorderen. Educatieve oplossingen vol met zintuiglijke ervaringen (aanraking, geluid, geur) maken het gebruik comfortabel voor iedereen, terwijl ze...
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Jos Meheus
Просмотров 102 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Jos Meheus
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Els Pieraerts
Просмотров 42 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Els Pieraerts
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Delfin Jimenez Martin
Просмотров 42 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Delfin Jimenez Martin
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Wendy Metten
Просмотров 252 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Wendy Metten
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Ramona Nicolaescu
Просмотров 82 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Ramona Nicolaescu
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Pieter Marechal
Просмотров 42 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Pieter Marechal
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Matthias Francken
Просмотров 82 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Matthias Francken
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Krista Bracke
Просмотров 82 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Krista Bracke
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Fionnuala Rogerson, Monika Klenovec
Просмотров 72 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Fionnuala Rogerson, Monika Klenovec
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Bart Slabbinck
Просмотров 232 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Bart Slabbinck
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Angela Rolfen
Просмотров 122 месяца назад
Studiedag BRUGGEn bouwen tussen erfgoed en inclusie - toespraak Angela Rolfen
Seppe en Loïc testen toegankelijkheid restaurants en cafés
Просмотров 1153 месяца назад
Seppe en Loïc testen toegankelijkheid restaurants en cafés
Ontwerpen voor iedereen - LUCA School of Arts
Просмотров 276 месяцев назад
Ontwerpen voor iedereen - LUCA School of Arts
toegankelijke stemlokalen (met Vlaamse gebarentaal)
Просмотров 386 месяцев назад
toegankelijke stemlokalen (met Vlaamse gebarentaal)
Toegankelijke stemlokalen
Просмотров 86 месяцев назад
Toegankelijke stemlokalen


  • @alteropa78
    @alteropa78 Месяц назад

    du bist eine wunderbar schöne Frau, auch ohne Beine, wenn ich dir das sagen darf. Ich überlege auch, wie es ist, ohne Beine zu leben. Ich könnte mir das vorstellen. Ich weiß nicht, ob du das gut findest, wenn ich dir das so sage aber ich träume mein ganzes Leben davon, ohne Beine zu lebenich wünsch dir viel Glück

  • @1001Balance
    @1001Balance 5 месяцев назад

    Hoe zeg je gevaarlijke paljas in gebarentaal

  • @chanceybassell1202
    @chanceybassell1202 7 месяцев назад

    Promo'SM 🤤

  • @bhargabchoudhury5712
    @bhargabchoudhury5712 3 года назад

    What is her name ?

  • @dheksa0156
    @dheksa0156 3 года назад

    WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1617468007

  • @keithhahn8880
    @keithhahn8880 3 года назад
