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Добавлен 9 окт 2018
now i see why everyone runs diesel
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.9 месяцев назад
now i see why everyone runs diesel
a wild amount of variance in one clip
Просмотров 23110 месяцев назад
a wild amount of variance in one clip
low tier kits are more enjoyable than high tier
Просмотров 1 тыс.11 месяцев назад
low tier kits are more enjoyable than high tier
best post match celebration I have ever heard
Просмотров 4211 месяцев назад
best post match celebration I have ever heard
there is no reason i should have lived here
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.11 месяцев назад
there is no reason i should have lived here
"Breeze" preset 20 kill airpit match
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.11 месяцев назад
"Breeze" preset 20 kill airpit match
thank you for your contribution to test drive sir
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.11 месяцев назад
thank you for your contribution to test drive sir
a different type of peacekeeping mission
Просмотров 3311 месяцев назад
a different type of peacekeeping mission
average early game interchange exerience
Просмотров 3011 месяцев назад
average early game interchange exerience
I wouldn't mind the time if your audio wasn't cheeks.
Decent video, but Sharpshooter is IMO bottom tier in midgame because of upgrade costs. It's a DD class like the Ranger, but it lacks the scouting utility the Ranger has, and it costs A LOT more to upgrade SS weapons, while Ranger weapons are cheap. While it's very powerful late game, getting there is just painful and you still don't really get anything that proper play in the late game with other classes won't. If the game is played with Integrated DLC option and you have to build your own SPARK to get one, then it is also bottom tier because it costs an arm and a leg. The Templar cannot be S tier early game either because you can activate things you must not. XCOM is at its heart a game about mitigating bad RNG, so you need to consider the worst case scenario a lot more than the average one, let alone a good one. A class that has to walk on eggshells cannot be S tier.
These have been invaluable for someone who played the first and wanting to jump into two after it sitting in my library for quite some time
What music did you use please?
Its really interesting how many things I love that he calls trash. really makes me want to take a second look at somebof them. also shows how deep this game is
just bear in mind, this is coming from the perspective of legendary difficulty runs, and i certainly have my biases. other people have pointed out great counterpoints/ideas in the comments
question: Repeater can insta kill chosen and rulers?
it most certainly can! repeater reapers are very good for this
what voice mod pack are you using if you dont mind
chinese voice extension, deltavoicepackwotc, japanese voice pack, medal of honor voice pack, swedish soldier voice, xcom internation voices, historical games voice pack. might have left 1 or 2 out
@@legionxiv1792 thank you
True the Specialist lags abit behind in usefulness and has become abit of a joke almost as u rather have something else. However if u run with the mod Hack+ they become actually usefull to what the class is designed to do, hack. For every successful hack the soldier gain +3 to there hacking stat and +1 for a failed hack so u can effectivly train your Specialists to be good at hacking kinda like the Sharpshooters, but instead of getting mods for them they get it by hacking on the field. Your still not gonna be able to guarantee to take over a Sectopod even lategame but the regular and Elite Mechs shouldent be that bad if u got a trained hacker. Not sure why the game dident launch with something like this becouse hacking has always felt like its seriously lagging behind in the amount of the hack stat u need to actually wanna use it, hense why the Specialist class as a whole is so bad in most situations. U got the medic tree which is usefull but u rather u hade something that could disable or take out that enemy so u wouldent need to heal in the first place. And u got the hacking tree that while has some useful things there should have been a way to improve your hack chanses which with Hack+ u can make the class actually usefull vs robotic enemys.
All very good points! Sometimes I’ll run skulljack specialists for fun
Lab has an edge over gts as first building as you cant afford and don't have rank to buy anything from the gts. Assuming you skip the resistance requirement mission i go resistance ring 1st. It pays off on an investment in personnel only. Otherwise GTS is probably better than lab, on balance but i often go lab. Those inspirations are gold.
Farsi is the Iranian language
Well, at the console, you only get two options to choose from with a normal class when you move rank.
The additional options are unlocked in the Training Centre. This is part of "War Of The Chosen" expansion.
Why specialist so low? Especially in late game, it's a lifesaver. Not only can it heal 7 HP up to four times, but it has an ability that heals the entire team the same amount once. It also removes DoT (fire, poison, etc.) and some mental effects (such as panic). Not to mention that it can stabilize bleeding soldiers and remove CC effects remotely. Also, thanks to her abilities, he can overwatch automatically by spending all his actions on movement, and it can be activated not only with movement, but with any enemy action, and also has a 50% chance of reactivating, being able to do so several times. Finally, if you have enough skill points left over, you can unlock the entire hacker branch, and so you can control robotic enemies, scan an area you have no vision over, or simply do a lot of damage to mechanical/robotic units.
in hindsight i was too harsh on the specialist. i really don't like the reactive/overwatch style of gameplay but thats more of a personal bias
It's still the weakest in late game because its utility is pitiful compared to PSY OP. If you Stasis the most dangerous enemy in a pod you won't need healing, and you can get a dominated Andromedon or Gatekeeper do both the damaging and the tanking part for you.
The issue I find with soul harvest is I only take garunteed kill shots with the reaper so the crit damage doesn't ever come up
why would you play with the "lost and abandoned" mission? it makes the first 2 months a long tutorial and it also gives you a freebie first encounter with the chosen
i normally don't because i like the harder difficulty. lost and abandoned is also super easy to run even on legendary
Bladestorm is a reaction strike, so it has a 70% multiplier to hit chance (or 60% to dashing enemies.)
Question, with the sparks DLC and the snake one, will I have to start over to use them
did you have the dlc's downloaded when you started your playthrough?
@@legionxiv1792 I had WoTC but not the other DLCs before I started
@@MaroonGoone unfortunately you'll have to restart to gain access to the dlcs. you have to enable them each run
I’m bout to replay this game again, I hate I don’t have advanced warfare room
The permanently visible perk can potentially stop the AI after being revealed from converging onto you if you run pass them concealed. I've farmed blacksite with it and without it. Almost certainly without it will cause the pods to follow you around the map and converge. Now you can use this to your advantage by getting them grouped up preferably near a car too then blow them up with a claymore+car explosion.
Bro, next time actually plan on how you breakdown shit. Painful descriptions, not bein a Nancy just maybe watch your videos before upload.
"I've never used the battle scanner" And into the trash this goes
"i can't remember chrysalid burrow locations or predict very dumb chosen AI" fixed that for you
Aid protocol in ironman runs is insanely good. Not turn-ending. Specialists can also have greater overwatch accuracy. You didn't have to do them so badly lol
Thank you Legion
you are welcome, glad you enjoyed
The only thing I disagree with is your take on Specialists. They are absolutely invaluable from start to finish.
Can totally understand that, I mentioned in another video they never really meshed with my play style. Perhaps I should try a run where I use them more
Yeah, I make them medics, not hackers.
@@TheKanghaving medics is like one of the most important things in any game where death is permanent and health is low
Aid protocol is fairy decent early on and the heal-bot is great mid and late game. I get what he's saying about them and snipers but unless you're going to level them on guerilla ops you have to take them because late game they are great.
@@legionxiv1792Try building them as a medic, with guardian and threat assessment
In hindsight, this video aged incredibly well
On Rupture - it comboes exceptionally well with a gunslinger sharpshooter - that +3 damage quickly adds up when you're able to shoot same target multiple times in a single turn; effectively almost doubling gunslingers damage output against single target, on top of applying holo targeting and shredding armor. Rupture + Banish is another good option - armor shred + reapers armor piercing + 7 total attacks in two actions makes it my go-to way to kill rulers and occasional sectopods.
Nice work bro
Thank you, just wish arena was getting a little more love 😞
6:28 huh
haywire can get 100% chance to stun, it's pretty decent. Stunning a high health target can leave your other soldiers to kill the other ones
This is a good guide.
What with the music?
i get worried laying there like the guy you smoked in the second clip sometimes, but then i remember unlike him i have ears and can use them :)
Unfortunately he got caught during the reload :(
Why aren't you using any weapons reskin mods?
Sorry for the late reply, I have far too many language/clothing mods already and I’ve found the more mods I have active, the more bugs I run into
Spacing not spaceing Spelling, gentlemen *nice kills tho*
Ah shit lol, autocorrect strikes again
@@legionxiv1792 My man, thats not how autocorrect works. Just take the L.
They haven't fixed the radio issue I see
"soon tm"
And THAT is why the 5-7 is the perfect sidearm Nutty capacity, great pen, accurate with low recoil
meanwhile my first experience of arena: teammates are idling, team killing, vanish the enemy team: gigachads jumping around slaying and bullying i give up
thats the nature of the beast, in arena de-sync is way more egregious than in the main game. moving fast in arena is far more beneficial than in main tarkov
That man is definitely high as hell.
Is arena really worth it
if you want to try tarky yes but till be a gate way to main game. Arena makes learning trakov easier.
Honestly idk, it's more of a way to interact with tarkov w.out it being as sweating and hardcore as eft raids are, and whilst it teaches/allows you to practice with the movement and shooting, eft is far more than just so, and as such I would say it's not necessarily a game you play to determine whether you will enjoy eft, it's more of a side game.
its worth it to me because i've done all the quests too many times and the main game has slowed down far too much from the OG tarkov i fell in love with. I just want fast PvP at this point
youre teleporting on your own screen bro how do you lag THAT bad no wonder they couldnt kill you
i think its the recording software buffing
bulllllllllllllshit @@legionxiv1792
@@legionxiv1792 cap
I haven’t heard the fucking music in YEARS LOL TURN IT OFF LOL
geneburn is a treasure what do you mean turn it off
If anyone actually bought gpus early, you could get 50 of them for as cheap as 10mil. So ppl saying cheating are just cringe lol. Get fucking good
not using the left shouldering? can be a great help. Should get used to it.
i've definately been too slow on adopting it. alot of muscle memory from thousands of hours played to get over + i thought with the camera being in our PMC's right eye, the left shoulder swap wouldn't be as good. trying to use it more :)
When you switch arms you switch eyes. It does give you a lil bit more of an advantage. but not as good as right leaning. Still helps tho.@@legionxiv1792
The 2nd guy jumped in to take the bullets for the heavily armored guy 🧐
“MR PRESIDENT GET DOWN” has me laughing way harder than that comment should have
yo what's your post fx pretty please
I like how your teammate was just watching lmao
"he's just standing there, MENACINGLY"
he got that 1000 yard stare
Is the stiletto shotgun not good or smth I never see people using it with the class
pump action is too slow for my play style
Ithought this is a contract wars video lmao
arena has been fun, don't get much enjoyment out of main tarkov anymore. nice that matches only last 10-15mins
nasty match well pistoled!
its so hard to tell if someone is red or blue without the contrast turned up to maximum, thank you
your friend's voice is very annoying. even more annoying than you spamming fuck beginning of the round