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溫哥華全年最佳活動推薦(秋冬) | Discover Vancouver: Top Activities and Events Throughout the Year
This video is the result of nearly three years of living in Canada, where I've finally compiled and shared a year’s worth of activities in Vancouver! Why do I love Vancouver so much? Because there’s always something exciting happening here, keeping me entertained all year long. In this video, I’ll showcase the activities I participated in each month, based on my personal interests 🥰. I hope these insights are helpful for anyone planning to visit or live in Vancouver!
Freshwater Fishing Licence Website 釣魚執照申請網站:
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溫哥華-我最喜愛的城市 | 推薦景點 | Joffre Lakes | 溫哥華市區 | Granville Island | 夏日煙火節 | Banff | Coal Harbour | 溫哥華旅遊
Просмотров 16 тыс.4 месяца назад
哈囉各位~睽違半年終於回溫哥華了! 因為這次有很多事情要處理,所以邊處理邊玩,也想在離開前再去一次這些我愛的地方 這都是我在這裡三年以來,會一直反覆去的地方、吃的東西~ 不論是家人還是朋友來找我,我所推薦一定要去的景點,希望有幫到未來要來旅遊或是在這邊生活的人。 如果你們有推薦也喜歡的地方,歡迎留言一起分享給更多人知道! 02:29 Joffre Lakes 08:16 Earnest Ice Cream 08:55 Granville Island 14:42 Robson Street 16:37 Joe Fortes Seafood & Chop House 20:33 Coal Harbour 21:54 Junction Public Market 22:29 Gastown 13:05 The Fish Man 23:34 English Bay 26:37 Banff ...
日本自由行(2024) | 天橋立 | 海の京都 | 京都大阪附近景點 | 登山纜車+單人吊椅 | 搭船餵海鷗 | 天橋立View Land | 天橋立餐廳 | 海上火車-青松號 | 天橋立一日遊
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.5 месяцев назад
這絕對是我去日本旅遊多次以來去過最遠的地方(搭乘大眾交通時間最久) 以海の京都為名的-天橋立 我覺得天橋立玩一天真的很剛好,但是事前功課真的要做很多 有看到網路上有旅行社帶團玩的,但停留時間都較短,因此我們還是選擇自由行 結果真的很值得!!! 比起大部分遊客選擇的搭船來回的方式,我們體驗了騎腳踏車的方式橫跨天橋立 扣除天氣因素有點陰天且小雨,除此之外真的非常漂亮,是個適合家庭和長輩來的景點 最後搭乘的青松號是一天只有班,分為青松號、赤松號以及黑松號,後兩者真的是開賣即秒殺... 建議有想去的人要早點上網預約 但我個人最不推的行程就是搭這個火車... 做功課時看到的照片都是非常漂亮,被形容成像神隱少女的海上列車,但事實是..軌道距離海上其實還有一段,感覺就很像開車時在過橋一樣 其他原因是班次只有一班,一定要配合上,再來就是回京都的話其實搭這段很費時間,最後就是海上的路段其實只有一小段,...
日本自由行(2024) | 琵琶湖 | 琵琶湖周邊景點 | 湖景住宿只要$2xxx | 必吃近江牛 | 搭船遊湖-密西根號 | 舊竹林院 | 超chill漫遊京都 | 大津琵琶湖王子酒店 | 京都近郊
Просмотров 5 тыс.5 месяцев назад
睽違多年再次來到琵琶湖,和之前不同的是這次走一個放鬆慢活的旅遊 住在湖景飯店,看著風景騎著腳踏車,搭著船遊湖真的很放鬆!很適合渡假的一家人 這裡的行程也適合年紀大的長輩或是和家人旅遊,真的覺得很愜意🥰 餐廳我們都是臨時在當地找的,但是都不雷又好吃 最讓我驚艷的就是第一天晚上吃的近江牛餐廳,真的沒想到可以這麼好吃~ 那個和牛壽司真的讓人想一口一口不間斷的塞進嘴裡🤤🤤🤤 第二天搭船遊湖雖然對我來說有點無聊... 哈哈但是看看風景吹吹風也還是不錯的! 舊竹林院真的很美,可以想像秋天楓葉季會有多麽漂亮🍁 未來有機會,這樣的行程還想再和爸爸媽媽去一次 推薦這很棒的行程給未來有想去琵琶湖旅遊的你們❤️ 🛏️ 大津琵琶湖王子酒店 參考房價: 日式高級間$14509日幣 (入住時間2024.06.20-2024.06.21) 🛳️ 琵琶湖遊湖-密西根號 繁體中文官方網站:www.biwakokise...
日本自由行(2024) | 游玄亭 - 叙々苑 | 好吃又好逛的錦市場 | 史努比限定餐點 | 宇治抹茶園 | 京都壽喜燒-山嶋亭 | 大阪木曾路 | 壽司郎集團居酒屋好好吃!
Просмотров 7 тыс.5 месяцев назад
每次出國住宿可以省,購物可以省,唯獨吃不能省! 只要出國有吃到好吃的就會覺得這趟旅行有很棒的回憶也很值得~ 這次不枉費待了17天的日本,這篇紀錄了除了迪士尼和京都我的一日遊以外我吃到的餐點 有些好吃下次還要吃,有些不好吃下次要避雷。 對我來說與看上網看評論和網紅推薦,更想自己吃一遍給予最真實的反饋和建議 畢竟這樣才是屬於自己的旅行呀🥰 用這支影片紀錄我開開心心的美食之旅 00:33 新宿勝博殿 01:02 藍瓶咖啡 01:15 庫洛米便當 01:30 大阪鰻魚飯 02:03 涮涮鍋 🍗 新宿勝博殿(京王百貨8F) Japan, 〒160-0023 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Nishishinjuku, 1 Chome−1−4 京王百貨店 8F ☕️ 藍瓶咖啡 Japan, 〒160-0022 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Shinjuku, 4 Cho...
日本自由行(2024) | 東京逛到大阪逛到京都 | 17天日本行走到腳破 | 迪士尼周邊商品 | 海賊王周邊也太多了吧 | 史努比茶屋限定商品 | 心齋橋寶可夢中心 | 迪士尼限定 | 星巴克城市杯
Просмотров 3,8 тыс.5 месяцев назад
對我來說去日本最大的樂趣之一就是逛街看周邊了吧~ 雖然也沒有到很喜歡會想買一堆回家蒐藏,但看到各種可愛的周邊商品就覺得特別療癒 看到很多新鮮有趣的商品和系列讓我的旅行更加快樂😍 自己沒有買什麼,倒是買了不少給朋友...哈哈 這也是我快樂的因子之一吧 原以為寶可夢中心的商品會和四月去的時候一樣,沒想到多了許多新商品,尤其是娃娃! 不過這次商店有說禁止拍照攝影,因此就沒有紀錄了~不過還是花了15分鐘逛逛商店 最讓我驚訝的是京都的Kiddyland海賊王的商品也太多了吧😨 迪士尼商店也比新宿和大阪多(不知道是去的時間較晚所以有新商品,還是每間店販賣的東西就有些差異) 這十幾天真的逛得很開心很過癮!!但看這些就很開心,有人也和我一樣去日本也很愛逛周邊的嗎哈哈哈 #日本自由行 #日本逛街 #日本旅遊 #日本周邊商品 #寶可夢中心 #大阪寶可夢 #心齋橋逛街 #心齋橋寶可夢 #新宿逛街 #迪士尼...
日本自由行(2024) | 日本一番賞好好玩| 日本全新吉卜力動畫展| one piece海賊王| 獵人一番賞 |各種扭蛋一覽 | 東京大阪京都遊 | 玩樂篇
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.5 месяцев назад
因為內容真的太多 所以就按照主題來分類啦~ 這支影片真的是我這趟日本的快樂泉源😍 抽一番賞的刺激感、逛扭蛋的驚喜感以及玩推幣機、夾娃娃機的療癒感讓我每天都好開心 趁著日幣便宜才能多花一點錢在遊樂上 感覺這次玩什麼都運氣爆棚🍀 真的好開心呀 #日本旅遊 #東京 #京都 #大阪 #hunterxhunter #日本2024 #一番賞 #日本一番賞 #日本玩具 #推幣機 #日本娃娃機 #日本扭蛋 #evelyn的快樂生活
東京自由行 (2024) | 東京哈利波特影城| Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo The Making of Harry Potter | 全球最大商店 | Ep.8
Просмотров 5915 месяцев назад
東京的哈利波特影城真的讓我感到驚艷!!! 互動性很強,遊客可以參與體驗,真的置身在魔法世界,是霍格華滋一員的感覺 不論是替魁地奇比賽加油,亦或者是使用喜歡的魔杖施法拯救霍格華滋,還是簡單逛場地都讓人感過自己親臨哈利波特的魔法世界當中🪄 要說我是哈利波特的粉絲嗎?好像是又好像不是... 就像迪士尼一樣吧?是陪伴我長大的回憶 剛走進影城看見每一集的電影海報,當下覺得感慨又感動...原來這麼多年了嗎?原來我已經漸漸從一個女孩長大成現在的樣子 在參觀影城開始前看的短片,也讓我好像回到小時候那個看電影的女孩 這整路的參觀過程中我沒有太多的停留,簡單快速地欣賞著這系列電影的製作過程和艱辛 不禁感慨背後工作人員的辛苦...! 我只能說,若是未來有機會,我很想和喜歡哈利波特的朋友或家人再一起去一次!再一起體驗一遍這樣的感動🥹 #哈利波特影城 #哈利波特 #東京 #東京旅遊 #東京自由行 #Harry...
東京自由行 (2024) | 銀座藝術水族館 | 哈利波特影城商品 | 東京哈利波特影城 | Harry Potter | 忙碌充實的一天 | 東京景點 | 音樂x藝術x金魚x花的水族館 | Ep.7
Просмотров 5066 месяцев назад
從開幕以後一直在加拿大沒機會去哈利波特影城,這次去了東京當然不能錯過 幸好不像去年那麼難訂票,因為預計只在影城待2-3個小時所以早上排了去看金魚水族館的行程 意外的是Alice超級喜歡,逛展過程一直驚呼日本人的創意和厲害,看來帶喜歡花的長輩來是很正確的決定 我自己也覺得非常驚艷,是很適合半日遊的景點 下午一人前往哈利波特園區,先逛了商店就被困在裡面... 真的超級大間而且商品相較美國環球影城真的更吸引人!!!好精緻好漂亮😍 因為哈利波特內容太多,所以留在下一集囉~ 02:40 東京銀座藝術水族館 08:16 魯山壽司 09:36 東京哈利波特影城 #東京自由行 #銀座藝術水族館 #東京哈利波特影城 #旅遊日誌 #探索東京 #藝術與魔法 #旅行分享 #evelyn的快樂生活 #TokyoVlog #GinzaArtAquarium #TokyoHarryPotter #TravelWi...
東京自由行 (2024) | 東京迪士尼Vlog | 陸地迪士尼 | 美女與野獸設施 | 怪獸電力公司 | 甩甩杯麵氣氛超好 | 一個人玩迪士尼 | 迪士尼調酒好好喝 | Ep.5
Просмотров 9506 месяцев назад
一個人的迪士尼之旅🪄🌟 這次主要的目的就是想說去看看美女與野獸的設施,看到網上說必衝!必玩!之類的 就想說要親自去看看是不是真的這麼棒 整個設施和城堡做得很漂亮且細節很多,但...我是覺得不用花錢買快通 因為真的好暈啊哈哈~ 但以沈浸式來說確實是做得很好 一早玩了杯麵,是整天我等最久的設施,真的氣氛做得很好很可愛,和奧蘭多的三眼怪設施一模一樣我很喜歡❤️ 不知道為什麼每次來迪士尼都心情很好很開心,一個人玩迪士尼也好輕鬆好快樂!又是開心的一天 迪士尼行程如下(附上等待時間): 早上07:30 新宿出發 早上08:30 抵達迪士尼 早上09:45 杯麵 (30mins) 早上10:25 怪獸電力公司 (40週年快通 0min) 早上10:45 皮諾丘 (0 min) 早上10:55 米奇魔法交響樂 (0 min) 早上11:30 艾芝迷你雲霄飛車 (10 mins) 早上11:50 美女...
東京自由行 (2024) | 東京海洋迪士尼飯店 | 星宇航空初體驗 | Tokyo DisneySea | 迪士尼飯店 | DisneySea Hotel MiraCosta | Ep.1
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.6 месяцев назад
睽違五年終於又來東京旅遊啦~ 這一次很不一樣的是搭乘了星宇航空-初體驗 當初知道的時候一直很想搭搭看,但不巧的碰上疫情(真的覺得剛創立就遇到疫情很倒霉) 但很厲害的是星宇航空撐過來了,才有今天有機會可以搭到! 整體的體驗我真的很喜歡耶~但缺點就是當初訂票時機票票價比華航、長榮都貴一點 很期待回程的史努比限定班機!!!(雖然對史努比還好,但是聯名和周邊就是對我有種莫名的魔力) 其實這次會入住海洋迪士尼飯店是一個意外,原本已經都訂好新宿附近的飯店了 但因為這次新園區的入園方式有所限制,所以為了能順利進入園區,我們決定入住海洋關海景大飯店使用15分鐘提早入園的福利。 住在迪士尼裡面真的太方便!買東西可以直接拿回飯店放,晚上回飯店、早上入園都很節省體力,飯店內的服務也很好,真的覺得很值得(但價格也是真的不便宜) ⚠️大家要注意新園區新開幕期間,原有的許多迪士尼園區飯店都被取消提早入園的福利喔...
第300部影片🎉 | Girls Trip | 我們的友誼 | 終於在台灣合體啦 | 宜蘭 | 日月潭 | Feat. Wendy, Bonnie, Ruby, Nicole & Linda
Просмотров 3896 месяцев назад
第300部影片🎉 | Girls Trip | 我們的友誼 | 終於在台灣合體啦 | 宜蘭 | 日月潭 | Feat. Wendy, Bonnie, Ruby, Nicole & Linda
澳門自由行 (2024) | 君悅酒店早餐 | mezza9 Macau | 銀河鑽石大堂娛樂表演 | 米其林一星 | 四川菜-蜀道 | MGM美獅美高梅 | 永利皇宮裝置藝術 | Ep.4
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.7 месяцев назад
澳門自由行 (2024) | 君悅酒店早餐 | mezza9 Macau | 銀河鑽石大堂娛樂表演 | 米其林一星 | 四川菜-蜀道 | MGM美獅美高梅 | 永利皇宮裝置藝術 | Ep.4
澳門自由行 (2024) | 新濠影匯水上樂園 | 全年恆溫室內水上樂園 | 新濠影匯 | 澳門親子 | 澳門親子景點 | 三麗鷗聯名 | 銀河日本櫻花節 | 水上樂園 | Ep.3
Просмотров 7 тыс.7 месяцев назад
澳門自由行 (2024) | 新濠影匯水上樂園 | 全年恆溫室內水上樂園 | 新濠影匯 | 澳門親子 | 澳門親子景點 | 三麗鷗聯名 | 銀河日本櫻花節 | 水上樂園 | Ep.3
澳門自由行 (2024) | 大三巴牌坊 | 官也街 | 漁人碼頭 | 仿羅馬競技場 | 澳門銀河 | 輕軌夜景 | 永利皇宮纜車 | goat bakers | 澳門威尼斯人 | Ep.2
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.7 месяцев назад
澳門自由行 (2024) | 大三巴牌坊 | 官也街 | 漁人碼頭 | 仿羅馬競技場 | 澳門銀河 | 輕軌夜景 | 永利皇宮纜車 | goat bakers | 澳門威尼斯人 | Ep.2
澳門自由行 (2024) | 澳門銀河 | Galaxy Hotel | 天浪淘園 | 銀河漂漂河 | 澳門玩水 | 親子酒店 | 澳門旅遊 | 造浪池 | 親子住宿推薦 | 澳門vlog
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.7 месяцев назад
澳門自由行 (2024) | 澳門銀河 | Galaxy Hotel | 天浪淘園 | 銀河漂漂河 | 澳門玩水 | 親子酒店 | 澳門旅遊 | 造浪池 | 親子住宿推薦 | 澳門vlog
大阪自由行 (2024) | 大阪城 | 西之丸庭院 | 大阪賞櫻 | 柯南限定商品 | 大阪城商店 | 忍閧燒肉 | 心齋橋PARCO | 橡子共和國 | Ep.5
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.7 месяцев назад
大阪自由行 (2024) | 大阪城 | 西之丸庭院 | 大阪賞櫻 | 柯南限定商品 | 大阪城商店 | 忍閧燒肉 | 心齋橋PARCO | 橡子共和國 | Ep.5
大阪自由行 (2024) | 一番賞直營店 | Hep Five | 大阪梅田 | 和牛壽喜燒吃到飽 | 超多扭蛋機 | 寶可夢A賞get! | しゃぶ禅 梅田店 | 夾娃娃機中毒 | Ep.4
Просмотров 9 тыс.8 месяцев назад
大阪自由行 (2024) | 一番賞直營店 | Hep Five | 大阪梅田 | 和牛壽喜燒吃到飽 | 超多扭蛋機 | 寶可夢A賞get! | しゃぶ禅 梅田店 | 夾娃娃機中毒 | Ep.4
大阪自由行 (2024) | 瑪利歐園區 | USJ | 大阪環球影城 | No Limit! 遊行 | 環球影城買什麼 | 環球影城vlog | 哈利波特園區 | 瑪利歐周邊一覽 | Ep.3
Просмотров 13 тыс.8 месяцев назад
大阪自由行 (2024) | 瑪利歐園區 | USJ | 大阪環球影城 | No Limit! 遊行 | 環球影城買什麼 | 環球影城vlog | 哈利波特園區 | 瑪利歐周邊一覽 | Ep.3
大阪自由行 (2024) | 環球影城周邊商品 | 黑門市場 | 心齋橋 | 道頓堀 | 超級瑪利歐 | Universal Studio Citywalk | 體驗射箭 | 體驗手裡劍 | Ep.1
Просмотров 21 тыс.8 месяцев назад
大阪自由行 (2024) | 環球影城周邊商品 | 黑門市場 | 心齋橋 | 道頓堀 | 超級瑪利歐 | Universal Studio Citywalk | 體驗射箭 | 體驗手裡劍 | Ep.1
大阪自由行 (2024) | 大阪環球影城 | USJ | 和我一起逛商店吧! | 復活節限定 | 限定商品 | 環球影城vlog | 環球影城商店賣什麼 | 瑪利歐咖啡店 | Ep.2
Просмотров 11 тыс.8 месяцев назад
大阪自由行 (2024) | 大阪環球影城 | USJ | 和我一起逛商店吧! | 復活節限定 | 限定商品 | 環球影城vlog | 環球影城商店賣什麼 | 瑪利歐咖啡店 | Ep.2
名古屋自由行 (2024) | 名古屋城 | 日本賞櫻🌸 | 推薦在地醬油拉麵 | 我們要去大阪啦~ | APA Hotel & Resort | 大阪住宿 | 名古屋城柯南限定 | Ep.3
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.8 месяцев назад
名古屋自由行 (2024) | 名古屋城 | 日本賞櫻🌸 | 推薦在地醬油拉麵 | 我們要去大阪啦~ | APA Hotel & Resort | 大阪住宿 | 名古屋城柯南限定 | Ep.3
名古屋自由行 (2024) | 寶可夢商店 | Pokemon Centre | 三麗鷗商店 | 史努比 | 大須商店街 | 日本夾娃娃 | 平價好吃壽司 | 海賊王周邊 | 神奇寶貝 | Ep.2
Просмотров 39 тыс.8 месяцев назад
名古屋自由行 (2024) | 寶可夢商店 | Pokemon Centre | 三麗鷗商店 | 史努比 | 大須商店街 | 日本夾娃娃 | 平價好吃壽司 | 海賊王周邊 | 神奇寶貝 | Ep.2
名古屋自由行 (2024) | 吉卜力公園 | Ghibli Park | 好吃飛驒牛 | 最新魔女之谷 | 日本和牛 | 馬喰一代 | 吉卜力公園Vlog | 可愛龍貓公車 | Ep.1
Просмотров 10 тыс.8 месяцев назад
名古屋自由行 (2024) | 吉卜力公園 | Ghibli Park | 好吃飛驒牛 | 最新魔女之谷 | 日本和牛 | 馬喰一代 | 吉卜力公園Vlog | 可愛龍貓公車 | Ep.1
吉卜力公園(2024) | 不推薦吉卜力公園的原因 | Ghibli Park | 龍貓公車 | 最新魔女之谷 | 霍爾的移動城堡 | 園區到底能不能飲食 | 龍貓園區竟然這麼小 | 吉卜力大倉庫
Просмотров 99 тыс.8 месяцев назад
吉卜力公園(2024) | 不推薦吉卜力公園的原因 | Ghibli Park | 龍貓公車 | 最新魔女之谷 | 霍爾的移動城堡 | 園區到底能不能飲食 | 龍貓園區竟然這麼小 | 吉卜力大倉庫
澳門自由行 (2024) | 銀河悅榕莊 | 巴黎人花園 | 生蠔吧好好吃 | 最有渡假風的飯店 | 澳門威尼斯人 | 愛麗絲夢遊仙境下午茶 | Banyan Tree Hotels | Ep.4
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.8 месяцев назад
澳門自由行 (2024) | 銀河悅榕莊 | 巴黎人花園 | 生蠔吧好好吃 | 最有渡假風的飯店 | 澳門威尼斯人 | 愛麗絲夢遊仙境下午茶 | Banyan Tree Hotels | Ep.4


  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 16 часов назад

    Thus , I did get out because I know travel agency will become extinct during the 2010s.(online agency stays, local travel shop will be gone for good - i know not many "Flight Centre" are still operating in Canada) And there are more good news coming. There are massive layoff @ UPS and Fedex in US the past 2-3 months. It does looks like "AI" will replace me and take my current job away. My dream to become a full time "you tube" watcher will be inevitable! (I wonder by watching u tube videos full time, how much u tube will pay me! Ha ha) anyway, by reading this story, should Evelyn be running away from Canada after the ski season finish in the mountain?😭 ======================================================= No doubt, since we have Team Canada captain speaking here , Evelyn should definitely spend spring and summer In Canada as well! With today's ever changing job market, Evelyn just needs to find her niche and excel in it!👻 Not too long ago, I bumped into the term "digital nomads". It is used to describe anyone who can earn money on the internet and they can live wherever they want because the internet will help them make a living! And this model of business dealing does work in Canada or USA but it probably won't work in Asia! As a example, If Evelyn is indeed interested to work as a destination wedding specialist and she knows the in and out, the rule and documents required for couple getting married in Mexico and the wedding venue and the hotel that the bride and groom and their guests will be staying. Business can be conducted without the traditional face to face interaction! (everything can be done via zoom meeting, email, even whatapp) On the contrary, this digital nomad thing probably wont work in Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainland China, Singapore etc. It will be interesting if the bride or groom telling their parents this girl will do a great job arranging their wedding in Taiwan but she lives in Bali as a digital nomad and will show up for the wedding 1 week prior at their wedding venue! ======================================= Evelyn, I hope this information will help u understanding more about the working culture in this part of the World. I know u will be in a safe bubble working in any ski hill in Canada but once the ski season is over. U might be feeling lost and confuse due to current market situation in Canada. But I do think that the above information will give u a head up even if u decide to try your luck 3 or 4 year from now back in Canada when u become more stable financially !

  • @YUH6257
    @YUH6257 День назад


  • @Van-Tony
    @Van-Tony 2 дня назад


  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 4 дня назад

    HA HA 😊it is me again!🤙 I thought with all the holiday day off during Xmas plus the weekend day off, I can share a couple more messages with Evelyn b4 2025! Unfortunately, due to my inefficiency, it looks like Evelyn has to listen to my craziness well into year 2025!😝 ============================================ before we begin our topic for today, I never thought I have the ability to scare anyone online. Then out of the blue, I am making a suggestion to Evelyn coming back to Canada in 2025! Am I the only "nut job" for making this invitation when over 20-30 % newcomers to Canada are making escape plan leaving in 2025 and 2026? (hey, Evelyn! "Nut job" is me. I never pass up any opportunity to let u learn more interesting English as I really want to update your English as u are no longer reading English that much nowadays) =============================================== today, let talk about the ever changing landscape of work culture in Canada and I hope by sharing my point of view, Evelyn will have no problem diving into the Canadian job market in 2025 or 5-6 year from now -in year 2030?🐽 let me begin this story by talking about my current work in Canada, Yeah, I work @ a courier company and move boxes for a living! However, not that long ago, I worked at a local travel agency selling airline tickets and arrange trip for customers. Why such a dramatic change? Yes, Expedia and trip.com takes over and eliminates my work at a local travel agency! Oh don't forget something called "AI" is already here and AI will be replacing everyone @ work, for any current job seeker in Canada, this will be more scary than visiting "the haunted house' on Halloween!

  • @brianchen3003
    @brianchen3003 6 дней назад


    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 3 дня назад


    • @brianchen3003
      @brianchen3003 3 дня назад


  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 10 дней назад

    👶- Are u planning to end your Xmas story next Xmas 2025? U do understand there is a time difference and "Asia" time is way ahead of Canada! By the way, I won't be here listening your story on Boxing day as I need to buy lots of duct tape @ home depot for next year ( I don't know why buying "duct tape" on boxing day)❓🎄 🤡- I thought u were locked up for the holidays! Trust me, I will put those duct tape in good use in 2025!😱 ================================================== ==== the story continues ...this is the conclusion=========== When I made the suggestion for Evelyn to get a level 2 snowboard instructor certificate few month back, I know snowboarding is something Evelyn likes to do and this certificate should help advancing your career not only in Canada but also in places like Tokyo if u choose to spend winter elsewhere (u can also find out if teaching fellow snowboarder or little kid is something u like to do indeed) Besides, I have also made several suggestions u can do once the ski season is finished and the snow melt! Apparently, I think it is feasible for Evelyn to spend 4 to 5 months in the mountain and the rest of year in city like Vancouver and u can also do a month or 2 travelling wherever u like to go and make many Evelyn's travel vlogs! Oops, somehow I forgot this is Canada with a housing crisis! There are no short term rental! Ski resort has staff accommodation but what to do and where to stay for short term in Canada in the summer time! =========Conclusion of the story, this better be super scary👹🤖 Evelyn. ....now that u are home (Taipei) away from home (Canada) for almost a year. I wish u have a very happy working life there and a bright future ahead of you! Whenever there are some uncertainty, I like to think of myself as a problem solver so i will make the following proposal for u! (don't be 2 mad as there are many things I do not know and I am never a good mind reader) Evelyn , if u have plan to come back to Canada in 2025 gaining your overseas work experience, (provided u can still get your post grad work permit or u can apply for working holiday visa) I have a condo in Calgary and i have rented it out for the last 3 years. i will not be renewing my lease to my current tenant and he has to move out by end of march. the condo will be available starting Apr 1/ 2025(1 bedroom(very big) and a den) And the most important info u should know- I do not live there . Thus, i love to be your landlord as i really like to have a responsible tenant to take care of my place before me selling it! (Sorry the place is not in Vancouver). Since u are not working in the mountain at that time (Apr, may, june jul, aug 2025), I assumed u do not have a job lining up and might not have any income, as a person who likes to solve problem. I am ok to charge 0 dollars for rent till u find a full time job locally! Since u know 0 person in Calgary, (dont count your landlord - he is crazy and unreliable and he is either working or binge watching youtube at home), I would suggest u getting a roommate such as Jane or Arica, if they are still in Vancouver studying and about to finish their study ...or Wendy /Bonnie if they want to come back to Canada to work. Since it will be Evelyn's roommate , they are also subject to no charge for rent if any of your Gf likes to check out or finish their work term requirement in Calgary instead of Vancouver! I assume when it is time around Nov, Dec 2025, Evelyn will be heading out to the mountain to either work at a ski hill or getting training there(Lake Louise versus Whistler). And Evelyn will be free to leave the condo as your crazy landlord does not want u to stay long term in the city (is this scary enough, a condo rental with no contract to sign and no damage deposit needed) PS Evelyn, pls take your time to consider this proposal. and if u want a condo tour, I should able to make a video and send to u via whatapp after 1apr2025(after the current tenant move out )....and don't forget , there is no obligation as u can come back to Canada in any month 2025 if u like this proposal Evelyn, I hope that u don't feel i am forcing u to come back Canada. I am just doing my part to give a fellow Canadian an option to come back to Canada! / Evelyn , have a wonderful and happy happy holidays ////

  • @jiawu4287
    @jiawu4287 12 дней назад


    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 11 дней назад

      @@jiawu4287 是在名古屋唷!东京也有一个美术馆

  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 13 дней назад

    Canada opens its door welcoming lots of international students here. Many students are reaping the benefits of gaining valuable education and work experience. Unfortunately, there are some foreign students taking advantage of these "labor shortage" and making their job seeking and permanent stay as their #1 priority! Fast forward to 2024, the situation finally reaches the boiling point. Newly graduates no longer able to find entry level job or housing (1 year rental agreement only and no short term rental available) In reality, Canada is gonna to make international students harder to stay by not allowing them post grad work permit so Canadian born students might have a better chance entering the job market after graduation! ====================================================== When Evelyn posting a video after her graduation on Oct, Nov 2023, It is my understanding that Evelyn has every intention to STAY in Canada so she can gain valuable "local work experience" for at least 1 or 2 year b4 heading back to Asia if this is the plan she has all along! My suggestion for Evelyn to become a ski/snowboard instructor still make lots of sense as the winter ski hills jobs are plentiful and there are not many city people willing to drive 1-2 hr daily to and from work in the winter (From metro Vancouver to Whistler or from City of Calgary to Banff) Thus, I would even go further by making the following conclusion- Evelyn working at a ski resort (eg Banff Sunshine village) will be more fun and a greater learning experience than Bonnie working and complete her hospitality program at Disneyworld ! For Evelyn --- Ski hills jobs at Whistler or Lake Louise = subsidized housing available = low level of competition among job seekers= if Evelyn works a lot, it is a reflection that she is doing great job that will make her mentor proud! Or if Evelyn not working that much, that ok too as it will give her time to be a better snowboarder and she can spend more time checking out the great Canadian Outdoors! ===================================================== this story still not finished - " to be continued", the story ending should be still a bit scary - stay tune

  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 14 дней назад

    👶- Ha , it is the weekend b4 Christmas, 2 bad Evelyn is not here in Canada to make a video about her adventure and where she likes to hang out for ⛄"white" Xmas! 🤡- Wow! I thought u know Evelyn inside out! She "loves" Vancouver and it is not likely there will be a "White Xmas" in "Raincouver"! It is very "wet" in lower mainland and an umbrella won't even keep u dry! 👶- Well, at least Evelyn will be drier and have a very 'warm" Xmas in Asia this holiday! 🤡- Enough about u, don't u get tired talking non stop all the times? OK, I am going to share a Xmas story but u have to stop sending messages to Evelyn till the Chinese new year next year 2025 ! OK! Here we go! This is how the story goes!🎆🎄 ====================================== Long long time ago, I would say it was the time when Evelyn watched her 1st or 2nd "harry potter movies" There were indeed a real "Team Canada" who fly to England and many European countries or even Australia to recruit foreign workers to come to Canada to work. At the time, Canada was in need of "Policeman" or firefighter (There was indeed a labor shortage at the time) Thus , these men or women who are willing to start a new life and settle down here, I don't think I am exaggerating when I say " Canada" was buying these foreign workers a plane ticket so they can fulfill their dream of living and working in Canada! Fast forward to year 2020s and right after Covid, , thing changes.... ====================================================

  • @hksglover
    @hksglover 22 дня назад

    JPY 是用 ¥

  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 26 дней назад

    🧔oh, it is my turn now ....Hello there! Hey, Evelyn , u probably don't know me well, u might not even aware of my existence! 🧔Here I am . Yes, I don't talk much, the silent type of a guy, but don't think of me as being "Boring", most people from Canada act just like "me", the strong silent type. Unfortunately, u might get the bad impression of Canadian people because u also met these 2 crazy dudes this past year, 👶🤡. Just look at the bright side , u are so lucky u haven't meet these 2 in person yet , otherwise, u really need to carry a duct tape just to make sure these 2 will stay quiet the whole time! 🧔As u might know, it is not so much entertainment in Canada! and yeah It is my guilty pleasure binge watching lots of u tube videos on my day off! I am very surprised many of these RUclipsrs are students filming their daily life working or studying in Canada. What's bothering me most are the fact that these students from Asia finished their study here and quit making you tube videos altogether! In my opinion, It is such a wasted opportunity! 🧔I don't think of it as a healthy trend. And, Evelyn, I hope u don't follow this trend! I am sure I am just overthinking. When it is a Canadian girl like yourself finding something fun to do(making a fool of yourself in front of your iphone), I am sure Evelyn will not quit making videos!💪 🧔Evelyn, didn't u just start your work few months back, how was it? Do u have to write a report to your boss at the end of your work week? Did the report u made (your homework) at Douglas help u at all? I am sure there are many would be international students from Taiwan like to hear from u even though Canada is cutting back accepting international students in the next 2 years or so! 🧔U see, there are just so many ideas that international students should keep making u tube videos even after they left Canada! Evelyn I am very excited for your upcoming video talking about your work life in Asia! (👶- u are so short sighted, what if Evelyn's work sucks and she works long hour! And the things she learnt from Douglas did not apply to her current job) 🧔 wow , good thinking party boy 👶! I really haven't thought about the possibility Evelyn's new job sucks and it might drain out all her energy! Still, I really think Evelyn is a lucky girl by staying in Taipei! Evelyn might need to work long hour but when she finishes her shift, Evelyn can make a video by going to 1 of those local Taipei night market finding and eating sweet potato Balls! 🧔oh Evelyn, u know this funny looking dude 🤡! He also works long hours here in Canada! and u know the sad part about him. When he finished his long day/ and night working, there are no night market he can go to! And when he is super hungry, he has to take out "TNT" supermarket Spicy beef noodle and reheat it for at least 15 minutes before he can eat! So so sad!😁😂

  • @ruili2788
    @ruili2788 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад

    明月幾時有比吉卜力電影動畫與Mia and me 與魔法少女拉拉貝兒與超級戰隊與花暖門簾與芭比娃娃與名偵探柯南與愛天使傳說與精靈少女與薰衣草與戰鬥陀螺與今奈良孝行與企鵝家族與零秒出手與緋染天空一樣感動喔

  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад

    赤狐書生比Animage雜誌與美少女戰士真人版與哈姆太郎與魔法小天使與埃及王子與光之美少女與doremi 與迪士尼卡通樂園經典與史帝芬史匹柏與高橋留美子與夢工廠動畫與格林兄弟名作劇場與魔法俏佳人與魔法戰士與薔薇之戀與乃木坂46與兒童歌與初音未來與湯匙婆婆與魔女的考驗與英文島與天才傻瓜與霹靂嬌娃與高山一實好看

  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад

    有環球華納兄弟動畫正式是哈利波特與DC 超級英雄寵物

  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @jennyhuang9041
    @jennyhuang9041 Месяц назад


  • @juliahuang7392
    @juliahuang7392 Месяц назад


    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life Месяц назад

      @@juliahuang7392 走到旁邊搭船處就可以了 大概步行五分鐘 可以詢問櫃檯人員喔

  • @安東尼-x2h
    @安東尼-x2h Месяц назад


  • @yuki73112303
    @yuki73112303 Месяц назад


    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life Месяц назад


    • @yuki73112303
      @yuki73112303 Месяц назад

      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 迪士尼處處都有設計,讓你無痛感花錢,一出園區就劇痛反撲

  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 Месяц назад

    🤡hey! Evelyn, did i bore u to death with my last message. Days are getting chilly and there are 2 much snow to clean this past week in my part of Canada! Anyway, I'm just super busy when serving as Team Canada captain! U see! My assistant has already sent me a "TO DO LIST" for DEC 2024 and 2025! 🤡OH , this is from user A, my new Team Canada assistant! User A (👶) needs me to scary Evelyn every month from now till Halloween 2025! What the heck! 🤡- hey user A, I'm a normal dude and I don't know how to scare Evelyn "silly"! Does this boy (👶) know what I do at all?! Let me show u what I'm good at! 🤡- I like to offer valuable advices for fellow Canadians when they seem a bit lost from time to time. I still remember what I told Evelyn long long time ago! It will be a "OK" wherever Evelyn choose to start her life after studying in Vancouver for the past 3+ years, as long as Evelyn continues sharing her adventure and her "work life" with us in the next 200 You tube videos!🌻 🤡- Hi, Evelyn. I do understand that it was exhausting making 300 + you tube videos within the last 3-4 years and u deserve a big break for doing it! However, u do have over 3k subscribers now and just a friendly reminder that Canadian viewers like myself are very demanding! Thus, Evelyn, pls refrain from quitting on You tube😠 🤡- OK, my goal is to follow "happy Evelyn" channel till at least Evelyn's 500 You tube videos. I hope we can set up a plan to follow! Maybe Evelyn can start making videos and post on RUclips after Chinese New Year 2025 (end of Jan), hopefully, Evelyn can post at least 2 videos every month plus more videos during her summer travel break and winter too (snowboarding in Tokyo is calling), by doing so, I will have a chance to watch Evelyn's 500 RUclips videos by 2028? (LOL) 🤡- last but not least, Evelyn, I know u are super busy and a super happy girl! Somehow, Evelyn's happy index should be a 9 out of 10 now. Having You tube adventure in Evelyn's life should push your happy index to 11 out of 10! Also, pls don't underestimate Team Canada, me and my 2 assistants will be here hecking u to keep making you tube videos starting Feb 2025! haha, this is Team Canada, Party of 3, 🤡me and user A &J👶🧔

  • @lifeinalberta-e4c
    @lifeinalberta-e4c Месяц назад

    I liked watching all of your videos, I lived in Calgary, I had videos on benefits you can receive living in Alberta, if you are interested, you can check them out.

  • @MaleckLv
    @MaleckLv Месяц назад


  • @frank.acbkgb
    @frank.acbkgb Месяц назад

    Very nice video 😊, greetings from Germany, Frank 👋

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life Месяц назад

      hi frankkkkkkkkkk 😍😍😍

    • @frank.acbkgb
      @frank.acbkgb Месяц назад

      @Evelyn-Happy-Life When will there be a new video? 📽🎬

  • @oklive330
    @oklive330 Месяц назад

    為什麼澳門飯店的房間很容易有煙味的問題? 是房間都直接可以抽菸嗎? 還是不守規矩的人特別多?

  • @oklive330
    @oklive330 Месяц назад

    聲音好好聽 好美~~~~

  • @kittyyen1245
    @kittyyen1245 Месяц назад

    超級超級棒的!我們今年2025 元旦會去溫哥華幾天,你有推薦去 Joffre lake 嗎?湖結冰嗎😂

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life Месяц назад


    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life Месяц назад


    • @kittyyen1245
      @kittyyen1245 Месяц назад

      @@Evelyn-Happy-Life謝謝了解!那如果只有爬第一個湖,聽說好像只有5分鐘就會爬到了,而不要到第二跟第三去,您覺得1月2號左右去爬 ,去看看第一個湖,您覺得這樣子有值得嗎😂

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life Месяц назад

      @ 可以呀~第一個湖很近!也是蠻多人冬天去走走的 但注意安全唷

  • @cokaling7244
    @cokaling7244 Месяц назад

    请问晚餐建议哪里好吃的 我听说金美食 但是它晚上8点就关门了

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life Месяц назад


  • @itgirl_nyc
    @itgirl_nyc Месяц назад


    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life Месяц назад


  • @itgirl_nyc
    @itgirl_nyc Месяц назад

    CN Tower有360度旋轉餐廳應該比你食晚餐的地方貴一點,但東西和view會好一點

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life Месяц назад


  • @itgirl_nyc
    @itgirl_nyc Месяц назад


  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 Месяц назад

    🤡- Hey, this is JK speaking (omg this is my profile picture-🤡) Wow, it has been a long time "no talk" , Evelyn🧭"u are asking me how am i doing?" Oh, thanks! u know, few days after Halloween, I can feel the chill air around. It is also the beginning of hockey (nhl) and basketball (nba) season! what not to like chilling at this part of Canada! Hopefully, I find some vacation time next year flying down to catch a hockey game or 2 (maybe in my favourite places like Vancouver and Vegas) OH, if u must know, I might be picking up a new and very expensive hobby to try this winter also! Since I have been following this crazy snowboarding chick on RUclips for over a year, I think it is best for me risking my life to give snowboarding a try this winter! I heard ski is a bit easier to learn for 1st timer but that snowboarding chick shows me it is a bit cooler if I can stand up straight on a snowboard! (I really need to post a better picture on my profile) Wow , it is only 3 weeks b4 Black Friday and cyber Monday! Evelyn, are u thinking what I am thinking?!! haha , if u think I will be spending upward 1000 cad $ buying a snowboard and the shoes and the bindings and the pant, u just don't know me at all! I think i will only invest at snowboarding equipment if i stay alive after my 1st try! thanks to another RUclipsr /a Hong Kong girl living in Toronto. She showed me there is a program called "Never ever Days" in Canada, i would be getting a snowboarding lesson and equipment rental, lift ticket for a whopping 30 cad , I just have to wait for the lesson schedule coming out in DEC 2024 and i am sure there will be a ski hill in AB offering this program for me to try out

  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 Месяц назад

    👶- oh Hi, Evelyn! JK is online. So hang on to your seat and JK will say silly thing to scare u! By the way, JK doesn't like me at all and he thinks I am "childish" all the times. Still, he needs to listen to me because I join "TEAM Canada" helping him. Ha ha🐹

  • @yiweihuang4702
    @yiweihuang4702 2 месяца назад

    感謝分享,月底要去所以很開心去之前有看到這個影片,讓我先有心理準備不會有過多期待再自己失望😂(還好也不是超級粉絲) 好期待買紀念品🎉真的是走過路過不可以錯過,畢竟出去就不能回去了~~

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 2 месяца назад

      逛商店真的是最快樂的一part哈哈哈哈 希望你玩得開心唷

  • @陳暐松-t9y
    @陳暐松-t9y 2 месяца назад

    日本的夾娃娃機 其實沒有大家說得很好夾 ~感覺跟台灣一樣來騙錢的XD

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 2 месяца назад

      真的好難哈哈哈哈 都是遇到好的店員

  • @enidwu6410
    @enidwu6410 2 месяца назад


    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 2 месяца назад


  • @johnathankok225
    @johnathankok225 2 месяца назад

    👶- Oh Hi ! Is this the real "YOU" Evelyn? My friend "J.K" (this funny looking guy 🤡here) says it has to be "the REAL Evelyn" ! I totally disagree with him! It just makes no sense to me that Evelyn would only spent 5 days/nights in Canada considered how much Evelyn 💙CANADA! 👶-Anyway, I haven"t seen u (Evelyn) in any new u tube video for almost 2 months now! Are u still looking gorgeous as u have been 3 -5 months ago?! Do u actually remember me from my cute profile picture ?(👶) haha, don't let this "handsome" picture fool u! Oh well, I still look groovy and silly but my neck grows quite a bit longer now that I have been waiting for your return trip landing back in Canada! 👶- alright, I know I can't keep my "evil" plan a secret any longer! Evelyn, when u tell my good friend J.K u will be back in CANADA in no time few months back , I have put together the most evil plan to scare u very silly this Halloween! It will be roller coaster X 10 scary if u know what i mean! However, it looks like I am not able to execute my evil plan now as we are approaching Halloween night (< a week away) and u are not here showing your happy face in Canada! 👶- Anyway, I wish u have a very happy life working hard In ASIA! And have a very spooky Halloween coming up! I am gonna to look out my window to see if there are any snow falling down as I have heard "Lake Louise" ski Resort is opening on Nov 8-10/2024! Wow! 👶- Oh , my friend J.K will send u more messages upcoming! He is good at writing scary messages and he promises me he will try his best to scare "Evelyn" very silly. But u can relax and get yourself a bubble tea, he is very slow (just like our Canadian government lol) as he might write u a scary Halloween message during American thanksgiving Black Friday!

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 2 месяца назад

      hahaha, so nice to hear from you. How have you been recently? Thank you for always follow my channel 🥰 Since I started working, I've become busy and don't have much time to document my life. However, I still miss the days of filming and editing. I hope my next trip comes soon!

  • @commentorsilensor3734
    @commentorsilensor3734 2 месяца назад

    在LA住超過40年,從未去San Diego 因為不開車。 做過research, San Diego, 跟LA一樣,不開車,寸步難行。 難得機場還有個巴士,car friendly 的南加州是很難得。 Balboa 是觀光區,可能是為了觀光客。 整體來說,san Diego 公交系統比LA爛.LA 公交系統就已經非常爛。 去San Diego , 還是有車比較好。 看你的片,想試試看。不過我要坐Amtrak, 希望有個巴士。 妳住Vancouver. Vancouver 是不需要開車。 任何住北美除了住紐約,舊金山,Vancouver, 大部分到北美大部分城市,第一件事就是租車。 Uber Lyft, 太貴。偶爾坐還好。

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 2 месяца назад

      哈哈哈但我感覺我這樣搭大眾運輸玩也還可以耶~比較偏的地方就搭Uber總費用也在還可以接受的範圍內~就看是不是比較耐走的類型了! 好羨慕你可以在LA生活這麼久啊我也好喜歡LA

    • @commentorsilensor3734
      @commentorsilensor3734 2 месяца назад

      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 我本身不開車。所以痛恨LA. LA大部分地方需要開車才可以ENJOY . 因為工作原因,之前在不同LA地方住過,有一次住海邊附近,couple miles away ,那次倒是有enjoy. I love Vancouver公交車could go to many places 。 Your video gives me idea on traveling SD without cars. Thanks

  • @savagegraey
    @savagegraey 2 месяца назад


    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 2 месяца назад


  • @chriswang6589
    @chriswang6589 2 месяца назад

    妳真的很會走,Salk Institute 離學校中心超遠😅

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 2 месяца назад

      @@chriswang6589 哈哈哈哈沿路看看也是開心的!旅遊麻~ 你在那裡讀書嗎?好厲害

    • @chriswang6589
      @chriswang6589 2 месяца назад

      @@Evelyn-Happy-Life 不是🤣 剛好要去聖地牙哥旅行,看到妳的影片是想說去看看,結果校園很大,我圖書館、校園走一下就不想走了,Salk就放棄了😆

    • @Evelyn-Happy-Life
      @Evelyn-Happy-Life 2 месяца назад

      @@chriswang6589 哈哈哈哈但聽說現在Salk不開放了 所以好險你沒去不然也是白跑

    • @chriswang6589
      @chriswang6589 2 месяца назад

      @@Evelyn-Happy-Life 哇!還好沒有去,走到那裡才發現沒開放真的會吐血🫠

  • @lokvan666
    @lokvan666 2 месяца назад


  • @pig36070
    @pig36070 2 месяца назад
